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Theodore Rhining and the Prince of Darkness
Theodore Rhining and the Prince of Darkness
Theodore Rhining and the Prince of Darkness
Ebook326 pages5 hours

Theodore Rhining and the Prince of Darkness

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Theo thought the world was safe. He thought everything was fine. He thought that there was no more danger. He was totally wrong. Someone had just woken up and is ready to battle Theo.
Release dateMar 21, 2018
Theodore Rhining and the Prince of Darkness

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    Theodore Rhining and the Prince of Darkness - Patrick Ky

    Theodore Rhining and the Prince of Darkness

    Theodore Rhining and the Prince of Darkness


    Patrick Ky


    The King of Darkness has now died and everyone was safe or so they thought. They thought the ending of the King of Darkness was the beginning of a new life with peace but instead, it was the opposite. They only made things worst. When Theo killed the King of Darkness, Light spread throughout the land. Everything the darkness was keeping in the dark, came into the light. Mostly everything was good except one part. One part was bad because the King of Darkness had kept his son prisoner in the darkness for many reasons. One reason was because he was even crazier than he was and wanted more destruction than him. He was a prisoner in the darkness and now since the prison was gone. He had woken. Slowly… his body moves after years but being stuck in the hell hole.

    Is this what I think it is? He asked.

    He looked and saw himself in the water.

    It is. I’m alive once more!

    He went out of the darkness and the destruction of the world had begun. When he was born, he was left alone in the darkness. Some say he was born in the darkness. Some say the darkness was born with him.

    The boy that had just woken up the Prince of Darkness.

    Chapter One

    Theo woke up one morning feeling blessed to have gotten rid of the King of Darkness and now the world can now live in peace. Knowing that he defeated a powerful ruler that made others’ lives miserable made him feel even better. He put on his outfit for the day and went outside.  Once outside, there it was a bird soaring across the sky. Something about this bird was different; this bird was alone like it was lost, like something big was bound to happen. Theo took in a deep breath; he thought he was probably just being paranoid. Since the King of Darkness was gone, there wasn’t any other threat but if only Theo knew what was coming, he wouldn’t be in a peacefully state of mind. The real danger had just begun.

    Chapter Two

    King Mioh of Liyu kingdom dispatched the best of his stallions and messenger to seek the Silver knights and delivered them a missive right away. It was a question of life and death. After King Mioh saw his best man galloped to the full extent of the horse strength and stretch, her wife, Queen Liu walked fast with her two palms down, in direction of Mioh, she did not have time to fan her fainted face with widened eyes, long nose, and a half opened lips. If she ran a bit faster, she would have fallen. Fortunately, no such luck with the husband and king who loved her more than the very sensible blue eyes in his head.

    King Mioh was a noble man and a former poor knight who climbed the hierarchy of the aristocracy scales until he earned the title of King of Liyu kingdom. Not everyone could bring testimony to the knight road toward success and obtained more than they actually deserved, but Mioh worked his body, soul, and spirit to score the right chair for his family and his own kingdom. From the moment the grandmaster of the old days, before Drevarius even knew he could be elected to replace the current one mistakenly chose Mioh, the world had known he would be king one day.  Mioh was an excellent knight and a formidable leader. It was not easy for an adversary to score friends, knights, and soldiers under Mioh. He was a master mathematician like his father and a pure heart like his mother. However, he learned early a pure heart did not necessarily mean to agree with everything. After Merrick kingdom, Liyu kingdom in the Southeast was the second most wealthiest kingdom in the island, and it won the competition of the grand match every year consecutively. The coming year, Mioh intended to win the first place, but the grand match got postponed thanks to the Naga chronicles and the recent event with the Vain kingdom.

    Silver knights, when Mioh heard they were back, he sure remembered his old master prophecy. …Your savior will come in time of great needs… The previous grandmaster was chosen in Liyu kingdom and it was The Naga who personally appeared to make such election. Most of the kings earned their right to be jealous, but Mioh did not think this jealousy might lead to this present day where an army was ready to invade his own kingdom, murder his own people, and create chaos in his own backyard. It was inacceptable and he had prepared for it, but he could not believe when his own people were right in the middle of such barbarity against their own nation. He could only trust his Circle of hope.  While putting measure in place, he thought of the time he was a young knight, winning wars and fights to mere confusion and tactics only his father invented in the course of time.

