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Entangled Hearts
Entangled Hearts
Entangled Hearts
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Entangled Hearts

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War of the Zealot Empire #1 - Pangaea was plagued by the terrors of machines, a mechanical god that plans to destroy organic life. Eric Doomhunter was a great leader, the last of his kind, and the weight to tilt the war against machines in Pangaea. But when his success backlashes, he lands in a world much different than his own, no love, no friends, and no life. After three thousand years of war, Medelthia is a flawed and weary country, the remains of what it once was. Colonel Dragon Heart has seen all of the tragedies this war offers, from the loss of children, to the loss of sanity. Her sanity is lost already if not withering away still. Upon the arrival of this stranger, her life is turned around in ways that she could not have anticipated. They knew each other, once upon a dream, but it will take more than dreams and fancies to bond them together.
Release dateApr 10, 2014
Entangled Hearts

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    Entangled Hearts - Christian Clason

    Entangled Hearts

    Entangled Hearts

    Book 1 of War of the Zealot Empire

    Characters and events portrayed in this novel are fictional and based on fictitious ideas.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    All rights reserved, including rights to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

    ©2014 Andrew Gray & Christian Clason

    ISBN: 978-1-312-09626-4

    Chapter 1 ~ War in the Heart

    The darkness in the forest was eerie and frightening. The sickening feeling of being watched made a stone fall in the gut. Crouched there behind the bushes, creeping deep into the darkness, there was only fright. The cold smell of fright crept up on everybody, especially around the obvious greenbacks.

    The grunts were just boys, all of them. They were humans and pashers, thickly built creatures that could pass as super powered humans. If not for the one elf among their ranks, they would probably be lost in the chaos.

    Dragon Heart sighed, feeling boastful for that thought. She felt selfish to think this way, but after three thousand years of working for the Magic Ministry and the United Republic of Medelthia as everything from a recruit all the way to a Lieutenant General, she was nowhere with her career in the Marines. After all of this, humans with money and power already handed to them from their parents. Yet, she was left with the grunts, working as a colonel.

    Colonel, should we move in? one of her men whispered.

    Don’t move, Lieutenant, she said, They’re out there, and I know it. Just hold positions.

    He gave her a nod and motioned to the others. They had to be silent, lest the zealots picked up on their voices. The zealots were crafty creatures with a lot of technology on their side. Because of all this technology, Medelthia’s militia had to upgrade their own technology. The evidence was in the visual scanner that went over her eyes as a set of glasses connected to her helmet.

    She folded her scanner over and peered at the world around her. She could see things better than these men, with sharp eyes that could cut through the shadows. The scanner only made things easier to see, with a visual of body heat and radiation.

    Before long, she spotted the zealots. There were three of them lying in wait. They were hiding just out of the sight of normal eyes. Even her own eyes could not see them hidden in the brush, but with the scanner she caught the shape of their bodies.

    There they are! she whispered, Hold your positions.

    Target found! First Lieutenant Methaliu Jemavi said to the Second Lieutenant.

    Dragon Heart turned her attention to the zealots, who were creeping through the forest. They were looking for something, perhaps her men. But they were not finding them, they were still searching. Just a little further and we can ambush them!

    She waited, watching carefully while the others stood by, waiting for her command. Both Lieutenant Jemavi and Second Lieutenant Corbin Atachenu watched her, motioning for the grunts beneath them to standby. If they even twitched a hand, one of the grunts would move and their cover would be blown. Not only would they destroy their cover, but if they got out of it alive, they would be knocked down two positions. That was all it took to get knocked off your high chair.

    She was used to being superior. She was good at her job and there was no reason to take her out of her position of power. She knew how to direct her men, how to keep them out of trouble, and how to take out enemies.

    Her breath caught as she watched the zealots move slowly through the forest. They twitched and swayed, moving just like a reptile, which they were reptiles. They were small for humanoids, half the size of the average human man, but being humanoids made their behavior as reptiles surprising.

    She slid forward along her stomach over the root of a tree. She kept following them closely as they moved around a corner. Almost there! Her breath caught yet again and she had to remind herself to breathe.

    The zealots were finally within range. She could see them, just walking along, unaware of the ambush about to hit them. But she was unsure of herself for a moment. For a moment, she could see only bloodshed if those boys jumped out of the trees. Even if they stayed and fired from the trees, there would be a ton of bloodshed.

    With a wave of her hand, the entire platoon moved as one. It was like a domino reaction upon three small zealots. Such a waste on three small enemy troopers. She drew her pistol and joined the others in firing upon them, without mercy and without thought. She just let the instincts kick in and guide her hands. The scanner measured and weighed the little green men, who were surprised and peppered by the bullets. Most of the bullets were repelled by their armor, but that was not important.

