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Dead Oak Flats
Dead Oak Flats
Dead Oak Flats
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Dead Oak Flats

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This is a different kind of Science Fiction story. We were sitting around talking at work about what we watched on Saturday morning when were kids. For some of them it was cartoons. For others and me it was the old B westerns. A friend suggests that I should write a western. I decided why not. Therefore, I wrote Dead Oak Flats. It is a story of a rancher and his friend, a miner, who try to make a go of it on their cattle ranch. It is located on a new planet that is just being settled with a local inhabitant who is not happy about them being there. Of course, there are horses and cattle and bad guys who what to take their mine and ranch away. When I finished I gave it to my friend. He seemed to like it. I hope you will too.
Release dateOct 22, 2016
Dead Oak Flats

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    Dead Oak Flats - Cecil Cory

    Dead Oak Flats

    Dead Oak Flats


    Cecil Ian Cory


    Version 1.3

    Copyright © 2016 Cecil I Cory / Lulu Press

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-365-47861-1

    This work is licensed under the Creative

    Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

    License. To view a copy of this license, visit

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    I wish to thank several people for their help and understanding.

    First, to Eugene Fitzgerald for his help in proof reading this story for me. It has been a great help in completing it.

    Next to my Mom and Dad for their support and belief that I could do almost anything I wanted to do.

    Last, but not least to my wife Karen who has kept me going when I felt I could not go any longer.

    Other Stories by Cecil I Cory

    A Walk in the Sun

    Escape from Regales Two

    Transfer Station 261

    Einhejar Warriors

    Atlantis Conspiracy

    Raid on Sector Delta 34

    Assault on an Empress

    Darnel’s Revenge

    Pirates of the Auroa


    Ark 33

    Box Maker

    Stories in the Twin Suns series

    The Twin Suns

    In Search of the Twin suns

    One Last Battle for the Twin Suns

    To Walk in our Fathers Footsteps

    A Meeting with the Federation

    The New Worlds

    Creators of the Towers

    Professor La Forge’s Sabbatical

    Chapter One

    A dust devil moved down the deserted dirt road through the middle of town. As it spun, it picked up the trash and carried it aloft sending it swirling up into the air only to fall back to the ground again. A shopkeeper turned the sign around on the front door to his establishment and look out as the wind blew the trash down the road. He opened the front door then stepped out onto the sidewalk and began to sweep. Other storekeeper soon appeared and began opening up their establishments. He greeted them as they walked past his establishment.

    Today is the big day Koit. The Banker said to him. It should be some inquiry. It is the most excitement in fifteen years.

    I don’t believe he had anything to do with it. He seemed like a decent man. He always paid his bills on time. Of course, it wasn’t always what he owed, but he paid what he could just the same. Koit said as he continued to sweep the walkway in front of his shop.

    Humph, that kind, you can’t depend on them. They will steel you blind if you are not careful. Why I knew a man over in Ghost Butte, he came into town and claimed that he was not one of them too. Then he turned around and murdered six people before they strung him up. We don’t need that kind in this town. The shopkeeper next door said as he opened his front door.

    What makes you think he is one of them? The banker asked.

    Just look at the way he handles a gun. No respectable person handles a gun like that.

    Maybe he was in the Rangers or in one of the other militaries back on Earth.

    More likely he was one of those renegades out there. Mark my word his friends will be in town and we will have hell to pay.

    You have a point. The Banker replied and continued down the walk towards the bank.

    Ah go on you said the same thing when I showed up in town.

    That’s right and I still don’t trust you ether. The shopkeeper said with a nod and walked into his store.

    The other shopkeeper shook his head and continued trying to sweep the dirt of the sidewalk in front of his store. Once he finished sweeping up to the neighboring store, he stopped and just pushed the dirt down the sidewalk towards the other stores door. He looked both ways at the people starting to move on the street then he walked back to his shop. He stopped once inside and looked out the front door before heading towards the back of his shop.

    The man walked along the sidewalk dressed in faded Ranger pants and an old shirt that had been stitched up by hand and patched in several places. On his back was a pack along with an AK 250 over one shoulder. He walked along the street looking into some of the shops until he reached the bank. He looked around then stepped into the bank. The teller looked at him as he walked up to the counter.

    What can I do for you? He asked nervously.

    I need some Credits. The teller put his finger on a button on the underside of the counter and waited for him to continue. I have a bank draft from First Federation Securities for fifty credits that I want to cash. He pulled out the old bank draft and slid it across the counter to the man standing there. He looked at it then at the man.

    This draft is over three years old.

    Yes I know. It has taken me a while to get here. Can you cash it or not?

    Hold on one minute. The teller walked away from his station to a desk and set the draft down in front of the banker. The man watched as the banker looked at the draft then towards the man. He could see the two of them talking for a while before the teller walked back. I am sorry, but the banker says that we no longer accept these drafts.

    Where can I cash it then?

    I do not know sir, possibly in Temple city at one of the Federation banks.

    It is only for fifty credits. Look I haven’t had anything to eat for a week and…

    I am sorry sir. We cannot honor that draft. The teller said and backed away.

    The man looked at him then reached for the rifle. The teller started running towards the back of the bank.

    Where are you going? The man asked. He felt a stinging sensation on his neck and reached up pulled the small dart from his neck. He looked at it, tossed it away as he made his way out of the bank. He staggered down the street until he reached the corner. He walked up to an old pickup truck. He could feel the drug working as he climbed into the back then pulled the tarp over him and passed out.

