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Only for Me
Only for Me
Only for Me
Ebook250 pages3 hours

Only for Me

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About this ebook

An ancient pact was made to give a family an extraordinary talent in the medical field, but it came with a price. The youngest member of the family is trying to break the curse of the family, but he's racing against time and chasing an obsession of his own.
Two detectives, one rookie and one seasoned veteran, find themselves in a case that was more than they bargained for when the FBI get involved.
Caught in the crosshairs between the doctor and the detectives is a children's books author.
It will take everything the detectives have to keep their wits about them.

PublisherAnissa Walker
Release dateDec 6, 2020
Only for Me

Anissa Walker

I am a lover of literature. I have recently started ghost writing, and I have a couple of my own projects in the works. Keep an eye on this space. :)

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    Book preview

    Only for Me - Anissa Walker

    Chapter 1

    When did it all go wrong? The night wasn't supposed to end like this. Everyone was supposed to laugh, eat, drink, and have a blast. James isn't supposed to be dead! He shouldn't be lying on the floor of my study!

    Stephanie stood from the stool at the kitchen island and walked over to the sink to splash water on her face. She was in the middle of toweling off when a detective entered the kitchen. He couldn't have been more than thirty. He made his way over to her and offered his hand. She finished patting her face dry, placed the towel on the counter, and shook the detective's hand. There was apprehension in his voice.

    Hello, ma'am. I'm Detective Stone.

    Hello, I'm Stephanie. Stephanie Pierce. He could see she was upset. He waited until she sat back down. He reached for one of the paper towels, and handed it to her. She took it and began to wring it with both of her hands. He could tell she was trying to keep it together.

    I know you've been through a lot tonight. Her bangs flew up briefly as she blew out a puff of air towards her forehead and rolled her eyes. They were red and swollen from crying.

    That's the understatement of the century.

    Are you okay enough to answer some questions for me? Before she could answer, an older gentleman in an ill-fitted suit poked his head in the doorway. His voice was rough from years of smoking, and he was brushing remnants of the sandwich of off his shirt and jacket.

    Allen, the techs are here. He waved in acknowledgment. The tears started flowing down her face again. She dabbed her eyes with the paper towel and looked at Allen. His mouth was forming another question when a voice cut him off.

    Honestly, I know you guys are supposed to do this, but don't you think she's been through enough?

    A red head had entered the kitchen and made a beeline to Stephanie. She rubbed her friend's back and hugged her. She let out sigh as she looked up from her friend to Allen.

    Sorry, I'm Sandra Colson. She reached over her friend and shook the detective's hand. Her azure blue eyes caught him off guard.

    He straightened his tie and looked at Sandra, Do you know who called the police?

    She stood and smiled. That would be me.

    Can I talk to you for a moment? She nodded.

    Let me calm her down first. I'll be right with you. He made his way into the hall.

    Where did she get these Halloween decorations?

    He shivered as he almost bumped into a hand jutting out of the wall. It took him a moment to realize it was a prop.

    Remarkable and creepy. He ran his fingers along one of the props of a clown that looked half dead. Marcus walked over to Allen.

    What's up, Sarge? How do you want to handle this?

    You handle the femmes in distress. He pointed his head toward the kitchen. I'll question the guests. The sergeant cleared his throat as he reached the entrance to the living room.

    Okay everyone, listen up. I'm Sergeant Marcus Riley, and I need to ask all of you some questions. There were moans and protests.

    How long it takes to get this done is up to you. You are to either wash all the crap off your faces or take the masks off. I will interview each of you in turn and then let you go home.

    Allen turned back to the decoration. Sandra came and stood next to Allen.

    Real charmer, that one. Smiling, he looked at Sandra. A regular Banderas.

    He pointed to the décor.

    She chuckled. Steph majored in art and minored in creative writing. A look of surprise crossed the detective's features.

    She made these?

    Yeeeep. Sandra said with pride.

    He turned to face Sandra, Who found the body?

    Sandra pointed behind her, The person is -was- James Fredricks, her fiancé.

    Allen winced, Damn. No wonder she's a wreck.

