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Lesbian Interracial Erotic Stories
Lesbian Interracial Erotic Stories
Lesbian Interracial Erotic Stories
Ebook73 pages1 hour

Lesbian Interracial Erotic Stories

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About this ebook

Overcoming Culture Shock

Is it her skin color that frightens you, or is it that she is a lesbian putting the moves on you? Are you going to act on the obvious sexual tension between the two of you?

Many women are cautious and shy, but hesitation prevents so many new opportunities. Curiosity and discovery allows us to bend our perceptions, and try some exciting and new thing.

A fleeting bisexual impulse becomes overpowering, sometimes inexperienced women act on their fascination of the exotic women they meet. Could the straight girl avoid falling for the lesbian who put the moves on her? She is reluctant in so many ways, but ultimately allows herself to be seduced for her first lesbian experience.

All love is a beautiful thing!
Release dateNov 8, 2015
Lesbian Interracial Erotic Stories

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    Lesbian Interracial Erotic Stories - Virginia Wild

    Lesbian Interracial Erotic Stories

    Lesbian Interracial Erotica Stories

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    Table of Contents

    © 2015 Virginia Wild. All rights reserved.

    Liquor Run

    Camel Toes

    News Desk

    Minor League Girlfriend


    Liquor Run

    Outside of a liquor store in the middle of the afternoon, some young black women approached me.

    Hey, can you do us a major favor? asked one of them, wearing urban chic jogging clothes with dark purple eye shadow.  We are trying to get some Vodka, and Rum for us, but none of us is 21 yet.  Actually, just turned 20 myself.  Can I give you 60 bucks?  You buy the booze and keep the change.

    No, really this sounds like a police sting operation.  I don’t want to get involved. I resisted.

    Let me digress and introduce myself, Roberta Aspen.  My parents live on Capitol Hill in Washington DC.  I recently graduated from Princeton in Foreign Affairs.  Dad was disappointed with my major.  I was disappointed with the social life, but Princeton looks great on the resume, now I am trying to get a job with the State Department.  My Dad will pull strings.  He is an attorney for lobbyist, so he can make things happen.

    Wednesday before Thanksgiving I came home to DC to wait for my job to start.  Dad left me some cash and asked me to buy cocktails and wine.

    When I arrived at the liquor store there were winos, mixed with rich looking people.  What a weird, wild place!  That’s when I was accosted by those girls in the car.

    Please?  I swear that we are not police, the girl said.  I will even show you my driver’s license.

    She pulled out a Maryland license and I took it from her tattooed hand.  My name is Kimmie.  This is Tanja and Rachelle, she said, trying to personalize the favor, pointing to a Latina and a black girl in the car.  Actually, they were both really pretty.  I guess they weren’t going to cause me too much trouble.

    I read the license, seeing that she was 20 years old, just a couple months away from being old enough.  I am the oldest, but none of us are old enough yet.  I am sure you have been in our position before.

    I wavered silently looking over the car and these girls.  For some reason I said yes.  Ok, I’ll do it, I blurted out just to silence them.  I didn’t see the harm.

    Kimmie gave me a short list of what she wanted, and a fairly accurate idea of prices, Cognac and Rum.  She told me she mixed Cognac with coca-cola.  Blech!  I went inside and bought everything for her list and Dad’s.

    So I bought cart full of booze, which I wheeled to the check, then out to the parking lot, and finally over to Kimmie’s car.  Sorry it took so long, I said handing a case to the black girl in the back seat.

    No, don’t worry.  It’s fine, she said averting her eyes nervously.  HEY…Watch out!  There is a cop car pulling up.  Hop into our car!

    No way… I’m not going to do that, I protested. My mind was calculating the situation, realizing that it looks bad to hand a case of alcohol to girls waiting to peel away.  I was beginning to see the logic of getting into her car.

    You don’t have time to go back to your car.  He will bust you.  I swear.  Get in the back seat with your case.  We are only a couple miles from the Maryland border.   He won’t cross jurisdictions.  Hurry!

    Shit, I cursed, uncharacteristically.  I think you are right.  I grabbed my remaining booze, a box and bags of wine and hopped in their back seat.

    Oh no!  How did I get myself in this situation? I said aloud.

    Don’t worry, said the black girl, touching my hand.  Her fingernails were awesome, which should me she wasn’t slovenly or crazy.  When we get to the apartment we can switch cars and I will give you a ride back here.  It should just take a couple of minutes.  This black girl was actually pretty, and beautifully made up, with an elegant white blouse.

    I was imagining the policemen radioing for assistance as we drove moderately fast.  We got stuck at one traffic light and I got very nervous.  Within a minute we were driving safely across the state border.

    Hey sorry about that, said Kimmie, driving, just as the Latin girl lit up a joint.

    Can we not do that? I asked nervously.  Marijuana in a car is always a bad idea.  I don’t like to live dangerously.

    Ok, we will just finish this one, said the girl as the car filled with smoke.  I cracked the window slightly to get fresh air.  The driver and the Latina were laughing foolishly.

    I looked over at the black girl, noticing that her mini-skirt was showing her white panties.  My mind raced again, suspiciously, as I wondered what kind of kinky girls I was stuck with.  She noticed that I looked at her panties and I averted my eyes irritatedly.  I worried that I was being kidnapped--by druggies or lesbians!

    The girls were giggling in the front seat as we arrived at the apartment building.  It was really apparent that this was a bad neighborhood.  I was afraid for my life and possessions.

    Rachelle took my hand and said, "Look, don’t worry.  I will personally promise to get you back in just a minute.  I need

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