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Darkened Desire: Book 2
Darkened Desire: Book 2
Darkened Desire: Book 2
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Darkened Desire: Book 2

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Annika has discovered that she is a descendant of a very powerful vampire; she is the heir to his empire. With this comes the threat of dangers from new and terrifying enemies all wanting to end her existence. It is up to Lucas to ensure that the mortal woman he loves lives long enough to fulfill her destiny.

The more time that Annika and Lucas spend together, the deeper they fall in love. Come with them on an adventure of discovery as they learn to trust one another with not only their love but lives as well. The course of true love never did run smooth. Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer. True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ears checked.

True love bears all, endures all, and triumphs! Love consists in giving without getting in return; in giving what is not owed, what is not due the other. Will their love survive the oncoming threat or are these two lovers destined to never find their happy ending?
Release dateSep 11, 2015
Darkened Desire: Book 2

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    Darkened Desire - Isabel Rogan

    Darkened Desire – Book 2

    There's nothing worse than waiting and not knowing what'll happen to you. Your own imagination can be crueler than any captor.

    Written By

    Isabel Rogan


    Darkened Desire – Book 2……………………………………………………………

    There's nothing worse than waiting and not knowing what'll happen to you. Your own imagination can be crueler than any captor…………………………………………………………………………………………



    Darkened Desire – Book 2……………………………………………………………


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


    Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time. The author and publisher do not assume and at this moment disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause.


    Darkened Desire – Book 2

    By the time they return to the estate, Annika is too concerned with her father's wellbeing to think about the time ticking down to midnight. There is over an hour to spare, as they walk inside, with Damian leaning on Lucas for support. Climbing the stairs, Veronique offers to help Damian so that Annika can rest for a while, but Annika resists.

    You're still clammy, she fusses, brushing her fingers along his cheek, reluctant to leave. His eyes are more alert, his usual knowing gaze meeting her own anxious one.

    Go, must want some time alone with Lucas as well by now. Veronique can help me.

    Are you sure? Annika eyes him carefully, as Veronique nods in agreement.

    Absolutely, and then I will be with you when you transform. Don't worry about me, Damian smiles, kissing her forehead.

    Annika lets Lucas tug her away, towards their suite. She is relieved the ordeal is finally over yet feeling far from victorious. It's almost surreal; she can hardly believe how it all ended. But they are all here, together and safe, with everything ahead of them. Including her transformation - but she puts that thought out of her mind for the moment. After tonight's adventure, that can hardly be worth worrying about. She never would have believed this strange twist in her life, she muses, but now that she is here, it doesn't seem strange at all.

    They reach their bedroom, and Lucas closes the door quietly behind them, giving her a long look that sets her heart pounding. She leans back against the heavy oak door, running her fingers along his chest, over the snug black turtleneck sweater that clings to his body. Sliding along his ribcage, over the taut abdomen as he hisses with sudden desire that ignites in his veins.

    Annika... he warns, catching the dancing eroticism of her thoughts. We don't have much time...

    Make love to me, Lucas... she whispers, rising up on her toes, pressing against him. Make me forget everything else but us... Her mouth finds his, and he growls in response. Pure primal need flares through him, and he kisses her harder, wrapping his fingers in her hair.

    Yes, god yes... There is nothing else he wants at that moment as well, but to lose himself in her soft wet warmth, and to take her fully and utterly.

    He swings her easily into his arms, his cock suddenly hard between her legs, his hands sliding up under her own sweater, anxious to feel her bare skin next to his. She clings to him, kisses and whimpers alternating, as tongues slide and dance.

    In one swift movement, he pulls her sweater away, unsnapping her bra so that her breasts fall free. Leveraging her against the door, he cups the soft curves, thumbs over the nipples, and she melts at how good it feels. Instant heat arcs through her, straight to her clit, and she wiggles against him, desperate for contact.

    Lucas’ mouth moves along her throat, licking a trail along the tender skin, as she moans in pure delight. He spins them around, carrying her to the bed, her legs locked around him. Clothes fall away before they sink onto the Crisp cool sheets, the downy pillows cushioning her head. She looks up, her hands tracing his broad shoulders, as he braces himself over her. A little smile plays along her lips as he pauses, instead of ravishing her as she expects.