    What was important was that Lance Corporal Gilidavis Tordukis was able to jump out of hiding to the point that he had all three zealots in the line of sight. It was not planned, but it was an understood necessity. The zealots had to be taken out, and there were not many ways that this could be done. He twisted around as his feet came to a stop on the ground, there he aimed a weapon so powerful that the zealots could not have even ducked to avoid the blast. It hit so hard that the Lance Corporal was thrown back in a fiery blast of plasma and armor shards. It was a frightening sight that looked like it had killed the Lance Corporal where he stood.

    Tordukis! Dragon heart shouted out of reaction, an instinct that jolted through her body. She bounded forward, lifting an arm to protect herself from the heat of the flames that were retreating to the source for the after blast. She grabbed the Lance Corporal by the shoulders and dragged him quickly into her spot, behind which she had crouched. She jumped in after him, just as the aftershock blasted over her head. She could feel the heat on the back of her neck, billowing into her hair, threatening to destroy her hair.

    She lay still as the aftershock retreated to its source, the way the original blast had. She left her body over Lance Corporal Gilidavis Tordukis’ body, as if to shield him from another oncoming blast. There was silence, until her ears started ringing loudly. She could not hear anything beyond the ringing, not even the voices of her men, who were so close that they were shaking her body to rouse her out of shock.

    Before she knew it, Lieutenant Jemavi was pulling her off of the body she had protected. She was surprised when she realized that they were running. For some reason, they were fleeing, instead of remaining on the down low to take on another set of troopers who would stumble upon them to be surprised by an ambush of death. Why are we fleeing? We’re giving away our positions! An entire platoon! Why are we running?

    Before she knew it, she was being rushed through the halls of the Magic Ministry to the infirmary. She did not feel anything wrong with her, just the ringing in her ears. She could see faces around her, could see them talking to her and to each other, but she could not hear or understand them.

    She was in one of the check up rooms when she could finally hear. They were rushing to do everything. They rushed to check her eyes and ears. The doctor would not stop shouting as he commanded his assistants around.

    Could you quiet down? she asked, wincing against the blare of beeping machines. The assistants were shouting to each other. She blinked as she looked around, and then realized that the Lance Corporal was in the next bed in the room and they were rushing to give him medical care.

    The noise blared in her ears, giving her a massive headache. The annoying blast went on for countless hours while the doctors worked on Lance Corporal Tordukis and the nurses tended to her. They would not even let her sit up, let alone get up to leave. She just wanted to go home, snuggle up in a sea of blankets on the couch, and read a book with her youngest child in the crook of her arm.

    She closed her eyes and let the noise wash over her. Her mind drifted into the depths of nothingness, allowing her peace within a trance. She drifted away from the world into an astral world.

    She rose, her mind rising through what felt like water. When she opened her eyes, everything was white and blank. She was rising upwards, and when she looked up, the whiteness seemed dark as the light above welcomed her to the world above all of this.

    She could feel her body relaxed as she rose out of water, landing strangely on a bridge crossing the narrowest part of a lake. The bridge was beautiful stone and wood, carved with small dragons along the columns holding up the railing.

    She leaned against the railing and took a deep breath. This place was peaceful, but chaotic at the same time. She was reminded of that when she opened her eyes and saw the smoky volcano in the distance. The smoke rose and formed a mass of clouds so dark that the entire area was a sort of blackness.

    Fire dragons, unearthly chaos dragons, dark dragons, mysterious dragons and destructive dragons lived there, hidden by the cover of darkness and smoke. With a  slight turn to her head, she could see the ocean, where water dragons of the salty sort dwelled in the depths from the tiniest to the most gigantic. Farther to the left were mountains, mountains so great that the greatest mounts of the living breathing world could not stand up to these. There dwelled the sleepers of dragons, sleepy hermits of knowledge who spent their time only dwelling on the depths of life within their minds. Among them were the ice dragons, who kept to the highest coldest peaks. Below those mountains was a forest, a beautiful unkempt and untouched reach of forest that spanned so many miles that she could not even see it all. That was where the earth and stone dragons dwelled, keeping to the peaceful quiet life of the forest.

    She sighed happily as she leaned against the railing of the bridge, gazing over at the forest. She usually went and visited the dragons. Sometimes it was the ocean dragons, sometimes the dragons in the forest. She rarely ever visited the fiery chaos dragons, but they were helpful in times of war, not to calm the mind, but to inspire the heart and give good words that urge a person in the right direction. Because of them, she was able to fight on and protect her family.

