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Silver and Light: The Alburnium Chronicles, #2
Silver and Light: The Alburnium Chronicles, #2
Silver and Light: The Alburnium Chronicles, #2
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Silver and Light: The Alburnium Chronicles, #2

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A kingdom in jeopardy. A ruler trying to govern fairly. A runaway looking for safety. And the evil rogue scheming to take it all over.

Regent Leon's time to take control of his Province has finally arrived.

Except nobody will take such a young and inexperienced ruler seriously. His advisors tell him that he needs to find a wife and become a family man to prove to his people that he understands their plight. The only problem is that the one he'd like to give his heart to is far away from his capital city of Rodon.

Kardia is determined to find a place in Alburnium where she will be safe from the danger of pestilent wizards.

She will make the journey to meet King Shaydon, no matter how far or how long it takes her. Her injured hands hinder her progress and Kardia fears she's lost her rare Sano gift. Will the king, or anyone else, even accept her after seeing how damaged she is?

Darnel desires to grow in power and strength so he can depend only upon himself.

He has a plan. With Fajer the wizard powerless, and Anwynn's allegiance turning in his direction, Darnel hatches a plan to use the elf maiden to overthrow Rodon and gain power over the Province of Rodonal. Only, he must guard his heart or risk losing everything.

Silver and Light is an epic fantasy fairy tale adventure mixed with clean romance and humor.

In the Chronicles of Alburnium series.
Blood & Water- Book One
Silver & Light- Book Two
Gold & Fire- Book Three
The Faerie Trader is a bonus story that fits between books 1 and 2 but can be read at any time.


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Release dateMar 5, 2019
Silver and Light: The Alburnium Chronicles, #2

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    Silver and Light - J. R. Castle

    Silver & Light

    lion icon dk gray beveled

    The Lionheart Province

    Book Two

    Chronicles of Alburnium


    J. R.  Castle

    Castle Book Creations

    Silver & Light

    Copyright 2019 by J.R. Castle

    Castle Book Creations



    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, and/or events is purely coincidental.

    Find out more about the author at Castle’s Story World,

    To keep updated on new releases, sign up for the Castle’s Story World Newsletter

    Or email her at:

    Cover art created by Castle Creations

    Edited by Fix it or Nix it


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    Castle’s Other Works


    The White Road Chronicles:








    The White Road Tales Novellas




    The Chronicles of Alburnium

    Blood and Water

    Silver and Light

    Gold and Fire (coming soon!)

    For Young Readers

    The Sentinels Archives: Through the Portal

    For Romance Lovers

    Madison Creek Bed & Breakfast Series:

    The Grimwood Legacy Series

    Lavender Vale Farm


    To all of you who’ve inspired the quirky characters

    I so enjoy writing about.

    You know who you are.



    Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,

    as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

    1 Peter 4:10 NIV


    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-one

    Chapter Twenty-two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-six

    Silver & Light

    The Lionheart Province

    Book Two

    Chronicles of Alburnium


    A Grimm’s Fairy tale Retelling based on

    The Maiden Without Hands

    Chapter One


    Kardia nestled deeper under her woolen blanket, breathing in the scent of damp earth and moss. She’d made camp beside a stream after venturing off the road she followed in her search for the King’s Highway. Hopefully, she’d find the road to Aloblase soon. She was running out of the few supplies she’d packed before leaving Goia, her childhood home.

    Her eyes, heavy from exhaustion, slowly closed. She’d almost drifted off when the sound of wagon wheels rolling over the dirt road caused her to sit up. A chill of fear raced down Kardia’s back. Hopefully, she was far enough off the road to not be spotted. Holding her breath, she waited for the traveler to pass. Her heart pounded like a drum in her ears. She curled her arms tighter around her chest and tried not to move.

    The clomping of hooves stopped.

    Something made a sniffing sound.


    Kardia tried to peer through the fern and brush toward the road, but the growing night made it too difficult to see more than gray shadows.

    Hello in the woods, a deep voice called out.

    Oh no! They knew she was there. But how?

    Kardia held perfectly still, not daring to breathe lest she made her position known. Silently willing them to leave, she tensed up, wondering if she’d get very far if she ran for it. Why hadn’t she left her boots on? If only her tired feet hadn’t hurt so badly when she stopped earlier. She’d not wanted to lose her toes like she’d lost her fingers. Despite the pain, she’d wriggled out of them. They were so hard to get on and off with her damaged hands.