    You... he murmurs, his voice low and seductive. You are such an amazing woman, Annika. If you hadn't been there tonight...

    Yeah, I saved your ass again, didn't I? she giggles, overcome with a sudden fit of relieved laughter.

    That you did, sweetheart... he agrees, a devilish light in his eyes. And for that I shall be eternally grateful.

    So, show me some gratitude... she breathes, longing for his touch, as he continues to hold himself above her. Make me happy...

    Always, love...and you deserve everything and more... Then his mouth comes down to hers, forceful and deliberate. Her hands slide over his neck, holding him close. Kissing him just as hard, sighing into his mouth as he parts her lips, plunging his tongue against hers. Needing to taste her.

    Needing to take her.

    Their eyes meet then - his burning gold, her azure green. I need you so bad right now... this isn't going to be slow... he mutters, inflamed for her. His hands cup her ass, fingers tightening against her. Their hips meet and rotate slowly, heat building to a fever pitch in each of them. Annika surrenders to his voice, and his mouth, arching up to meet him.

    Good... Annika can barely think, as he trails one finger across her clit, making her whimper. Teasing her, watching the flush rise on her skin. With a knowing grin, Lucas lowers his mouth over her breast, taking one rosy nipple carefully. Gentle despite his need, despite his fangs aching to bite. Her body shakes in anticipation, as his cock slides against her wetness, joining with his mouth to make her crazy. Every nerve is on fire, lust and desire flooding her body equally.

    You want me now...don't you? Lucas teases, pausing, admiring her in the soft light.'re driving me mad...

    Anticipation is always part of the pleasure, my dear, Lucas growls, inching just a bit deeper against her, just inside of her, as she tightens around him. But I can't wait either... Lowering his head, catching her mouth, his arms braced on either side of her now. Driving just a little further with each flex of his hips, until he is fully into her. Annika exhales in satisfaction, and he glides in and out of her, until they are moving faster as she meets each thrust eagerly. Incoherent throaty sounds of pleasure tumble out of her lips, as she clenches around him. Each rock of his hips takes her ever closer to the point of no return, and she loses herself completely in the moment. Lucas feels her tiny frame shuddering beneath him, her legs wrapping around him, as he grazes his fangs along her throat. Holding back from that, wanting to wait until she is fully vampire to share blood with her. But he nips her lightly, just enough leave his mark on her, and to trigger a spasm deep within her, and he is ready to let himself go with her.

    Now...come for me now Annika... he urges, sucking at her throat, leaving more little marks against her skin.

    Come with me... she moans, reaching her peak, pulling him along with her until there is only the two of them, spiraling into sweet bliss. Clinging to him, as the last little spasm dies away, leaving her breathless and sated, Annika sighs happily.

    That was intense... Lucas murmurs, against her hair, as he cradles her against him, listening to their combined pulses pounding. He rubs the little bruise along her throat, before pressing little kisses there. I've marked you...

    Forever... she sighs, before peeking at the clock, stretching languidly. Oh...with everything else that happened, I completely forgot to tell you about my dream...

    What did you dream this time?

    It was my mother, so real, I almost still felt her touch on my cheek when I woke up, Annika remembers. She told me to be extraordinary, that our lives were eternally entwined now. And she mentioned Kiera...

    What of her?

    I don't know...I woke up before she continued... Annika sighs, looking up at him, as he props up on one elbow beside her. His fingers trace a lock of her hair that has strayed across her chest, tickling her with the silky strands. I wish I knew what that was all about, Lucas.

    If there is a reason, I'm sure it will be made clear soon enough, he reassures her. He checks the time, before dropping a kiss on her lips. It's getting closer to midnight, love...time to prepare...

    You're right...will you check on Damian while I shower?

    Of course, he acknowledges, sitting up, and raking a hand through his already unruly hair. Looking dark and sinful against the pure white sheets, his eyes still gleaming with a trace of gold. Don't worry, love, we'll all be with you. You'll be fine...