    She had tried visiting the dragons of knowledge before, high up in the mountains. All she had to do was think of the mountains and she was there. No long trip up the slopes, no dangerous trail, and no dangers of the wilderness threatening her on her way there. She just had to think about it and she was there, that was the benefit of the astral realm.

    It was never worth it though, even if it was just a blink of the eyes. Every time she went there, seeking advice and help, she would come to a dragon, who was deep in contemplation or a book, and he would say, Now is not your time, little elf. She never understood it, but eventually gave up on them.

    She turned around and looked at the ocean. Like the real thing, it smelled salty and sweet at the same time. The waves rolled in with the tide, just like normal. The beautiful rays of the sun here made the waters shine.

    She closed her eyes for a moment, soaking in the sunlight. Beautiful isn’t it? a voice asked.

    She opened her eyes and looked over to see a beautiful man. His name was Sarusken, her late husband and the father of her children. She could not help but smile at him. She missed him so much for all the time it had been since he was killed in battle.

    "It is," she nodded with agreement.

    And my view is much more so… he said cupping her face.

    Tears started to form into her eyes as she remembered the day he really said that to her, in the real world. This was not real. This was just a dream of sorts. It was her imagination coming into effect in a place she had both control and a feeling of reality.

    She touched his cheek and sighed, I miss you. He simply smiled at her until he disappeared, leaving her there alone by her own choice. I need to stop dreaming him up, or I’ll never be able to let go, she told herself.

    She strolled onto the beach, the hot sand gathering around her toes. The white sun dress flowed and gathered around her legs as she made her way across the spans of white sands. She was not even phased when a giant dragon came crawling out of the waters, a two legged water dragon who looked at her with knowing eyes. She called him Cristonan, and they talked often. But he knew she did not want to talk today.

    Go know peace, he said.

    How shall I know peace in a place of war? she asked, When this place is a true definition of peace?

    He looked up to the volcano, Every place of peace must have some chaos, or else the balance of life would make death a horrific reality. Stay in the real world where there are people who need you, and find peace.

    Is there something you’re trying to tell me? she asked. He did not say anything though. He just gave her a nod and started to shrink back into the waters. Wait! Where are you going? she asked.

    Dragon Heart? Dragon Heart? somebody was calling her out of her trance. She opened her eyes and blinked up at the nurse with confusion.

    Huh? What? she blinked up at him.

    Your son is here to pick you up, Colonel, the man spoke softly for her ears.

    How long was I down? she asked.

    Fifty seven hours, the nurse replied.

    Okay, I need to get up and go, she said, moving slowly. Her body was stiff and sore and wanted nothing more than for her to lie still. Her stomach growled instantly, angered that she had not eaten in more than two days.

    She moved slowly as she slid her rear end off the bed. I guess I took a harder hit than I thought. She paused to let her body adjust to the shift in weight as her legs cramped up. Just relax. She took a deep breath and let it out very slowly. She proceeded to the door, on the other side of which stood Jetoruthor, one of her teenage sons.

    Jet, what are you doing here? she asked. She had expected Radinak to show up. He was supposed to be released from his duties for the next few months to join civilian life. She had been expecting a visit from him for over a month.

    I came to get you, he frowned at her, I thought you’d be happy I came. Nice to see you too. So glad I’m so loved that I’ve been in your thoughts.

    She sighed with remorse for her words, I love you son, I just can’t think while my stomach hasn’t been filled in fifty seven hours.

    Let’s go get some food, he nodded, I’m starving too.

    Where’s your brother? she asked.

    Hikamisku is at home with Tabika and the little ones, he explained, Why so interested in every other boy in the family? He sounded irritated with her.

    I’m sorry, but I have to know, she replied, Besides, you’re fifteen now.

    So? he retorted, sharply.

    She shook her head as they strolled along the hallways, headed to the main hall. The main hall was a busy place, bustling with people of all sorts. Centaurs, dwarves, humans, elves and pashers filled the hall to the brim. Above them, hanging from nothing but ancient magics, was a crystal chandelier. It was a beautiful place and Dragon Heart knew it well, but it did not concern her.

    I heard you pulled Lance Corporal Gilidavis Tordukis right out of the line of fire, he said, Pretty risky and bold! I’m proud of you!

    Huh? she stopped in mid-step and turned to him, Where’d you hear that?

    There are people talking all about it, he replied.

    Well, nobody should know about what exactly goes on. Where are you finding this information? she asked.

    Like I said, people talk! he replied.

    People? Like what kind of people? she asked. She paused to think about this. She remembered a few boys that Jetoruthor used to hang out with who were more than questionable, they were downright trouble. She had already forbidden him from hanging out with these children. Was it Rodney and those hooligans from the east edge of Rodned Beach? she asked, Don’t lie to me!

