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The Matchmaker's Apprentice
The Matchmaker's Apprentice
The Matchmaker's Apprentice
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The Matchmaker's Apprentice

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As time passes, Sasha must hand over her status as Head Matchmaker of Zaltana to her apprentice Jyotis. Jyotis is well versed in matchmaking, but gaining the respect of everyone in the city is no easy matter. Even after that, the rigors of keeping up with her mistress' matches and following her own might push Jyotis beyond her means. Even if she gets that far, Jyotis has to be accepted by the council that rules the country of Sierra. Will she succeed or fail? If she fails, what will happen to Zaltana without either Jyotis or Sasha around? (Sierra Matchmaker Series Book 2)
Release dateDec 11, 2011
The Matchmaker's Apprentice

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    The Matchmaker's Apprentice - Kimberly Vogel

    The Matchmaker's Apprentice

    The Matchmaker’s Apprentice


    Copyright © 2011 by Kimberly Vogel.

    ISBN eBook 978-1-105-34514-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me.

    Without you, I don’t know where I would be.

    Chapter 1


    Like a creeping thing, time passes quickly when not properly watched over.  About three years had passed since Princess Hantaywee had had her first child. Matchmaker Sasha would turn thirty-nine this year. The week after that would be Prince Ronadel’s third birthday. Matchmaker Sasha decided to stay the ten days until March ninth which was the height of the party on the prince’s birthday. It would be an interesting time, since Princess Hantaywee had given birth to her second child Prince Baylis in December. Due to the harsh winter weather the travel through mountains was nearly impossible. This celebration would be the first time that anyone outside the palace had seen the youngest prince.

    At her home in Zaltana, Sasha sighed as she sorted through the things on her desk. She sat in the study on the second floor of the duplex she shared with the matchmaker of the city. Zaltana was the northeastern most of five massive cities in the mountainous country of Sierra. The travel would go southwest to the middle of the three chained mountain ranges to the capital city.


    Sasha glanced over her shoulder to the doorway. With a smile on her lips, she nodded to her apprentice. Yes, Jyotis? How are the preparations coming?

    Well, we’ve gotten the luggage packed for the week. It’s downstairs waiting to go on the carriage tomorrow.

    Good, murmured the raven-haired woman. She turned her body in the seat. As her green eyes watched her apprentice the wrinkles from her age showed around the edges in her pale skin. She stood to her full height then walked over to the four inch shorter woman.

    With a smile on her lips, the brunette watched her teacher approach. Jyotis stepped to the side while she let the matchmaker go down the stairs to the main level. Then the five foot four inch youth followed her. The two had the same color eyes, though they weren’t related. It was just a common color in that country.

    Sasha was fifteen years older than her apprentice. Jyotis was the first, hopefully the last. She passed her while she stepped down the stairs. Both were in similarly-appearing dresses, though by no means were either uniforms. Sasha was wearing a golden dress with a blue short jacket. Her headband matched her jacket. When she reached the bottom step in the entryway, Sasha checked her watch.

    As Jyotis walked down the stairs, her hand clung to her voluminous skirt. It too was gold, but she was wearing an overskirt and vest of exactly the same shade of blue as that of Sasha’s jacket. Under her vest was a white blouse. When she reached the bottom stairs, her fingers went up momentarily to the brooch at her collar. It wasn’t much different from Sasha’s, though hers was white while her teacher’s was blue.

    We have just enough time for one more, said Sasha. She checked her watch again then walked from the entryway down the hallway to the back of the duplex. On the main floor they had a shared living room, but the midwife let the matchmaker have it as her meeting place. The opposite wall was almost entirely made out of glass, since it was made of a sliding glass door that led out onto a porch.

    Who are we doing to see?

    You have your appointments, don’t you?

    Well, yes, said Jyotis with a blink. She went to the bookcase on the left side of the living room. She picked up one of the ledgers then opened it. I have Dean Jitatma for the first match of the season.

    He should be here soon, said Sasha while she looked into the ledger. You’re going to keep seeing people while I’m gone, aren’t you?

    Yes, said Jyotis with a nod. I wish I could go with you, though.

    I know, said Sasha. She smiled softly and placed her hand on the shorter woman’s shoulder. There will be plenty of time for that later.

