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Proof the Bible Is True: 1 the Beginning 2,500 Years from Genesis to Deuteronomy
Proof the Bible Is True: 1 the Beginning 2,500 Years from Genesis to Deuteronomy
Proof the Bible Is True: 1 the Beginning 2,500 Years from Genesis to Deuteronomy
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Proof the Bible Is True: 1 the Beginning 2,500 Years from Genesis to Deuteronomy

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This book is not to replace reading the bible. I will give references for you to gain more knowledge and proof of the validity of the Bible.
I believe the original words written in the Bible are inerrant.
I believe by having an idea of what chapter is going to say, you will be able to easily understand what you are reading in the bible.

There are several broad descriptions of the Bible. Augustine discovered that the Old Testament contains the New Testament concealed, while the New Testament contains the Old Testament revealed. The Old Testament is the story of a nation. The New Testament is the story of a man.
The Bible is unique in that it contains 8,362 predictive verses with 1,817 predictions concerning 737 separate matters. Our Messiah, Jesus, fulfilled over 300 predictions. Prophecies are important in proving the authenticity of the Bible along with the Bible's integrated design, which is proven mathematically, microcode and macrocodes.
Release dateAug 26, 2015
Proof the Bible Is True: 1 the Beginning 2,500 Years from Genesis to Deuteronomy

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Proof the Bible Is True - Timothy Duke

Proof the Bible Is True: 1 the Beginning 2,500 Years from Genesis to Deuteronomy

Proof the Bible Is True:

1 Beginning 2,500 Years from Genesis to Deuteronomy

Copyright © 2015 by Timothy Duke

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal. 

First Printing: 2015

ISBN: 978-1-329-51206-1

Timothy Duke

POB 1091

Marion, IN  46952

Cover image by Linda D Moore titled Jesus wept for unbelief and what was coming upon the world.  Luke 19:41-44

Poems by Linda Moore at

Table of Contents

The Holy Bible

The Old Testament

Genesis – The Beginning

Chapters 1-5  Creation

Chapters 6-8  Noah's Flood

Chapter 9 - Rainbow covenant, Canaan is cursed by Noah

Chapter 10 – Nimrod the world's first dictator

Chapter 11 - One language is changed to many languages

Chapters 12-13 - Abram becomes Abraham

Chapter 15 – Elohim's prophecy about America

Chapters 19-27 - Sodom and Gomorrah

Chapter 28-36  Jacob earns a wife which is a substitute for the one he loves

Chapters 37-50  Israel's son Joseph is sold as a slave by his 11 brothers


Chapters 1-2  The Birth of a Nation and Moses birth

Chapters 3-6 Burning bush

Chapters 7-10 Elohim does 10 wonders to the people of Egypt to convince the Pharaoh

Chapters 11-15  The firstborn child in each family dies – Passover

Chapter 14 - Moses parts the Red Sea

Chapters 16- The Wilderness

Chapter 19 – Foreshadow of the Rapture

Chapters 20-30 - The Mosaic Covenant

Leviticus – The Law of the Nation

Chapter 13 – Ebola ?

Numbers- The Hebrew translation of the name is Wanderings

Chapter 16 – The first Sink Hole

Deuteronomy  - The Laws Reviewed

New Testament


The Holy Bible

The Bible is composed of 66 books penned by 40+ people over 2,000 years.  Since the Bible was penned by these people over several thousands of years, some skeptics cast suspicions that it was not integrated or true.  The Bible can be proven, it is integrated and literal and authored by someone outside of our time domain.  Every letter and every number was dictated by deliberate design of Elohim (God).  A really good introduction is given by Dr. Chuck Missler titled Chuck Missler End Times Scenario (part 1/6) at . 

The 3rd commandment of YHVH (God) is

Deu 5:11  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.[KJV]

I grew up believing that it was about language or cursing using the Lord's name.  Dr. Chuck Missler proposed a different meaning that I now embrace.  I believe it means that if you say you are a Christian or believe in YHVH, then you should be a Christian or YHVH's child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  You should not have to tell people that you are a Christian or wear a sign saying you are a Christian. People around you should be able to tell that you are a Christian without you telling them.  They should be able to discern that you are a Christian by your fruits and acts and words.  If you say you are a Christian because you are a member of a church or attend a Christian service once or twice a year or every week, but if you act like a child of satan the rest of the time, you are taking His name in vain.

