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The Book of Exodus for Beginners
The Book of Exodus for Beginners
The Book of Exodus for Beginners
Ebook142 pages1 hour

The Book of Exodus for Beginners

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The Book of the Exodus for Beginners is designed for readers who are interested in the book of Exodus, but find the actual book in the Bible either too difficult to read or don’t have time to read it. This book gives a, chapter-by-chapter, summery of each chapter in the book of Exodus from the Bible.
Release dateJan 18, 2016
The Book of Exodus for Beginners

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    The Book of Exodus for Beginners - James Adams

    The Book of Exodus for Beginners

    The Book of Exodus for Beginners

    by James W. Adams

    The Book of Exodus for Beginners: © 2016 by James W. Adams


    The Book of Exodus for Beginners is designed for people interested in the Book of Exodus, but find the Book of Exodus in the Bible too long to read through. The reason why I wrote this book is because I remember when I was interested in the Book of Exodus, but I could not find it in me to read through the entire first book of the Bible. I remember looking at the Bible, wanting to read it, but finding the task too big to accomplish. If I had this book available to me back then, I would be more willing to read the Book of Exodus later on.

    My hopes is that after reading this book, not only will you have a much better understanding of the Book of Exodus, but later on, you will want to read the Book of Exodus in Bible. This book is basically a foot-in-the-door for you to be open to the possibility of reading the Book of Exodus in the Bible at some point in your lifetime.

    God Bless,

    James W. Adams

    Exodus Chapter 1

    Sons of Israel

    Exo 1:1-7













    (> = one descendant down the blood line)

    * All the descendants of Jacob were 70

    The people of Israel were fruitful and multiplied; they eventually fill up the land of Egypt.

    Pharaoh Makes Israel Slaves

    Exo 1:8-22

    A new Pharaoh came to the throne of Egypt who did not like the people of Israel. The Pharaoh wanted to show the people of Israel who was in control before they became too many to handle if a war broke out between them. Pharaoh put the people of Israel under task masters who put them to hard labor.

    Despite the slave labor that Pharaoh put the people of Israel through, they multiplied greatly. Pharaoh did not want the people of Israel to grow any further so he ordered the Egyptian midwives to kill all male boys who were born from a Hebrew (people of Israel) woman. The midwives feared God and did not kill the Hebrew baby boys.

    Pharaoh asked the midwives why they did not kill the Hebrew baby boys. The midwives told Pharaoh that they feared God too much to kill them. Pharaoh dealt with the midwives and ordered the people of Egypt to kill all the baby Hebrew boys. The order of death was to put the baby Hebrew boys in the Nile River, but to let the baby Hebrew girls live.

    Exodus Chapter 2

    Moses is Born

    Exo 2:1-10

    A Hebrew man and woman conceived and the Hebrew woman bore a baby boy. The Hebrew woman did not want her child to be killed so she hid him for three months. When the Hebrew mother could no longer hide her baby boy, she had no choice but to put the child in a basket and put him in the Nile River.

    The sister of the Hebrew baby boy watched her brother go down the river to see what would happen to him. The Pharaoh’s daughter happened to be bathing in the Nile River at the time when the Hebrew baby boy was drifting down the river and saw the basket. The Pharaoh’s daughter told her servants to go and get the basket so she could see what was in it.

    Pharaoh’s daughter saw that there was a crying Hebrew baby boy in the basket and took pity on him. Pharaoh’s daughter told her servants to take the Hebrew baby boy so he could be nursed and cared for. The Hebrew baby boy’s sister came up to the servants and asked them if they wanted her to find a suitable nurse for the Hebrew bay boy – they agreed to let her find a nurse.

    The Hebrew baby boy’s sister brought her mother to Pharaoh’s daughter’s servant to let them know that she would be the baby boy’s nurse. Not knowing that the nurse was the baby boy’s mother, the servants agreed to let her nurse the baby boy. The Hebrew baby

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