    Logan Gulyás sat at the table looking towards the town council as the City Council Chamber filled behind him. Two people walked up behind him and one of them tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and looked at the old woman.

    I can’t believe that you did it Mister Gulyás.

    Thank you Misses Cranston.

    She means she can’t believe that you did it. The younger woman next to her said.

    I didn’t Peggy. I had nothing to do with it. Logan said.

    Find your seats and let’s get started. A man sitting at the table up front said as he rapped on the block. Sit down and keep quiet. He shouted over the din in the room. He continued to rap on the block until most of the spectators were seated. He stopped and set the gavel down then looked around the room. You men in the back close those doors. There is enough dust in here already. He looked at Logan Gulyás as he shuffled some papers on the table. This inquire into the death of Charles Cranston is hereby convened. The accused will rise and face the city council. Logan stood up and looked at the men and women sitting at the table. Logan Gulyás, you have been accused of the murder of Charles Cranston. This is not a court of law. It is only an inquiry into death of Charles Cranston. Do you understand this?

    I understand that I was drug from my home and brought here without any reason or warrants. Logan replied.

    Do you understand the reason for this inquiry?

    You are looking for a scapegoat to hang. I had nothing to do with Charles’s death.

    All right Douglas, you can start your questioning. The man said and sat back.

    A man in a dark suit stood up and put his thumbs in the edge of his pants pockets. He walked up to the table and looked at the city council.

    Mister Mayor and distinguished council, the city of Dead Oak Flats intends to prove that yonder Logan Gillis.

    That is Gulyás. Logan corrected him.

    Yes, we intend to prove that on the night of twenty-second of May Logan Gullis…

    Gulyás, Logan Gulyás, and I did not kill anybody. Logan said.

    As I was saying the accused willfully confronted Charles Cranston and shot him in the back.

    I might…

    Keep quiet Mister Gulyás until it is your time to speak. The mayor said.

    Mister Mayor, if I am being accused of a crime than I have the right of council. I also have the right to see the evidence…

    This is not a court of law. This is only an inquiry to see if a crime has been committed.

    I believe that there has been a crime committed, but I didn’t have anything to do with it.

    Keep quiet Mister Gulyás. Your turn will come to plead your case. Continue Mister Douglas.

    Logan sat back and shook his head. Douglas walked back to his table and pulled a handgun from a box. He walked over to Logan and showed it to him.

    Does this gun belong to you?

    You know it does you took it from my home along with several others when you broke in the other night.

    Just answer yes or no. Douglas replied.

    Yes that gun belongs to me.

    He admits that the gun belongs to him. Douglas said and set the gun on the table before the Mayor. Douglas walked back to the table and pulled a second gun from the box then asked if the gun belonged to Logan. Logan told him that it does. Douglas walked up and placed the gun on the table with the other then he walked back and picked up another gun from the box. He started towards Logan again.

    Yes that one belongs to me too and probably so do most of the others. I did not shoot Charles with any of them.

    What did you shoot him with?

    I did not shoot him.

    You wanted to.

    Who says that I did? Logan asked.

    Well it is a known fact that you and Charles Cranston had been in several altercations since you arrived in this valley.

    Yeah so. I have had arguments with several people who have tried to shove me off my land. I haven’t shot them or anybody else.

    You also threatened him in front of witness that you would shoot him if he every trespassed on your property again that very day.

    Douglas walked over to the table and rummaged into the bottom of the box until he found what remained of the slug. He picked it up and showed it to the council.

    This is all that remains of the slug that fatally struck Charles Cranston killing him as it passed through his body then ricocheted off the wall coming to rest, lodged in a plank, after Mister Gilholy ambushed him. He held it up so that everybody could see it."

    Can I see that? Logan asked.

    Douglas walked up to the table and set it down with the guns in front of the mayor. The mayor picked it up and looked at it then handed it to the others at the table. Douglas walked over to the box, pulled out a tablet and brought up images of the dead body of Charles Cranston. He walked up to the mayor and set the tablet on the table.

    As you can see the slug entered here and exited out the front. He changed the image to show a small hole in the front of the body. Then it struck this wall continued and imbedded itself into this wood. He walked back to the table and stood there then pointed to Logan. This murder shot and killed Charles Cranston in the back. He said and put his thumbs in his suit coats lapel and pulled it away from his body as he strutted back to his table. He reached down, picked up some chips, and then carried them up to the front table. I have here sworn affidavits by several witnesses that Logan Gulosy threatened, with grievous bodily harm, Charles Cranston." Douglas said then looked towards the people in the gallery. When he finished, he sat down.

    What have you to say Mister Gulyás to the charges?

    I did not do it. Can I see this so-called evidence? Logan asked as he stood up. He walked up to the table and looked at the pictures first then he picked up the slug. It doesn’t take a ballistics expert to see that this slug did not come from any of these weapons. This round belongs to a rifle and not a handgun. By this picture, he was shot from the front not in the back. You can see that the entry hole is smaller than exit hole. Now if it were from any of these handguns it would not have made this small of a hole. I agree that this might be the round, which killed him; then again, it might not. However, it was not shot from anything I have.

    Are you a ballistics expert? Douglas asked.

