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Members of the High Council are being brutally murdered. Not all Messorem assassins have been apprehended. Messorem Twelve is on a mission to find his brother and release him. Detective Inspector Mellissa Carlisle is called upon once again to track down this' Reaper' and prevent him from destabilising the world's status quo, but he seems to be one step ahead of their every move.
The chase involving Special Forces from several nations takes them across the globe from Poland to Thailand to Italy. Messorem Twelve then employs the services of a Russian assassin who has over one hundred kills to his name. The English Detective is now the target of both.
Release dateSep 22, 2015

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    Mabus - Stuart Haywood




    Stuart Haywood

    Other books by the author


    Zoo new 01.jpg Zoo  (The Original)  First Published 2007 - Revised 2016

    Bob Davidson is a retired soldier who believed that when he left the Special Forces his life would be more tranquil. As head keeper of Twyford Zoo in the English countryside, he was responsible for the staff and the welfare of the animals. The busiest day of the year was dawning and forecast to be the hottest on record. A mysterious rock falls from the sky. Shortly after, the huge Bengal Tiger succumbed to a red light emitting from the object. As the day progresses, one by one the animals began to revolt with an uncanny intelligence, and attack the people. Bob and a small group of SAS personnel who had decided to visit him, begin a long running battle of survival against the deadly creatures. Some members of the public also become his responsibility. Using all his Special Forces training, would he and his small band of survivors live through the nightmare.

    Zoo 2 (The Return) First Published 2013 - Revised 2016

    cover zoo 2 2016.jpg A series of disappearances baffle police. Detective Sergeant Mellissa Carlisle and her partner DC James Tyler are assigned to the case. She tirelessly searches for clues, but every lead seems to lead nowhere. She finally confides in a close friend, Bob Davidson. He has flashbacks of the terrible carnage during that day in Twyford zoo. A series of strange deaths attributed to animals confirm his fears, and soon he is embroiled in the hunt for the tiger.

    The situation is discussed at the very top level, and the Home Secretary, together with MI5 decide to grant Bob a free rein. He puts together a force consisting of Police, Special Forces, a contingent of three Para, and eventually a force of the US Marine Corps. Together they track the tiger to a secret government installation. Held within that installation could be the means with which to extinguish human life. This time, Bob is determined to end the beast’s reign of terror.

    COVER FINAL fnal 2017.jpg Pillar of Rock First published 2014 - Revised 2016

    65 million years ago a catastrophic event caused the inhabitants of Mars to abandon their home world for a primitive planet close by. The evolution of mankind - was it natural or was the human race designed?

    1099, during the siege of Jerusalem, a Knight discovers a golden box. He returns with it to England. It is safeguarded for centuries until 2014. Two factions need the box; both have the desire to use it for their own ends. But both will result in the annihilation of mankind. Detective Inspector Carlisle joins the quest when she is assigned to a murder case. She then finds that she is herself equally sought after. Mel teams up with a professor to solve the remaining clues leading to the box. From Derbyshire to Edinburgh Castle, they are pursued by the deadly Messorem. The White House and Downing Street have faith in the detective and assist in the quest. She finally has to decide which course of action to take once she recovers the artefact, to save humanity or to save herself.

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    After surviving yet another assassination attempt, Mellissa Carlisle is under close protection. Volkov is now totally obsessed with killing her. Utilising all his special forces training, he pursues Mel from Israel to the Appellation Mountains in the USA. It becomes a fight to the death in the forest after he strikes the first blow. Mel also learns a great deal more of how mankind was created - and how easily mankind could be eradicated

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    The Apocalypse Gate First Published 2016 (Mellissa Carlisle's Final Adventure)

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    Actions in the middle, and far east result in a catastrophic event which obliterates Mecca. The world destabilizes rapidly as the destruction triggers a fleet of huge mother ships which have been dormant for millions of years. The Apocalypse Gate Protocol is initiated. The ships begin to systematically extinguish humankind. Mellissa Carlisle, and an old friend are mankind's only hope of survival. The abort code is lost, and the supercomputer is preventing them from stopping the cleansing of the planet. It comes down to one of them making the ultimate sacrifice.

