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This book about a boy who dies and comes back to life as an angel. When he returns to his city, he is not the only one with powers, but others have powers too. He must protect the city using his powers otherwise everyone he loves and cares will die. This book is for audience thirteen years old and older.
Release dateJan 14, 2017

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    I do not need you people anymore. I will not let you take over Earth.

    I will take over what I want to, and you cannot stop me.

    We’ll see about that, the Woman said.


    The bases are loaded and it’s the bottom of the ninth inning. The pressure is on for eighteen-year-old Jonathon Slype, who likes to be called Johnny for short. Johnny was born in Dralin City, and goes to Dralin high school, where his baseball team is the Dralin Dolphins. He is about six feet tall with long blond hair that goes down to his shoulders. He is in good shape with a strong core and a strong six-pack. He hits the gym everyday, and tries to be as strong as everyone else in the gym. He works out everyday so that he can be, but it doesn’t work for him as much as it does with everyone else. Everyone else is lifting so much weight, but he just can’t lift as much, even though he tries to push himself more and more.

    It is a Tuesday and the Dolphins are playing a regular season game. The score is ten to seven, and they are losing. Everybody is tense and scared, and even the crowd is scared for Johnny because if he messes up in any way, he would lose for the team. Everybody is as scared as they would be if they were about to get their next phone bill, knowing they went over the limit. The pitcher throws ninety-five miles per hour on average, and he has already struck Johnny out five times. The pitcher throws the ball and Johnny misses. One hundred miles per hour, and most people couldn’t have seen the ball go at all. It was faster than the wind, and almost looked like wind, to be exact. He only has one chance to hit this ball or the team would lose.

    The coach has already lost faith in Johnny and throws his hat to the ground and swears. He is so mad that he turns his back on Johnny. The coach, Ronnie, has short, thinning hair and dark skin. Ever since he was a little kid, he had always dreamed of being a coach in baseball. He had always loved to play baseball and he was good at it. He made Varsity baseball as a freshman and when he was a senior, he was nominated captain of the baseball team.

    The pitcher gets into his pitching stance and is ready to win the game. He throws the ball and no one knows how, but Johnny hits that ball and gets a homerun. The ball flies into the air, and is so high up that it looks like a dot to everyone. The crowd jumps into the air, and is so excited and happy for Johnny. People on the benches jump up and start hugging each other joyfully. Coach Ronnie hears everyone screaming with excitement, and he turns around as fast as he can with a shocked look on his face, as if he had expected a horrible Christmas present but instead got the gift of his dreams.

    YES! Ronnie yells as Johnny runs around the bases. The coach of the other team throws his hat into the ground. The Dralin Dolphins ae so happy, but the other team is so very sad, and their pitcher is on the ground, hugging his knees because he is so sad. When Johnny makes it to home base, his whole team comes at him and picks him up in the air, screaming Johnny, Johnny, Johnny! The fans are yelling his name as well, and even Ronnie comes and picks him up in the air. Everyone in the crowd starts shouting his name, especially his parents.

    Johnny’s father’s name is Jacob Slype and his mother’s name is Kat Slype. Oliver is a DPCD cop and Courtney is a nurse. They fell in love in high school. They both had perfect GPA’s, but they went to different colleges and eventually came together after college. Both parents had taken an afternoon off work so they could watch their son play. Even Johnny’s girlfriend is at the game. Her name is Scarlett Mockin. She is one of the prettiest girls throughout the whole school. Everyone in the school watches her whenever she walks by. Girls envy her and want to be her because of how pretty she is. She is a cheerleader in the fall and then runs indoor track in the winter, and plays softball in the spring. She doesn’t have a softball game or practice today so she is able to support Johnny today. These kinds of things don’t happen everyday and Johnny thinks that today is a miracle that could never happen again, but he’s wrong. Something even bigger and more impossible is about to happen to Johnny that will change his life forever.

    In Johnny’s life, there are a lot of people who’ve been beside him all the way.  His parents, friends, girlfriend have been with him for a long time now.  He has been hanging out with the same friends ever since he was a little kid. The friends are Alex Tor, Kevin Bellion, Carly Wilson, Shawn Vela, Peter Solm, Louie Zlein, Trent Minalet.  Those seven people have been with him since kindergarten, and he is the leader of the crew. They do everything together and they have a great time together but they always just want to do whatever Johnny does.

