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Am I a Real Christian? Deceived.
Am I a Real Christian? Deceived.
Am I a Real Christian? Deceived.
Ebook54 pages50 minutes

Am I a Real Christian? Deceived.

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For a long time, I thought I was a christian. I thought I believed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that Jesus was the son of God. But I know now that my so-called “belief” was not real. My “belief” resulted from false teachings from so-called “pastors” who are nothing but charlatans, who have no power and no anointing. These charlatans are the result of bible colleges that turn out men and women who have a lot of bible knowledge and know how to sing and play the guitar but have no spiritual discernment or power. These men and women have a degree from a bible college and nothing else. This degree, this piece of paper, is the “anointing” they received from a bible college but it is not an anointing from God.
Release dateAug 30, 2017
Am I a Real Christian? Deceived.

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    Am I a Real Christian? Deceived. - Michael J. Shim

    Am I a Real Christian? Deceived.

    Am I A Real Christian?



    By Michael J. Shim

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    For a long time, I thought I was a christian. I thought I believed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and that Jesus was the son of God. But I know now that my so-called belief was not real. My belief resulted from false teachings from so-called pastors who are nothing but charlatans, who have no power and no anointing. These charlatans are the result of bible colleges that turn out men and women who have a lot of bible knowledge and know how to sing and play the guitar but have no spiritual discernment or power. These men and women have a degree from a bible college and nothing else. This degree, this piece of paper, is the anointing they received from a bible college but it is not an anointing from God.

    The so-called church hires these so-called pastors with this so-called anointing. The so-called church wouldn’t dare hire someone who didn’t have a degree from a bible college. What would their congregation say? But the church doesn’t realize that these so-called pastors preach false doctrine to their congregation of so-called christians who believe the lies because it is coming from the pulpit. This leads to people who believe wrongly and will never experience the power of the Holy Spirit and real spiritual transformation.

    In other words, the people who sit under the teaching of these so-called pastors will never experience truly being born again in Jesus Christ. It is a case of the blind leading the blind resulting in millions being led to damnation without ever realizing it because they thought they believed that Jesus is the Son of God. I was one of these so-called christians but God opened my eyes to the truth. I know it is the truth because the Holy Spirit teaches truth and not bible colleges. God, the Holy Spirit, anoints a person not bible colleges.

    When I read the Bible, I see power. I see miracles. I see wonder and signs. I see the supernatural and I am in awe. I don't see anything even remotely resembling that in the church today. The so-called pastors have no power because they are not anointed by the Holy Spirit. These pastors do nothing but preach whatever message they found in a christian book or learned in bible college that suits their fancy for that week. They don’t spend time on their knees in order to receive the manna from heaven so they have nothing to feed their sheep but what they regurgitate from a book that they read last week. No wonder there is no power in their words.

    These pastors don't preach the gospel because that is not what the people want to hear. They preach what people are itching to hear because they don't want to offend anyone. They can't tell the people to repent every week because in a few weeks their buildings will be empty and they will lose their jobs. These pastors treat their positions as jobs and their congregation similarly treat their pastors as employees. The whole system of churches and how pastors are anointed from bible colleges rather than anointed by God is a farce. When I look at the pastors today they resemble the Pharisees and scribes during the time of Jesus. Hypocrites; blind leading the blind. Sadly, I see nothing that makes me think that today’s church is a church like the real church described in Chapter 2 of Acts in the New Testament.

    In going to such a church, it is no wonder that my life never changed after proclaiming Jesus as my Lord and Savior. After I declared that Jesus was my savior and asked for the forgiveness of my sins, my pastor told me that I was born again and that I was saved and that I would have eternal life and that I was filled with the Holy Spirit. That was a lie. This was the start of my deception. I know this was a lie because my life didn't

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