    Yes! Okay? he shouted, Sheesh! Come on!

    No! I won’t come on! You deliberately disobeyed me! That boy and his friends are a bad influence and they’re nothing but trouble! she snapped at him.

    I’ll hang out with whoever I want! he rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. He secluded himself in a way that shunned and angered her. I’m fifteen! I’m only months away from legal adulthood!

    "You’re not sixteen yet young man! And as long as you live under my roof, regardless of your age, you will not have anything to do with Rodney Silitra or any of his gang! You will suffer a rage more dire and painful than anything the military could do to your frail little heart!" she scorned him, pulling him around by the front of his shirt. She pushed him away, letting go of his shirt with a huff of exasperation.

    Just as well, he snorted with derision, Once I’m sixteen, I’ll be a Private and I’ll be the hell out of that house!

    She sighed and started down the stairs, headed towards the front doors. This fight happened the same way every single time. It happened that way with Ryan when he was only fourteen. Tammy had this fight with her when she was eighteen, and then again when she was twenty. Tashinase and Radinak both had out their painful arguments with her when they were twelve years old. Sashanita had it out when she was fifteen, then barely spoke to Dragon Heart until she moved out to attend college. Now it was time for Tabika, Jetoruthor and Hikamisku to have it all out.

    Jet followed at her heels as she stormed out the doors and past the crowds of Magic Ministers and those trying to get meetings with these Ministers. Jet hurried along at her side, nearly trotting as Dragon Heart rushed homeward. She kind of wished she had a horse to ride home, but the steed she rode last was a military assigned Private First Class horse. All of her own animals were at home, tucked snugly in the stables where they belonged.

    Mom, slow down, Jet was kicking at stones as he walked.

    You’re not going to get anywhere with every little distraction you let into your mind, she told him, sternly.

    Just slow down, he growled, You could just be a little more considerate and-

    Just shut up and hurry up, she groaned at him, I’m tired and I want to go home. Let’s go!

    He sighed and rolled his eyes with irritation as he hurried to keep up with her. They walked in silence, hurried yet quiet with only the thuds of their feet on the ground. Dragon Heart felt like she needed to tell him she was sorry and talk with him about all of this mess. He needed to realize why kids like Rodney Silitra were trouble and why he should stay away from them. She also wanted to talk to him about enlisting, or rather not enlisting.

    When they reached the house, she was greeted by two screaming children, one two year old infant and a five year old red head. The red head ran right into her arms, screaming excitedly. Her mess of red wavy hair bounced around wildly and filled Dragon Heart’s nose with the smell of a child born of Sarusken’s seed.

    Mommy mommy! We missed you! Salamissa squealed with delighted excitement.

    Standing at the door, Tammy was holding two year old Iridios in her arms. She looked a bit disturbed, like there was something on her mind that was upsetting her. But what could be making her upset was beyond Dragon Heart, until she stepped inside and saw Major General Jametai Carosensi.

    She quickly put Salamissa on her feet and saluted the Major General. Major General! I was not expecting your visit, she said with quick and alert preciseness to her words. She was reminded of her hunger though, as her stomach growled.

    I didn’t come here as a casual visit and I wasn’t planning on coming here, the Major General said. He seemed to be testing her as he gazed at her, studying and measuring her in her most alert stage of being at attention. At ease, soldier, he finally said.

    She relaxed with a sigh, I just came out of a fifty seven hour coma, sir. I should hope you get to your point and be on your way. Not to be rash or rude.

    We understand you’re tired, but your country needs you more than you know, he said.

    That’s what they said when they recruited me as a rookie, she replied, with a sound of irritation in her voice, making it obvious that she was disgruntled with his presence here. She cleared her throat and took a moment to make sure she was still conducting herself properly to a superior. So why are you here? I have been sent home from the frontlines and am not due to deploy for a month, she said.

    We require you back on the frontlines, he replied.

    What?! You can’t mean that! I was deployed for five months! she exclaimed with exasperation.

    I don’t make rules, I just enforce the General’s proclamations, the Major General replied, We all have our place in Medelthia, Colonel. Be sure you know yours in the line of ranks.

    She held her tongue, refusing to let herself slip into the desire to scream and shout at him senselessly. It was no use and she knew that. All she could do was salute him as her superior and report to head quarters in the morning.

    The Major General saluted her and she returned the salute quickly. He nodded to her and left the house without a word. She watched him strolled off the porch and down the pathway leading towards the forest.

    You’re not seriously going to go, are you? Tabika asked, with astonishment in her voice.