    She agreed, She must've stood over him for a good five minutes.

    How long did it take for the patrolman to get here?

    She answered without hesitation, Seven minutes.

    He blinked, What did you do? Time it?

    Yes. She pointed to the end of the hall. There is a back way into the study. That is where she entered the room and found him. I heard her scream, peeked in to see the body, and phoned the police. One-by-one she slipped her flats off while she still stood.

    Who do I give these to? He smirked.

    Watch CSI much? She gave him a cold look.

    I'm majoring in forensic science at GSU. She tipped her head towards the living room. My friends call me a 'squint in training'. He laughed. He pointed one of the techs. She promptly handed over her shoes and came back to Allen.

    So, I guess we have you to thank for the chairs blocking the study?


    It's nice to work with someone who knows their stuff. What year are you in?

    This is my second year. He motioned for her to come with him toward the front door and pointed into the living room.

    Look in there and tell me if there is anyone there you don't recognize.

    He watched Sandra as she looked around the room. Her gaze was intense as she took in every detail. There were those who had taken off their masks and those that were in the process of removing the make-up. Her quick move to face him took him off guard. He jumped.

    She had a sign-in sheet and a guest list.

    He cocked his head to one side, A little anal.

    She sniffed. She did that so she could give everyone a treat before they left. She went to the door and came back with a small clipboard.

    Here, this is the sign-in sheet. I can tell you; however, that there is one person that showed up and wasn't invited.

    Allen glanced up briefly from the list. Oh? Who would that be?

    Myron Styles, he's Steph's ex.

    He wrote the information down.

    Do you think you can dig up the guest list?

    She nodded, She would have that upstairs. I'll go get it. She almost bumped into the coroner when she started toward the stairs. The man was in his late forties, and silver was working its way into his black hair. He shook his head left to right and held up his hand to stop her.

    No one is going up there.

    Sandra placed her hands on her hips. It was roped off so no one would go up there.

    That's not how I found it. Anyway, He looked over at Allen. There is a second body up there.

    Which room, Pete?

    The first one on the right. Her eyes widened.

    That's Stephie's room! Before they could catch her, she jumped over the rope, sprinted upstairs, and stopped at the first doorway. When Allen got up there, she was frozen with fright, and pointing to the mirror. There was a message in dripping red letters:




    Allen snapped her out of it by placing a hand on her shoulder. She jumped.

    Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. She looked at him, the look of fear was written on her face. There were tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. She wiped them and kept her composure as best as she could.

    I'm fine. This is all surreal. It's almost like being in a horror movie. He agreed.

    Since we're up here, you mind getting the guest list? She nodded and made her way to another room down the hall. The door to the room was still shut. Allen was right behind her.

    This is her home office. She works in here when she isn't feeling well. She opened the door and went inside. Who Stephanie was hit Allen like a ton of bricks.

    She's the Cuddles the Bear creator! Holy Crap! The mayor is going to be up the Captain's butt like an enema!

    An old bear was sitting on her desk. Its right ear hand been sewn on and it was lumpy from several 'operations'. The walls displayed framed cover art of previous children's books. Sandra sat at the desk and opened a drawer on the right. After rifling through it for a few seconds, she pulled out a small note pad.

    This is it. He handed her the sign-in sheet.

    Give both of these to Sergeant Riley, the 'charmer' in the living room.


    Curiosity got the best of Allen. Instead of passing by the bedroom, he slipped on shoe covers and made his way inside. He felt as if he had stepped on a fluffy cloud when his foot landed on the plush, cream carpet. There was children's art on three of the sky-blue walls mixed in with pictures of her at the hospitals visiting sick children. She really loves kids. He looked closer at the vanity and the mirror. There was a porcelain figurine of a bear sitting atop a small pillow on the right-hand side, and a pillow on the other side that had an indentation on the left. There's one missing. His eyes went around the room, taking in the collection of stuffed animals on the sleigh bed and up to rest on the family portrait. She has her mother's eyes. He made his way around the bed to the walk-in closet.

