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The 10-Day Binge Eating Detox Plan: Binge Eating, Diet & Weight Loss Self-Help, #1
The 10-Day Binge Eating Detox Plan: Binge Eating, Diet & Weight Loss Self-Help, #1
The 10-Day Binge Eating Detox Plan: Binge Eating, Diet & Weight Loss Self-Help, #1
Ebook185 pages3 hours

The 10-Day Binge Eating Detox Plan: Binge Eating, Diet & Weight Loss Self-Help, #1

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

If you binge eat, continually overeat, turn to food for comfort or graze incessantly throughout the day, then this book is for you. The 10-Day Binge Eating Detox Plan will effectively and compassionately guide you through a program of detoxing from the eating behaviour which is causing you so much distress. 


In this 10-day program you will learn how to:

  • Detox from binge eating the foods that are most problematic for you.
  • Detox from the poison of the diet culture.
  • Detox from any negativity you may feel about your body.

On the other side of the 10 days, a new world of grace and ease awaits you, where you will be at peace with food and your body.


So far, so good, you might be thinking – but what do I have to do? Is this going to be too difficult?


The great news is that all you have to do is read the daily chapters, listen to the specially-recorded hypnotherapy audio download, and apply the concepts to your day. That's all. You do not need to rush out to buy any special equipment or gadgets. You already possess the most powerful tool – your mind.


What's more, you don't have to make huge sacrifices. This book is about detoxing from binge eating, not about living on green juices or never drinking coffee. You can even have a glass of wine if you want. And it's certainly not about dieting, because if you need to lose weight, you will as a natural result of reading this book.


Two writers collaborated on this book. I am Antonia Ryan. I graduated from Queen's University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and have post-graduate qualifications in psychology and teaching. I have worked for 30 years in social services and education in England, the USA and Portugal. During my time as a social work professional, I counselled clients in clinical settings for eating disorders. I am passionate about healthy diet and nutrition. I am an accredited weight management counsellor and author of the book 'Mindfulness for Binge Eating'.


My co-author is bestselling self-development writer Lewis David. Before becoming an author, Lewis was a leading therapist and trainer in the field of compulsive behaviours. It was during this time he developed a unique 10-day therapeutic training program, which was evidence-based to government-approved clinical practice standards. It proved to be astonishingly effective, worked for a variety of behavioural problems and provides the framework for this book.


Order this book today and find release from the grip of food obsession.

Release dateDec 3, 2020
The 10-Day Binge Eating Detox Plan: Binge Eating, Diet & Weight Loss Self-Help, #1

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    Book preview

    The 10-Day Binge Eating Detox Plan - Antonia Ryan

    The 10-Day Binge Eating detox Plan

    By Antonia Ryan & Lewis David

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this

    book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions,

    or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained


    The 10-Day Binge Eating Detox Plan

    First edition. December 3rd, 2020.

    Copyright © 2020

    Written by Antonia Ryan & Lewis David.

    Also from the Same Authors.

    Mindfulness for Binge Eating

    The Emotional Mind – Overcome Anxiety, Stress, Negativity, & Procrastination

    Change Your Life Today – The Ultimate Guide to Motivation, Success & Happiness

    The 10-Day Alcohol Detox Plan

    Alcohol and You – How to Control & Stop Drinking

    Mindfulness for Stress & Anxiety

    You can find out more and read free samples of all these books at



    How to Download and Use Your Hypnotherapy Audio.

    Day One

    A Place of Comfort

    Food Addiction

    Day Two

    Two Minds


    Day Three


    Binge Urges & Cravings

    People, Places, Times and Events

    Day Four

    The Five Pillars

    Day Five


    BED and Stress, Anxiety and Depression

    Day Six

    Rewriting the Script

    Don’t Wait Until You Are Fixed.

    Day Seven

    People Pleasing


    Day Eight


    Body Image

    Day Nine


    Linda and Jake

    Day Ten

    Trust Your Gut

    The Four ‘R’s

    A Vision for You.

    What Next?

    Free Resources for You.

    More Books You May Like from the Same Authors.