    I can smell you. Human, for sure. Are you hurt? I smell the scent of blood hanging about you. I can help... the man moved off the edge of the road. It wasn’t footfalls she heard, but rather the clomping of...what exactly was she hearing? How did he... smell...her?

    Granted, she’d not tried to bathe yet. She’d hoped to find a safe shelter before attempting that.

    I won’t hurt you, little human. It sniffed again.

    Kardia reasoned that if it was calling her human, then it wasn’t.

    Ah, there you are, the stranger declared, his tone softening.

    Her heart threatened to pound right out of her chest.

    If you’re hiding a weapon, you should know I’m a master fighter. I’m also much larger and stronger than you could ever dream of being. Then he added, Even if you were a grown human male. But rest assured, I intend no harm, so be a good little human friend and sit up slowly so we can talk.

    She bolted to her bare feet and stepped on the edge of a jagged rock. A painful cry escaped her lips. Her foot misstepped and she started to tilt toward the stream.

    The creature-man darted forward and caught her by the arm. To her shock, he wasn’t dressed! His bare chest glistened in the dim light of the rising moon. His bearded face and wild hair came into focus. He towered over her by nearly two feet. Thick hair covered his lower arms. As she dared to lower her gaze, she found thick hair, or rather dark brown fur, covered the lower half of his body down to his hooves.

    Kardia blinked. She’d heard of the half-human half-goat men before. They were called...what? The part human and part horsemen were centaurs, she was sure.

    Faun! she exclaimed as the name slammed into her memory. You’re a faun!

    Jael Azazel is my name. My home is in the Melodies Forest. My friends call me Jael. What may I call you... friend? His grip on her arm tightened.

    Her gaze took in his thick hooves and strong goat-like legs. She’d never be able to outrun him. Let me go if you’re a friend. You’re hurting my arm.

    Oh. He backed a small step away and dropped his hands to his side. "My apologies human girl. I’ve introduced myself, now will you show the same courtesy and do the same? Or are you one of the kinds who sneers their uppity noses at my kind? If so, say so now before I waste more of my time with you."

    Who am I to look down on anybody? Besides, you’re much too tall for me to look down upon, don’t you think? He was forward in his mannerisms, but maybe some company wouldn’t be so bad. The King’s books promised to send help when someone was in need. Was Jael the King’s provision?

    Least she could do was try to find out.

    My name is Kardia. She gave a slight bow, trying not to lose her balance again. From the White Horse House.

    Well, there you go, that’s how it’s done. The faun smiled, showing a row of thick yellow teeth. His beard and tangled hair were a bright red that darkened into a chestnut color toward his arms and legs. His ears turned upward into points and nearly touched his curved horns.

    With a nod, Jael glanced around her campsite. No fire? Nothing to eat? Then his gaze fell upon her hands. Are you running, Kardia? You don’t seem like the thieving type to me, with your fine clothes and nice boots. But I’ve heard enough tales to not be surprised by anything these days.

    She shook her head, not sure what she was willing to tell him.

    He jerked his thumb toward the road. Let me pull my cart closer and then we’ll talk. I bet you have the most interesting story. I’m eager to hear it.

    She didn’t wish to share too much of her story with a stranger. Yet, he seemed friendly enough. If only she could know if he was a good faun, or not. After being tricked by the wizard’s apprentice, she couldn’t help but be suspicious of any stranger.

    You know, Kardia said as Jael pulled his box-cart deeper into the cover of the trees. I wasn’t planning on staying here long. I should be on my way while— Pots and other objects clanked together as he maneuvered the small wagon over the uneven ground.

    Nonsense. Nobody should travel at night. That’s when the baddies come out. Wolves, there are. They stroll across the land like they own everything, the ratty beasts. He spat out his words with such venom, she had a feeling he knew this from experience. 

    Waving his hands in a downward motion, he ordered, Sit and let me fix us something scrumptious to eat. I’m famished after walking all day, peddling my wares. I don’t normally come this far into the province, but... well, an opportunity presented itself. His smile and mannerisms brought forth a giggle from her.

    She’d never met a real creature before. Were all of them like this? So friendly and bold? Her stomach rumbled at the thought of warm food. It must have gotten over the revulsion of the sight of her fingerless hands. At least Jael the faun didn’t seem repulsed by her, though he was assuming she might be a thief. She’d feared that would be most people’s reaction.