    I have to, Tabika, she replied, sharply, This isn’t my decision. I’m an enlisted Colonel and when the General decides that I am to rejoin the ranks, I must rejoin the ranks!

    Mom! You just got home and you haven’t even hugged your baby! Tabika argued with a  shrill tone.

    Don’t you take that tone with me, young lady! Dragon Heart snapped at her, "I am the mother and bread winner of this house and you will not take that tone with me!"

    There was silence in the house. Even Iridios, who was usually crying and bawling by now, was silent and speechless. They all just stood where they were, crowded in the living room. Dragon Heart was the first to speak, Alright, let’s get set for dinner. Round up the kids and gather for a supper we won’t have again for another few months.

    There was a heavy sigh, This isn’t fair!

    She turned around to see that Tammy had spoken. She was glaring angrily at the door. She shifted Iridios in her arms, from her right side to her left side. She turned away from Dragon Heart, as if to avoid her gaze, knowing what her response would be.

    Dragon Heart sighed as she headed into the kitchen. Salamissa followed at her heels, hoping to help her mommy with the cooking and cleaning. She was already proving to be quite the little sponge with what she could absorb in her little brain. She was learning magic spells, how to cook and clean, and was already starting to read novels of an advanced level.

    I’ll set the table, mommy! the little red head cheered excitedly. She hurried to gather enough plates for everybody so she could set these on the table.

    Dragon Heart chuckled at her daughter, humbled and calmed by the girl’s passive excitement. Her innocence was inspiring and beautiful. I wish I could preserve that innocence in her. I wish I could preserve that innocence in all of them. The thought made her pause in the middle of pulling a pan out of the high cupboard. Tears started filling her eyes. Had I preserved that innocence in them sooner, Ryan would still be here.

    She sniffled and sighed, wiping the tears away on the back of her wrist. There was so much want in her heart to change what already happened. Ryan is gone. Tammy is locked up for life. Tashinase and Radinak are gone all of the time on the frontlines.

    Mommy? Salamissa interrupted her thoughts with her cute little voice, Mommy? Are you okay?

    She took a deep breath and patted the girls cute little pale hand, I’m okay, sweetie. I’m okay.

    Chapter 2 ~ End of an Old Story

    The island of Ironclad, a long lost island off the coast of Pangaea was where all was metal and ore north of the great wall, the ground made up of sand like particles of iron, the trees were twisted, dead, and blackened. A place of shadow and smog, of hopelessness and despair, nothing grew here. Nothing was alive here that was organic, the Forge of Kings, the forge built by the Sages of old forever churned out mechanized soldiers, and clouded the area north of the wall in thick soot. It was a thing of evil, churning out soulless machinations that only served a higher God of old. It had to be destroyed.

    Across the Iron Dunes, marched an army of the living, led by a boy named Eric Doomhunter, a Sage and the last of his kind. He stood at seven feet tall, his hair the color of the blue sky, which was long and silky, his eyes, a blazing emerald green, and his skin a soft white. He looked completely human aside from the blue hair. Behind him, was a massive army, amassing on top of the largest dune, made up of all the greatest civilizations of Pangaea. They were there to stop the production of the Forge, and keep Astinos from using the Forge from its main purpose, manifesting a God into the mortal plain.

    There were the Sarcinians, a desert cat-like race, with their world renown heavy thunder Lizard Cavalry. These were the largest long necked lizards with their spiked plate armor, and heavy siege battlements strapped tightly on. These beasts were mobile ballista platforms and catapults.

    There were Etherians by the tens of thousands, wearing their gold and red iron and leather armor. And there were their Ancestral Guardian companions, Arkanites and their neatly lined legions of soldiers, Gogrillas, and siege weapons. And there were their soldiers donned in their red armor, their short swords at their right sides, their tower shields in their left, making an elegant army.

    Behind them were the Bovarians, a race of cow-like people, with spear and shield in hand. They made up countless Phalanxes behind the lines of Arkanites. Remnants of the Human Empire that survived the siege south of the wall, were also present, wearing their ornate plate armor and carrying their lever action rifles. Coralites, the merfolk of the Oceania Islands north of the Pangea also came to fight. They were unable to bring their sea monsters but their foot soldiers were still a formidable force.

    The Forces of Pangaea stood atop the largest dune, in a crescent moon formation, Eric looked down, before him he saw ranks, upon ranks of Ironclad machinations. He sighed and turned to his friends that were left after the siege in the human city of Ket hours earlier. He had Ri’zikar, Ana, and Toros. The four of them were the last of the Seven Legends, fabled to stop this power from spreading to the mainland of the Pangaean Supercontinent. Eric looked to them, and then back at the large army, and the Forge of Kings. It was still churning out thousands of Soldiers, pouring angry smoke into the blackened sky. He smirked a little, not in an overconfident way, but he was happy that he was here at the end of all things with his friends who had been with him since the beginning.