    I did not say I was. I have seen plenty of wounds before and this was not done by a handgun at close range. The person who would have to have been only a few meters from him for a round to have penetrated and continued through the body, and then still have enough energy to ricochet off a brick wall, fly another twenty meters to imbed into the wooden wall. That weapon would have to been a lot bigger than any that I own in this caliber. Was this round examined by a forensics person, or was it only something that Douglas dug out of a target range somewhere? If there was any DNA evidence left on it, it has been tainted by Douglas and the rest of you by handling it.

    Do you own any riffles? Douglas asked.

    Yes a few.

    Where are they?

    Right where you left them when you broke into my home with your thugs without a search warrant I might add.

    What kind of rifles do you have? The mayor asked.

    I have several of them. I have an old M28 that fires 5.56-shelless cartage, two 12-gage pump shotguns, a 20-gage pump shotgun, and three 7.62-shelless cartage semiautomatic rifles of different types. That round came out of a 5.45x39 AK 250.

    How do you know this? Douglas asked.

    I know.

    How? Douglas asked.

    You can see where the casing was fastened to the slug. It is not used much since the shelless cartage was invented. By the marks I would say that it was a reload.

    What about your handguns? The mayor asked.

    You have all of them right there except for what he left in that box I suppose. I have maybe eight to ten of them.

    Is it eight or ten? Douglas asked.

    Ten I guess.

    Why so many? Douglas asked.

    It depends on what I am doing. If I am out herding some of my cattle, I carry one of the old 45s that he put up there. If I am just out shooting, I might just use one of the 38s or one of the 22s that I have if I am just plunking at a target. I have several 9mm and some others. Nothing that I have will fire that type round. Besides it is not against any law that I know of, stopping me from owning firearms as long as I have not committed a felony and as far as I know I have not.

    Only using them to kill someone is a felony. Douglas replied.

    I haven’t murdered anybody.

    Do you know a Carlos Cabrera? Douglas asked.

    I have heard of him. Wasn’t he some sort leader of some mercenaries awhile back? I understand he was captured and hung. What does that have to do with me?

    Where were you when Charles Cranston was shot? The mayor asked.

    I don’t know when was he shot or where was he?

    You know very well where he was. Douglas snapped.

    I was out mending fence until you showed up at my house and broke in the other night.

    How did you fence get damaged. One of the city council members asked.

    It was cut and I found Double C cattle on my property.

    Where are those cattle now? Douglas asked.

    I have no idea. I spent four days out there, mending fence.

    Any witnesses? Douglas asked

    Yeah Jason was there with me for most of it. The only time he was gone was when he had to go back to the ranch to get more wire while I continued to mend the fence.

    How long was he gone? Douglas asked.

    Most of the day he was back by that night.

    Long enough for you to drive over to Cranston place and ambush him.

    Jason had the vehicle with him.

    Who is this Jason?

    He was a man I hired to help me fix the fence that was cut by the Double C. He worked for me for a few months.

    Where is he now? Douglas asked.

    I don’t know I needed help and I hired him on. When we finished mending the fence, I paid him and he left just before you showed up. You must have passed him when you entered my property.

    Douglas closed his mouth and walked over to his table.

    Mister Gulyás where are you from? One of the council members asked.

    Where am I from? I was born in a small town of Coronach in Saskatchewan USAC. As soon as I was old enough I headed south to a warmer climate.

    Were you ever in the military? Another one asked.


    Who’s? Douglas asked.

    What does this have to do with anything?

    Indulge us. The council member replied.

    I was in the USAC Army for a few years, did a few more with the Rangers until it was changed to the Federation Army.

    What did you do in the Army?

    Lots of things.

    Like what?

    I don’t know lots of things. I drove vehicles, slept out in the mud and rain a lot.

    You were a mechanic?

    No not really.

    Were you taught to fire guns in the Army and to ambush people? Douglas asked.

    That is one of the things you do when you are in the army.

    What did you do in the Rangers? The council member asked.

    About the same as I did in the USAC Army, except there is no rain on Mars to sleep in. We mostly sat around on our asses a lot and listen to high and mighty officers tell us that we were the scum of the universe. We chased a few smugglers, things like that.

    When did you leave the military?

    About nine years ago.


    My time was up and I’d had enough of sleeping in the mud and rain.

    Why did you come to Doliolum?

    I had heard about the opportunities here and that there was land to be had. I don’t see any reason to go any further with this. Ether you charge me or I am walking out of here. You maybe the council for this town you are not a court and so far, you have not shown anything that connects me with the murder of Charles. If that is the round that killed him, I do not have any weapons that fire one of them.

    You and Charles Cranston did not get along well. A council member said.

    You know we did not. He wanted our land and we would not sell it to him.

    Why do you think he wanted your land?

    He wanted the entire valley. It was no secret how he bragged how he was going to get my land one way or another.

    So you murdered him. Douglas said.

    No I did not. You had as much of a grudge against him as anybody did.

    What do you mean by that? Douglas asked.

    You got into it with him on several occasions. He drove you off that small section you had. If I remember correctly so did a lot of you sitting in this room to include most of this council.

    I never threatened to kill him. Douglas said.

    Didn’t you? I can remember not over a year ago that you and he got into it over something and you told him that you were going to get him someday.

    That is beside the point, I do not own any weapons, nor do I know how to operate them the way you do.