To be a Christian should be a challenge.  If you are not being persecuted, you are not walking closely with Yeshua (Jesus).  We are told YHVH does not give us the Spirit of Fear in 2 Tim 1:7.  Yeshua tells us in Luke 21:12, that before the start of the last 7 years, Daniel's 70th week or as commonly know as the Tribulation, Christians will be persecuted.  Do not fear persecution, expect persecution if you are being righteous in YHVH's eyes.

Many skeptics have argued that specific books do not contain prophecy as they claim the books were written after the events and thus were historical books.  Archaeologists have found proof that the books containing prophecies were written hundreds or even thousands of years before the prophecy was fulfilled.  Professor Lawrence Mykytiuk confirmed 50 biblical figures in the bible and published in the March/April 2014 Biblical Archaeology Review from Purdue University.  What does the Bible say about prophecy?  It is the most important gift of Elohim [1 Cor 14:1].  Prophecy in the Bible is more important than witnessing Jesus on earth as it proves the Bible is the Truth. [1 Pe 1:19]  Only Elohim can prophecy with preciseness the events that will occur in the future, sometimes thousands of years in the future.  Biblical Scholars count over 8,000 prophecies in the Bible.  About 70% of them have been fulfilled, precisely.

Prophecies are not to scare you or anyone else.  They are to prepare the Believer for events when they occur. The last prophecy fulfilled is the return of Jewish people to the Promised Land [Isaiah 43:5-6 and Zechariah 8:7-8].  There are 2 other prophecies that have been partially fulfilled, Is 17 (Damascus)and Is 19 (Egypt).  Some of the most astonishing prophecy fulfillment were the 300+ prophecies that Jesus fulfilled.  This is a chart of 15 of those prophecies.

The more you study the Bible; you will discover new meanings for various verses through asking wisdom from Elohim (God of Israel).  Is prophecy being fulfilled today?  Yes it is.  While most of the prophecies are related to the middle eastern nations, some prophecy is being fulfilled in America, today.  Remember the verse Ecc 1:9  The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.  We commonly paraphrase this verse as History repeats itself.  A Messianic (Jewish person who believes in Jesus /Yeshua) Rabbi Jonathon Cahn wrote a book called the Harbinger.  He has made a movie that captures the essence of how America is repeating an old Jewish kingdom.  It is very good and relates to America's warning of September 11, 2001 or 9/11.  Collapse of AMERICA - September 2015 - Will The Stock Market Crash? Is This Real? WATCH NOW!

A video by Trey Smith is really good at establishing a timeline that helps put the various events of the Bible in perspective.  It is on YouTube "Entities: the UNSEEN REALM of Angels, Ghosts & Demons.... Its NOW science FACT."

Some of the prophecies being fulfilled today are Gen 3:15, Gen 19, Is 9, Is 17, Is 19, Ez 32, Jer 49, Jer 50, Amos 4:7 and Hosea 4. Luke 21:11 prophecy's the increase and intensity of earthquakes and pestilences on earth.  The Elam prophecy is about to be fulfilled Jer 49:36-39.  The prophecies in Psalms 83 and Ez 38-39, current events show how the enemies of Israel are being put in place to fulfill these prophecies.

Augustine discovered "The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed; The Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed". 

Most attacks on the authenticity of the Bible concern prophesy contained in the various books, more than 8,000 prophecies.  Daniel, Isaiah, and other books by prophets have been under heavy attack by atheists and agnostics.  In 2 Peter, YHVH (Hebrew name for the unpronounceable name of the God of Israel) dictates these words for Peter to write that tells us the prophecy in the Bible is more sure than witnessing YHVH speaking to His son during baptism and Jesus (Yeshua) being resurrected and ascending into heaven.  Today we see many magicians performing impossible acts and thus their eyewitness accounts of Jesus being crucified would be diminished.  Elohim is saying that foretelling future events (prophecy) that are

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