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Investing In the Extraterrestrial Paintcoin
Investing In the Extraterrestrial Paintcoin
Investing In the Extraterrestrial Paintcoin
Ebook64 pages23 minutes

Investing In the Extraterrestrial Paintcoin

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There are Extraterrestrial beings with extraordinary powers living on Earth now, but many are hiding in caves in temperate zones, or hiding at camouflaged bases under the South and North Poles. Being away from a distant planet can be lonely, but sometimes they come to the surface to play with soap bubbles. It's only recently that I’ve learned that these visitors from Outer Space are finding it difficult to engage in commerce especially among their own compatriots living on Earth, because they are not comfortable using Earth currencies such as the Dollar, or the Euro and have a bias against Gold because it’s not precious on their home planet. A prescient source has revealed to me that they have choosen a rare Earth object as a medium of exchange. I was told that a small number of these objects would be released soon and the value would be determined based on the level of speculation as regulated by the League of Benevolent Galaxies.
Release dateJan 17, 2018
Investing In the Extraterrestrial Paintcoin

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    Investing In the Extraterrestrial Paintcoin - Douglas Gilbert

    Investing In the Extraterrestrial Paintcoin

    Investing In the Extraterrestrial Paintcoin

    By Douglas Gilbert

    Copyright © 2018 Douglas Gilbert

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN 978-1-387-52268-2


    It used to be said that gambling was a sin. However, many things nowadays have been legalized. So as they say, let he who is stoned throw the first sin chip card upon the table. Go and be fruitful in the orchard of life.  Have a sip of wine, but don't invest while driving someone crazy. Find a strategy that's best for your temperament and skill, but be open-minded.

    The best investing strategy to use for mindless speculation is the Frog Coddling Coda Avoidance Tuning (Froccat) method. There's an old saw that If you put a frog in boiling water, it'll jump out, but if you put a frog in cold water and heat it gradually on a low flame, it won't realize it's too hot until it's too late. So it's best to throw cold water on everything and not be the frog. But do jump on the Bandwagon before it starts moving.

    When you're first tuning up the instruments on the Bandwagon you always have to look to the sidelines to spot strategic locations where you can jump off into the road or bushes.  Once the campaign starts don't wait until there's water under the bridge because that would not be a good jumping off point even with a bungee cord Condordat (BCC) with the authorities. Always remember that apocryphal stories always have a concordance with a frog entry. So when in cold water always take a leap-of-faith (LOF).

    Thus, strategic investing requires a LOL LOF Froccat on a hot tin roof, and a happy tune sung like Polonius without a tin ear. So Though this be madness, yet there is method in't. (Hamlet Act II Scene II).

    The Extraterrestrial Paintcoin is a more artful form of currency than is its digital cousins. Although, it's oft been said that first cousins jumping on a bandwagon for a hay ride should never marry on a bridge, or never marry while playing bridge whilst singing a happy tune about Hamlet eating cuisses de grenouilles.

    What Is the Extraterrestrial Paintcoin?

    The Paintcoin is a square book of coded pictures and poems.  It is designed to look

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