    You don’t have to know a lot to squeeze a trigger and you have more of an access to them with those Regulators you run. You see any of you in here could have shot him. I know I did not. Now the rest of you prove you didn’t. Mister Mayor, I suggest you contact Planetary Security, have them send out one of their Marshals to investigate this according to Federation law and not according to Douglas’s vigilante law. Logan walked over to the table with the box and looked into it. Where are the rest of them?

    The rest of what? Douglas replied.

    You know what, Mister Mayor if my things, that you hired men took from my home, are not returned in the same condition as they were taken, I will personally file charges against you, this council, and Douglas over there. My understanding that breaking into someone’s home without a warrant is even against the law on Doliolum. Logan said and grabbed the box then walked up to the front table. He picked up the guns on the table checked to see if they were loaded then shoved them into the box. He looked at the slug lying there.

    What do you think you are doing?

    Well since none of these were used in your crime I am taking them with me. When you get a Marshal here, I will talk to him. Douglas if you or any of your hired goons show up on my property again, I will show you how well I can shoot. My property is properly posted and if you ever trespass on it again…

    Logan walked out of the City Hall then over to an old truck. He shoved the box across the seat then started to climb into the old truck. He could see the commotion over at the bank as several of Douglas’s men ran out and started looking up and down the street. He started the old transport and pulled out. A man ran over to him and waved for him to stop.

    What is going on Zeak? Logan asked.

    "Somebody just tried to hold up the bank. Have you seen anybody running this way?


    We’ll find him he can’t have gone far.

    Well that is one they cannot pin on me. Logan replied and continued down the dirt road out of town.

    The old truck skidded to a stop in front of the barn and Logan stepped out. He reached across the seat and pulled the box towards him than heard some noise that sounded like snoring coming from the back of the truck. He pulled the 9mm from the box checked the clip and pulled back on the slid to chamber a round. He stepped to the back of the transport and flipped the tarp off the man. He tapped him with the 9mm on the forehead and the man opened his eyes. He tried to move and Logan kept the gun aimed between his eyes.

    Who are you and what are you doing in my truck?

    Don’t shoot man. Where, where am I?

    You are in the back of my truck is where you are at. Why you are there is what I am trying to find out.

    I don’t know. The last thing I remember is going into the bank and trying to cash a bank draft. He patted his pockets. That son of a bitch kept my bank draft. He said.

    So you’re the one who tried to hold up the bank.

    Hold up the bank! No I went in to cash a bank draft for fifty Credits so I could get something to eat. He said and rubbed a welt on the back of his neck.

    Well climb out of there and don’t move suddenly. Leave the rifle right where it is. Logan said and backed away. He kept the 9mm aimed at the man as the man tried to get up. The man hung onto the bed of the truck as he tried to climb out. He fell and landed on the ground. Logan could see the welt on the back of his neck. Stun dart, the effects should wear off in a couple of hours. Logan reached into the back of the bed and lifted up the rifle. He opened the breach and looked into the rifle. He could see the shelless casings inside. Get up and let’s go. The man stood up and started to reach for the backpack. Logan grabbed it first and checked it for more weapons. When he found none and he tossed it to the man. Head towards the house. He motioned towards the small house across the barnyard with the 9mm.

    What are you going to do with me?

    Once I figure out who you are, then I will make up my mind. Logan replied.

    My name is Preston, Preston Foster.

    Well, Preston, Preston Foster head for the house. Logan said.

    Preston started walking towards the house and Logan walked back to the cab grabbed the box then followed him. As they reached it, Logan stepped ahead and opened the door. He motioned for Preston to enter. Preston stepped in and stopped a meter from the door. Logan walked in and shoved past him. The inside of the house was dumped on the floor.

    Don’t mind the mess. I was visited by the local Regulators the other night.

    What were they looking for?

    Something to pin a murder on.

    I take it they did not find it

    I didn’t do it. The bath is through there to clean up. I will see what I have left to eat. Logan walked towards the kitchen leaving Preston standing in the front room. Are you looking for work?


    Do you know anything about ranching?

    Some. I know they grow cows on them. They sure did a number on this place. What were they looking for?

    Something that they didn’t find. Logan replied as he opened the container and dumped the contents into a pot. He set it on the stove then he picked up the tipped over chairs and set them upright. He put a rag under the faucet and turned on the hot water. Preston walked into the room and he handed it to him. Put that on where the dart hit and it will take the swelling down. Food should be hot in a few minutes. You will find some plates in that cabinet and flatware in those drawers. There might be some beer left in the refrigerator if they didn’t drink it all the other night. Logan stirred the pot and watched Preston as he looked around the room holding the rag to the back of his neck. You must have pulled that dart out right away or you would have been lying on the bank floor.

    It hit my backpack then me. I pulled it out as soon as I felt it hit.

    Have you been hit by them before?

    A couple of times. Preston replied.

    Hmm, been robbing banks long?

    I am not a bank robber. I just went in to cash a bank draft so I could get something to eat.

    Logan dished out some of the stew from the pot and put in on the plates. He set one at one end of the table and the other he handed to Preston. He blew the inside of some cups out then filled them with coffee and sat them down.

    Sit down and eat. You said you were hungry. Logan watched as Preston sat down and started shoveling the stew into his mouth. He sat in the chair across from him sipping on the coffee and watched Preston as he ate. When Preston finished, he looked towards Logan.

    You are not going to eat?

    I had a big breakfast in town this morning before the hearing.

    If you don’t want it?