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    The Bechowicz family were no different from thousands of other families in Warsaw during the early part of the nineteen forties. But the fact that they were Jewish condemned them to a fate only firsthand experience could even begin to comprehend.

    The Nazi war machine systematically decreased the Jewish sector known as ‘The Warsaw Ghetto’, through murder, deportation and unthinkable horrors, to achieve; ‘The Final Solution’ Jan Bechowicz tries desperately to keep his family together and out of harm’s way. The uprising begins in April 1943 when he unwittingly becomes a key figure in the desperate struggle to stay alive and one step ahead of the SS.

    A British Captain joins the courageous resistance group with the blessing of Winston Churchill, to aid the fighters and send back intelligence to London. This is a story of survival against overwhelming odds portraying the outstanding bravery and unselfish actions of the Jewish resistance fighters.

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    A gentle stroll in the countryside changed my life forever. One moment I was walking beneath an old railway bridge, the next, I was in a unfamiliar world which was still very much familiar to me. The geography was as I knew it, but this was a world covered in trees and wonderful blooms of all colours. My village was no more, the bridge was no more, just a pile of weathered stone. It looked as if nature had reclaimed what it had lost. I soon learned that I was not alone though, were we the only two beings on the planet? I had to find out, but at the same time strive to somehow return to my own existence.

    Non Fiction

    Ripple Cover no price.jpg Bolsover (A Ripple in Time) First Published 2014

    Many works have been published on the town of Bolsover, and have produced in depth, historical facts. In the 'Ripple Series', the author moves away from the lengthy reference style publications to give a more brief, story approach to the town's history. This is the first book of the series and covers a broad spectrum of accounts over several thousand years, from early man passing through from the continent as they hunted, through to coal and the industrial revolution and the part it played in shaping the landscape.


    ©Stuart Haywood 2015 - 2016

    Published in 2015/16 by Lulu Publishing

    The right of Stuart Haywood shall be identified as the author of this work.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system, in any form, or by means, without permission in writing from the publishers.

    All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real people, alive or dead, is purely coincidental.

    ISBN 978-1-326-42831-0



    The laughter and music from distant beach parties floated across the warm, calm ocean waters. The sounds were emanating from the area around Tucker's Point on the eastern coast of Bermuda. Jack Sommersby stood on the prow of his yacht anchored offshore listening as he sipped his twelve year old malt and smiling to no one in particular.

    The golf course at Tucker's Point was his favourite, even above the prestigious Gleneagles which had cost him a small fortune for membership. He loved the quickness of the greens due to a Bermuda hybrid grass known as TifEagle. Sommersby had purchased a small property on the Island two years ago, it was comfortable and well appointed, with outstanding sea views, according to the agent. Even so, he was more than happy with it and visited as often as his business commitments would allow.

    On this trip however, he had decided to spend a few nights on his new acquisition. Built in 2008, he had paid almost three million Euros for the twenty two point eight meter, or seventy five feet as Jack preferred, luxury yacht he had always promised himself when, and not if he became a wealthy man.

    The years and time dedicated to building his empire though, had taken a toll on his private life. Going through two divorces, with neither relationship producing any offspring, had left him deeply saddened. His friends used to say to him the old adage, 'Money isn't everything Jack'.

    He looked around at the fruits of his toil, the success of his technology business had made him a billionaire, but the words of his friends played through his mind as he looked around the yacht wishing he had that special person in his life to share it with. He sighed gently as a warm breeze caressed his bare feet, then turned his well toned and tanned frame around to face the man approaching him along the gleaming wooden deck. Jack's thick greying hair fluttered in the breeze and he looked a good deal younger than his fifty two years.

    Hi Pat! he greeted the man in an accent tinged with the north east of England.

    You okay sir? came the reply from his trusted bodyguard and friend Patrick Russell. The extremely fit thirty four year old from Darlington stopped a few feet short of the billionaire.