    Well… said Eric. We’re outnumbered.

    One-hundred-fifty-thousand, against the infinite…I’d agree, Ri’zikar nodded, his blood staff in hand. The Etherian was looking down into what would be the killing fields. His red duster flapping in the wind, his eyes cold as ever, his unfeeling expression was unreadable, but it was clear in his choice of words that he knew the odds were against them. He looked to Eric and then back out to the army down below. Eric, whatever is in your nonsensical system, get it out now…before I beat it out of you, he said, sternly. Eric sighed then smirked at Ri’zikar, and as he opened his mouth Ri’zikar interrupted him. No, you may not call me Mittens, Giggles, or Mr. Smiles.

    Eric pouted and sighed, I guess you got me. Okay time for a rousing speech before ouch time?

    Ana chuckled at him. She too was an Etherian, but very short, at only about 5’2 tall. Make it inspirational my dear…make it memorable. The whole world has been assembled to fight for you. They need the most perfect speech from the most inspirational man since the God of Light himself," she told him, with a loving smile.

    Eric nodded and knelt before her so he could see her eye to eye, he cupped her cheek and kissed her lips tenderly before pulling back and smiling at her. At the end of all this Ana…I promise I will make time for us…I love you…

    Ana looked at him with watery eyes, and then gently punched his pauldron with a smile. Speech first, and tell me later, she spoke through the tears that caught in her throat.

    Eric nodded and rose to his feet and looked to Toros, the Bovarian Earth Sentinel, and smiled up at him. Toros nodded back to him with a small, empathic smile. It was a kindly smile that supported Eric through and through. All eyes are on you, young Sage, make your father proud. The Earth Mother is with you, and all of Pangaea is with you. Toros said as he patted Eric on the shoulder.

    Eric took a deep breath and sighed, as he stepped back to face the entire army he brought with him. He looked at this magnificent force he brought together with pride. All of these races were allied for a common cause: the survival of their people. Enemies were now friends, and were all allied under one banner. Humans were fighting side by side with the races that thought them to be extinct monsters and genocidal demons from the past. All grand armies were assembled, and it was time for Eric’s speech, quite possibly his last one. He took one last deep breath before speaking, stepping back a bit further to see the army as a whole.

    Fellow Citizens of Pangaea, friends, allies, you have all gathered at my- WHOA! ACK!

    Eric was standing too close to the edge of the dune, and it gave away to his weight. He fell back and tumbled down the large dune. Ri’zikar, Ana, Toros, and the whole army was perplexed as they watched Eric roll down the large dune of iron sand. Ana blinked with astonishment.

    Did that actually happen? Did that really, really just happen? Ana exclaimed.

    Ri’zikar looked at her, dumbfounded, You still have to ask? After all this time you still ask? Please don’t have children with him…This world cannot bear another Eric.

    Ana sighed with a smile, You still don’t understand, he is my Eric. I’d have him no other way. No one should ever have to sacrifice their personality for someone else. So, are you going to lead the charge or shall I?

    Ri’zikar shook his head, Hmm, Let him hit the bottom first.

    Eric was still grunting and groaning as he rolled, only picking up momentum as he rolled. Ow! Oof! Ow! Ungh! was all Eric said as he rolled towards the bottom of the dune.

    The soldiers of Pangaea laughed and cheered for their clumsy leader. It raised their morale knowing that Eric had not changed in the past eight years. He was still the same tenderhearted individual they knew from the start. This was far more inspiring to them than the longest of speeches. They sounded the battle drums and horns.

    Ri’zikar smirked and nodded, as that was what he was waiting for. Ri’zikar himself raised his hand and let the cavalry charge forward, Thunder Lizards of all sizes from all races charged down the dune, followed by the Arkanite Gogrillas. Then the infantry behind them followed suit. Ana and Ri’zikar followed with the infantry. At that point, Eric hit the bottom, groaning he rose to his feet, and drew the Sword of Unity that gleamed brightly, even against the dark and smoke filled landscape.

    He stared at least a million Ironclad warriors directly in the face. They were mechanical creatures made of metal, their right hand was a turret of ten barrels that fired a single bullet each. Once each barrel was spent, the turret detached and became a hand that could grab a sword and proceed to melee combat, the left arm had a shield. They were skeletal looking things, lightly armored, but their numbers made up for their disadvantage.