    Here. Logan said and slid the plate across the table towards him. Preston grabbed it and began eating again.

    I haven’t had anything for over a week. I shot a critter last week and ate it. Preston said.

    When did you get out?

    Get out?

    Yeah prison. Those are old ranger pants and you are two young to have been in the Rangers. They are only issued to prisoners now. By the looks of the rest of your clothes, you have picked them up along the way. That is a modified AK 250. I have only seen a few of them around here before. Logan pulled the 9mm out of his belt and set it on the table. Most of them were owned by smugglers or renegades. Now are you ready to tell me who you are and what you are doing here?

    I am just who I said I was. My name is Preston Foster.

    We have been through that. Now what were you doing in prison?

    I was wrongly accused of stealing.

    That is what they all say. What did you take?

    I didn’t take anything. I worked my way here on a tramp cargo ship here. When we docked with the station, I went to the Captain to draw my pay. That is when I found out that the second claimed that I had stolen some things from him. When they checked my things, they found them. I don’t know how they got there. Anyway, I jumped ship and got away. When I reached the ground, the Captain had sworn out a complaint with security. I was in a holding cell…

    Preston awoke to the sound of popping metal and plasticreat. He sat up and hit his head on the bunk above him. He reached up, rubbed the spot and tried to focus then remembered where he was. He heard the popping sound again and looked around. He could see the glow coming from the torch as it cut its way through the plasticreat walls. The room started to fill with the rancid smell from the burning plasticreat and paint. He watched the glowing material as it danced across the floor. With a shower of hot sparks, a section of the wall fell into his cell. A man with a glow rod looked in at him as he stepped into the cell.

    You ain’t Carlos.


    Where is Carlos?

    Preston pointed towards the next cell. The man turned around towards the opening.

    This ain’t his cell, you idiot. He shouted through the hole.

    What do you mean it’s not his cell?

    It ain’t his cell. The man shouted back.

    Another man walked into Preston’s cell.

    Who are you?

    I’m Preston?

    Where is Carlos?

    He is in the next cell.

    Well cut a hole, just don’t stand there.

    The man with the glow rod walked over to the wall and set the rod against it. Sparks of hot metal danced across the room as the room filled with the rancid air from the torch. A few minutes later that section of the wall fell into the next cell with a crash. Carlos jumped through the opening and looked at Preston.

    Franco, Salvatore it is good to see you. Carlos said.

    Let’s go before the guards find out. Salvatore said.

    We can’t leave him here. He saw us. Franco said holding the glow rod as if he was going to use it on Preston.

    It is your lucky day amigo. Carlos said. Bring him along.

    Franco grabbed Preston and shoved him through the hole in the wall. The four of them continued down a tunnel that connected with a building next to the prison.

    What took so long? Carlos asked.

    We had to find out where they were keeping you. Salvatore replied. It is not that easy to dig through this shit ether.

    Si they moved me the other day and I was not able to get word to you. I figured you could figure it out once you cut into that cell. Carlos said as they hurried down the dimly lit tunnel.

    They reached the end of the tunnel and ran over to a vehicle and Carlos started pulling off the prison clothes and tossed them towards the opening to the tunnel. They handed him some new clothes and he put them on then he climbed into the vehicle. Franco held onto Preston as Carlos changed.

    What do you want to do with him? He asked.

    Leave him. Carlos said.

    He has seen us.

    Leave him. We haven’t got time now to deal with him. Carlos said and closed the door.

    Franco shoved Preston toward the tunnel entrance then hurried to the vehicle and climbed into the front seat. The vehicle started moving towards a rollup door as it rolled up. As soon as it was high enough the vehicle drove out and the door closed. Preston stood there for a few minutes and looked around the abandon building at the piles of dirt from the tunnel and a small boring machine. He looked at the tunnel then headed for the only door he could see. He opened it and found that it led to an old office. Inside he found an old shirt that had been used as a rag. He pulled off the old ranger shirt, tossed it, and then put on the dirty shirt. He searched the room for anything else then he heard the sirens blowing from the prison. He made his way out of the building then headed away from the prison.

    A transport slowed and stopped at an intersection. Preston looked around then ran up to the back of the transport and climbed into the back. He no sooner was inside when the vehicle started moving. He sat there for several hours as the vehicle slowly made its way across the city. It stopped and Preston could hear voices asking the driver where he had come from. The driver told the person that he had made a delivery over by the prison. The person told the driver to get out and open the back. The driver stepped out then he walked around to the back of the open vehicle. He pointed up to the open back. A Security man climbed up onto the vehicle an aimed his weapon into the back. Preston huddled down behind several containers as the guard looked around.

    They think they have located him over on the other side of town. Someone shouted.

    The guard jumped down from the back of the transport and moved away. A few seconds later the transport began moving again. Preston moved enough so that he could see out the back and watched the checkpoint as the vehicle continued. When the vehicle slowed again, he jumped out then ran.

    I have been on the run ever since. I figured they would forget me if I got far enough away. They had not charged me with anything. I found out later that it was a favorite trick of that captain so he wouldn’t have to pay me from some others he had done that too.

    You say that Carlos is out? I heard that he was executed.

    No he escaped before he was to be moved to that prison.

    When did this take place?

    Six maybe seven weeks ago.

    Where did you get the rifle?

    I found it.


    I don’t remember.

    You had better remember. The Regulators take a dim view of renegades. That is a renegade rifle. Where did you get it?

