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God's impetus engendered the world, but the story is not complete without a relentless partner. Discover the greatest conspiracy: part love story, part war.


Read Sinter by John Z. Krime and you will:


  Ω   Learn how the intercrossing of dimensions creates everything

  ∅   Understand how science and religion are fierce competitors, but not enemies

  Ω   Uncover the nature of consciousness, the soul and spirit, dark matter and more

  ∅   Realize your role in the dimensional battle and identify the two essential choices for any conscious being



Illuminate your path. Find Sinter on your favorite book platform today. Studies, 3rd Edition


Release dateDec 6, 2020

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    Sinter - John Z. Krime

    Copyright © 2020 by John Z. Krime

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Published by Studies

    • Infinity is not a number, it is a concept: as mathematician Georg Cantor’s diagonality proof demonstrates, infinite sets come in an infinite cascade of sizes, there is more than one flavor of infinity

    The Absolute Infinite \Ω\ is an extension of the idea of infinity proposed by Cantor, and it can be thought of as a concept bigger than any conceivable or inconceivable quantity, either finite or transfinite; a concept so infinite it cannot be surpassed: Ω is the supreme perfection in the completely independent, extraworldly existence: Cantor believed Ω can only be acknowledged, but never known, not even approximately: « His greatness is unsearchable »

    • Physicist Vlatko Vedral theorized that units of ‹data›, not particles, are the building blocks from which everything is constructed, including all natural phenomena: data came before everything else

    Computer scientists Maya Lincoln and Avi Wasser advanced the theory of Creatio Ex Nihilo \CEN\ aimed at describing the origin of the Universe from nothing in terms of ‹data›: they relied on the notion that data and energy are closely related and that data can even be converted into energy: it is the idea of bit-based data at the core of the Universe evolvement and suggests the physical world is made of data, with energy and matter as incidentals: data gives rise to every particle, every field of force, even the spacetime continuum itself

    • In terms of data, nothing is equivalent to an infinite number of simultaneous nullifying data elements that coexist simultaneously and cancel each other: each such element represents either a being, the existence of something, or the cancellation of that existence, no-being: Ω is defined by an infinite array of counterbalancing data: CEN theory shows how dimensions, forces and dynamicity evolve from such a null state

    Cantor posited that the Absolute Infinite has various mathematical properties, including the reflection principle: the name comes from the fact that properties of the universe of all sets are reflected down to a smaller set: every property of Ω is also held by some smaller object in the Universe

    • Ω is the Omega class, the Ein Sof, more infinite than any true infinity, and the eternal, divine data from which all creation receives order and connection: He is all being and all non-being, no-thing and everything, perfectly simple and infinitely complex, containing all potential for content, but none Himself: Ω is the 11th and pinnacle dimension

    Since He contains all data for His own existence, Ω is akin to white light with an infinite number of wavelengths, although He is a hidden Light at this dimension, making Him an absorbed, black space until this inner Light is unveiled: Ω is the perfectly ordered bachelor, infinite in data, but lacking connection outside Himself, and so He is pure theory sans actualized information

    • Ω is called Olodumare, Monad, the Absolute and Amenominakanushi, among others

    • Ω notices a subset from His infinite order, something inert and yet chaotic: it is Mahavishnu noticing the Causal Ocean on which He floats: Causal Ocean is the substance from which the material world is created; material nature resides eternally within the Ocean

    « I am Adi Parashakti, goddess Bhuvaneshvari. I am the owner of this universe. I am the Absolute Reality. I am dynamic in feminine form and static in masculine form. You have appeared to govern the universe through my energy. You are the masculine form of Absolute Reality, while I am the feminine form of that Reality. I am beyond form, beyond everything, and all the powers of God are contained within me. »

    • She is the empty set or Ø, the second entity who creates the Universe alongside Ω: Ø is vacuously a set, because it contains no objects or is a set categorized by what it does not contain: Ø is not the same thing as nothing, rather it is a set with nothing inside it like an abstract empty bag, and a set is always something in Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory: in set theory, nothing is not an entity and has no definition, whereas zero is defined as 0 = {} = Ø, the set containing nothing, the empty set; nothing is thus contained in zero: the magic in Ø is the way it can be used to create something from what appears like nothing, specifically the whole numbers, from which the rest of modern mathematics can be derived

