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Sundance's Kid Haven Ranch 5
Sundance's Kid Haven Ranch 5
Sundance's Kid Haven Ranch 5
Ebook208 pages3 hours

Sundance's Kid Haven Ranch 5

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About this ebook

Living in a lab for most of his life as an orangutan, Evian had heard the words Trick or treat but never really experienced them until now. Dressed up for a costume party, Evian is mistaken for a real park ranger and shot. Trick. However, his rescuer turns out to be his mate. If Evian can save his mate from crazy evil brothers he can have his treat.

PublisherCree Storm
Release dateDec 6, 2020
Sundance's Kid Haven Ranch 5

Cree Storm

Hi there everyone. I’m Cree Storm. I’m a sister, a mom, a grandmother and a wife. I am the luckiest woman alive as far as I’m concerned. I have a beautiful family and know if times get hard I have my soul mate right there to help me through it. What makes my life even better is being able to do what I love for a living. I have always had a great imagination and being able to bring those characters to life for you makes my heart and soul sing.Although I traveled some as a military brat and lived in places like Germany, New York, Pennsylvania and New Mexico, I have found myself settling in Quebec, Canada with my husband. I love being surrounded by nature and wildlife and there is nothing like sitting and watching the birds, squirrels and chipmunks fluttering around my yard or traveling around Canada and finding my mind creating worlds for you all to enjoy. Life is good and I just want to bring some of my happiness into your life and hopefully make you smile, laugh and get away from everyday stress. Hugs and Love to you all and I hope you enjoy my books as much as I enjoy writing them.

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    Book preview

    Sundance's Kid Haven Ranch 5 - Cree Storm

    Living in a lab for most of his life as an orangutan, Evian had heard the words Trick or treat but never really experienced them until now. Dressed up for a costume party, Evian is mistaken for a real park ranger and shot. Trick. However, his rescuer turns out to be his mate. If Evian can save his mate from crazy evil brothers he can have his treat.

    Sundance’s Kid

    Haven Ranch 5


    Cree Storm


    A Cree Storm book


    Sundance’s Kid

    Haven Ranch 5

    Copyright © 2020 by Cree Storm

    Edited by Ann Attwood

    First E-book Publication: December 2020

    Cover design by JP Graphic Designs

    All cover art and logo copyright © 2020, JP Graphic Designs and Cree Storm

    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

    All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

    All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.


    To all my readers I want to thank you for continuing to support me in my dream. You make all the time needed to write a book worth it and I hope they make your day just a bit brighter.

    Table Of Content

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17


    Cree Storm’s Other Books

    Please Note:

    About Cree Storm


    Oh my gods, you guys look great. Sky said, with a wide smile.

    Evian looked into the mirror as Sky fiddled with his black tie. The khaki-green shirt and pants and matching wide-brimmed hat with a black band was odd to him, and he truly didn’t understand why he had to wear the ridiculous costume. However, at least it wasn’t as bad as Sky’s with the large, upturned, brown dog ears, black nose and blue collar with the off-yellow, diamond-shaped tag hanging from it with the initials SD on it.

    Oh gods, Sky. You have got to be kidding me. Yogi bear and friends... really? Midnight said, and Evian could see the man was trying not to laugh.

    Sky turned to his brother in annoyance. Listen, Nigh, these are great costumes for Como’s brothers. Goby shifted, and with the hat and tie he looks like Yogi. Fenway looks great in his pink catsuit for Snagglepuss, and look how adorable Dakota is shifted and wearing the famous bow tie of Boo.

    And I take it you’re Ranger Smith, Evian? Midnight asked, still trying to hide his smile.

    I... I guess? Evian said, in more question than acknowledgement.

    Sky huffed as he patted Evian’s chest. He looks great. They all look great and our Halloween party is going to be great. Now stop being the ceremonial marshal of a shit parade and join the rest of us in preparing for a wonderful time.

    Evian said nothing as he looked at Midnight, noticing how his long hair seemed to be black now instead of its typical dark brown. He had on a blue one-piece women’s bathing suit with a golden belt and gold brooches at the hip. A gold tiara was on his head, with a single yellow dew-drop gem hanging in the middle. He also had golden wristbands, and golden high-heeled boots emphasizing the man’s well-formed legs, and giving him a height he didn’t normally have.

    Midnight must have noticed Evian’s curious look, because he just smiled wide. I’m Princess Ariel.

    Isn’t she a mermaid? Como asked, as he finished painting the black on his nose, then began to fiddle with the green spaceship-style dog collar.