    This thing is as big as my master bathroom. The carnival magician hung from the light fixture in the center. A black strip of material served as the noose. I can't say I haven't seen people use ties for nooses before, but a bow tie? Although he didn't want to know how the top hat remained on the victim's head, he couldn't help but notice the rivulets of red that matted the victim's light brown hair around the perimeter of his head. The jagged cut on his neck started under one ear and ended under the other. The blood that flowed from the wound turned the stark white button-down shirt crimson. Under the victim's feet, the cane was opened, and the pieces were lain across one another. The scene was almost brightened by the silk flowers that had bloomed from one end. He sighed as he made his way down the stairs. I hate this part of the job. I still have to ask her some questions. He entered the kitchen once again. Stephanie was sitting at the island in the kitchen with her head on her forearms. Her ebony hair fell around her.

    He placed his hand on her back.

    I am so sorry about your fiancé.

    She turned her head and peered over at him. Standard line?

    He shook his head. Normally, we say 'I'm sorry for your loss.'

    She sat up. Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you.

    He shrugged. Understandable. I do still have to ask those questions though. Are you ready?

    As ready as I'll ever be; I guess.

    Do you know of anyone that might have wanted to hurt James, or get to you through him? Her emerald eyes looked up and around the room as if the answer was lingering in the air.

    I have an ex-boyfriend that was obsessed with me.

    He flipped through his notes. Myron Styles?

    Yes, that would be the one. She rolled her eyes.

    You said 'obsessed'. When did you break it off?

    November of last year. We had been together for two years. She shivered. After a year of being together, he started hounding me about where I had been, and what I had been doing. He would fly off the handle if I got home a few minutes late.

    He looked up from his notes, What happened when you broke it off?

    He started following me everywhere. It didn't seem to matter what routes I took or how I varied my routine. He always seemed to be there. I had a restraining order put out on him. Allen underlined that twice.

    I don't mean to pry, but it seems as if you didn't let things blow over before you found another.

    Oh, James. We have… had… been friends since elementary school. It wasn't until I left Myron that I realized that I felt more for James than friendship.

    I see. Sandra said that Myron was here tonight.

    She acknowledged the fact. She had told me just before we heard the crash.

    How far into the party was this. Can you guess?

    A couple of hours; I would say.

    He shut his notebook and handed her a card. If you remember anything else that may help, call me, please. Do you have a place to stay?

    She can stay with me. Sandra was leaning in the against the door frame. We have an empty room in the townhouse.

    We? She waved her hand dismissively. I have two roommates, students, like me."


    Steph looked at her friend. I'll try not to be in the way.

    Sandra looked up and shook her head from side to side. "You won't be in the way, silly. It'll be like old times. You can wear some of my clothes. Unless you want to go up there." Her right finger pointed to the ceiling. Stephanie looked past her friend and down the hall just in time to see the coroner come from the stairs with a second body bag, and shivered.

    Ah, no. I don't think I want to go up there.

    Okay. Allen escorted the two women to the patrolman and arranged for a ride to Sandra's home. He also gave instructions to stay across the street until he was relieved of duty. Allen went into the living room after they were gone.

    Sargent Riley had made an impromptu office out of a snack table and two chairs. One by one, the party goers would sit across from him. He verified the information the officer had taken and asked if they saw anyone that was not supposed to be at the party. He asked them where they were standing, and what they were doing, and if they heard anything. He would then end it by giving them a card and asking them to call if they remembered anything. Allen approached the table.

    Anything good yet, Sarge?

    Marcus grunted, If you call 'I was standing in the corner getting plowed.' good, I guess, he smirked. Allen chuckled.

    "You want me to take over? After all, this is your most favorite part of the investigation."

    Smartass. Riley stood up, and let Allen have the seat. There, you finish up. He pulled up the waist of his pants which barely fit around his middle.

    I'll go check on Pete. He made his way to the front door. Check on Pete my ass. He needed a smoke break.

    Chapter 2

    The next morning found Allen sitting across from Marcus's piles of papers and files. All the desks in the station were situated in pairs facing each other. All the pairs had varying degrees of notes, papers, files, and personal effects, but none compared

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