    Mioh was a great knight and he was always the last to get in the battlefield with much damages and kills. He was young, so destroying his enemies one after another wasn’t a problem to him. Most knights knew about the double edge knight who ever fell in battle. Wisdom and patience were not virtues he required and wanted, but just being the best for his king. Mioh at one point won a war with only one soldier. Before the war began, the king of the other army was already in his death bed. Although he was a bit cruel, even with his pure heart, he did not need to kill a whole army to win wars and battles. Mioh became king when his previous king daughter fell in love with him and the king agreed to give him to her in marriage on her 20th birthday. They had their first born before the former king passed away. He played grandpa for a good time. The Liyu kingdom now under Mioh was worth five times the previous self of the nation. Liyu kingdom had a season for all sort of works and a season for rest. His knights as well as his citizen in the nation worked, even Mioh and Liu, his wife worked sometimes in the camp, the farm, and the harvest season. Everyone loved their king and queen. Their birthday, nation feast, and Coronation anniversary, even their daughter ball at the end of each year took place in every corner of the kingdom and everyone participated like everyone was in the royal court. Mioh and Liu life in Liyu kingdom was special like everyone was for them.

    Mioh had not fought in his time for thirty years, not that he did not practice his sword skill, but war was no problem among the three kingdoms in the Southeast. It managed to guide them and gave them the same opportunity he created for his own. Impossible to envy him, they signed a short contract of equality. However, Liyu was under attack at this precise and current moment. They surprised Mioh at night and before dawn, Liyu kingdom was almost at the hand of the enemy. He did not recognize the emblem, but he got a good idea who might be behind the attacks. He did not think someone was stupid enough to hate him for his farms, his methods, and his beautiful women.

    Outside was a wrack, the yelling sound hurt every little part of Mioh body when he started to hear them. He was clever to send his messenger for the Silver knights before the resonating battles reached the main gate of the palace. Mioh had grown old for his 70 years old and he did not care putting his armor one more time until the right cavalry arrived to his rescue. In the meantime, he made arrangement for his wife to get in a safe place in the castle, even if they decided to rumble the castle down for egoist sake.

    Honey, what are you doing? This is no time for your armor. What are you thinking? Liu was not a strong woman but her kindness and her heart had always been in the right place. Although she was a charming queen and an excellent mother, she governed her country as same as his husband did and she participated in everything, sometimes beyond his husband wishes. Their faithful relationship, royal or not, had never faded and their daughters were a testament to their way of life.

    Honey, no question. Mioh glanced at his old armor and started undress to slide into it.  Help me, I am not too old to defend my home. He put on the silver steel grill first to cover his pale white skin. He continued while her wife could not believe how he had missed this, being in the front line or being the brain behind a successful operation.

    Ma'am, we have to go. King orders… She quickly stood her hand tall in the idea to stop her personal guards. She walked to her usual slow pace, reached for the big piece in the armor, the chest and she helped him. Was not our life together enough for you? Mioh froze instantly while he could identify the humble touch of his own wife, even under the thickness of his armor. He could perfectly recognize the serene palm of the woman he fell head over heels during their time together. Liu was not always the perfect daughter or woman for any knights or prince. Once more people could confirm that with age came wisdom. Liu was the emerald of his father and the spoiled princess who got the chance to be born into a Royal family. With the many exploits of Mioh, the king did not need to look far to secure his daughter future. However, he could not say the same for her. She had not met life yet.

    If you think the queen and the princesses were not enough to fill up my life beyond my wildest dream. Then tell me why you told me you love me every night? Mioh was a tactician as well as a hopeless romantic. He was a man first for his wife and a king after. She could glance him right in the roots of his blue eyes while he was contemplating for a thousand times how the two emeralds in hers shined like never before. She picked up her childhood necklace and made him promise to return it when she saw him again. Mioh hugged her and she found it difficult to let him go as the soldiers insisted to guide her away from the castle.

    Mioh continued with his dressing armor while Liu was taking to the best fortress Mioh built just on case such inconvenient occurred under his dull watch. Liu was pressing around the six soldiers who were escorting her, but like any queen, she learned from her husband to see the inevitable signs when a plan altered or the plan was not the same or the right one. She read between the lines. Before she could manage some moves, she was surrounded and the guards took great pleasure in tossing her a few times before she collapsed on the floor. She was not interested in her well-being, but her husband. One of them mentioned how king Mioh had good taste in woman and he was right. Although she was not that beautiful when she did not know what kind of people the world possessed, she had earned her current beauty now.

    Without much delay, they affirmed her she would die and Mioh would not be able to do squat and that was when a stranger with a simple black sword appeared. You boys, should be ashamed of yourself. She is a woman for god sake. Liu did not recognize the new knight but she sure felt different the minute he mentioned the word woman. The guards sent insults before they finally engaged this new knight, but their efforts were unsuccessful. The last one did not know what to do until he turned to run, but his luck ran out the minute he touched Mioh wife, Liu.