    The theme is Saturday Morning Cartoons, Como, not Disney movies, no matter how hard Rey tried to make it. I’m Princess Ariel of Thundarr the Barbarian. I can’t wait to see Law in his sexy Thundarr outfit... He began fanning himself, saying, And dang if Shaw isn’t going to be Ookla. They already promised not to take off their costumes before we go to bed tonight.

    I always fantasized about doing Ookla, Sky said, as he zipped up the Snagglepuss costume and stood back to see his handiwork.

    You would, Rey said, walking in wearing a purple dinosaur costume.

    What the hell, Rey? You’re supposed to be a Saturday morning cartoon character, not Barney. Sky said, with a snicker.

    Rey’s eyebrows drew down and his lips were tight and thinned as he glared at his brother. I’m not Barney, butt wipe. I’m Dino from the Flintstones and my mates are going to be Barney and Fred.

    I always thought those two were getting it on. Sky said, sounding serious.

    Who? Fred and Dino? Midnight asked curiously.

    Sky laughed, No, butthead... Barney and Fred. They were just too close not to be getting something on the side.

    You guys are just wrong. Rey said, then snorted, But I can’t say I’m hoping to see some Barney and Fred action tonight. And I thought Emery was going to be Scooby and you were going to be Velma?

    Oh, please, Emery looks better in a skirt. Have you seen my mate’s ass? Besides, I wanted to be Scooby. He’s just the best damn cartoon character ever created and my mates want me to be the best. Sky said, with a sniff.

    Midnight snorted. Oh please. Sky promised Emery a blow job if he switched costumes with him.

    Sky shrugged. I’d have given that to him anyway. Nothing I like more than hearing my mates’ moans when I’m sucking them off... well, one of the things I like anyway. Hearing my mates talk dirty when they’re balls deep inside me...

    Stop! Damn it, Sky, we agreed you wouldn’t talk about your sex life anymore. Midnight grumbled.

    I’m not. Sky said defensively. I’m talking about my mates’ sex lives. I just happen to be a part of that. Not my fault.

    Evian just shook his head. The three brothers were confusing as hell. However, they were also really nice guys and they cared about everyone in Haven Ranch... even those that hadn’t been here before a few months ago, like himself and his brothers.

    Midnight, Rey, and Sky opened their hearts and their doors to bring Evian, Goby, Dakota and Fenway to Haven Ranch, in order to be reunited with their baby-brother, Como. They had all been in a lab, experimented on, and changed forever, but the brothers didn’t care. According to Midnight, it was why their father, Mark, had created Haven. It was to provide shifters from all over a safe place to live and call home.

    Sky had told them how their fathers had come together and how Mark’s mates had been murdered by humans, causing the war between shifters and humans. When the war ended, Mark had created this safe haven, so that no other shifters had to fear the humans, and the human government liked the fact that they no longer had to wonder or worry about shifters trying to take over the world... which was stupid. If shifters had wanted to do that, they could have done it a hundred times over, and they wouldn’t have known what had hit them. It was the humans that started the stupid war, and it was the humans that caged shifters and experimented on them to see how they ticked and some scientists wanted to know how they could use the shifters’ abilities against other shifters and crazy enough, other humans... but yet it was the shifters that were considered beasts and deadly. Evian would never understand it.

    Shaking his morose thoughts out of his mind, Evian tried to think about tonight. He had been worried about Goby going to the party, because he rarely ever left his room. They had been staying with Midnight and his brothers since arriving, but that was only until their new home was completed, and as much as he liked the brothers, he was really excited to be out of this house and all the sexy noises and scents that often filled the place. Hell, Evian couldn’t even go get a glass of water without seeing something he didn’t want to, point in fact—last night.

    Evian had been having a hard time sleeping, thinking about tonight’s party, and how Goby was going to handle being around so many people. He had gotten up to get a drink and maybe sit on the porch, but when he walked downstairs, he had gotten an eyeful of Law ramming into Midnight’s ass as the man was bent over, head in the refrigerator and holding onto the door. Needless to say, Evian had changed his mind about the drink and just went downstairs and decided a nice walk along the forest path was a much better idea. There had been some weird sounds along his walk and Evian’s Bornean Orangutan had been on high alert. Because of his time in the lab, Evian had learned to always trust his animal, and if it was telling him something wasn’t right, then something damn sure wasn’t right.

    Evian? Evian, are you alright?

    Realizing someone was talking to him, Evian shook his thoughts away, and turned to see the look of concern on Sky’s face. Clearing his throat, Evian said, I’m fine. Sorry. I was woolgathering.

