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Selah Daily Devotion: Month of April
Selah Daily Devotion: Month of April
Selah Daily Devotion: Month of April
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Selah Daily Devotion: Month of April

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Selah Daily Devotions month of April is filled with God-Inspired words of guidance and inspiration. A must read for those seeking to get a touch of God's word in a simple straight forward approach on a daily basis. "Have a wonder-filled Day!"
Release dateMar 31, 2015
Selah Daily Devotion: Month of April

Read more from Co Pastor Ann Caffee

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    Selah Daily Devotion - Co-Pastor Ann Caffee

    Selah Daily Devotion: Month of April


    Co-Pastor Ann Caffee

    Life comes at you fast and furious! There never seems to be enough hours in the day to prevent those annoying rollover tasks. Sometimes, God abruptly interrupts our busy schedules with divinely-orchestrated pit stops. Whether it be something as simple as fixing one of life's flats, or perhaps balancing the shocks and sometimes a more complicated Will alignment even a total overhaul is required. That's exactly what happened, in the condensed version of everyday life B.C. (before Christ) according to Co-Pastor aka Annie Elizabeth Newton Scott Caffee!

    A native Washingtonian, at least out doors (inside the house was straight North Carolina), Ann was the second born of seven siblings.  She was educated in the D.C. Public Schools and upon graduation from high school, jumped right into 'I'm Every Woman See Me Roar' pop-culture hype of the 60's and 70's. And off she went. She was wife, Mother, D.C. and federal government employee and part-time under-grad .student That is until the dream became a nightmare and the Wonder Woman syndrome came to a screeching climax.

    That's when the Nazarene Shepherd introduced Himself. For the first time since ever, she was able to acknowledge (out loud) try as she might, she couldn't seem to make life work! But thanks to a Holy Ghost calibrated recalculation which landed her on the backside of a mountain, she was forced to pause and ponder. Coming face to face with her limitations, she surrendered her life to The Master's Plan.

    Much to her own amazement, Ann's been saved over twenty-five years at this writing. She testifies that almost from the beginning, the Lord birthed the love for intercessory prayer, studying, teaching and writing about His Word in her heart and she continues this awesome ministry to this day.

    Co-Pastor Ann and Pastor David will soon celebrate 38 years of marriage and proudly proclaim to be the parents of four, grandparents of 18 and the great-grandparent of the most wonderful, beautiful and naturally brilliant children born on the planet earth.

    Humbly submitted and committed to the Voice and the Vision that God has given them, Ann serves assisting her husband and Pastor exemplifying the love of Christ to a lost and dying world and ministering to God’s Precious Souls.

    Co-Pastor Ann invites us to join her as she sojourns on towards The High Calling of Christ Jesus. Hopefully, she says, as you glean through these pages, you'll discover some crumbs that entice, encourage and strengthen your pursuit of your own personal relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! 


    May each day be WONDER-FILLED!


    April 1

    SELAH Daily Devotions

    I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.Romans 12:1-2

    It's almost time! Soon we will be commemorating  the greatest event to impact humankind since creation. This week long celebration, commonly known as Passion Week, leads us into the greatest act of love that this world has ever experienced. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior!  Yet there are still so many who have yet to take advantage of what Christ’s Sacrificial Death achieved for us. Sorrowfully, far too many people still reject this love gift,  trying to live their lives, the best they can, and make it to heaven on their own merits! My message today for you is simple, DATZ IMPOSSIBLE!

    The arch enemy of our soul, Satan,  has hoodwinked a lot of folk into believing that they can’t make the commitment to live for God because the sacrifice is more than they are able or willing to make.  Then there are those who are "waiting for the right time, a dramatic turn of events, a holy moment when they can come to God in a manner worthy of His acceptance."  And you can’t forget this one, I DON’T WANT TO BE A HYPOCRIT, ANYWAY, GOD KNOWS MY HEART.  You’re absolutely right!  IN DEED HE DOES!

    Don't get it twisted! The Bible says Salvation is not something that you have to climb a mountain top or cross the  an ocean to attain! It's as close as your mouth and as near as your heart! According to today's scripture text all you have to do is ‘take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, walking around life – and GIVE IT TO GOD AS A LIVING SACRIFICE!  Remember, Jesus didn’t wait until you impressed Him with your good behavior before He gave His life for you.  But while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Ref. Romans 5:8) Don’t let this world's dainties continue to drag you down to the pit!

    Think about this! WHAT does this world offer you that is so valuable to you? WHAT in this world is worth holding onto that you’re willing to reject God’s Best for you?

    WHAT has the world promise that is more precious than your soul? No job, no degree, no house, no car, no title, no position, no reputation, no temporary pleasure -- no man, no woman

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