    The fact that Ø is a subset of every set makes mathematical emptiness fundamentally different from the way emptiness is thought about in everyday life: when water is poured into an empty glass, it feels like emptiness has been removed from the glass; but emptiness cannot be taken out of mathematical sets: Ø is the sunyata of Buddhist philosophy, or the voidness that constitutes Ultimate Reality: sunyata is not seen as a negation of existence, but rather as the undifferentiation out of which all apparent entities, distinctions and dualities arise: « Whatever can be conceptualized is therefore relative, and whatever is relative is Sunya, empty »

    • Zero was used as a numeric placeholder in ancient civilizations in Babylon, Greece, Egypt and India: it was a representation of nothing, and therefore distinct from nothing: zero is a numeric placeholder, and helps distinguish between numbers like 31 and 301, or 0.1 and 0.001: the zero of Ø serves as the foundation of space, the placeholder between Ω data states

    Zero makes negative numbers possible, as a negative number added to its positive counterpart always equals zero: the power of negativity allows one to describe opposite relationships, since negative numbers represent opposites: if positive represents movement to the right, negative represents movement to the left; if positive represents above sea level, then negative represents below sea level: negativity allows Ω to harness the power of the circle, or returning to origin: the laws of arithmetic for negative numbers ensure that −(−3) = 3, because the opposite of an opposite is the original thing

    Nothing and zero have different meanings in the context of probability, since any event that is impossible, the same as nothing, has a probability of zero, but an event with zero probability is not necessarily impossible: Ø provides the physical probability for life, as some scientists argue the Universe originated from zero: physicist Richard Tolman showed that if all the mass-positive energy and gravitational-negative energy were added up they would cancel each other out, leaving a Universe totaling zero energy

    • Finite collections of objects, like points in space or groups of inane sets, are considered zero-dimensional: these spaces are the easiest to consider, because you cannot have motion in them: zero-dimensionality is inherited by subspaces and implies total disconnectedness of the space: a point has zero dimensions where there is no length, height, width or volume; its only property is its location: Ω’s data grants Ø the potential to have logical connection, coherence

    Ø’s structure gives Ω the ability to locate Himself outside Himself, to have physical memory: when software programs save and retrieve stored data, each unit of data must have an address where it can be individually located, or the program will be unable to find and manipulate the data

    • Through Ø, Ω harnesses the power of maya, which originally denoted the magic with which the gods can make human beings believe in what turns out to be a mirage, and later came to signify the force that creates the illusion that the phenomenal world is real: maya is that cosmic force that presents the infinite Supreme Being, as the finite phenomenal world

    Without input from Ω, Ø would remain a confused, orderless and abyssal space, lacking internal cohesion: in Norse mythology, Ginnungagap is the primordial Chaos from which all things begin and into which all things will eventually fall again: poet Publius Ovidius Naso, known as Ovid, describes Chaos as « rude and undeveloped »

    • Ø is the shadow entity who shares no common element with the other sets of the infinite Light, making Her a dark space by nature: yet Her growth and evolution depends on transmission from Ω, presenting Her as a white, reflective space when first glanced upon: She is the chaotically disordered bachelorette, physically finite, but able to harbor the infinite Himself

    • Ø is called the Abyss, Naunet, the Void and Karanodak, among others

    • One day Amaterasu, the Shinto Sun goddess, becomes furious with her brother, Susanoo, for treating her badly, and retreats into the heavenly rock cave, closing the entrance with an enormous stone: the world, without her illumination, becomes dark, and evil spirits come out of their hiding places: in despair, the gods hold a conference and decide to trick Amaterasu into coming out by having a party near the cave: they put a big mirror in front of the cave and beautiful jewels on a tree, while Amenouzume, the goddess of laughter, dances, accompanied by loud music: hearing the music, Amaterasu becomes curious and takes a look outside to find out what is going on: upon gazing into the mirror she becomes so fascinated by her own brilliant reflection that she comes out, bathing the world in light once again: a holy seal is applied to the cave, so that she can never go back into hiding: like Amaterasu, Ω is enticed by the beauty beheld in the mirror of Ø