    Yes, fine thanks. Why didn't you and your colleague go ashore with the rest of the crew? I told you I would be fine out here.

    I have my orders sir. Pat replied. He had removed his jacket revealing his shoulder harness and holster. The 9mm Browning automatic sat snugly on his left side. Jack knew that in less than a second this man was capable of deploying the weapon and firing. Under no circumstances am I to let you out of my sight Pat added with a smile, then pointed to the glass in Jack's hand. Top up sir?

    Yeah, why not? Sommersby handed the younger man the glass then returned his gaze towards the shore and the distant lights of Bermuda. He had decided to anchor offshore and spend some time on board rather than in his property on the island. Tomorrow, he would try a round or two on the golf course. Sommersby seated himself on a chair bolted to the deck, then lifted his feet onto the safety rail which had a carefully placed towel around it for just such an occasion.

    He felt secure with Pat and his colleague aboard, they had been with him on protection duty now for almost six months. Due to his position on the high Council, he knew he was a high value target. Although he believed the threat level had decreased somewhat since the rounding up of the League of Originals. But never the less, there was always the possibility, in fact in his own eyes, the inevitability that some very dangerous individuals will have slipped the net.

    He was one of the twenty five. Twenty five members from around the world who basically held the future of the planet in their safekeeping, and totally unknown to the populace. His mind wandered back to the Pillar of Rock affair and what may have been. Had the brave Inspector Carlisle not have placed the golden box containing the time gate out of reach, who knows what mankind would have endured, that's if mankind survived at all. He was, as many others were, disappointed in Custos. Many thought he was no better than his brother who perished. After all, thought Jack, they both wanted to extinguish the human race for whatever reason, even though Custos had killed his own brother to save Miss Carlisle.

    Jack stared out across the gently rolling waves illuminated by the lights of the boat unaware of a figure in a black wet suit slowly and deliberately paddling nearer to the stern of the craft.

    His mode of transport was a much smaller version of the Zodiac rubberised dinghy. The sleek black craft was manoeuvred expertly and silently into the stern of the yacht. The man tied the dinghy to the rear chrome ladder then placed his foot on a rung just under the surface of the warm water. Once he had both hands firmly on the ladder, he raised his head slowly until he could see the deck and superstructure. The whole boat was lit up with powerful lamps combined with the gleaming white paint and chrome. This fact added to the difficulty that he would face in approaching the cabins unseen. He remained still for a moment absorbing the yacht and it's layout. The gentle lapping of the ocean against the boat, and the far off echo of Bermuda were the only sounds audible.

    He lowered his head slowly as he saw a man wearing a shoulder holster walk from the forward area and disappear through a door into a cabin on the starboard side. He took this opportunity to slide onto the deck and crawl cat like towards the nearest cabin.

    He had studied the layout of the yacht for some time, and although Sommersby was an extremely high value target, there seemed to be no surveillance cameras. From his vantage point, he could see through the window and watched as the man with the shoulder holster walked over to a well stocked bar and reached for a bottle. The black clad intruder began to move swiftly towards the cabin, the man would be pre-occupied as he poured the drink which would give the extra half second needed. As he moved he reached inside the wet suit and retrieved a strange looking pistol with a long silencer ready screwed on the barrel.

    He stopped suddenly as there was movement in his peripheral vision, then glided into a shadowed area when he saw a second man. This man was also armed who approached the first and spoke to him. The intruder could not hear what was actually being said, but by the smiles and the body language, he was confident it had nothing to do with him.

    A few seconds later Pat left the cabin with a glass in his hand and made his way back to Jack Sommersby at the prow. The second man stood in the open doorway and began to scan the sea with powerful binoculars.

    These men are good. whispered the intruder to himself. they are alert, I must adopt extreme stealth. His years of training at the academy had prepared him for times like this. He knew he was more than capable of completing his objective. He scanned the cabin with bright green wide open eyes, alert, internalizing in his mind the layout in the cabin. Yes he could do this, after all, as Messorem 12, he had always been admired, even feared by the other Messorem, who had all been eliminated by that damned Custos and the High Council. Messorem 12 decided now would be an opportunity as the two bodyguards were in different locations, so he silently entered the cabin and raised the strange looking weapon.

