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Warrior Within: Healing Childhood Abuse. Book 1 How Trauma Effects the Brain,Personal Values and Affirming Self Worth
Warrior Within: Healing Childhood Abuse. Book 1 How Trauma Effects the Brain,Personal Values and Affirming Self Worth
Warrior Within: Healing Childhood Abuse. Book 1 How Trauma Effects the Brain,Personal Values and Affirming Self Worth
Ebook52 pages1 hour

Warrior Within: Healing Childhood Abuse. Book 1 How Trauma Effects the Brain,Personal Values and Affirming Self Worth

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An estimated one in every four girls and one in six boys are sexually abused at least once before their eighteenth birthday. For most of these children though, they are abused multiple times and over a period of time by their perpetrator.
Many of these crimes will go unreported by the child until late adulthood ( if ever reported at all). This leads the individual to develop a vast number of personal and interpersonal struggles. Lack of trust in others, low self esteem, lack of self worth, relationship issues and issues creating boundaries are to name a few, not to mention that mental health conditions that sexual abuse trauma creates such as severe depression and anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder to name but a few. When an abuse survivor begins to come to terms with the historic abuse they encountered in their childhood, they are offered medication for mental health issues and are offered therapy sessions to deal with their past traumas. But as well as dealing with current mental health and past traumatic experiences, at some point a survivor must also adopt a more holistic approach to their healing in order to overcome their poor self esteem and negative self view to go forward and live a fuller and happier life. The learning, practice and incorporation of these skills into a survivor's daily life are essential to them building a life after dealing with a traumatic past.
In this series of self help books I will share with you the daily practices that I discovered and incorporated into my own healing journey that allowed me to overcome my own experiences of childhood sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. Practices from a variety of fields such as psychology, holistic remedies and life coaching.
Learning about the practices in these books, and more importantly putting them into consistent practice in daily life, you will also be able to overcome the devastating effects that can overshadow a survivor's entire life.
Almost all survivors I have met in person and online via chat groups and forums have told me the same thing. They get help in therapy sessions for dealing with the past, but do not get help to move forward into the future, which keeps them held in a place of always healing, but never being healed because they do not know or have been shown how to move forward.
If you are tired of feeling stuck and tormented by the events of your past then start by learning and using the practices in these books to get your life back.
Note: The exercises in this book are not meant to replace professional therapy, but to be used alongside professional help you heal from the trauma of childhood abuse.

PublisherMike Bowles
Release dateNov 26, 2020
Warrior Within: Healing Childhood Abuse. Book 1 How Trauma Effects the Brain,Personal Values and Affirming Self Worth

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    Book preview

    Warrior Within - Mike Bowles

    Warrior Within: Healing Childhood Abuse

    Book 1 How Trauma Effects the Brain, Positive Affirmations & Personal Values


    Sexual abuse of children is something that is both writhe in society and very taboo.

     An estimated one in every four girls and one in six boys are sexually abused at least once before their eighteenth birthday. For most of these children though, they are abused multiple times and over a period of time by their perpetrator.

     Many of these crimes will go unreported by the child until late adulthood ( if ever reported at all). This leads the individual to develop a vast number of personal and interpersonal struggles. Lack of trust in others, low self esteem, lack of self worth, relationship issues and issues creating boundaries are to name a few, not to mention that mental health conditions that sexual abuse trauma creates such as severe depression and anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder to name but a few. When an abuse survivor begins to come to terms with the historic abuse they encountered in their childhood, they are offered medication for mental health issues and are offered therapy sessions to deal with their past traumas. But as well as dealing with current mental health and past traumatic experiences, at some point a survivor must also adopt a more holistic approach to their healing in order to overcome their poor self esteem and negative self view to go forward and live a fuller and happier life. The learning, practice and incorporation of skills into a survivor's daily life are essential to them building a life after dealing with a traumatic past.

     In this series of self help books I will share with you the daily practices that I discovered and incorporated into my own healing journey that allowed me to overcome your own experiences of childhood sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect.

    Learning about the practices in these books, and more importantly putting them into consistent practice in daily life, you will also be able to overcome the devastating effects that can overshadow a survivor's entire life.

    Almost all survivors I have met in person and online via chat groups and forums have told me the same thing. They get help in therapy sessions for dealing with the past, but do not get help to move forward into the future, which keeps them held in a place of always healing, but never being healed because they do not know or have been shown how to move forward.

    If you are tired of feeling stuck and tormented by the events of your past then start by learning and using the practices in these books to get your life back.

    Note: The exercises in this book are not meant to replace professional therapy, but to be used alongside professional help you heal from the trauma of childhood abuse.

    1. Affirmations

    " It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief and once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen"

    -Claude M. Bristol

    " An affirmation opens the door. It's a beginning point on the path of change"

    -Louise .Hay

     Affirmations are probably one of the best starting points in building your future and a great (but easy to apply) platform for change in your life. Affirmations were one of the first six steps that I used on my healing journey to begin to cope with the abuse that I had suffered in my past.

     It was during the time between being assessed by my GP and being on what seemed like an endless waiting list to get into actual therapy with a real life professional that I discovered them and began to put them into practice. The gap between the two ended up being nearly eighteen months long. I had already been signposted by eleven different sexual abuse help groups and charities that I had found online. That was devastating. Having to go through my story time after time and hearing that because I was not a woman ( or lived as a woman) I could not get help from any of them . Each one would listen to my story on an initial phone call and then apologise and suggest or give me another number for another help group, so by the

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