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The Arabs Are Israel
The Arabs Are Israel
The Arabs Are Israel
Ebook152 pages57 minutes

The Arabs Are Israel

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About this ebook

I presented this draft for a thesis to George Fox University in Portland, OR and was told that if accepted it no one would hire their graduates. I was also told that the subject was too controversial and that if they allowed me to graduate with these beliefs that it would look bad for them and I was kicked out. I have made the thesis available so that the public can determine for themselves my point of view has merit.
Release dateSep 10, 2019
The Arabs Are Israel

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    Book preview

    The Arabs Are Israel - Michael Stansfield

    Table of Contents

    Purpose of this Doctoral Thesis

    Covenant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

    Land Inheritance

    Many Nations

    Fertility Inheritance

    Anyone but Israel

    Will the Real Israel Please Stand Up

    Are the Christians Israel?

    Are the Jews Israel?

    Israel is Alive (Christianity)

    Israel is Alive (Judaism)

    Israel in Prophecy

    Eyewitness Palestine

    Implication of Accepting that the Arabs are Israel

    The Testament of the Holy Spirit

    Is Jesus the Substance of God?

    A Different View of History

    Off Shoots of the Abrahamic Promise

    Rebuilding Bethel (The Wedding Chapel)

    The Covenant Prince of Joseph (The Best Man)

    The High Priest

    Jezreel (The Day of the Cast Aside)

    Promise of Abundance (A New Earth)

    The Death and Resurrection of God’s Son Israel

    The Promised Land and the Judgement

    Promise of Abundance (A New Earth)


    A Voice Calling Out in the Wilderness

    Purpose of this Doctoral Thesis

    In the spring of 2007, I reached out in prayer to God to help me understand the conflict in Israel.  To my terror and dread, a voice spoke out of the nothing identifying itself as Jesus.  It presented a view of scripture that caused me offense and I argued with the voice for the better part of forty-five minutes only to discover my own knowledge and wisdom were inferior, blind by my own bigotry and racism.  In plight and desperation, I went to numerous pastors and religious entities, who immediately upon hearing that I heard a voice questioned my sanity and refused even elementary conversation.  Thus, I concealed the fact that I heard the voice of Jesus but went to Bible Studies where members like myself were unable to counter any of the points presented to me.  They in turn went before these same pastors with these same questions resulting in ultimatums between silence and expulsion. 

    Yet my concluding research has led me to an ominous conclusion that unless the path of Christianity is drastically altered because of its own ignorance and zeal will lead to the extinction of the human species.  I use the word ignorance as it seems that harmony through conformity is found preferable to honest and frank discourse.  As I have already been warned not to speak or ask questions among students and faculty, I fear the postponement of my doctoral thesis submission to next semester is merely a ploy so that I may be expelled quietly and covertly.  Or if heard at all due weight and consideration will not be given due to a proliferating built-in bias within the institution.

    That notwithstanding I will hold out hope that the word given to me by the institution is true and honest and my years of study to get to this point were not in vain, I present this draft for my doctoral thesis to conclusively prove that the Arabs are Israel.  With that realization, large portions of scripture are radically transformed.  If my sanity is questioned, due to the singular Divine experience I claim, I put forward this thesis as my rebuttal argument that any judgment upon me may be laid upon the claim that the voice gave to me, that the Arabs (be they Christian or Muslim) are God’s people Israel, that His love for them is beyond human comprehension, and that all those who have hatred in their heart against them are guilty of nothing less than murder.

    Covenant of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Ephraim

    The Abrahamic Birthright, also known as the Abrahamic Covenant, is a Divine inheritance granted to Abraham by God.  While all of Abraham's descendants were given promises several were specifically separated from the Birthright.

    Ishmael: Per Genesis 21 Ishmael will not share in the inheritance with Isaac.

    Esau: Per Genesis 27 Isaac told Esau that he had given all the promise to Jacob and that effectively he had nothing left for him.

    Levi: Per Numbers 18:20 the Levites do not receive a land inheritance or share in the inheritance with the other tribes.

    Judah: Per 1 Chronicles 5:2 Though Judah was the strongest of his brothers and a ruler came from him, the rights of the firstborn belong to Joseph.  The formal division between the promise of the Messiah through Judah and the Abrahamic Birthright through Israel took place when the Kingdom of Israel left the Kingdom of Judah during the days of Jeroboam and Rehoboam as found in 1 Kings 11:26 through chapter 12.

    The inheritance bestowed upon Ephraim, Joseph’s son, and heir¹, consists of several primary promises:

    A Land Inheritance

    A Many Nations Inheritance

    A Fertility Inheritance

    Land Inheritance

    The land inheritance, also known as the Promised Land is defined as the land between the Nile and the Euphrates rivers²  as well as through

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