    Cheers Pat, Jack thanked the ex special forces man as he took the now full glass of malt. The billionaire glanced up at the myriad of stars above before returning his gaze to his bodyguard.

    It's no use my saying will you join me is it Pat? asked Jack with a smile.

    Afraid not sir, not on duty anyway.

    Are you ever off duty?

    Only when we are back in England and the other team takeover

    Well at least you can have a round of golf with me tomorrow, surely that's allowed

    Pat smiled, nodded and turned back to the cabin. Half way along the starboard side, he heard two strange dull popping sounds from inside the cabin. Instinct and training kicked in as he grabbed his pistol and held it in both hands, then he stood and pressed his back to the outer cabin wall and cautiously peered inside.

    There was no movement. His eyes scanned the cabin; nothing, but his senses were now totally aroused, a sign he had always heeded. Something was wrong, he knew Tony should be in this cabin and alert. Pat was caught in two minds, does he sweep the cabin or go back to Mr. Sommersby.

    Then he saw it. Where the wooden drinks bar turned to the right he could just make out part of the sole of a shoe. He knew it was Tony's, he had watched him don them a few hours earlier.

    Pat looked and listened hard, nothing. Nothing inside or out here, he realised that whoever this was, must be bloody good. He looked back over his left shoulder as his back was firmly pressed against the outer cabin wall. He could just make out Sommersby who was still stood at the prow looking towards Bermuda. He felt relieved when he saw the billionaire raise the glass to his lips and drink.

    Okay he thought, whoever has come on board is still in this area. He decided to get back to the prow and protect Jack, so he slowly and silently pushed away from the gleaming white wall of the cabin and cautiously make his way back along the starboard side towards Sommersby

    Sir, sir Jack turned to the rasping whisper from behind him. we have to get off this boat. Pat added.

    Jack's initial reaction was obviously surprise, but he saw the concern on Pat's face and knew not to argue. Sommersby said nothing and waited for Pat's next instruction. Pat was facing Jack which meant he was facing forward. Jack was looking aft, then Pat noticed Jack's eyes widen as he looked behind the bodyguard, but Pat did not react knowing Jack had seen someone.

    Behind your left shoulder, fifteen feet. Sommersby whispered, his pulse rate began to quicken. For a few seconds the two men stood facing each other. For some reason, the sounds from the island faded, not even the gentle lapping of the waves could be heard. Pat could see no fear in Jack's eyes, only determination. If only he had not talked Sommersby out of carrying a weapon the day before, there would be two to one advantage over whoever this intruder was. Pat could almost feel the killer behind him although he was still several meters away. He decided any action would have to be immediate and stared once more at Sommersby.

    On my mark you drop to the deck Pat instructed in a barely audible whisper. Jack nodded slowly. Both Pat and Sommersby took long hard breaths before the bodyguard began to count down.

    Three ..... two ...... two pops rang out in quick succession. Jack was horrified as he saw Pat's throat open at the front as the round exited, and a huge piece of his skull spun away with the force of the second shot. Pat's lifeless body crumpled to the deck. Jack stared at his friend's body, blood was pooling around it, then he looked up to see the muzzle of a strange looking pistol a few feet from him.

    Ah, mister Sommersby. said the voice in a droning monotone. I have remarkably good hearing and decided not to wait for him to reach one.

    Immediately Jack sensed this intruder was a Messorem, the eyes, the bright green eyes indicative of the assassins. He quickly resigned himself to the fact that he would die this night.

    You know that killing me will not achieve anything at all. In twenty four hours the number will be back to twenty five. One Council member is easy to replace.......

    I have no interest in your Council, or Custos. interrupted the stranger. Jack stood for a second confused, trying to understand what he had heard.