    Alex Tor is an excellent student and really cares about his baseball a lot. He didn’t make Varsity as a freshman like Johnny did but he still played. After he played Junior Varsity as a sophomore. After that he finally made Varsity. He’s been playing baseball since he was a kid but he just wasn’t as athletic as Johnny.

    Kevin Bellion is also a baseball player. He likes to play baseball but the problem is his grades. He doesn’t have a passion for schoolwork like Johnny or Alex but he gets the grades so that he could play baseball. He was probably a C student but there are times when a B comes around, and this always makes him very happy. To the rest, it was merely acceptable, but to him it meant a lot more. He didn’t make Varsity like Johnny but instead of playing freshmen baseball like Alex did, he got bumped up to Junior Varsity. Kevin is more athletic that Alex and he played Varsity his sophomore year. These three players have been playing baseball ever since he they were little kids and once they all were on Varsity together, they couldn’t have been happier in their lives.

    Carly Wilson is another friend who hangs in the crew. She doesn’t play baseball like the rest but she has a talent that she has been working on for a long time. Unlike the others, she is a singer. She has been singing ever since she was born. Most people learn to talk before they start singing, but she was different. She learned to sing before she could talk. She couldn’t make any words come out, but she knew how to switch from high-pitched sounds to low-pitched sounds. The parents of this girl knew that someday, she would be a star. She hasn’t made it anywhere yet, but she sings in school and everyone loves her. She has sung the national anthem many times at many places. She also sings at restaurants and weddings, and other things like that. Singing is her passion and she can sing so high that glass breaks. There are many talented people out there like her but she doesn’t care. She just loves to sing.

    Shawn Vela is a member of the crew as well. He loves to act and put on costumes. He is always in the school plays and he can do everything. He doesn’t want to do this forever though, he just does it for fun. He wants to be an actor so he just practices his skills by doing theater. Every since he was a little kid, he always loved Halloween. This was his favorite holiday only because he could dress up in any costume and not get made fun of. Even up until this point, Halloween is his favorite holiday. Most of the crew stopped celebrating Halloween but because Shawn loves it so much, they still go trick-or-treating with him. They didn’t want him to go alone on Halloween, so they decided to tag along and hang out with him, because that’s what good friends do.

    Peter Solm is another friend in the crew. Unlike the most of the crew, he is a musician. He has loved playing all types of instruments ever since he was a little kid. He didn’t have to worry about paying for lessons, or worry about the price of the instruments, because his dad owned a music store and knew how to play every single instrument in that store. There wasn’t a thing he didn’t know how to play. Even instruments that people didn’t even know existed, he knew how to play. Peter’s mom also knew how to play instruments. She didn’t know how to play as well as the father did, but she was a music teacher and she knew how to play a lot. She taught lessons to all ages, and in a school. She was very passionate about her music career. In fact, Peter’s mom and dad met in college while they were both learning how to play the violin. Peter loves playing some instruments, but he wasn’t as passionate as his parents. He loves playing the guitar, violin and piano the most. He is one of the best players in the band, and has always been one of the best in the band.

    Louis Zlein is a member of the crew and he is also in the band. He wasn’t as good as Peter but he tried his best. He was more handsome and popular, but he wasn’t as good at playing instruments as Peter in any way. He didn’t have as much money as Peter did, so instead of buying an instrument, he was given a violin by Peter. No matter how much Louis practiced to be better than Peter, he was never the best. In fact, every time that Louis got better, Peter got even better than Louis did. Even though these two were in the crew, they were good friends even before the crew.