    Well, don’t knit me anything from that, because wool makes me itch. Sky said, with a smile.

    Then I guess I can always crochet you a jockstrap for Christmas. You know, as a thank you for making me dress like this. Evian said, with a smirk of his own.

    Sky smacked his chest, Dude, you look hot as hell in that uniform. Trust me, anyone coming to tonight’s party is going to notice.

    Evian knew Sky’s words were supposed to make him feel good, but instead, Evian felt a chill run through him. Like his brothers, Evian wasn’t used to people. Crowds were not easy on any of them... for different reasons, but still not something they looked forward to. Hell, he and his brothers avoided most people. The only reason they didn’t do this with Midnight, Rey, Sky, or their mates, was because they didn’t allow it.

    Where’s Sky?

    The sound of a young boy yelling from downstairs made Evian startle, as it did Goby and Dakota. Fenway didn’t allow much to frighten him, but he did move back slightly.

    Sky’s smile widened even further as he clapped. Georgy and Dudley are here!

    Rushing to the door, Sky yelled out, We’re up here, guys!

    The sound of running could be heard, and a guy calling out, Slow down, Georgy, before you hurt yourself and Edmond gets all pissy.

    Sorry, Dudley, the child’s voice said.

    Within moments a young boy with short light-brown hair and the greenest eyes Evian had ever seen came rushing into the room, launching himself into Sky’s arms, shouting, Uncle Sky!

    Sky hugged the boy close, and kissed his cheeks. Hello, Georgy. I missed you. My goodness, step back so I can get a good look. You are getting so big.

    Nodding, Georgy said, That’s cuz I’m five now.

    Sky smiled down at the young child. That could very well be it, but I do have to say you are growing so tall, and my goodness, your nails are long. Maybe we should trim them down.

    Those aren’t my nails, silly. They’re my claws. I’m Wolverine. Georgy said, with a smile.

    Wolverine? Wait, I thought we were doing Saturday morning cartoons? Sky said, with a mock scowl.

    A man with a long pink ponytail wearing a white leather, one-piece, skintight jumpsuit with a white with gold-trimmed cape connecting to his wrists, X-men the cartoon first showed on October 31, 1992 and played on Saturdays. We are perfectly dressed for the theme.

    Wow, Dudley, you look fantastic, Rey said, hugging the man.

    Why thank you. You look good yourself. Dudley said, then added, You guys should see Cort, Edmond, and Alex. They look really amazing in their costumes too. But I have to say, Midnight, Shaw in that Ookla costume... hot... just fricken hot. I’ve had a fantasy about the Mok since I saw him, but then again, my Alex in all that red leather... I already told him he’d better not change when we get home. I want me some of that.

    Midnight laughed, You’re just as bad as Sky. Then he wiggled his brows, And I already told him to keep the costume on when we go to bed tonight. Law and I plan on putting the hammer on him.

    Everyone laughed except for Georgy, who asked, Why do you want to hit Uncle Shaw with a hammer, Uncle Midnight? That isn’t nice.

    Midnight schooled his features, looking at Georgy with the most serious look he could muster. You’re right, Georgy. How about if I promise to kiss him and make everything all better?

    Georgy nodded, Okay. I think he’ll like that.

    Evian was about to suggest they get this party started when a portal opened and one man with skunk-looking hair and a short dress walked through with three men in leopard-print bathing suits with connecting tails. Each had on cat ears and held something to do with musical instruments. One held drumsticks, another a tambourine, and the other a pink guitar.

    Oh my gods, Josey and the Pussycats! You guys look fantastic, Indy. Sky shouted and rushed to hug the men, then introduced the three as his fairy-butterfly friends, Jazzy, Frey, and Dazzle and Rein.

    Evian had met Jazzy a couple of times, but had only heard about the others. Having never been a television watcher, he also had no clue who these pussy-cat things were, but Evian had to admit they were adorable. The problem was he also didn’t care. With all the people in the room, he felt the need for space. Knowing Goby would be feeling the need to flee as well, he said, I think I’m going to take Goby out for a small walk. We won’t be long.

    Evian left the room with his brother before any of the men could say anything. Goby stayed in his Goby bear form and neither man stopped to talk to the others in the room downstairs. They had just passed a guy in a dog costume wearing an orange with black trim G and mask, when another person that looked like a hairy club with a big nose carrying a wooden club in his hand, and wearing a short orange leopard-print cape rushed past

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