    If you binge eat, continually overeat, turn to food for comfort or graze incessantly throughout the day, then this book is for you. The 10-Day Binge Eating Detox Plan will effectively and compassionately guide you through a program of detoxing from the eating behaviour which is causing you so much distress.

    The 10-day program is clinically-proven but has never appeared in print before for eating disorders. What you are about to read is ground-breaking. On the other side of the 10 days, a new world of grace and ease awaits you, where you will be at peace with food and your body.

    Two writers collaborated on this book. I am Antonia Ryan. I graduated from Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and have post-graduate qualifications in psychology and teaching. I have worked for 30 years in social services and education in England, the USA and Portugal. During my time as a social work professional, I counselled clients in clinical settings for eating disorders. I am passionate about healthy diet and nutrition. I am an accredited weight management counsellor and author of the book ‘Mindfulness for Binge Eating’.

    My co-author is bestselling self-development writer Lewis David. Before becoming an author, Lewis was a leading therapist and trainer in the field of compulsive behaviours. It was during this time he developed a unique therapeutic training program. He delivered this face-to-face to groups of clients in outpatient treatment, using a 10-session plan. The clients had mostly been referred by their doctors and the program was evidence-based to government clinical practice standards. It proved to be astonishingly effective and worked for a variety of behavioural problems.

    Our research has shown that the 10-day program also works brilliantly for eating disorders, so we have used this proven format as the framework for this book.

    So far, so good, you might be thinking – but what do I have to do? Is this going to be too difficult?

    The great news is that all you have to do is read the daily chapters and apply what you learn to your day. I have also recorded a special hypnotherapy download for you to listen to every day (details of which follow this chapter). So everything you need is included in this course. You do not need to rush out to buy any special equipment or gadgets. You already possess the most powerful tool – your mind.

    What’s more, you don’t have to make huge sacrifices it’s not about living on green juices or never drinking coffee. You can even have a glass of wine if you want. And it’s certainly not about dieting, because if you need to lose weight, you will as a natural result of reading this book.

    The detoxing process in this book is a mental as well as a physical detox. You will be detoxing from binge eating, the diet culture and poor body image. The 10-day plan is underpinned by three key ideas, which we will be calling the ‘3 Principles’.

    The first Principle is letting go of binge eating certain foods. As this program will be tailored to suit your individual needs, you will consider which foods are most problematic for you. The detox will give your body the chance to have a break from the complex mix of ingredients that make certain foods so compelling for you. These foods will vary from one reader to another, as we are all unique human beings with a diverse range of needs, behaviour, motivations and struggles. So this detox program does not take a one-size-fits-all approach. Use it as a guide to help you to find release from the grip of food obsession.

    The second Principle is detoxing from the poison of the diet culture. You will be letting go of the messed up brainwashing of the diet and fitness industry’s propaganda and advertising.

    The third Principle is detoxing from any negativity you may feel about your body. We have been bombarded by messages and images form the media, the health and beauty industry and the fitness world, highlighting ‘problem areas’ they can fix. Your body is not a problem to be fixed, it is a unique and amazing vehicle that takes you through life and needs to be nurtured and nourished not punished.

    You may not have considered your eating, habits or health, fitness or weight goals in this way before, but you can be reassured; this program is built on practical, effective science.

    For the program to work, you must use the book in the way that it is laid out, a day at a time over 10 days.

    The reason for this is that the concepts in this book run deep. Although the book is written in a highly accessible way, you need to give your mind a chance to accept and absorb the full implications of the daily chapters. You need to start using the concepts right away, that very day. This will help to reprogram your mind from any toxic thinking patterns that have grown up around your eating.

    If you read this book too quickly, your mind will not have time to process everything. Should you want to give the book a read-through and then go back and do the daily program, that’s fine. But make sure you do the program a day at a time. The feedback from readers is that the ones who achieved the best results were those you stuck to the 10-day format. Indeed, many readers reported that when they got to the end of the 10 days, they immediately repeated the program from day one, so that they could be sure they had thoroughly absorbed it. You can trust the program. All those reviewers of the previous 10-Day Detox books are a testament to that.