    Trent Minalet is the final member of the crew. He does something that’s different from everyone else. He has his own personality and his own thing. The thing he does is different from everyone else, but it’s still good. It may not make as much money but he loves doing what he does and what he does is amazing. He is proud to say that he is a nerd. He is a nerd is all the ways a nerd could be and very nerdy when it comes to computers. He could do the most when it comes to computers. He is a short and skinny kid. He wears square glasses and he is a pretty handsome. He gets perfect grades. He is probably one of the smartest kids in the school. There are many people that can compete with him but in the end, he will beat everyone in a smart competition. He gets all A’s in his report card and there are times when he gets A- and he will get so pissed that he could take it out on anyone. You might wonder how a kid like this got to become friends with Johnny. In case you didn’t know, Trent was Johnny’s first friend that he made in preschool. They have been friends ever since and will always be friends. They help each other in everyway possible and there’s no better friendship that can match theirs. They help each other when one of them needs help. They help each other by helping each other with their homework or if one of them wants to go on a run but is acting lazy, then the other one pushes the other one.

    These are Johnny’s friends that he hangs out with but there are others in his life that are by his side that will always be with him.

    Jacob Slype works in the Dralin City police department. He’s been on the force since he graduated from college studying criminal justice. He loves combat, chasing, hunting, and more. Everything that a cop does, he loves to do. He is known throughout Dralin for being a cop. A lot of people try to avoid him only because he knows whether you’ve been good or bad. The problem with this was that he wasn’t always the best cop. Sometimes he would end up losing the fight or get seriously injured and wouldn’t know when to quit.

    Carly Slype was an ordinary nurse that did things that ordinary nurses did. She went out of her way even though her shift was over. She didn’t just work for the money. She really liked helping people and did a lot of charity work. Carly and Jacob got to know each other pretty well from all the times Jacob got injured and take to the hospital.

    After the game the coach wanted to meet with everyone in the locker room for a team meeting. No one knew what the meeting was for or what it was about but no one really cared. Everyone is just happy because they’ve just won the game and it was intense. Everyone on the team was relieved now but it’s ok, they’re probably not in trouble or anything like that.

    Once the team was all set and in the locker room, they got ready for whatever the coach had to say. The coach finally came in.

    All right everyone, come together, Ronnie said.

    The team comes together as a group and huddles in for the big news.

    I have some good news for all of you, Ronnie said.

    What is it? everyone asked

    Tomorrow is not just a normal day. It is a good day that can change everyone’s lives if you guys do it.

    What do you mean?

    In a couple of weeks there will be a lot of D1 scouts in one of the games so train hard so in that game, you guys can play your best and prove to them that you guys deserve to be at that school.

    How many D1 scouts will there be?

    Around five.

    What? Five? That is so many.

    Yeah, so play your best tomorrow.

    Ronnie took a deep breath. I hope the best for all of you tomorrow.

    Ronnie took another deep breath.

    Ok everyone, come in together and let’s have a fun chant.

    Ok, everyone, ‘Train hard’ on three, Johnny said.

    They counted to three and everyone said, Train hard! and then they all left.

    Johnny’s girlfriend Scarlett loves playing softball. She has been playing softball her entire life. She has been playing softball since she was five. Johnny and Scarlett have been dating for about two years now. You would think with all her training at softball she would be nice, but sadly she is not that good.  She is probably one of the worst softball players ever.  The only reason she is on Varsity softball for one year is because they didn’t have any cuts at all.  She is non athletic. She has no cardio whatsoever. She is always the last person at everything but Johnny didn’t care how bad she was. She always feels bad when people compared her to Johnny. People ask her things like how does it feel to be dating the best baseball player at school when you can’t even hit the ball. She is often very sad about this but there is nothing she can do about it but walk away because she knows it’s true. She gets along very well and that’s all that matters to him and a lot of girls don’t like her because they are jealous of her for dating Johnny. Some girls make fun of her because they’re jealous of her for dating Johnny. Some people stopped talking to her because they didn’t like her anymore because they were just jealous.

    It was a couple hours later after Johnny’s game and it is the bottom of the ninth, and bases are loaded. They are down by one point and all the she has to do is hit the ball and make it to first base and someone would get home and they would be tied and then possibly win. Scarlett was up and everybody had faith in her.

    Ok, Scarlett, you can do it, said Coach Joey.

    Go Scarlett! the team on the bench yelled.