    When I make it through the tests then I won’t be able to avoid it, right?

    Yes, said Sasha with a chuckle. She glanced away from the ledger to the hallway. If you need any help, though, you know where to find me.

    Yes, replied Jyotis. She closed her book. When are the tests?

    There’s another one in five years. Sasha smiled at Jyotis. You’d better go to the front door before he arrives. I’m going to step out for a bit.

    Okay, if anyone asks, where will you be?

    "I’m going to the Heavy Grape Tavern."

    Visiting Zurishadai again?

    Sasha shook her head at her apprentice’s knowing gaze. He’s just a friend. You’ll find when you have this station most of what you do is work. There’s not much time to relax. If you have a moment then take it.

    Jyotis blinked several times at the response. Oh, yes, I know. She smiled while she brushed her fingers through the strands that danced like curls near her ear. She tucked the locks behind it. Go, have fun, Mistress.

    I will. Sasha waved one hand then opened the door. Farewell, Jyotis. She stepped out into the early spring air. As she traveled down the sidewalk, her eyes turned over the various buildings. Since it was a mountainous city many of the buildings were built into the mountains’ faces. The valley part of the city held many freestanding structures.

    The two story Heavy Grape Tavern was built slightly into the mountain. The owner, Zurishadai Shoval, had owned it since he was a young man. He wasn’t one now, since he had turned forty-seven back on the ninth of January. Around there if you lived longer than sixty you were extremely lucky. Those who did city jobs usually had a longer lifetime than those who worked on the outskirts. Even so, life was hard.

    Sasha knew that. Most of her clientele had their first marriage around age twenty. Some waited longer, but not many. The matchmaker herself had given up her own chance of marriage to bring others together. She brushed that thought back while she stepped up to the front door then entered.

    Already the bar part of the tavern was filled with those who had just left work. As Sasha walked past the tables to the bar counter she waved. The patrons returned the gesture along with well-wishes. To the left side of the bar counter there was a single table with two chairs. It was Sasha’s place to be. Zurishadai’s place to be was anywhere and everywhere in the bar.

    Good evening, said Sasha. She waved at him as he stood behind the bar. A slight chuckle left her lips while she dropped down into the seat.

    Sasha! You made it. The two inch taller man hurried out from behind the bar counter over to her. Like many others, he had green eyes under his brown hair. He brushed back the chin-length strands from his tan skin. Happy birthday! Even though it is a little belated...

    I couldn’t make it yesterday, replied Sasha with a slight sigh. I’m sorry.

    No need to be sorry, replied Zurishadai with a wave of his hand. He leaned over while he spoke, What can I get you? By the time I assume that you haven’t had dinner yet.

    I haven’t, said Sasha. She watched the older man closely. Whatever you have for a special I’d like.

    A new dish from the northlands is what we have. Zurishadai nodded while he straightened his body. I’ll bring it over. With a smile, he turned then walked away. While he moved back behind the bar counter, the short black leather jacket moved over his brown long-sleeved tunic. Brown was also the color of his slacks; his boots were black.

    Sasha chuckled softly while she watched him. He hadn’t changed, at least in wardrobe. He looked older, though, with the creases around his eyes and mouth. Unconsciously her fingers went up to the corner of her eye and rubbed her wrinkles there. Tch, I’m supposed to be above such things. She pushed her worry about her age back with a sigh.

    Here we are, said Zurishadai while he returned. On the tray he was carrying was a glass of wine and a  bread bowl of steaming stew. Perfect for a chilly day.

    It smells wonderful, said Sasha. Will you sit with me?

    Yes, replied Zurishadai. I’d be honored to. He put the tray down; once he had set the food out he slid into the chair across from her.

    You say such silly things, murmured Sasha. She ducked her head then lifted it while she picked up a spoon.

    Zurishadai chuckled, shrugging, Anyway, consider this a small birthday present.

    Okay, said Sasha. She glanced at him then returned her gaze to the meal. Slowly she nibbled the piping hot potato, carrot, celery, and onions in the broth. Though the bread soaked in the liquid, the crisp outside kept it from falling apart.

    Zurishadai watched her for a few moments then looked around the bar area. So what are your plans this spring?