    Mioh, my husband. Liu ran with her two hands filled with her favorite tissue dress, desperate, afraid, and ready to cry until she reached his arms. Mioh put his sword back after punishing the last guards and hugged his wife one more time to comfort her of their unrealistic circumstance. Everything is alright. I am here. Mioh noticed the new knight and he there assumed he was the Silver knights. They were here. The bold knight approached step by step, challenging. Mioh peeked curiously while the knight showed respect for the great Double edge knight. Loban introduced himself and affirmed to the king that the Silver knight heard him and they were here to help. Naga was at the front of the palace cutting the enemy from getting to the gates, Theo was to the South position and Hullen was at the North position. Loban was dispatched to secure the palace and kept the Royal Family safe. Mioh greeted him with their former manner by clashing their palm at the forearm of each other. He complimented Mioh in his armor and he did the same.

    Can you still fight after all these years? Loban smirked at the king. We still have enemies to show our skill. Mioh grinned at his turn, but his wife did not like the idea. She discouraged Mioh from leaving her side. Loban assured her either one of them was leaving his side. Loban, Mioh and Liu ventured in the corridors of the palace to rid Liyu kingdom of traitors and liars. As much as everyone was busy chasing intruders in Liyu kingdom, Theo had not been himself lately. No fatal wounds, no overwhelming incantations, and no sword practice, not even the Naga was able to figure his current dilemma, and it was not just anything. Theo had never been out of his major functions, physic, natural, mystic, or instinct. He had always been one step ahead of everyone. Now, everyone was catching up because of his slacking period for a while. Block from up, down, in the middle and to finish he slashed through the wind. Slashing through the wind produced an overwhelming wind blow to drag even the strongest god behind the kingdom walls. The men flew like flies in a nest. No running, no caution, and no persistence. He was really out of it, until he remarked the below of a fallen concrete with two small voices, begging for help.

    Theo forced his unbreakable sword under the concrete and merged up for a clear path for the children. Move…now… The little boy who seemed the brother got out and took her sister in his arms. She barely got her feet out, the heavy block of walls fell over the ground and broke most of the woods under it. He pivoted his head to see the kids to safety, but the enemies did not know kids, children or men. At this exact moment, Theo knew why he had been off lately.

    He watched the knight of the black blade died in front of him.

    Chapter Three

    The day the grandmaster applied his holy hand over, Theo headed to be the next choice of knight, it was not the beginning of his journey with combat training. Theo had begun his training with his father sometime before he could experience real danger. Theo was a happy child, although he had never met his delicious mother. His father made sure he did not miss anything from clothes to the food in the house. He was a great forger and many had heard and come to give him their steel for the appropriate sword. One condition he had always mentioned He was the forger and he knew what kind of sword he was supposed to build. Most of them did not object knowing his incredible work, but novice could not do the same. Like Theo was a nice kid, his father had not always been a forger. He was a knight, one even the Silver knight and the grandmaster respected and loved. Theo father was one of these cases where the Silver knight reached a level above the grandmaster and everyone considered him as the new Alpha of the guards. Asterix, Theo father earned this level and he was able to lead his team and brought astonishing results in their mission. The majority of the guards followed him, but Drevarius and some warriors and knights could not wait to defy his orders and to see him fail. He could tolerate it while he was under the grandmaster blessing. Unfortunately, Drevarius did what he must, taking the grandmaster new place. The minute he heard the news, Asterix bailed from the new prince and set up his life away from the kingdom.

    No, you have to breathe and do not shoot the arrow. Just let go. Asterix repeated to his son while grasping the bow from his hands. Watch me and then you will do it the same after. A knight was supposed to have strong arms or stronger since a sword was no mere light object to hold and to fight. His Hercules arms structure was the perfect fit as well as his Spartan shoulders. Watching him stretched the bow have Theo the impression the bow was already in pain the minute it let it in his father hands. He took his time, placed the bow in perfect position with his brown eyes, and ready to demonstrate his bowing skills. Theo fixated his eyes on his fingers while Asterix was once more explaining to him what to do. At Theo great surprise, his father just let his finger go and the arrow pierced through the air in concert to his proportional force. Not only did his father shot the arrow straight, but the arrow landed at the middle of the mark it should torn. Theo kept his father in high esteem even though he was unaware of his former occupation for the grandmaster and the king. Now you try. It was difficult for Theo to mimic his father with perfection even if he had a long way to attain it. Action for action, detail for detail, Theo tried and his arrow fell a bit left to his father's. He congratulated him and encouraged him to practice. It was not long before Theo was a master in archery. In the nick of time, his father dueled him sometimes and Theo won most of the time. Between half a farm and sword forger, his father had always made time for him until he bought him Body, one day for his birthday. Theo loved that horse and having his best friend at his side, Capila. The world was his oyster. However, Theo would not stay happy forever. Asterix ran the minute Drevarius became the next grandmaster, but Drevarius did not agree with his peaceful withdraw. It was not everyday a grandmaster lost his powerful ace in the royal guard. He sought Asterix and when he found him, he sent messengers many times to return to the king service. Of course, the majority informed him of his child, but he was not going to let a child stood in his way to claim Asterix. At the end, he went to confront Asterix.