    The first ball is thrown and goes at sixty miles per hour. She swings and misses it. The second ball is thrown and goes at sixty-five and she misses it again. The other team already knows they are going to win so they are going to be nice and let her hit the ball on purpose. The third ball was thrown and at five miles per hour and she still misses.

    Everybody’s mouth drops.

    Oh my god, you suck! Coach Joey yelled.

    The whole team has their heads down and shaking. The other team runs and gives each other hugs. The girls on the Dralin team come together and pat her on the back and rub her head. It’s ok, we know you did your best, a girl on the team said.

    Everyone went on their bus and on their way home. On the way on from school, Scarlett looks into the cloud during the night and sees a particular cloud that catches her eye. This cloud was much different from the other clouds. This cloud was in shape of an angel. " I hope that one day an angel will help me hit the ball and win the game for the team. Everyone went to dinner then went to sleep then the next day started again. This is how an average day in Dralin City is supposed to be. Give or take, something will change this city for the good. This city is going to receive an angel.


    It is a new school day like any other day for Johnny It is an average school day. They go to class; you give the teacher your homework. Sometimes student in a class get a class that they choose to take which is good for them, but sometimes you are in a class that had been decided by school, which sucks ass. But even though Johnny doesn’t like class, he still has to do it and try his best. Otherwise his GPA will go down a bunch and there goes your college career.

    Today Johnny had Biology. They are talking about the life cycle. For example, in the animal lives, there will always be a predator who eats another predator. Also there will be animals that need another animal to survive. It’s like people on how animals need some animals to survive and something people need other people to survive.

    Our teacher, Ms. Luster is an amazing teacher. Unlike other teachers, she gives us second chances whenever we mess up. To be honest, this class is probably the hardest class I’ve ever taken but since she has a second chance rule. Johnny has been able to get A on his report card. He’s probably not the only one who feels blessed to have Ms. Luster as a teacher. Probably half the class or more for each class she has to be blessed to have her. Ms. Luster looks to be around her forties. Not too young or too old. She has dirty blond hair and some grey hair. She doesn’t have a lot of grey hair but she has enough that you can see it. A lot of people don’t really look that good with grey hair but she found a way to rock it. She’s wearing a pink shirt and a grey scarf around her neck that covered most of her body. She also wore jeans with brown fur covered boots. The school bell rang and she got up from her desk and closed the door.

    She stood up in front in the classroom and started talking, Alright class, I’m going to ask everyone to put their phones away and take their homework out and I will go around the room collecting it.

    To be honest, Johnny totally forgot about this and this isn’t the first he’s forgotten my homework before. Usually in these situations he tells her something and he give her a heads up that he will get it to her by tomorrow. She’s usually in between cool and not cool on these situations, but then again Johnny has been doing this the whole time and he ended with an A so this time can’t be as worse as the other situations. She went around the room collecting homework from the classmates. Some of the classmates had homework and some of the classmates didn’t have homework so it evened out and the best part about this was that Johnny wasn’t alone. Eventually going around the room, she came to Johnny.

    Hmm… She gave a kind of look that people give when you owe them money but you forgot to bring it.

    You know Johnny when I ask for people take their homework out, I expect a piece of paper on your desk. Not nothing on your desk and I don’t want you to sit here and do nothing while everyone else decides to take their homework out and you do nothing. What’s your story this time? Dog ate your homework? You had to save someone from a burning building? You had to save a drowning person from the ocean? You were on medication that was so strong that it put you to sleep all day long and all night? You had to save the world from a telekinesis? You’ve given me all these reasons that are practically impossible for a kid in high school to go through. So what is your reason for today?

    He looked around the classroom. A lot of people were looking at Johnny. Some were giggling because of what she said about the reasons he gave her. Others were giving me a straight look and were scared for me and were hoping he was making a decision that wouldn’t get me in trouble. He stopped looking around the room and looked back at the teacher.

    You know I’m eighteen right? Johnny asked.

    What is your point? Ms. Luster responded.

    You said I was a kid and technically being eighteen doesn’t make me a kid anymore now does it.

