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Rood Der: 19: Out of Order
Rood Der: 19: Out of Order
Rood Der: 19: Out of Order
Ebook30 pages26 minutes

Rood Der: 19: Out of Order

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Rood Der: 19: Out of Order. Peeling back time to the day of the Cataclysm, Rooster and Frances and Frederic deal with the parasite, and Captain Joss Chen strides out onto the deck of his aeroyacht, Phoebe, while John Galt and Jethro Mouch opt for roughing it, tasting the blood in the adventure.

How deep are we, immersed in this world we call reality? How many turtles down do we go, in this discombobulated, mixed-metaphor, rabbit-hole world?

Their world might be based on Ayn Rand, her writings, philosophies, and her U.S. Presidency, but how dense are their numbers compressed, and for how long will their simulation even run? This little group has been provided an exit, but would anyone be rude enough to dare and leave their very own reality?

Take the Rude Dare, and Cross over, where data is data, through the Red Door. From the author of Vestigial Surreality comes the new serial novel, Rood Der.
Release dateMay 29, 2017
Rood Der: 19: Out of Order

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    Book preview

    Rood Der - Douglas Christian Larsen

    Rood Der: 19: Out of Order

    Rood Der: 19

    Out of Order

    The Sunday SciFi-Fantasy Serial

    by Douglas Christian Larsen

    ISBN: 978-1-387-00373-0

    © Douglas Christian Larsen 2017

    It was the day of the Cataclysm, about Noon, and people were beginning to experience the foreboding of approaching doom, the presentiment of incarnate dread. But Rooster had no thoughts about the coming evening, or moons, or warring Sisters—no, for he was facing his very own private doom, up close and personal, as the great parasite from Frederic’s bowels swelled with indignation and hatred, just inside the entrance to the crystal cathedral of Hot Springs. It was seething, insane, but oh so clever. Rooster was crouched down low, ready to spring, his entire body drawn together in a compressed coil.

    You are not coming in here, Rooster growled, standing in six inches of warm water, his body dripping, bracing his arm against the rock wall, ready to push himself off the wall and launch himself, up under the parasite. He knew that at any second it was going to come off the ground in a rearing roar of challenge, and Rooster must strike at that moment, while momentum carried the monster up, and backward—that’s when he would strike it with all his weight and might, like hitting a football tackling sled—it had been years and years since he had initiated any such physical exertion of force and power, but he had never had a body like the one he inhabited now.

    The parasite was massive and powerful, but Rooster himself was incredibly massive and powerful, and he was entirely freshened and invigorated by the healing waters. In fact, he felt bloated from the healing waters, ready to explode with power, much larger than his very large self. His face locked in a leer of imminent violence, Rooster found himself almost laughing. He felt good, and even though he understood that it might not end well, for him. He couldn’t help but relish the swiftly approaching clash of fury.

    And now, with Frederic returned from the very edge of death, Rooster had so much inspiration for heroic deeds—he was ready to offer up all of himself

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