    I ran into some men a while back. They needed someone to help move some cases. They paid with an old bank draft for fifty Credits. While I was helping them move the cases, one of them opened and some of those fell out. I repacked the case and put it with the others. They paid me off with that old bank draft.

    How much ammunition did they have?

    I don’t know. I saw several pallets of it with the rifles. I did not stick around very long. I caught a ride out of there on the back of another transport filled with the same type of cases. I opened one and found it was filled with them too, along with several cases filled with ammunition for them. They said they worked for some private security group. Hell, they must have had several hundreds of them. I figured that they would never miss one. I grabbed that one and one of the clips along with enough ammunition to fill it. I left it the next time it stopped and caught another ride in the back of another transport. When it stopped, I got off and started walking. I have been walking ever since.

    Where were they headed with the guns?

    I don’t know I did not ask. What are you some sort of law? Why all the questions?

    We were attacked by renegades a few years ago. Carlos was the leader of them. If he is out again he may be headed back this way. If he is, we need to be ready for him.

    Well if it is all the same to you I would rather keep going.

    How far do you think you are going to get dressed like that and carrying one of those? They probably have your face plastered on every screen in this valley.

    For what I didn’t do anything?

    You tried to rob the bank.

    No I didn’t.

    The Regulators won’t care. They will just take you out and hang you.

    Hang me? That is against the law.

    Maybe back in Sol, but out here that is what happens to criminals when the Regulators catch them.

    Then what should I do?

    First you get out of those clothes and take a bath while you are at it. Then we get rid of that weapon.


    They are looking for a man who shot one of the locals with one of them. I don’t need it on my place. I have some things that should fit you. We’ll go into town tomorrow and get you some other things.

    Logan grabbed the AK 250 along with several of his weapons and started to walk out. Preston stood up and followed him out of the house and across the barnyard to the barn.

    What are you going to do with those?

    Nothing. Go on back into the house and stay out of sight. Preston stood there. Go on get. Logan yelled at him.

    Preston walked out of the barn then back to the house. Logan walked over to a torch and moved it over to a workbench. He pulled the magazine along with the round in the chamber out of the AK 250. Then he set the AK 250 in a vice, turned on the torch, and lit it. He applied the flame to the barrel of the AK and cut it into two-centimeter pieces. He continued to cut it up until there was only a pile of metal lying on the ground. He took the ammunition for it outside along with the clip and dumped it into a concrete ring then set some wood on top of it. He placed the plastic parts from the weapon into the ring then he lit the wood. A few minutes later, there were several flashes as the shelless cases began to burn and flash. Logan looked all around up along the tree line to see if he could locate anybody watching him. He saw the glint from some glasses and stared at where he had seen it. He walked back into the barn and picked up one of his 7.62 mm rifles then walked back out to the fire. He aimed in the direction of the flash and could just see a man standing in the trees looking towards him through the scope. He fired several shots in that direction. Preston ran out of the house.

    What is going on? He asked.

    Nothing, get back into the house. Logan yelled. I warned you Douglas that if you or your men showed up on my land I would show you how to shoot. Logan looked through the scope on the rifle and could see several men running through the trees. He fired off three more rounds into a tree. He watched the men until they were out of sight then walked back into the barn. He picked up the scrap metal and piled it up then took the torch and began melting it until there was only a pool of metal left on the dirt floor. He shoved dirt over the metal covering it with dirt. He grabbed the other two rifles and walked back to the house.

    When he entered the house, he could hear the water running in the bath. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a shirt and some pants then walked to the bathroom.

    These should fit. He said and tossed them on the floor. He grabbed the old faded Ranger pants along with the shirt and headed out of the bathroom. He checked the pockets and pulled out several things that did not seem out of the ordinary. He placed the items on the table. He picked up the backpack and continued to check what was inside. He found several more things that were not right. He heard the water shut off and shoved all of the stuff back into the backpack tossed it back where it was then grabbed the Ranger pants and the shirt then walked out to the fire. He dropped them onto the fire and watched them as they started to burn. Once they were brining he headed back into the house.

    What were you shooting at? Preston asked as he walked into the house.

    Big rodents. Logan replied as he walked past him.

    What did you do with the pants and the shirt?

    I burnt them. The things that were in your pockets are on the table. When you are dressed give me a hand putting this place back together.

    Once they had most of the things put away, Logan started for the door.

    Come on we have work to do. I have not finished fencing off a section. Don’t just stand there.

    He walked out and headed for the transport. Preston ran out and could see the two rifles in the back window. As soon as Preston was inside the cab, Logan pulled out of the yard and headed up towards the trees. He slowed as he passed the area where he had shot. He could see the tight shot group in the side of the tree as they passed it. They continued across the property until they reached the fence then they followed it until they reached where he had stopped working on the fence. They climbed out of the transport and Logan grabbed the fencing tools out of the back.

    Logan used the wire tensioner to tighten the wire as Preston hammered in the clips to hold it. They had not spoken more than a few sentences since they started working.

    Are you married? Preston asked.

    Not any more why?

    I saw the picture of you and some woman. I just thought it might be your wife.

    My wife did not like ranching. She ran off to live in the big city with her friends.

    Any kids?

    No. She didn’t want any of them ether. What about you any kids that you know of?

    No I’m not married.

    That doesn’t mean you don’t have any kids. I knew lots of guys who had kids and weren’t married. What about a wife?