    Where are you from, Little Bit? I can’t help but call you that. You’re so small, like the tiny flowers that grow beside the lane. So dainty but determined to find their place in the sun. That’s you, I think. Something is driving you. Something that’ll cause you to travel all by yourself? He clapped his hands. Oh, I can’t wait to hear this. Yes, but first we’ll eat. I found some tubers and the most delectable morels I’ve seen in some time. Oh, and wild garlic. He smacked his lips while pulling a basket from his cart. If only I’d been able to stop long enough to hunt, but perhaps there’s a couple of fish lurking in that steam. Do you think I should give it a go? It’s a little dark to see below the surface properly...oh, perhaps I’ll wait till morning... and on he went, chattering like a flock of birds when the sun rises.

    Kardia managed to get her stumpy thumb to hook around the tie on the meat bag. She pulled it from her pack and offered to share whatever was inside.

    Jael clicked his tongue sympathetically over her impairment. "No wonder you’re such a rag muffin, poor Little Bit. Lucky for you, ol’ Jael came when he did. I can help. I’m happy to help. I think the golden-haired Little Bit will be quite a profit...uh, proficient... he paused as if trying to stop himself from saying too much. With a chuckle he finished with, We’ll be great friends, I believe. You seem like a good one, to me. I’m a great judge of character. Just ask me." This brought out a hearty laugh as he waved his hands before him and shook his head.

    Kardia couldn’t help but grin at him. He was so funny.

    You have a nice smile, too, he winked then set to his tasks of making their dinner. Don’t be taking ol’ Jael too seriously, little Kardia. He likes to joke and have fun.

    Before she knew it, he had a fire blazing and a pot from his cart bubbling with his foraged plants and her dried meat. And I love a hearty meal. Like this one is going to be.

    She couldn’t wait, finding herself hungrier than she thought at first. Since leaving Goia, she’d had to settle with nibbling on hard bread and what few apples and spring vegetables from their garden that Mother had packed for her. 

    Though Kardia wished to help, Jael seemed to have everything under control. He hummed merry tunes as he worked and kept sneaking glances at her. When she caught him, he’d wink and laugh. Such a strange faun. Or maybe they were all like this. How could she know?

    Remembering the book she’d been reading before the sky grew too dark, she scooped it up in her palms and dumped it into her open pack, along with several twigs and rotting leaves. Oh well, at least it was safe. If she had reason to run, she didn’t wish to lose anything important. The contents in her bag were all she had in this world. A much bigger world than she’d ever imagined.

    And she was only getting started.

    She slipped her feet back into her boots but couldn’t get the laces tied.

    Jael’s bottom lip puckered out. Poor Little Bit, looks like you’ve not been long without your digits, have you? So, tell me. I promise not to judge. I’m not anyone who has a right to casts stones, let me tell you. He moved closer and secured the strings for her. Did you nick something?

    No! I’m not a thief. She didn’t even know how to explain about the wizard’s curse and didn’t want to. For some reason, she’d rather people thought she was a thief. I didn’t steal. It was an ... accident. My father was chopping wood. I got careless. Close enough to the truth, with a few major facts left out.

    Jael sat back on his haunches. Faerie fluff! He seemed to grow annoyed for a moment, then managed to shake it off. Oh, never mind, if you don’t wish to tell me. I understand. Doesn’t matter. He returned to stirring the contents of his pot. I’m always saying, keep your eyes looking forward, Jael, or your hooves will trip over a log. At her perplexed frown, he added, You know, from looking back and not... oh never mind. The stew is nearly done. You hungry?

    Kardia nodded. While they ate, Jael did most of the talking. She’d asked him what he kept in the cart and he talked about how he enjoyed traveling and trading goods.

    I collect plants for healers, special stones for masons, and any other oddity that’ll prove profitable. Never know what you’ll find around the next bend in the road. As I said earlier, I’d not intended to come this far into the province, but... it’s proved advantageous if you ask me. He mopped up the last of the stew with the bread she’d shared.

    Setting the bowl aside, he patted his swollen belly. Oh, but that was delicious. And we have enough for the morning. We make a great team, you know? You should consider traveling with me. I’ll keep you safe from the baddies, I promise.

