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The Signs Say It's Midnight: End Time Poems
The Signs Say It's Midnight: End Time Poems
The Signs Say It's Midnight: End Time Poems
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The Signs Say It's Midnight: End Time Poems

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The poems are about today's issues in the United States. The current new laws have changed our morals and life styles. Since homosexuals and transgenders have their rights in society, women and children no longer safe from predators? In some public places men and women now use the same restrooms because of transgenders. Soon the whole culture will be immoral. What will we do when women and children are raped in public restrooms every day? Will marriage between a man and woman become obsolete? Will pedophilia and incest become legal next? Are we still a Christian nation? No! We have sold our children souls to the devil. These are dark times do anybody notice the hand writing on the wall in the United States? No matter how much we deny God it doesn't make him less real. I hope the poems encourage repentance.
Release dateOct 11, 2016
The Signs Say It's Midnight: End Time Poems

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    The Signs Say It's Midnight - Regina Rogers

    The Signs Say It's Midnight: End Time Poems

    Time Is Running Out: End Time Poems

    Written, Edited, and Published

    By Regina Rogers

    Time Is Running Out: End Time Poems

    ISBN 978-1-365-45394-6

    Publisher Regina Rogers

    Copy Right © 2016 By Regina Rogers

    For information on receiving copies of this book or distribution contact:

    Printed in the UK

    Table of Contents


    In honor of the Lord Jesus Christ, the savior of the world! Thanks for the collection of poems. I pray that my family, friends, and other people come to know you through these poems and scriptures!  


    The poems in this book are about today’s issues, the rapture, and tribulation period. They were written, after learning about a medical chip implant, for your hand. It could be, the mark of the beast, in Revelation 13:16-18. Not many people know, about the mark of the beast. Pastors are preaching about prosperity, instead of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The book of Revelation isn’t read much; because of the symbolism. Some churches think it’s negative but it’s not. It’s about Jesus Christ response to sin, for the church, gentiles, and Jews. You can also say the saved, unsaved, and the Israelites or (Jews). My prayer for all is that God give you, knowledge and understanding, to escape the evil coming upon the earth. Amen! My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge… (Hosea 4:6).

    The year 2016 has been very alarming. We have biblical signs everywhere. Things like the weather, diseases, immorality, and murders. …nation shall rise; against nation…kingdom against kingdom…there shall be famines…pestilences…earthquakes, in divers places…these are the beginning of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and…kill you…ye shall be hated of all nations for my…sake (Matthew 24:7-9). …many false prophets shall rise, and …deceive many…iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold (Matthew 24:11-12). …this gospel…shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations…then shall the end come (Matthew 24:14).

    People are occupied with petty things; they don’t see the big picture. America is in trouble, our economy is collapsing, our morals are gone, and we are being attacked in our country. The weather has been outrageous; every day a different state is having floods, temperatures in the 90’s, 100’s, or some other weather problem. Different parts of Michigan have, had lead in the water, besides Flint, now Florida is having drinking water issues. We first heard about the Zika virus, during the Olympics in Brazil. Now it’s in Miami Florida. Shootings have been bizarre, between blacks and cops; now police men are targeted for massacre, by the communities. The election is unreal like a staged performance. Some-thing is seriously wrong and we’re not paying attention. 

    Satan is widespread, in the entertainment world. Famous people are gay, transgender, having sex changes or losing everything, for speaking out against the Industry. Singing and acting is not worth the price, you have to pay later in life. TV preachers are denying Christ, is the only way to be saved; deceiving others and themselves. Prosperity is the new gospel, they no longer talk about Jesus saving souls; its financial blessings, healing, and miracles. Some are even mocking the Holy Ghost, denying speaking in tongues. Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come (Matthew 12:31-32).     

    Chapter 1

    This chapter is about things, happening now, in the year 2016. Stuff like the weather, immorality, and crime. Today people are nonchalant, about what’s going on, in the world. Social changes have been made and the majority adjusts, without a problem. The Bible is being snatched from us, through the passing of immoral laws. The young don’t know any better, adults are high from alcohol or drugs, the church is trying to prosper, and the elderly are dying off. No one seems to care! People don’t read the Bible anymore; therefore they don’t

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