    Nope none of them ether.

    That should do it. Tomorrow we will check the next section and see what needs to be repaired.

    This wire is almost new how did it get broken?

    It wasn’t broken it was cut by Charles Cranston’s men. They try to run their cattle on my land because he over grazes his. He won’t be doing that anymore.

    Why, because we fixed the fence? He can just cut it again.

    He is dead. He was killed by a round that came from a rifle like you had.

    Do they think you, did it? Logan did not answer him. So that is why you got rid of it. What did you do with it?

    I fixed it so that nobody will ever find it. Logan replied. Let’s get things picked up and head for the ranch.

    It was after dark by the time they returned to the ranch house. As they pulled into the barnyard, they could see lights on inside of the house along with a small vehicle parked in front.

    Somebody is here? Preston said.

    Yup. Logan replied.

    Logan grabbed the rifles out of the back window and started for the house with Preston following behind him. They walked into the house and they could smell food cooking.

    You are running late tonight. A voice said from the kitchen.

    We finished that section between my place and the Double C. They had cut the wire again and we had to fix it.

    A woman walked out of the kitchen and looked at the two of them as Logan put the rifles in the case. Preston smiled at her.

    This is my new hand his says that his name is Preston Foster. This is Babette La Clair.

    Good evening Misses La Clair. Preston said.

    Evening and it is Miss. She replied looking at Preston.

    Go wash up. Logan said and walked over to Babette. He put his arm around her and tried to hug her, and she pushed him away.

    You stink go get cleaned up dinner is ready. The both of you hurry up. Preston started for the bathroom and Babette held onto Logan’s arm. Who is he? I have seen him somewhere before.

    They think he was trying to rob the bank this morning. I found him in the back of my truck. He is all right. Logan kissed her then headed for his room. I was paid a visit by the regulators last night.

    What did they want?

    They think I shot and killed Charles.

    Charles is dead? How? When?

    He was shot with an AK 250. They searched the place looking for one. All they found were my handguns and rifles and all they took were my handguns. Douglas tried to accuse me of killing him in front of the council this morning. He did not have any evidence that I had done anything except for a bent up 5.45mm round. From the pictures, he was facing whoever shot him. If that wasn’t the round, he was shot close enough that Charles should have seen him. They say he was ambushed over at his place.

    Where is Jason?

    He quit just before the regulators showed up. They must have passed him as they drove up to the house.

    Go get cleaned up.

    Do I have time for a shower?

    If it is a quick one.

    I can always wait until after dinner and we…

    Go on with yourself. She said and pushed Logan towards his room.

    Preston walked out as he walked into the front room and followed Babette into the kitchen.

    That sure smells good. You and ah hell I don’t even know his name.

    It is Logan Gulyás and no we are just friends. I run a claim of this property.

    Oh what do you mine? She did not reply. That sure smells good.

    You already said that. Go set the table it is ready. She replied as she pulled some biscuits from the oven.

    Logan sat back in his chair.

    Well, Babs, that was as good as usual. Why don’t you quit that worthless claim and move down here and cook for me all the time?

    Are you proposing again? She asked. It is not a worthless claim I hit some pay dirt today. She stood up and walked over to bag, opened it and pulled out several rocks. She set them down in front of Logan."

    That looks like platinum. Preston said.

    You don’t know your minerals very well. It is Ruthenium. Babette said. It was 35 Credits a troy ounce this morning. I figure I can get five kilos a ton.

    Not bad. Preston said.

    For a large operation and hers is not. What if it is just another pocket? That is how your dad was killed when he found that pocket and the renegades tried to take it from him.

    He did not have you to protect him. She replied as she walked around the table and kissed him on the forehead. Logan grabbed her and pulled her into his lap and she tried to protest.

    Well if the two of you don’t mind. Where can I bed down for the night?

    I’ll show you. There is a room out back Jason used. Logan started to stand.

    Oh no you two don’t, I made the dinner I’ll be damned if I am going to clean up this mess too. Both of you into the kitchen and help me clean up this mess.

    She pulled Logan out of the chair then pushed him and Preston towards the kitchen. She sat at the small kitchen table and watched as the two of them washed the dishes and put them away. When they finished, Logan showed Preston where the bunkroom was beside the barn. Preston watched as Logan walked back to the house then rummaged in his bag until he found the old Cellcom. He pulled it out and looked at the reception. He shook his head and shoved it back into the backpack before looking around the room. There were six bunks and an old brass bed in the room. Off to one end was a bath with a shower, sink, and toilet. He looked at the brass bed and pushed the rolled-up mattress down. There was a knock at the door and he hurried over and opened it. Babette stood there with some bedding for him.

    It gets cold here at night. That old stove leaks so don’t fire it up unless you keep one of the window open. Good night. She said and headed back towards the house.

    Chapter Two

    Logan awoke to the smell of coffee. He stretched and laid his hand where Babette had been the night before. He sat up then walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen. Babette stood by the sink looking out the window. He walked up and put his arms around her waist then kissed her on the nap of the neck. She reached up and held his head to her neck. She turned and faced him then kissed him. She pushed him back when she finished.

    Why don’t you move in here and give up that worthless claim.

    It is not worthless; besides, it is all that dad left me.

    He left you three fifths of the rest of the ranch too.

    Preston walked into the kitchen. Morning oh sorry. He said and turned around.