    Excitement bubbled up in Kardia’s heart. Maybe this was the provision the King’s book talked about. His letters said he would send help to those in need, and she was in great need.

    I’m looking for the White Path, also known as the King’s Highway. Can you show me where to find it? She tried to scoop up his bowl so she could wash them in the stream. Hopefully, she wouldn’t drop them or they’d be carried off on the current.

    Never heard of such a thing. What’s so special about it? You’re already on a road. Where are you going, Little Bit? Since you deny that you’re running. I’m still very curious about this.

    Not running, she assured him. I’m traveling to see the King of Alburnium.

    Jael’s brown eyes widened, and he started to laugh until he realized he was laughing alone. Oh, you’re serious. Huh. He scratched at his head while settling back against a fallen log. Well, that’s optimistic of you. Do you have any idea where the King lives?

    Kardia stared down at her lap, then gave a slight shake of her head.

    Right. Thought as much. If you knew, you’d realize what a daunting trip it’s going to be. Especially someone limited as you are. He motioned toward her ruined hands. Poor little thing has no clue what she’s in for. But I promised that I would keep you safe, and I will. Say you’ll come with me. I like you an awful lot. And I don’t say that often about humans. Not at all. Normally, I avoid dealing with your kind, but something about you is different. I sense a good heart.

    Kardia’s face heated over his compliment. Thank you, Jael. She edged toward the stream. Keeping the bowl pressed between her palms and dipped it into the cold water. Burning pain shot up her wrists up for a moment, but the cooling water numbed it to a dull throb. I suppose we can travel together for a while. At least until I’m able to find the path.

    Right, if you find the path, I’ll restock your bag and bid you a sad farewell. But all we have is right now, don’t we? Let’s worry about tomorrow when it gets here. He was up and at her side. Poor Little Bit, let me help before you lose my bowls, silly thing. Such a determined one, aren’t you? It’s good, I think. Very good that I found you first. His smile widened. You go rest. We’ll be back on the road by early morning.

    She wanted to ask where he was going but figured it didn’t matter at the moment. All the walking she’d done had tired her out, as well. Her eyes grew heavy so she curled into her blanket once again. Hopefully, tonight she’d enjoy a sound sleep.

    The familiar doubts crept in, warning her to not let down her guard. Was the faun safe? He seemed like a jovial fellow. And if she did travel with him, he’d help her do things she wasn’t able to do for herself at the moment.

    When she did finally doze off, her slumber was fitful and full of shadows that frightened her. Each time her eyes fluttered open, Jael remained on the opposite side of the small fire, watching her. Always watching and never sleeping himself.

    She wasn’t sure what to make of her new friend. Despite his friendliness, he made her nervous.

    Chapter Two


    Leonard, the Regent of Rodonel, stared out the window overlooking the city of Rodon. The blazing summer sun glinted off the river Leukos that flowed past the capital nestled at the foot of the Augazo Mountains. Only by crossing the bridge, wide enough for four horse-drawn carriages, could one enter through the guarded gates. The river provided a means of protection, along with the worm dragon residing in the depths of the deep watercourse.

    Not that Leon thought the capital city needed protection. Aside from the few infringements by rogue wizards on the border towns, he’d not witnessed any threats to the Province of Rodonel. Still, because of what he had seen during his tour, Leon realized the need for added protection around the borders.

    He glanced down at the letter clutched in his hand. This one from the Prior who was in charge of the Meeting Hall in Osas—The livestock traders. The majority of responses said practically the same thing. Most of the Rodonel townships were unwilling to send their young people to him at this time.

    Leon wanted to train more guards to protect the borders from the neighboring wizards. He also wanted young people to make the trip to Radiance and Aloblase where they could attend the Academy and begin learning to use their gifts to help enhance the kingdom.

    Most of the Priors had responded that everyone was too busy working their land and nobody had the time to accompany the younger ones on the trip to the capital city.

    The Prior from Osas sounded rude with his response.

    Sire, you promised that we would have time to organize and find people willing to make such a trip. A trip, might I remind you, that will take them far from their homes. Yes, as I said when you visited, I believe that encouraging our youths to undergo instruction concerning their trades was essential. However, it simply is not practical at this time. This is the season we need every hand available to work the land. How else can we maintain the trade Rodon is accustomed to from us?

    Leon crumpled the letter and tossed it onto his desk with the other crumpled bits of parchment. Strange how agreeable they’d been when speaking to him face-to-face, but now...