    Sir, what do you want? The first time Drevarius dropped his cynic eyes on Theo, it was not pretty since he used magic on him to disarm him of his favorite weapons. However, what happened next did not put the term of Drevarius for Asterix any better, and that day, Theo father signed his death paper. As soon as Drevarius disarmed Theo, one of the former sword of Asterix swept clean in front of Drevarius face. You use magic again and I will kill you. Drevarius had heard of Asterix but he did not know the man. Asterix lifted up his arms with his finger pointed in the opposite direction, ordering Drevarius to go back where it came from. He tried to insist in his visit but Asterix did not leave a choice to talk or to make his concrete offer. Drevarius was not a man to turn down, and less when he desired the element you possessed. Drevarius did not take that dog chase well and he swore revenge on Asterix. It was long after Theo was looking at terror in his own eyes when his father was falling on the ground before him for the last time, never to move again.

    The memories were gushing so fast that Theo did not have time to think. Once more he was living the same trauma through these children and he did not know what exactly to make of it. He had not thought of that event in his life for over 20 years and now everything surfaced. Why? He could not explained it, but one important detail he was not going to let another kid lived what he considered to have been the worse day of his life. Theo picked up his dagger and served it to the first enemy who wanted to slice up the kid. The sister bit the one who was holding her. Theo got the chance to show him the true color of his blade while the brother proved creative with a stick. Down…now… The brother grabbed his sister and sunk into the solid ground before the silver blade of Theo sliced and dissipated the enemies into dusts.

    You two alright? Theo kneeled to observe the kids. He figures the brother was about one year older than him when his father started his practical training. The sister was in her early age. Theo was a unique child but he had always wished he was not.

    Are you a Silver knight? Theo smiled at him. Father used to tell stories to us and he said he was one of you at some point. I wish he had seen you today. He would be able to help. He was a great knight and a great father.  The young child sent his eyes aside thinking about the only person he had left. Now he had no idea where to go and what to do. He was in charge of her sister, but Theo could only see a weak young boy pretending to be a man. You two are staying with me before the war came to a term. The brother took his right side, the sister remained in his left. Theo protected them during all the war. The brother got to see a real live Silver knight in action. When they needed to hide, they did; when he needed a distraction, the brother played his role well. Theo, once began to understand his father and Hullen mourning for his former protégé. It was not easy to have people depended on you, but it was a fine emotion to know someone looked up to you in high esteem like he did for his father.

    Along the way, Loban, Mioh, and Theo crossed path. Loban and Mioh with his wife cleaned house while Theo engaged most of the enemies inside the Liyu kingdom walls. Loban introduced the second Silver knight to Mioh and the king had only thanks in his lips. The kids met their king and queen while the three warriors judged that the attack lasted way longer than anticipated. I have an idea who is behind this attack but I reserve myself to point finger. For now, I need to protect my people. Hullen and Naga met on the other side where most of the Liyu guards impaired to strike back and difficult to see the enemy. Naga unleashed a curse while Hullen was leading the men back in the palace walls. The loyal guards to the kingdom were stunned to the power the Silver knight wielded. Naga mystical strength resided in his flawless incantation, Hullen was counting his targets like fruits in a tree, Theo was dancing his blade around to protect the kids, and last, Mioh had been showing off his wife and Loban his best move yet. The guys were in taste to savor the fight but one of the enemies escaped, reporting the presence of the four Silver knight.

    My king, the enemy is retreating. I think someone announces them of the Silver knight presence. One of the guards came to inform the King of the situation. Mioh threw a sad look and a long sighed. I was still in good sense to enjoy the fight. Loban and Theo glimpsed at each other and unlike Theo, Loban chuckled hearing these words from the king. He had seen him in action and compared to the testimony, he could vouch that the thousand statements were not lies.

    Wow, in one day, I met the king, four silver knight and the queen. Mioh demanded him of his circumstance and he spilled how Theo saved him and his little sister. The Queen had the sister in her arms. She could only remember how she felt when she had her own child. She missed that. She sympathized with her right away.

    So, this is the new Silver Knights. I knew you would respond to my call. Thank you for coming to my rescue. Mioh confessed with pride and joy that his kingdom was saved in that faithful day.

    We are happy to be here. I particularly am… The Naga hugged Mioh arm as he did the same. Mioh invited the Naga at the front balcony and the rest of the Silver Knight to receive the acclamation they deserved from his people. As much as Theo wanted to keep his head in the moment, the young boy was worrying him to death and he did not see any wrong to take him under his wing.

    Sister, father would have been impressed to be among the Silver knight and met the king in person. Theo joined him and her sister who was still holding to the Queen. Having her, tightened to her shoulder, held her like she did not want to fall brought the Queen back and she did not want to let go either. Theo noticed but he was more interested in the boy. He questioned him and asked

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