    Sasha lowered the spoon and replied, I’m going to visit the royal palace.

    Ah, you’re going to see the infant prince, aren’t you?

    Yes, it is my duty.

    Is Jyotis going with you?

    No, she’ll remain here to do my work.

    Ah, I see.

    Sasha bobbed her head. She brushed the loose strands from her shoulder to hang down her back. We’ll go together later. Her free hand returned to rest on the tabletop. She’s going to be the one who matches the next generation of royals. I hope I live that long.

    I’m sure you will, replied Zurishadai. It’s only fourteen or fifteen years before Prince Ronadel will enter it. As soon as he is married Prince Baylis can be engaged for a later date.

    Sasha tore off a piece from the edge of the bread bowl. With a shy smile directed at him, the matchmaker replied, I hope that you will survive until then as well.

    That’s a long way for me, but thank you. Zurishadai chuckled while he bobbed his head. If I live long enough to see Princess Hantaywee take the throne I’ll be happy. She and Prince Delatondo are doing some interesting things.

    Yes, they have a plan to improve Sierra. Sasha smiled warmly as she thought of the two she’d matched.

    Hopefully it works, said Zurishadai with a nod.

    I’m sure it will.

    Zurishadai smiled at her while he nodded. Then a noise from the kitchen behind the bar made him jump. Ach! I have to go. He stood up quickly. With a smile on his lips, he waved his hand near his brow. Take care on your journey to Ogilvie. I hope to see you when you come back.

    I’ll stop by to say hello if I can. Sasha smiled. Take care while I’m gone, okay Zurishadai?

    Yes, Sasha, replied the bar owner with a chuckle. Another crash brought a scowl to his lips while his attention turned to the bar area. What’s going on over there? While he yelled, Zurishadai strode quickly to it then behind into the kitchen.

    With a grin, Sasha watched the bar owner go. I hope that Jyotis is doing fine at home. I know she’s been doing this with me at her side, but from now on she has to be alone. I hope it all goes well. If not, I don’t know what I’ll do. Perhaps I should have taken on more apprentices...

    Back at the duplex, Jyotis waited for her client to arrive. She scowled as she marked the time. He’s late. She shook her head then wandered to the front door again. She opened the door then looked down the street.

    With a bored expression on his face, the missing man rode in a carriage down the street. He was still far from where he needed to be, but he wasn’t in a hurry. Dean Jitatma was a man of means. At twenty-two years of age, he had come into his own years before. He didn’t set himself up as a candidate for the princess’s hand, though he could have if he wanted to. Now he was ready.

    Jyotis’ body straightened as she noticed the carriage stop at the end of the sidewalk. She folded her arms tightly across her chest. Then she dropped her hands to her hips. She fought her face into a calm expression. She couldn’t let her irritation show.

    As he stepped from his carriage, the six feet tall youth stared at the figure in the doorway. One eyebrow rose over his black eyes. Who is that? She’s too young to be a matchmaker. She’s barely older than me. He fought a smirk from forming on his pale face. With a slow step, he walked along the sidewalk to the door. Hello, he said. One hand swept back his auburn hair as the pompadour brushed along his forehead. I’ve come to see Sasha Melisent.

    My name is Jyotis Chermona, replied the older woman. She clasped her hands tightly in front of her. My mistress is not home at the moment. I am her apprentice. I will handle your matching. She took a step back into the entryway. Please come inside. I hope whatever trouble made you late wasn’t too bad.

    Dean nodded, though he couldn’t stop his eyebrow twitch. This...woman is to be my matchmaker? Curses, I shouldn’t have been late. Perhaps this won’t be as bad. I’ll just have to charm her as well. Thank you, said Dean. It wasn’t anything life-threatening. He stepped through the doorway. The suit he was wearing held shades of red. Underneath were a white shirt and black shoes. If not for the metal studs from his lapels to his pockets, it would have seemed very plain attire.

    Though it sounded innocent enough, there was something about the way he spoke that annoyed Jyotis. Whether I like him or not I have to find him a match. First I have to find out what sort of man he is... With a slight nod, Jyotis led the way from the entryway to the sitting room. I could bring you some tea and cookies if you’re hungry.