    Annika nods briefly, before kissing him softly, and sliding out of bed. I can't wait - what do I wear for a vampire transformation? she giggles, pausing at the door, her silk robe trailing from her fingertips. Her hair is loose and tousled around her face, her body outlined in the light behind her. She looks radiant and ethereal, poised at the start of her new life.

    With a low sound of need, Lucas joins her, enveloping her in a hug, lifting her off her feet. If I had my way, and I was the only one with you...I would keep you just like this... he tells her, kissing her hard, sending her senses into orbit again. Letting her go just as quickly, and giving her a gentle nudge towards the shower. But for the sake of propriety, perhaps I'll pick something out for you. He winks at her little gasp, before he disappears to find the others.

    Annika looks into the faces of the vampires she has come to know so well in the last few weeks. The clock is striking midnight as they gather around her. Damian, looking nearly fully recovered, dressed in black as usual, his expression calm and knowing; Lucas, in his black leather pants and blood red shirt, a reassuring smile curving his mouth; Veronique, in silk amethyst wrap dress, her black hair curling over her shoulders. Mark and Alexei are there as well, hanging back slightly, but just as reassuring by their presence.

    Damian sits beside her on the bed, stroking the hair from her forehead. It's time, my daughter.

    Annika shifts, comfortable in the loose silk pants and turquoise camisole that Lucas had left for her earlier. He grips her hand on the other side, pressing his lips against her temple. Just close your eyes, we'll be right here with you, love.

    Her eyes drift shut, listening to his calm voice. Damian touches her eyelids, sending soothing thoughts into her sub-conscious. She inhales slowly, floating into a place of cool misty relaxation. Her breathing slows further, her pulse matching it, as the transformation takes hold of her. For a brief time, there is no sensation, no feeling, as she hovers between her mortal life and her immortal one.

    Is this the same as when someone is bitten? Mark asks. I've never seen anyone change without that.

    In many ways, Damian acknowledges. The body nearly shuts down, becoming vampire, the internal organs changing to require only nourishment from blood, the skin becomes more polished, the hair more lustrous. Her fangs will develop, and her eyes will become powerful. All of her senses become sharpened, as you know, in order to hunt. My blood and Lucas’ already are mingled in her body, so there won't be the same shock to her system as someone bitten, however. It's a more gradual change, but it takes time... he finishes quietly, holding her hand as she twitches.

    Annika moans softly, her eyes flicking behind the closed lids. She feels no pain, just sudden tingling everywhere, and the light behind her lid’s changes from dark to light, then swirling with colors. Dimly, she still can tell that Lucas and Damian are holding her hands, their touch calming her.

    Is she all, right? Lucas asks in concern, as her head moves from side to side, little sounds caught in her throat. Already he can see the changes in her - her skin glows in the cool moonlight, her hair seems to shimmer with added highlights, and her pulse is slow and measured. He realizes the bruises on her throat from his earlier love bite has disappeared now. Her lips part, and he can see the tips of her fangs lengthening as well.

    She's fine, Cherie, Veronique whispers. Her own strength will sustain her, where others may have suffered.

    A spasm shoots through Annika just then, and Lucas tightens his grip on her hand. She arches upward, then sits upright; her eyes open wide as she looks around at the group surrounding her. Her eyes are bright, sparkling with clarity, and she blinks for a moment, surprised at the difference in her vision.

    Annika... Lucas murmurs and her eyes find his briefly.

    Lucas... she replies, Am I changed?

    For the better, I'm sure, he assures her, touching her cheek, feeling the coolness of her skin. How do you feel?

    I'm good - it's so amazing... she whispers, falling back against the pillows, her eyes closing, her body limp and her breathing shallow.

    Is that normal? Mark asks, exchanging a worried look with Lucas.

    Yes, she will need to rest off and on now for a few hours, as her body completes the transformation.

    And then...?

    Then she will need blood, before the dawn comes.

    Damian reaches into his jacket pocket, and withdraws the pewter amulet with the gleaming ruby, handing it over to Lucas. Here, you need to place this on her when she awakens, to keep her united with the rest of us. He touches his own, back in place around his throat. Recalling the trauma, he had felt when Zorayas has drugged him the night before, and pulling the amulet away to leave behind. Feeling so abjectly helpless, as the fire burst into life around them, while Zorayas had laughed in sadistic delight.