    Some kids in the room looked away and some kids looked straight to the ground and started shaking their head as if he said something wrong. To those kids, he guesses he said something wrong but honestly to me he didn’t say anything wrong. He was just making my point to her even though now that he think about it, it sort of sounds pretty stupid and useless to say. He may have made a bad decision in saying that but he would like to hear what she said right about now and hopefully he doesn’t get in trouble because he may not play at the baseball game today with all those D1 coaches coming to watch me.

    You may be eighteen and a legal adult but everyone in this classroom is my kid and will always be my kid, Ms. Luster said.

    This is a response that has changed the way he thought about her. He always knew that she is a caring teacher and all but never this much caring about her students. He just gave a quick smile and a response. Johnny has a good relationship with Ms. Luster. She used to be a librarian before she became a teacher and Johnny used to see her every time he checked out a book.

    I’m not going to lie. I totally forgot about the homework. I promise you, I will get the homework by tomorrow. Look, I have a baseball game and this isn’t just an average game. There are a lot of D1 scouts coming to watch so if you care about me as a kid you would uhh sort of let me play the game? Johnny begged.

    In the past, you’ve kept your promises and have handed your homework the day after it was due. So I’ve decided to let you play your game and hope that in the future, you will hand in homework on time like some of the other kids. Some of the other kids don’t hand in their homework on time but sometimes they do and you my kid, do it on a daily bases. If you want me to not tell your baseball coaches, you have to promise me that this is the last time you will miss an assignment on time and in the future, you will hand in every assignment on time. Do you agree with this deal? Ms. Luster asked.

    He is thinking about this deal that Ms. Luster has given him. This kind of stuff doesn’t happen in anyone’s life. This is maybe a once in a lifetime thing. Teachers don’t make deals with students like this. With any other teacher, they would have just told their baseball coach and there goes his game But instead of telling the baseball coach about the missing homework, she didn’t tell him. There’s really nothing wrong with this. All she is asking is for Johnny to hand in his homework on time. All she wants is for you to get a better grade and have a better habit. In conclusion, he thought about the offer and he has agreed to make the deal. He smiled at her.

    Alright, you got me. I’ll make this deal and promise that I will hand in every assignment on time from now on, Johnny said.

    She put out her hand out and wanted him to shake on it. Without hesitation, Johnny put of his hand and they shook hands, smiling.

    In every class, there were about thirty kids, its very impressive on how a teacher can handle thirty kids a class; teach each single on of them. There are so many different types of students in the school. Some that are probably the nicest people you will meet in the world. Some who are very quiet and just go to school because they are forced to and end up with good grades. There are those who try their hardest but no matter how hard they try, they just can’t keep up with the class. In the end, there are those who don’t care about school at all. All they are a distraction to the class: they don’t care about their grades; they don’t care about other people’s education. All they care about is having fun and they don’t care how much trouble they can get themselves into, as long as they think they’re cool, that’s all that matters to them.

    Throughout the whole class, throughout the whole grade, there is still one kid who everyone knew and was smarter than everyone else. Louis Hex. Trent is really smart but not as smart as Louis. Trent is the second smartest kid in school.

    Louis Hex, is a brilliant young kid who was born to do great things. He is too smart, like way too smart. He is so smart that people say that when he was born, his parents had his head cut open and installed a computer chip so the Internet is now in his head. They say that he never sleeps over anyone’s house at all even when invited because he has to connect his brain to the computer because there is new stuff on the internet everyday and his brain has to be updated to the new information every time he goes to bed. They say he is on a strict schedule because that’s what his brain is programed to do.

    Rumor has it that people see him to the exact same things everyday at the exact same time like eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at the exact same time. Taking every bit the same pace. People say in the halls, he walks like a robot and walks every step the same way. He makes it to class everyday on time and leaves on time everyday. Another reason why people say he’s a robot is because when we watch funny movies and when everyone laughs at the funny scenes, he doesn’t. They say it’s because robots don’t have emotions so he can’t laugh. Sadly to say, he also gets bullied a lot. The people that bully him only bully him because he doesn’t really have a lot of friends to hang out with or defend him when he is getting bullied. The people that bully him are usually from the football team. They pick on him on a daily basis as if it was part of their homework. Everyone has a reason why someone picks on someone and that’s why

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