    Eric was out in the open, they fired at him, and he drew from the elements to pull up a large wall of thick iron, to protect himself. Then the canons began firing at the ranks of cavalry on the dune, explosions rocked the dune as cavalry fell to them, tumbling down the dune. But the cavalry still charged, until they reached the bottom, thunder lizards with siege equipment fired their ordinance directly at the ranks of Iron Clad Warriors. Yet the cavalry was now being pelted by bullets.

    As the ballista bolts hit the ranks of Ironclad Warrior’s they turned to iron fillings in an instant. They could not hold up to attacks.

    The Infantry slowly descended down the dune, they too took hits from cannons and bullets. They returned in kind with arrows, thousands of arrows, each one hitting their mark, but they were losing soldiers quickly. Riz’ikar ordered them to charge down the hill to reinforce the Cavalry that was getting hammered. Eric waited for the ranks of Arkanites to hit the bottom before coming out of cover and charging ahead of them.

    From his hand he threw a wall of icicles at the ranks of Ironclad breaking their formations and allowing the infantry to move into melee combat. Eric himself cut through three warriors and blasted five more away with a gust of air. The Arkanites worked with their squads, pushing forward, cycling their troops to cut through the enemy. The Bovarians used their Phalanx formations and spears to keep the enemy at bay. The Coralites used their water elements to turn ranks of Ironclad into ice sculptures.

    Ri’zikar chuckled and cut open his hands with a knife and pulled out several vertebrae from his satchels, he covered them in his blood and threw them ahead of himself. They ended up growing and morphing into skeletal Thunder Lizards. Then he pulled apart his blood staff, revealing two long thick wires at either end of the sections. He plunged the wires into his body and pulled them out. The blood hardened on the wires becoming unbreakable blades. He cleaved through four Ironclad Warriors, with one sweep of his blades.

    Eric met up with him shortly, as he saw Toros crushing the head of an Ironclad under his hoof. Then he bashed a second with his shield. He used the elements to throw blades of iron made out of the sand at enemies.

    There are too many! Eric yelled.

    Did you come to that conclusion before or after you were shot at? Ri’zikar yelled back, cutting through the cranium of an Ironclad.

    Ri’zikar, we have to fight towards the Forge, it’s our only way of stopping them, Eric called to him.

    I can’t blood pool in the middle of combat Eric, I’ll lose too much blood. You have to stormbolt there, and hope that we can fight to you! Ri’zikar shouted over the clamor of battle.

    Eric shook his head, I need you, Toros and Ana, I can’t do this alone. Eric cut through another warrior without hesitation.

    Eric, you’ve relied on others, and now we need to rely on you. Let us do our part, and you do yours. If you don’t Ana will die, we will all die, and the world will be covered in ore and metal. You cannot allow Regis to be brought into this world! Now go! Ri’zikar roared at him.

    Ri’zikar was right, Eric was on his own now.  He was scared for the first time in his life, he had always had help, and now it was up to him to stop a God from manifesting itself into this world. He watched Ana flashing in and out of windwalking, a mortal teleportation ability, good for getting places by oneself, or back stabbing. She flashed in and out, killing Ironclad right and left, with each true strike, turning another warrior to ash. Eric was brought out of his stare by a ricochet that grazed his sage plate armor. He shook his head and within seconds he was enveloped in purple stormbolt energy, a lightning bolt that had many purposes. He used it to zip across the battlefield and into the depths of the Forge of Kings.

    He knew Astinos was in here somewhere. His plate boots clacked against the metal, grating on the floor. The whirr of machinery was almost deafening. He did not even know where to begin looking, but he found that there were pulses of energy that were running through cables in a single direction. He followed the direction of the energy trails, winding through corridors and up staircases. He had a long way to go, as this structure was huge.

    Meanwhile canons from the Ironclad battlelines continued to pound the ranks of the Pangaeans, Ri’zikar had to shield himself as an explosion nearly blinded him and threw him back. He quickly checked himself for shrapnel wounds, and found none, but his duster was tattered. He grumbled, I rather liked this duster. Toros! Take out those cannons, they’re killing us!

    Toros nodded and slammed the ground with his fist, metal spikes shot up out of the ground and impaled twenty guns, there were still far more than that, but it was enough to lessen the amount of heavy fire on the Pangaeans. Ri’zikar could see that the Ironclad warriors had called upon their Iron Knights, mounted cavalry with rotating heavy turrets and lances on mechanical horseback. They charged through the first line of infantry.

    Ri’zikar grumbled with impatience, Eric…hurry up.

    The sound of gears turning, and boilers rumbling was beginning to become drowned out by an almost hypnotic and ethereal heartbeat. Eric came upon a door that had white light piercing past all edges of the metal door frame. All the trails of energy led to this door.