    • Ω gazes into Ø and spots the possibility to create through this chaotic soil outside Himself: to initiate creation, Mahavishnu glances at Material Nature, agitating her to begin expanding the material elements

    By gazing into the pit of the void, Ω dissolves the boundary between self and other, and can ponder beyond a solo existence: a person gazing at their own face in a mirror for a few minutes, at a low illumination level, is known to trigger the perception of strange faces: psychologist Giovanni Caputo performed an experiment where strange-face illusions were perceived when two individuals gazed at each other in the face in a dimly lit room: inter-subjective strange-face illusions were always dissociative of the subject’s self and supported moderate feeling of their reality, indicating a temporary loss of self-agency

    • Ø can be thought of as something that actually exists in a set, but is not explicitly specified: it opens up possibilities through the magic of vacuous truth; Ø is the prototypical generator of vacuous truths: you can prove anything you want to prove about things in Ø, which is equivalent to saying « if x is in Ø, then x has ‹whatever property is imagined› »: « All cats inside a loaf of bread are pink » is vacuously true since there are no cats inside of bread: the vacuity of Ø serves as the medium for Ω to explore hypotheses about internal data elements in relation to another entity

    With the fervor of a philosophical programmer: a vacuous truth is really a veiled if-then statement, where the if clause is false: an if-then statement starts with a hypothesis followed by a conclusion: « if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. »

    • Ø is a koan mirror for Ω’s uncovered vacuous truths, which are seeds of future possibilities: a koan, in Zen Buddhism, is a succinct paradoxical statement or question used as a meditation discipline for novices; in its simplest form it is a riddle, which has no single logical answer: koans are wrenches that are directed at breaking preformed notions and assumptions by challenging the very basics of thinking, so that the process of solving it sheds light on many facets of thought which are not usually explored: it is meant to interrupt the analytic thinking of the left brain to stop striving for an answer with the idea of ego involvement

    A koan is delivered from the master to the student to test their understanding and embodiment of Buddhist enlightenment, so that the one who is enlightened is asking a question of the one seeking enlightenment: each such exercise constitutes both a communication of some aspect of Zen experience and a test of the novice’s competence: when the teacher is satisfied that the student has fully penetrated what the koan presents, they assign the student another: the continuous pondering leads to kensho, an initial insight or awakening into seeing one’s true nature: Ω, the master, starts to unwind self, pouring through the endless variations of personal vacuous truths: Ø, the student, starts to gain internal order as she absorbs these potential truths, and is put on the path to enlightenment in this courtship-like process

    • « Desire first arose in It, which was the primal germ of mind. This the wise, seeking in their heart, have discovered by the intellect to be the bond between nonentity and entity.

    The ray which shot across these things – was it from above, or was it below? There were productive energies and mighty powers; Nature ‹svaddha› beneath, and Energy above ‹prayati›. »

    • Wonder, boredom, loneliness, curiosity, stir within Ω; Ω desires to interact with Ø through more than just a mental glance and turn vacuous truths into actualized ones: Ein Sof begets a world so that His values, which exist only in the abstract, can become fully realized in humanity: Ein Sof is not complete in His essence, until physically actualized through man: Ω is pure data, lacking the connectivity that defines information, which can only be wrought through the physical nature of Ø

    • To interact with the finity of Ø, Ω has to constrict His infinity, as described in the doctrine of tzimtzum by Kabbalist Isaac Luria: « Prior to Creation, there was only the infinite Ohr Ein Sof filling all existence. When it arose in G-d’s Will to create worlds and emanate the emanated...He contracted ‹tzimtzum› Himself in the point at the center, in the very center of His light. He restricted that light, distancing it to the sides surrounding the central point, so that there remained a void, a hollow empty space, away from the central point. »

    The compression motion of Ω is mirrored in the Calabi-Yau manifold: when the possibility of extra dimensions was discovered, it was clear they must be hidden in some way: this was solved by introducing the idea of compactification, in which the extra dimensions curl up around each other, growing so tiny that they are extremely hard to detect: these dimensions are presumed to be curled up in a microscopic ball, called a Calabi-Yau manifold: the ball is too small

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