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Gold & Silver 2.0: Tales from the Crypto
Gold & Silver 2.0: Tales from the Crypto
Gold & Silver 2.0: Tales from the Crypto
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Gold & Silver 2.0: Tales from the Crypto

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From the not-so-good readers to the advanced book slayers, everyone will love this book about money, gold, silver, and Bitcoin. What is a dollar? What is money, and what is the future of money? This small E-book is a quick read that is just as much about self-help as it is about finance and economics. Learn the history of gold and silver during the birth of our nation, and understand why our dollar has become a total fraud which will morph into a terrible evil in the not too distant future. While our ship is indeed sinking, the good news is that once we swim to shore, there is a simple solution that we can use to build a an even better ship. Is it gold? Is it silver? Is it Bitcoin? Read on to find all the answers you are looking for in life. From the first paragraph, this book pulls no punches, so be warned that this book will teach you something, it will offend you, and it will get you to thinking. The future of humanity depends on your understanding of this book, and the actions you take because of it.
Release dateFeb 20, 2017
Gold & Silver 2.0: Tales from the Crypto

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    Gold & Silver 2.0 - Paul Eberhart

    Gold & Silver 2.0: Tales from the Crypto

    Gold & Silver 2.0: Tales from the Crypto

    By Paul Eberhart

    Copyright © 2017 by Paul Eberhart

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing 2017

    ISBN 978-1-365-77313-6

    Paul Eberhart

    11325 Bullseye St

    El Paso, TX 79934

    To Yisvanna, whose love, patience and understanding are worth more than all of the gold in the world, and to Carolina and Connor, that they shall put gold and silver back into our money, either by fairness or by force.

    Part I: Creeping Evil

    Would you spare me a minute of your time?  I guess that’s a rhetorical question because I’m not really asking.  I am telling you.  Now shut up and listen.  I have some explaining to do and you have some listening to do.  It has been far too long, and things are now way out of control.  We have no time for cordial greetings and peaceful salutations. In time you will learn, but for now, I just need my minute.  Besides, by the time you read through Part VIII in general, and page 68 to be exact, you will come to realize that you owe me a minute.  For now, I get it.  You don’t know me, you have no reason to respect me, and you have no obligation to even give me the time of day.  Most likely you have already spent your minute thinking about how I am a rude and inconsiderate idiot.  Believe me, that is not my intention.  I was never really good at all that effective communication stuff.  So it is fine if by now you want to punch me in the face.  That will surely get my attention, just like I hope that I got your attention too.  My intention is indeed to figuratively punch you in the face.  After all, we both need a good punch in the face.  Perhaps even a black eye or a bloody nose.  Now I know that my minute is up, so too bad for you.  I guess you are just going to have to give me another.

    Now that he have our introductions out of the way, as crappy and as awkward as they may have been, spend the minute thinking about what it means to have real money in your pockets.  Gold and silver are money.  Now if you don’t care about money, at least appreciate the effort I made in trying to produce a semi-amateur mental image in your head with some merit of quality.  Did you twirl your gold and silver coins in your pockets with your fingers?  Maybe you even heard the slightest pings making it though the denim and into your ear?  Thank you for your time today.  It was a pleasure to meet you.  I hope you feel the same about me.  On the other hand, if you have ever needed money, and perhaps you have even used money before, then keep on reading because I would love to teach you a thing or two about money.

    Perhaps you know my name is Paul Eberhart.  I’m not too bad.  I’m not too good either.  Most likely you’ve never heard of me, but all along I have been fighting the good fight for you.  In vain, I have bailed water from our sinking ship, barely fending off the inevitable.  Our situation is dire, and it is getting worse.  Pure evil has thrown all of us good people into a giant trash compactor, and the walls are steadily closing in.  I am desperately pushing against the mechanical forces of the walls, but I achieve no success.  We are about to get squeezed, literally, and financially, and the evil people of this world are laughing at us the entire time.

    Now you know we have not physically been thrown into a giant trash compactor, but in all reality, something in the world smells horrible.  What in the heck is going on?  Who are these evil people and what have they done?  What is coming to the United States, and in all actuality, the entire world, and more importantly, what can be done about it?  As you continue reading, you will learn all those answers.  You will learn what we need to do about it.  But remember, as the days go by, we cannot stay in this trash compactor forever.  The walls are closing in, and we have been set up for an epic smashing.   The forces are too much for me to bear alone, so I need your help.  I’m sending out an SOS.  I need you to help push back.  I need you to help me push on the wall and stop the smashing.  Only then can we break free and we can get out of this filth together.  We will overcome the forces that bear down upon us, and we can overcome the forces of evil.  Forces that are stopping at nothing to take away the last of our freedom, our liberty, and our money.  If we fail, those same evil forces will swiftly move in and take away our actual lives.  By then it will be too late, and we might just get tossed in the trash for real. 