    Then what is it you want? he finally asked. The stranger did not reply, but ushered the billionaire back along the starboard side and into the cabin where Pat had filled the glass up moments before. Jack saw the body of Pat's colleague. A sadness overwhelmed him, he thought of Pat, he was a good man, a likeable man who gave his own life to protect Jack. He began to think about his dead bodyguard.

    I don't even know if he was married, or any kids or...

    His thoughts were cut short when he felt a sharp crack to the back of his head and then blackness.

    Sommersby regained consciousness and found himself tied extremely tightly to a swivel chair bolted to the deck in the cabin. Through the fog of blurred vision he saw the Messorem seated facing him a few feet away.

    Ah you are back with me The voice showed no sign of emotion or humanity.

    What do you want? Jack felt his head pounding and his words echoing as he spoke.

    Not what, mister Sommersby, but who.

    Jack looked at the assassin once again with a confused expression.

    Great White! shouted Jack. It was the turn of the intruder now to look confused. He was unaware of the surveillance system which had been installed. A word or phrase would voice activate the system, in this case; 'Great White'. A choice made by Jack himself. The system runs on a continuous loop so that when the voice command initiates the sound and vision, it starts from one minute preceding the switch on.

    Jack realised he would not be alive to see the recording, but hoped sincerely that it would be found and played in the future which would hopefully shed some light on this night. Messorem twelve shook off the shout from Sommersby believing it was probably confusion due to the blow on the head, from which blood ran freely down the back of his captive's neck. But that was of no concern to him and he showed no compassion towards this man who was expendable.

    You said not what - but who. Jack asked, his voice beginning to croak as his mouth dried up. What do you mean? who are you talking about?

    Twelve stood, then moved closer to him. Jack noticed the man's green eyes had darkened, an almost demonic hatred emitted from them.

    Messorem Four, mister Sommersby. You and your Council put him away. Somewhere he will spend forever and I intend to save him from that fate.

    Jack could see the man showing the first modicum of emotion since they met. The assassin's hands formed fists and the skin stretched taut.

    Messorem four was obviously important to this man. Jack watched as the assassin reached into his wet suit to produce a long metallic spike. Twelve eyed the tool carefully and deliberately, then stared back at Sommersby, the Englishman could see his tormentor's eyes had turned almost black.

    I have no idea where Four is. said Jack, he was captured and taken to a secure facility. None of the Council members are privy to where any prisoners are incarcerated. So you will be wasting your time torturing me, why not just kill me now and go on your way?

    Ah, but what if you lie? A sinister grin began to crack the face of the man as he leaned closer moving the sharp tool closer to Jack's left eye.You may or may not have the information I need, but eventually I will discover where my brother is.

    Your brother! Jack's croaky voice was barely audible.

    Yes, and after your good self, I have twenty four more sources of information. The voice was deep, menacing, almost insane thought Jack.

    The assassin began to work on his subject. Screams could be heard across the sea, but faded long before they reached the shore and the crowds still partying along the beach.


    Detective Inspector Mellissa Carlisle stood in silence staring at the ornate iron cemetery gates. It was something she had done on numerous occasions, but this was as far, or as near as she had actually been to entering the small, immaculately kept cemetery. The early summer sun was still low but bathed the countless arrays of blooms on the headstones in a soft orange glow. The scents drew her closer until she realised that she had walked through the iron gates and onto the cemetery pathway.

    Mel saw a few people who were lovingly tending to headstones and placing fresh flowers. She instinctively glanced at her watch; six thirty in the morning. She was surprised just how many people were attending at this hour.

    Well. she said to herself aloud, you are in now Carlisle, he must be in the most recent area of the graveyard. Mel scanned the area as she began recalling her final moments with Johnathan, how he had saved her life giving his own, his beautiful smile and the feeling of his body so protective.

    She had been here many times but never ventured through those gates wondering if she would keep her composure at seeing his resting place. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and she had a rare day off. Work had been light since her return. Mel had an idea that Superintendent Mason was intervening, and even ensuring her workload was minimal.

    Although she knew that he was only trying to help, it was something

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