    I had better get dressed. Babette said and pulled the robe around her. She walked out of the kitchen back to the bedroom.

    Well are you rested? We have a lot to do this morning. Logan said and poured a cup of coffee from the pot. He looked at the doorway that Babette had just walked through as Preston walked over to the cabinet and pulled down a cup. He filled it and looked at Logan.

    What have you planned for today? Preston asked. Logan ignored him and kept looking toward the doorway. Hello.

    Hmm, what, oh, we need to finish checking the fence to the north. If we find any cattle with the Double C brand on them then we will run them off my range. Can you ride?

    Ride what?

    A horse.

    I don’t know I have never tried. I have ridden motorcycles some off road.

    Alright then you take the truck and carry the fencing equipment. I will see what I can find. Babe we need to get going. Logan yelled.

    So what is holding you up? She yelled back.

    We are going to head to town this afternoon is there anything you need?

    Yeah you are almost out of flour and sugar. See if they got in any backing powder too. Oh, I ordered some new bits stop by Douglas’s and see if they came in to. I need a couple of rolls detonating cord too. See if he has any Jack Hammer, that last stuff he sent me was crap. Tell him that I will pay for them as soon as I can. You are also out of canned stew and beans. See if they have any fresh vegetables too. Have you got all that?

    Yes. Logan replied as he put down several more things on the list he needed.

    Logan finished eating the hot cereal and set the bowl in the sink as Babette walked out of his room. He walked out and she walked over to him.

    Did you find the hot cereal?

    Yes. He replied.

    Did you wash the bowl and pot when you were finished?

    I put in in the sink.

    She walked past him to the sink. Rinse it out and clean the pot. The last time it took forever to get the dried-on oats out of the pan. She said as she rinsed out the pan.

    He walked over and kissed her nap of her neck again.

    Go on I have to get to work. She said and turned towards him. She kissed him then shoved him out of the way. I’ll see you later. She said as she walked out the front door. Logan followed her out of the house and to her vehicle. I’ll need that detonating cord as soon as you can get it. Oh, if he doesn’t have any of the Jackhammer then I will take the Ajax-Pro. I do not what that Red Dragon crap he tries to pawn off. That stuff doesn’t work half the time.

    She climbed into her vehicle waved to Logan then drove off.

    Preston, are you ready? Logan yelled.

    I’m just waiting for you. Preston replied.

    Do you think you can find your way back to where we were yesterday?


    Then take the tuck and go back there then follow the fence line north. Patch any of the fences you find. I will meet up with you in a few hours. With any luck, we should be done with that section before noon. Logan said then walked over to a corral. He whistled and large horse wondered over to the fence. Okay knot head you have rested enough. We have work to do today.

    Preston watched Logan as he talked to the animal as he saddled it. When he finished, Logan swing up into the saddle with ease and the horse began to head away from the corral. It moved over to Preston and stopped.

    Just follow the rout we took yesterday. I will herd what I find up to where we were yesterday and send them home. I’ll meet up with you further north.

    Preston wiped the sweet from his brow and looked out across the valley. He could see black and brown specks as they meandered grazing on the sparse grass. He stood there watching the cattle when there was a growling from behind him. He spun just as the beast lunged towards him. He flung up his arms to stop the attack. The beast dropped to the ground in front of him. Its jaws still snapping and snarling at him. Logan rode up and fired another shot into the beast from the riffle he carried.

    What the hell is that thing? Preston asked as he staggered back from the beast.

    They call it a Dire Wolf. I don’t know why it doesn’t look like any wolves I have seen before. Where is the gun I left in the truck?

    What gun?

    I put a 45 on the seat for you to use. Logan said as he rode over to the vehicle. He stepped down from the horse and reached into the vehicle pulled out the gun along with a holster. He tossed them to Preston. Do you know how to use one of those?

    I have shot something like it before.

    Good, keep that with you when you are out here. The next time I might not be close by. Logan said and swung back up into the saddle. Cut me a hole between those two posts. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Logan said as the horse turned then galloped away.

    Preston grabbed the cutters and cut the wire a few centimeters from the post. It coiled up towards the next post. He cut the next two strands and watched them as they coiled up with the others. He moved them out of the way just as some large black and white cattle moved towards him. He could see Logan sitting on the back of the horse waving one arm and yelling for the cattle to move along. The cattle moved through the opening in the fence and continued. Logan stopped and looked at the wire.

    I told you to cut the wire between the posts not at one end. Now we will have to run new strands between the posts. Logan stepped off the horse and walked over to the vehicle. He pulled the canteen from the back of the truck and took a drink. Did you find any more holes?

    Just one, up around that bend. It did not look like it was cut. Two strands of wire were completely missing. It looked like someone had run some sort of vehicles through it.



    Yeah kids. They come up here and cut section of the fence so they can off road. Let’s get this section fixed then show me where they were.

    Logan followed the vehicle along the fence until it stopped. He could see the three strands of new wire stretched between the two posts. Logan slid off the horse and walked over to the fence.

    Nice job. Are you sure you haven’t worked on a ranch before?

    No never. Those are the tracks over there. I followed up to that ridge and they continued towards the east.

    They are headed for Babette’s place. I hope they know what they are in for and that is the west. If she catches them, she will tear them a new one. Come on let’s head back to the ranch.

    Who is she besides your girlfriend? Preston asked.

    "Girlfriend? Well maybe she is.

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