    Before we learn about money, we must understand evil.  You see, people misunderstand money and they also misunderstand evil.  Evil goes by many names.  You can often substitute one name for another, and the meaning stays the same.   Corrupt, dirty, immoral, perverse, and words like that could have been selected to get an understanding of what we are facing, but those words just don’t have the same effect as evil.  So, feel free to speak in generalities.  We really are talking about all those things and for simplicity, know we can interchange the words.  For instance, if you want to think of the word evil meaning immoral, please do so.  Likewise, you may think of the word dirty as corrupt.  You get the point.  We are dealing with an abundance of nasty in this country, and in all honesty, there are not enough bad words to describe it.  Choose the words as you see fit, but drill down to the specifics when you need a deeper level of understanding, which might take a second reading, and that is okay, because I wrote and rewrote this about 100 times. 

    Now when I say we need to understand evil before we can understand money, I am not talking about a Bible verse turned social media meme like Money is the root of all evil, although there is validity on saying those things, especially when the person saying it wants to get a message across to somebody who may not be the sharpest tool in the shed.  For instance, a parent might tell the child, Don’t masturbate, or you will go blind!  We know the kid will not go blind masturbating, and sooner or later, he will get curious.  In the meantime, the parent just doesn’t want the child masturbating.  Thus when we think of money and being the root of evil, well, I would say not so fast.  The people who say that in our modern era just don’t want you to have any money.  They know money is not evil.  They just want as much money as they can get for themselves, so they make it sound like you will go to hell for liking money and trying to get some of it.

    For all we know nuclear fission is the root of all evil.  It sure has the potential destroy the entire planet, and that is about as evil as one can get.  Perhaps genetically modified suicide-gene laden GMO crop seeds are the root of all evil?  There are many things many times 10 times more evil than money.  Yet, in order for us to continue in our time together right here and right now, money is good. Even if you are religious or spiritual, understand that the money is not evil, and money does not do evil things.  Besides, when you have money you can give it away to someone who needs money more than you do, and that is about as righteous as one can be. 

    Money is a tool.  You will find out what money is as you keep on reading.  You will also learn how all the problems of the world can be solved with real money.  We will get into that term but you must be with me so far on this trip down Wholesome Circle.  Think of money however you want, but do not think of it as evil.  It is people who are evil.  People do evil things.  In my opinion, evil people have done horrific things to our money.  That is the whole reason I am reaching out to you dear reader.  What evil people have done to our money is literally destroying our culture and our society.  It is long past due that we face this evil.  And we shall not relent until Good prevails.

    I must point out that there are varying degrees of evil.  It is not wet or dry, black or white, or as binary as a one or a zero.  Nonetheless, we must distinguish between the severities of the evil in this world.  When something is totally evil, and I mean downright rotten to the core, this elevated level of evil may be called pure evil.  If pure evil becomes even more evil, as in to infinity plus one, then I should perhaps use the second power of math and call it pure evil².  You get my point.  Pure evil is the worst.  Here you will come to learn what money really is.  Money is not like evil.  There are not varying degrees of money.  It really is simple, and it is quite binary:  Money is gold or silver.  If you just want to take my word for it, then you can stop reading now.  Get as much money as you can and in the future, even though you might not understand, you will come to thank me.  But I suggest you don’t just take my word for it, but rather, keep on reading and learn about money for yourself to teach others about money.  Good fortune is much better than spoils is it not?  Come to your own conclusions.  Perhaps I am wrong and this SOS is futile?  Only understanding everything I have to say and coming to your own conclusions will answer that question. 

    While we are not done discussing the evil in the world, we must discuss a basic definition of the word money.  As stated earlier, gold and silver are money.  It really is as simple as that.  Nothing else is money.  Not Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Rubles, Yen, Yuan, or even Bitcoin (later we discuss the latter, but if your internet-aged attention span cannot wait that long, just go ahead and skip to Part IX).  Soon you will understand that gold and silver are money, but for now, that simple five-word explanation is the most direct way to say it: Gold and silver are money.

    Money is not something that can be controlled by a person or a government.  It is true that people and government can facilitate the use of money, but at its very core, money is universal, and it does not really matter which person or government is facilitating the use of it.  Digging a little deeper, money is something that is facilitated by the people involved in trading that money for something of value.  Furthermore, the value of money is dynamic, and that value changes over time, which is precisely why people may try to control it to no avail.  For example, if you were starving, and you had a million dollars, you would pay anything for a sandwich if you could get your hands on one.

    Life is harsh and money makes it more bearable.  Maybe somebody once told you, Give me your money or give me your life!  If you were on the receiving end of such a terrible phrase, then money has great value at that point because you value life more than you value money.  Facilitation by a group of people or government does not matter at that point.  Therefore, value is determined by things that are for sale, and money used to buy those things.  Gold and silver do not speak in

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