    He pulled the lever to open the door, and the thick metal hinges creaked the entire way open. The light was blinding, and it took him a minute for his eyes to adjust. He entered the room, his eyes opened wide with awe as he saw all this power being funneled into a single waygate, a very huge gateway, as tall as a three story building by human standards.

    He looked around and saw chains holding up a metal suit of armor, just as large as the waygate. It looked regal, iron armor gilded with gold and adorned with diamonds and jewelry. He thought that this might be the body that Regis would take if he were to be summoned. The waygate swirled with a vortex of energies. He did not know how he was going to stop this monster of a Forge. Or if it could even be stopped. He walked up to one of the cables and drew the Sword of Unity, and took a swing to cut the cable, at the last second he was zapped with electricity and thrown against a wall.

    I can’t let you do that Eric… Astinos chuckled. He was a Pure Human, a mix between human and Sage. He stood at six feet high, though he still was not as tall as Eric, but he was imposing with his long sword in hand.

    The final stages are complete, one more missing piece, and Regis will be summoned. You killed Ri’bassa, you killed Hector, and you still couldn’t stop what we had planned. Now, there is me…and you still haven’t caught on, Astinos shook his head with a chuckle.

    Eric glared as he rose to his feet, Caught on to what? I killed both your brothers, and once I kill you, this madness will end.

    Naive to the end, you’re such a child. You let your friends die for it, your allies die for it, and first and foremost you let your father die for it. Everyone you know will die due to your simplicity. The shadow creatures you fought in the Eternal Forest? Created by the Forge. The mindless flesh eating beasts that infested Oceania?  Created by the forge. The hordes of shadow husks that attacked the city of Sacren? Created by the forge. The forge was guiding you all along.  Guiding you to the three of us. We’re at the end of the era Eric. The Gods will remake this world, and this Forge is the key to that change. Regardless of what you do here, you will all die, and the Continent will split. You have lost, Astinos explained, chuckling all the while.

    Eric glared, his anger brewing, his right hand lashed out and purple storm bolt energy lanced out from his palm right at Astinos. Astinos was thrown against crates. He staggered back to his feet.

    You may be a Pure Human, born human with the blood of a Sage, but you are just as corrupt and mindless as all who became addicted to Magic and the ways of the Old Gods. Regis is a bad God. I will end you, and this waygate. You are beyond help…Magic has overtaken you and corrupted your soul. I am Eric Doomhunter son of Roc, and I stand in the light of Kamos Ra! he announced with gusto. He clenched his soul shield gauntlet, a holy white round shield of energy formed around his left wrist as he placed his sword in his right hand.

    Astinos chuckled and nodded, Come then, little half blood demigod. Make me die… He twirled his sword and got into a defensive stance. Eric charged and swung high, Astinos parried and formed a rock gauntlet about his left hand, and slammed it into Eric’s breastplate, denting it and sending Eric backwards. The gauntlet crumbled away and Astinos flexed his hand with a slight grimace.

    Sage Plate…tough stuff, even for magic users, Astinos said. He began to walk over to Eric, who rose to his feet again. Eric threw a fireball at Astinos and the man swatted it away with the back of his hand. You know nothing Eric. Magic and the Elements don’t mix. They repel each other, he said with fond mockery.

    Eric was running out of ideas, It looks like I’ll have to kill you the old way. He charged with his sword, and swung high again. Astinos parried, and Eric blocked his counter attack with his shield, then smacked him across the jaw with it. Astinos staggered back, and winced as he popped his jaw back into place, and then swung at Eric in a flurry of counter attacks. Eric parried as best he could.

    Eric reached deep into the Elements to help power his attacks, You would destroy us, Magic will ruin this world!

    Astinos chuckled as he kept up with Eric’s attacks, No Eric, Magic is ever changing, it will overcome the Elements entirely one day. You are quickly becoming a relic of the past. The new era is Magic.

    Eric’s eyes flared with anger as he glared at Astinos, The only thing I am quickly becoming, is hungry. My tummy is rumbling for the most succulent thunder lizard steak, with a side of mashed potatoes, and wild rice! He said sternly to Astinos as he parried blows and counter attacked. Oh, and Rainbow Skimmer, can’t have steak without Rainbow Skimmer, and mead. Oh man, and maybe some fruit salad too…are you hungry?

    Astinos was sweating as he was fighting to parry Eric’s counter attacks. NO I’M NOT HUNGRY! DIE ALREADY! Astinos roared with anger as red hot flames fired from his hands and they bounced harmlessly off Eric’s shield.

    "Fine, no muffins for dessert for you, and there won’t be ANY muffins where you’re going. I invite you

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