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Easter, Resurrection Day!
Easter, Resurrection Day!
Easter, Resurrection Day!
Ebook50 pages31 minutes

Easter, Resurrection Day!

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During this special time of the year, I wanted to share with all those who might not know the contents that are in this book. It is my honest desire, with love and hope that you the reader either know Jesus personally or you would consider seeking the face of God for your salvation.
Release dateMar 26, 2015
Easter, Resurrection Day!

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    Easter, Resurrection Day! - Benny Tucker

    Easter, Resurrection Day!





    He has Risen!

    He has Risen, indeed!

    Easter 2015

    Scripture quotations are taken from the

    King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.

    New King James Version (NKJV)

    English Standard Version (ESV)

    ©Copyright 2015-Benny Tucker

    All rights reserved

    Published by

    ISBN: 978-1-329-01785-6

    Printed in the United States of America.

    It is Believable

    It Is Believable

    To Believe or Not Believe, that is the question from God to mankind.  This is the key to life in the eternal state.  God has provided the Holy Bible, of which many think, and testify, it was written by men, but have no evidence.  The unbeliever goes about telling the people around him or her that the bible, God, and Jesus are but a myth, fabricated by many centuries of folk lore and the like, and they stand on what they say, but can proof nothing.

    One only need to look at the miracles of creation around us, and realize that a great deity (God) created all this, and set the universal clock in action and set a plumb line and surveyed all we see with the exact measurements and locations of planets and stars to perform and act like a great symphony of divine organization, that even after thousands of years man cannot truly understand.  The human body, that so many want to believe evolved after millions of years, is so complicated that doctors, mostly, practice medicine, instead of conquering medicine.  Doctors, scientists and so forth spend their entire lives attempting to understand the complexity of God’s creative miracle.

    As we come to this Easter season in 2015 we will find all sorts of bunny rabbits and eggs and candies of all shapes and sizes, flavors and taste that people adore, especially for the children, the sweet tooth attacks us all.  Then I survey the custom of Easter and ask, how many really know the reason for Easter.  The children go about enjoying the celebration of egg hunts which are filled with candies and the like, not knowing the truth of Easter, but then when I seek a reason for this, I find that the parents didn’t know about it either or they did know but elected to leave their children in the darkness of unknowing instead of sharing the true meaning.  More and more people go into the darkness, denying the truth of the scriptures, listening to unbelievers, and more than anything they are blinded by Satan spiritually, fed a

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