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Hallway of Life
Hallway of Life
Hallway of Life
Ebook31 pages20 minutes

Hallway of Life

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In "Sugar, Honey, Iced, Tea!" Uncle Will is hosting a Fourth of July party for the ages. The music is bumping, the neighbors are packed in, food is flowing, and the drinks are in abundance. But a scream breaks out from inside his house! Wait, was that his niece Sinclair? What could have happened to that little girl?

"The Lost & Found" follows Adrian as he rips through the Miami streets looking for his brother. Matias, his younger brother has disappeared yet again, and the only thing he left behind was a handwritten note: "Whatever you do, don't look for me,". So how the heck is Adrian supposed to find Matias now?

"Resilient Hands" captures the story of Montez, an ambitious young boy determined to follow his own artistic path. He has a chance to join an exclusive after school art program, but what about his parents' expectations and demands for his future? Will he be able to paint his own pathway?

In "Stubborn Jezebel" James and Michelle have a secret that nobody else knows, one that can ruin their relationships, their families, and their integrity with their spouses. One of them wants to hide the truth, while the other wants to snatch the covers off. Can they manage to come together for this decision, or will the deeply rooted bitterness keep the skeletons locked in the closet?

"Inevitable Betrayal" peeks into young Tara's whirlwind romance with Anthony, a newly endowed wealthy heir. But her mother could care less about love, rather she wants Tara to focus on her future, like college or a good match. As Tara reminisces about her weekend, her mother lectures her about her party girl habits. Meanwhile, Anthony's dad doesn't like Tara and pressures him to find stability as the next leader in the family business. Will his decision make or break their relationship?

Release dateNov 22, 2020
Hallway of Life

Shaquanda Roberts

Shaquanda is an American Poet and Author who writes inspirational stories, realistic fiction, romance & poetry. She is currently earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Full Sail University. She has published poetry with Creative Communication. She was also a staff writer for Inlet Grove Community High School’s Forecast Magazine, and Palm Beach Atlantic University’s The Beacon.Follow her on Instagram:

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    Book preview

    Hallway of Life - Shaquanda Roberts

    Hallway of Life

    By Shaquanda J. Roberts

    Copyright © Shaquanda J. Roberts, 2020

    All Rights Reserved

    Book Cover/Illustrations by Jarius D. Roberts

    First Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    So, you've guessed it. This is a small collection of flash fiction stories that I've written for my college classes. I had no idea when I'd actually publish something that I've written, but here we are. I'm going to look back on this little book many published pieces from now and laugh. But I won't laugh at the stories, but at the fear that kept me from putting something out. These stories are by no means perfect, but they are much like all of us, authentic, flawed, and still beautiful. So, feel free to yell at any of these characters, that's what they're here for. And who knows, you might see yourself somewhere in these pages. This is just the starting point. So, cheers to humble beginnings.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Info


    Table of Contents

    Sugar, Honey, Iced, Tea!

    Some Surprise

    Resilient Hands

    Stubborn Jezebel

    Inevitable Betrayal

    About the Author

    Connect with the Author

    Sugar, Honey, Iced Tea!

    Sinclair’s ear-splitting scream shot through the shabby apartment complex. Like heart rates, heads

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