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Questions to the President and the Government of the United States of America
Questions to the President and the Government of the United States of America
Questions to the President and the Government of the United States of America
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Questions to the President and the Government of the United States of America

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A set of questions.

The questions are backed with additional information and comments, suggestions, views and oppinions.
Release dateAug 10, 2014
Questions to the President and the Government of the United States of America

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    Questions to the President and the Government of the United States of America - Steven Bayes

    Questions to the President and the Government of the United States of America

    Questions to The President and the Government of The United States of America


    Steven Stanley Bayes

    Chapter 1 : Preface

    The President and the Government of the United States of America claim they have been involved in actions necessary to protect democracy around the world in order to help the people of these countries stay in a system, called democracy. These people would have a better system which would be controlled by the people, through the people and for the people.

    There is a political system and there is an economy system in every given country. Many people mix these two, probably because these two are related. However, despite what the political ideologists have been saying, the truth, DERIVED LOGICALLY AND NOT THROUGH MEANS OF PROPAGANDA AIMING VICTORY, is : ANY COMBINATION IS POSSIBLE. Thus, possible is to have socialist political system with capitalist economy as well as capitalist system with socialist ( state only ) economy ( the capitalist being the whole state or the people ) and so on. Capitalism does not ONLY mean private people who own means of mass production. Capitalism also means the inner working of a given economy as well as the outer.

    The U. S. A. ( and Western Democracies) claim the ONLY possible economic system within the democracy political system is, what they call : THE FREE ECONOMY. UNDER WHAT LOGIC? JESUS CHRIST LOGIC?

    Democracy is a word of Greek origin which is derived from the word demos which means people.

    I have some, more direct, questions to ask of these so called democratic institutions :

    Chapter 2 : Questions

    Free Economy

    Why does the President and the Government of the United States of America continue to insist on the so called Free Economy economic system when a lot of people around the world have want the opposite?

    Free Economy may as well appear not to be compatible with democracy but to be against such, instead. State regulated economy is the only practical economy in a real democracy, because state economy belongs to the people, is for the people and is controlled by the people and the control is executed through the people. I am certainly NOT GUILTY some idiots in the former Eastern Europe have not understood this as well as have misused this and neither am I guilty some idiots in Western Europe and the rest of the so called Western World do not understand this even now.

    However, I have been immensely pleased in learning this : For over 20 years, the vast majority of people in Byelorussia, more accurately 93 to 95% of the voters, have been FREELY AND DEMOCRATICALLY voting for democracy and against free economy and for a state controlled economy! These free elections have been accepted as having been free by the whole European Union and the world, including The United States of America.

    On what grounds do the institutions of the U. S. A. dictate to the people of Byelorussia what democracy is? These people have spoken in FREE ELECTIONS on many occasions stating out loud and clear of what democracy is.

    Do the institutions of the United States of America say the people of Byelorussia are not allowed to run their own country? If the answer is NO, why do these institutions not provide this answer in the media? Or, am I not allowed to ask these institutions this question? Or, are they allowed to remain silent so help them God? Because if this is the case and they cannot afford an attorney, the Federal Government will appoint them one of  the dumbest, $40 000 a year attorney and they will have wished they I have not asked the question at all!

    Double Standards

    These institutions claim The U. S. A. went to war in Vietnam and Korea to help the people in those countries have democracy. How come these same institutions did not make The United States of America wage a war on South Africa during the racist regime of Mr. Peter Botha? DID THE U. S. A. CONSIDER THE REGIME UNDER MR. PETER BOTHA A DEMOCRATIC ONE? I would love to hear an answer.

    Jews are entitled to have their own country. They suffered a lot and, I would say second to the people of The Soviet Union during the Second World War. To have their own country in Israel has been decided and agreed upon the whole world except some of the Arab countries who, however, have a direct interest in having the Israel land and thus are biased in their decision.

    I do NOT understand, however, what The U. S. A. have to do with this. This is a subject to the whole world and the world organization called The United Nations. The U. S. A. is only one country in this organization with only less than 300 000 000 people out of 7 000 000 000.

    The countries in the Arab world have a non democratic, religion based political system with American style capitalism as their economic system. Thus, I would understand why the so pretended to be democratic country of The U. S. A. is against the religion based political system of the Arab world.

    However, Israel is also the same a political religion based system with American style capitalism as their economic system. SO, HOW COME THE SO CALLED DEMOCRACY LOVING U. S. A. SUPPORT A MIDDLE AGE POLITICAL THEOCRACY WHICH HAS BEEN DEEMED TO BE NON DEMOCRATIC EVEN BY THE U. S. A. How come when the Arab countries do something non democratic, The. U. S. A. jumps sky high and when another country, in this case Israel do the same, The U. S. A. sit and applaud?

    In this sense, how can The U. S. A., The U. K. and France ( and others ) explain their direct intervention against the most democratic country in the Arab world Libya? The U. S. A. spells out Mr. Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar AL Quaddafi to have not been democratically re elected with accepting the said to have been democratically elected the first election ( which has been made clear to the Libyan people to have been the one and only election before the vote ) but WHY DO THE U. S. A. NOT SPELL THE SAME WHEN THE QUEEN OF THE U. K. AND COMMONWEALTH IS CONCERNED? Not only The Queen has not been re elected but the Queen has not been elected at all NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY AT ALL. Some may say Mr. Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar AL Quaddafi was not The Queen which is true BUT Mr. Al Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar AL Quaddafi was the King of Libya which is politically the same, even stronger because most monarchies, historically and or even now, DO NOT ACCEPT A

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