    Distance did make a huge difference, it seemed.

    He would need to make the trip north to the mountain city of Radiance after harvest. He’d hoped to take as many with him as were willing to go. From Radiance, they could continue their training, or travel through a portal to meet with King Shaydon.

    One huge need he’d noticed during his tour was that too many of the younger generation had not made any attempt, or even shown a desire, to meet with the King. Leon needed to find a way to encourage that desire.

    He leaned against the bookshelf that surrounded the arched window. The Hall was high up on the side of the hills that bordered the town. The township spread out along the flat plain between the foothills and river.

    Watching the cluttered market square reminded Leon that he needed to make time to visit the tailor for some new outfits. Now that he had meetings to attend daily, he needed to dress the part.

    He would miss his comfortable traveling clothes.

    Oh well, I’ll go tomorrow. For now, he needed to find a solution to this one problem, at least. He rang a bell sitting on his work table. A few minutes later, a young blond-headed boy entered and bowed low. He wore the blue and silver uniform of a squire, except the knees of his breeches were grass-stained and an inch too short around his ankles.

    Samuel, he said to the young attendant who often ran his errands and delivered messages. He would someday make a fine messenger for the King with his clarion voice and daring personality. Would you let my advisers know that I’d like to meet with them in the next hour? Tell them I’ll be waiting in the library.

    The boy bowed again. Yes, your highness.

    Leon pinched the bridge of his nose. How many times have I asked you not to call me that? You save that title for the day you address King Shaydon. You’ll address me by my name.

    The boy’s freckled face colored to match the red carpet of the study. But sire, the Steward will have my hide if he hears me using your common name.

    The Steward, another relic remaining from Leon’s father’s time of serving, or rather ruling, might soon need to be reassigned. The former regent, Lonnell of the House of Lion, served nobody but himself.

    Leon still did not understand why Prince Issah appointed him to take over his deceased father’s position. Many others were better equipped to handle running the Rodonal Province.

    Then call me Regent, that should be safe. Now go do as I ask. He waved the boy away. People who showered him with lofty titles and too much praise made him nervous. He didn’t like it.

    Eventually, he’d need to find someone to replace the Steward who constantly looked down his long, bent nose at Leon’s lack of decorum. There were still too many of his father’s staunch followers hanging around like cobwebs clinging to the walls of a tomb.

    This was a new day, a new rule, with new plans to carry out. Leon would not tolerate anyone remaining who intended to drag down his innovative ideas. He wanted this province to thrive and grow, and he planned to do whatever it took to make that happen.

    If the town leaders were reluctant to send their people to him, he would find a way to go to them. Maybe not him personally, but he could send Messengers to stir the people’s hearts and get them excited about the growth plans for the city and maybe even someday expand his borders.

    Wouldn’t that impress Prince Issah?

    Yes, somehow, he’d work hard every waking moment if that’s what it took to turn this province around and make King Shaydon proud.

    As he headed down to the first-floor library, he met his mother along the way. She had also received a letter that she waved to get his attention. I’ve word from your cousin and his wife. They’ve reached Goia safely with Riyah’s help. There is now a white road for people to travel between there and Rodon, I’m sure you’ll be pleased by that news. Her smile tilted up on one side.

    Riyah was a being, called an Elderad, who served as King Shaydon’s counselors and advisers around the kingdom. Only regents were given the privilege of the council from an Elderad. Leon did not take his friendship with Riyah lightly. Not anymore.

    One of Riyah’s many talents was his ability to turn a common dirt road into one covered in the sparkling white stones that Meeting Halls were built from. Any person who walked upon the King’s Highway, also known as the White Road, traveled under the protection of King Shaydon. A province with such roads joining the various hamlets and towns were also protected from those outside forces that wished to bring harm to a province dedicated to Shaydon.

    Leon was sure that was why Issah assigned the Elderad to Rodonal.

    Any word from my Chief Adviser? he asked, taking the envelope from his mother.

    "No, but cousin Emory wrote to let us know there are no signs of wizard activity in the town. The previous Prior, a man named Wilhelm, said that Goia is free from any contacts made with sorcerers. Emory and Lizzy have already fallen in love with the little hamlet and promise you will hear more from them soon. He has several young people that he’s met that are of prime age to make the journey to meet

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