    He shakes his head now, clearing away the bad memories, but not before Lucas was able to glimpse the torment. Sir...what happened last night? he asks, as the other look at Damian as well. Annika stirs, and opens her eyes again, as Lucas gathers her closer.

    Damian rubs his face. I thought I had him, he was on his knees...but I hesitated like a stupid fool. He threw some powder at my face, and by instinct, I inhaled. The room spun and my limbs went weak - the next thing I knew, the whole building was going up in flames. Renegades were consumed instantly, and I thought I was next. He pulled me outside instead, onto the sand, and I fought him with what little strength I possessed. He yanked the amulet away, tossing it aside to throw you off track. Then he took me away to that house, letting more of the Renegades kill at will, while I was helpless to stop him. I blacked out, as the sun came up, and I felt it was my last moment on earth...

    There is utter silence in the room then, as they contemplate the implications of being left to burn in the harsh light of day. Not a pleasant way to die.

    But then, at sundown, I came awake to find myself bound, still alive, obviously to bring all of you to rescue me. I tried to shield my thoughts, but I was far too weak. Each time I fought him off, he managed to keep me from healing...

    That's when Annika felt you.

    Damian nods slowly. Yes, the psychic bond was open, with her transformation being so close, I was aware it was only a matter of time before you found me. Obviously, this was Zorayas's plan, to kill us all at one time...

    But Annika came through, and it's over, Veronique murmurs. And time to celebrate her new life.

    Yes, it was fate that she was the one to end his miserable existence, just as her is beginning as vampire. Damian smiles a little sadly, remembering the brother that used to be, not the monster he became. Zorayas ceased to exist many centuries ago, after all...

    Annika reaches out to touch her father's arm. Everything seems to be so intensified, her senses almost overloaded with sounds and sights, everything more clearly defined. When she speaks, her voice is a little changed, a little throatier and more sensual. I'm just happy you are better. She feels his blood pounding that all of his wounds have now healed, and she senses no pain in his body now. All of her healing senses are sharpened now, aware of every cell and muscle under her fingertips.

    As all of us are, Veronique smiles. And since you seem to be fine as well, I will be off to hunt. After the rush of the fight, I find I need to feed. Find some juicy mortal and take some sustenance... Her eyes gleam in the low light, and both Mark and Alexei find their own hunger stirring at her words.

    We'll join you, if that's acceptable, Alexei offers as she begins to walk towards the door. She turns, with a suggestive smile, beckoning them to her.

    I can always use the company of such handsome young vampires, Cherie, she laughs, before they disappear, leaving the room in a swirl of cool air.

    Are you sure they can handle that? Lucas laughs, looking at Damian. Veronique can be a little overwhelming in her hungers...if you know what I mean...

    They will find out, I'm sure, Damian murmurs. Now, I should leave you alone as well. Make sure you take Annika out to hunt before dawn.

    Of course, Lucas assures him. She's in good hands.

    As Damian disappears, Annika turns to Lucas with a small laugh. Very good hands, I'd say... Her sensual needs are heightened, suddenly aware of his own sharp desire, blood calling to her. She rises up on her knees, crawling to him over the rumpled bedding. Her hair falls over her shoulders, her eyes beginning to glow with the gold of her arousal. Her lips draw back, her fangs looking dainty yet dangerous at the same time.

    Heat pools in Lucas’ groin, as she joins him, settling on his lap. You were so right...

    ...about? His hands slide under the delicate camisole, his mouth at her throat.

    ...the sensual nature of vampires...the give and take of pleasure in the night... she sighs. Show me more, Lucas, please...

    Show me more...

    You know you should be resting, Lucas reminds Annika. I wouldn't be a very good mentor to let you tire yourself out... But his body is responding, his hands inching along the silky camisole. The sight of her small fangs is making him hotter than ever, more than any other vampiress before. She is the same woman he fell in love with, yet different.

    I'm feeling good, she assures him, watching the way his eyes are changing, seeing him with her vampire sense, seeing more richness to

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