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Rise Up
Rise Up
Rise Up
Ebook61 pages44 minutes

Rise Up

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About this ebook

Does it feel like all Hell is breaking loose and you aren’t sure how to navigate the new normal that is being presented to us?

You aren’t crazy, you are awakening, and you are not alone.

The world is in such upheaval and chaos that many are finding it difficult to cope and cannot see the real value in what appears to be swirling around us with no reprieve or real solutions in sight. In the pages of this book, you will discover fresh perspectives on the world in flux, along with terms and phrases that will assist you in navigating the chaos as we restructure our reality into a whole new world.

Release dateNov 30, 2020
Rise Up

Victoria Reynolds

Victoria Reynolds is a Spiritual Luminary, Oracle of Freedom, Heart Healer, Broadcaster and Inspirational Author.She was born into a Polygamist Cult in the mountains of Montana and escaped at the age of seventeen. Victoria navigated the “real world” she had been taught as a child to fear, eventually becoming a successful entrepreneur, owning several successful companies.The 2008 economic crash led to her personal awakening, what she now calls her Holy Shift, and led her down a path she never imagined. As spiritual gifts were activated, a new life emerged. She let go of traditional business and began teaching spiritual concepts, helping others to transcend fear, while also raising two small children.2020 created another massive shift in her life and she is focused, now more than ever, on helping to free humanity from the confines of fear and move into a reality based solely on love.

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    Book preview

    Rise Up - Victoria Reynolds

    RISE UP!

    A Simplified Guide to the Great Awakening,

    Spiritual Revolution and

    The Ascension


    Rise Up! A Simplified Guide to the Great Awakening, Spiritual Revolution and The Ascension is the intellectual property of Victoria Reynolds.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information-retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher or author except in the case of brief, cited quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    The intent of this author is to offer information of a general nature to assist you in your quest for enhanced well-being and spiritual enlightenment. As personal transformation is an individual process, the author makes no guarantee or promises. The information provided within these pages is based on the author’s personal insights.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.

    Freestyle Press

    Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

    Cover Design by Chelsey Marie

    Edited by Writing Goddess Teri Breier

    ISBN: 978-1-954250-06-2(sb)

    ISBN: 978-1-954250-02-4 (ebk)

    Picking sides always prevents you

    from finding a center."

    J.P. Sears



    What is The Great Awakening?

    Why a Spiritual Revolution?

    When is The Ascension?

    Key Terms and Phrases

    Bridging the Divide

    Light Speed Ahead

    All for One

    About the Author


    In 2008, I began my own personal awakening and ascension journey. That awakening journey has changed every aspect of my life: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It has led to my ability to see the full scope of what is happening on our planet, sometimes years in advance, and understand how the human experience has the potential to be joyful beyond our wildest imagination.

    My own evolution, from growing up in an extremely fundamentalist religion to becoming an atheist to eventually discovering my own spiritual path, has allowed me to view this amazing time in our human experience from an expanded perspective that few others have. In the pages that follow, I share my understanding of our collective past and present, along with insights about moving forward as we work together to move out of a reality based in fear, control and scarcity and into a realty based in love, freedom and prosperity for all.

    I’ve also included terms and phrases I have found helpful in my own awakening process as well as what I’ve been seeing in the collective process. Hopefully, the information I share here will give you an increased awareness of where we are heading and why it’s such an exciting and important time to be alive.

    What is The Great Awakening?

    The Great Awakening is a time foretold across every culture and system of belief. It has been prophesied by many mystics, prophets and visionaries. It has been long awaited by billions of people over thousands of years, each simultaneously hoping and fearing that the great unfoldment would take place during their lifetime.

    This age marks the end of the known world, when darkness breaks loose from the human story and light prevails. It is the time when all truths are revealed, secrets can no longer be kept, and deception is exposed. It is the time when all corruption is unveiled; the curtain is pulled away so humanity can see what was not visible before. It is the time when one season concludes, and a new season of humankind begins. It is a time when the entire hidden story is told, and people

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