    To further support you with this program, I have produced a hypnotherapy audio download to listen to each day over the 10 days and beyond if you wish. The hypnotherapy download will work with your subconscious mind to overcome those automatic responses that could lead to a binge. By listening to this, you will find the whole process much easier.

    I will lead you through the program and give you guidance on how to deal with cravings, how to beat the urge to binge, how to deal with troublesome emotions and feelings and pinpoint the situations that could trigger a binge. I will reveal why we are compelled to binge and, more importantly, give you a range of strategies and techniques to break free from this compulsion. I will also give you guidance on how to make daily lifestyle choices that will maximise your chances of successfully completing this detox and break free from binge eating.

    To begin, I will ask you to be honest and willing. Be honest with yourself. Be honest about the foods that cause you the most problems. I will not tell you what they are as they vary from one person to another, but I will help you discover what your trigger foods are if you are unsure. Be honest about your feelings and motivations, as best you can. Be willing to see your eating behaviour from a new perspective. Be willing to let go of some of your self-imposed rules around food. Be willing to try some new approaches. Willingness will take you a long way.

    Next, I ask you to commit to the following actions over the next 10 days:

    Firstly, read the sections in the book that corresponds to the day you are on and carry out the suggestions in that section.

    Secondly, listen to the hypnotherapy audio each day. This will help re-program your thinking to support you in your efforts to stop binging and be at peace with your body.

    Thirdly, avoid bingeing using the help and guidance you will read on how to manage the urge to binge.

    Finally, respect your body. Eat adequately, do not restrict your food intake and eat when you are hungry.  Attend to your physical needs and avoid punishing work-out routines.

    There are no complicated meal plans, measuring of portions, exercise programs or calorie counting in this book. The sections have been carefully organised to give you the techniques, motivation, inspiration and explanations you need to successfully beat the binge habit.

    Although a common assumption is that more women than men suffer from binge eating issues, I want to reach out to male readers to reassure them that this book is written with men also in mind. So if you are male and are perplexed or frustrated about your eating, please read on. This book will help you.

    In working with clients, I have used the following acronym to help them approach problem behaviours: PATH: this stands for Planning And Total Honesty. Imagine you are on a path to freedom from the distress and shame of binge eating. The path is clearly laid out, wide and roomy. It accommodates all shapes, sizes and eating preferences. All that is required is a little bit of planning and honesty. I will encourage you to set yourself up for success and make some plans to help you eat well, move in ways you enjoy and deal with difficult emotions. You will be encouraged to take a fresh look at your habits, behaviours, motivations, hopes, wishes and dreams. It is these underlying factors that influence our daily choices and routines. By being aware and honest, we are living and behaving intentionally regarding what we want for ourselves.

    Don’t wait until you are ready to take action. People often put off taking action because they feel they need to fix something else before they can start, they prevaricate and never begin. But you are not broken, you are human, so there is nothing you need to fix before you begin.

    You may or may not have trauma in your past or suffer from stress, anxiety or depression. We will talk more about these issues later. But you don’t need to get to the other side of any of them to heal from disordered eating. You don’t need to ‘sort yourself out’, ‘find yourself’, wait until you finish a course of therapy, or until your planets are aligned to make a start.

    Luckily, fate is smiling kindly on you at this very moment and has provided the ideal time for you to begin.

    That time is today, right now.

    Are you ready?

    How to Download and Use Your Hypnotherapy Audio.

    As part of this course, I ask you to listen to a hypnotherapy audio I have recorded especially. Do this once a day for the 10 days.

    The recording is designed to gently reprogram your subconscious mind to help you overcome binge eating. I hope you will find this an enjoyable experience. Although you should become deeply relaxed, you will not lose control and will be able to come out of the hypnotherapy at any time if needed.

    You will need to find twenty minutes when you won’t be disturbed and lie down on a bed or couch. Make yourself really comfortable and warm. Don’t worry about falling asleep; your subconscious mind never sleeps, so even if you doze off, your subconscious will continue listening. I strongly recommend you listen on headphones or earbuds to enhance the therapeutic effect.

    Then all you have to do is relax and listen to my voice.

    To download your audio, please go to web page:

    (Note the underscore between binge and therapy).

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