    Thank you, but no. I had an early dinner.

    Jyotis bobbed her head once more. I haven’t eaten yet. I’ll make it quick. She gestured to a couch then sat on one end. I see. Well, let’s sit and talk about your needs then.

    Okay, said Dean. He strode over to the couch then planted himself next to her. He rested both hands on his knees while he watched the slightly older woman. As you probably know, I am in search of a bride.

    Yes, said Jyotis. She held her hands in her lap while she watched him closely. Tell me what you’d like from a woman not to mention what you’ll need in your situation.

    Dean nodded slightly. Yes, I’ll tell you what I can.

    Jyotis lifted her hand. She shook her head while she interrupted, I need complete honesty from you. I can’t find you the perfect mate if you play games with me.

    There are certain aspects of my business that I cannot talk about. Dean frowned while he looked at her. Other than that, I’ll be honest.

    Very well, said Jyotis.

    Dean cleared his throat then returned to the previous conversation, I inherited quite a bit of money. As such, a certain kind of woman is attracted to me. I’d rather avoid the worst of those, though I do understand that money is important when it comes to surviving.

    I understand. Is there anything in particular that you have strong feelings for or against?

    Other than the money aspect...I don’t believe I do. Dean smiled faintly. I’d like someone worthy of my birth. I like to socialize, so I’d prefer someone who also enjoys socializing.

    Of course, said Jyotis with a nod. I’ll look through the lists of eligible women. When I have a match for you I’ll send a letter with the date, time, and place to meet. We’ll see how things go from there.

    I see, thank you. Dean nodded, though a frown twitched at the corners of his mouth.

    It shouldn’t take long, said Jyotis. She stood up then gestured to the hall. I’ll be working while Mistress Sasha is away.

    With another nod, Dean stood up. He walked from the couch to the hall. Once through it, he went to the door. A smile turned his lips while he looked down at Jyotis. Farewell, apprentice matchmaker. I look forward to meeting the one you choose for me.

    Farewell, Dean, replied Jyotis. She waved at him from the doorway. Once he had returned to his carriage, the apprentice matchmaker closed the door. With a sigh, Jyotis turned and walked into the sitting room.

    A few moments passed and Sasha arrived home. She opened the door then wandered down the hallway. Jyotis? Are you still here?

    Yes, called the younger woman. She leaned out of the sitting room. Did you have fun?

    Yes, she replied. Sasha wandered into the room then glanced around. How did it go with your meeting?

    Jyotis shook her head while she let the scowl go over her lips. He was twenty minutes late.

    What happened?

    I don’t know. He was just late. He didn’t seem to think anything of it either.

    Ah, murmured Sasha. She wandered over to the couch then dropped down. What are you doing to do about it?

    I’ll let it go for now. If he’s late for the date we’ll have to have a serious chat.

    It seems like there’s something more. Sasha looked up at her apprentice. What’s bothering you?

    He’s a snob, Jyotis replied as she flopped down beside her.

    Sasha chuckled while she nodded, I see.

    I don’t know what I’m going to do about that.

    You’ll just have to endure it. We’re not here to change people. Sasha watched Jyotis then gestured to her ledger. You’ll have to find someone who can deal with his sort of people.

    Yes, said Jyotis with a sigh. She pulled her book into her lap. Do you mind if I look through your ledger as well?

    No, but confer with me before you set them up on a date.

    Yes, of course, Mistress.

    Good, said Sasha with a nod. She stood up. Now I’m going to bed. Just lock up before you go.

    Yes, Mistress, said Jyotis. I hope that you have a safe journey to the palace.

    Thank you, said Sasha. She smiled at Jyotis then walked to the front stairs. All she had left to do was sleep. In the early morning she would travel to the palace. She felt nervous, but even so she knew that she would be well received.

    As the matchmaker went up to her bedroom, Jyotis flipped through the pages in her ledger. She had several candidates for Dean’s future bride, but she didn’t want anyone to be exposed to him that she didn’t think couldn’t handle him. With a shake of her head, she closed the ledger. I’ll think more about it tomorrow. She cleaned up the sitting area then left. 

    Chapter 2


    Early the next morning, Sasha left. She knew that Jyotis would do well in her absence. Even

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