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Fringe reality theory, book 5, Origin, is an astro-photography and metaphysically visual based book,
It claims to discover the galactic location of the gods and identify the source of origin.

Fringe reality theory not only challenges the current understanding of metaphysics but solves some of the greatest mysteries lost to mankind, our unknown human history has finally been discovered!

Origin identifies locations in space that exhibit the original source of the of the gods of the Earth.
The impressions within the book are profound and include the discovery of the origins of ancient Egypt, India, China, Polynesia and we reveal the origin of the most controversial symbol in the world, the swastika.

For the first time in post flood history, impressions of celestial gods and goddesses are revealed, including the hero Chun, Polynesian Maui, Nephthys and blue Isis, the indian goddess Shakti, kali, Rama and Sita, and we see Shiva dance!

But these are not the only gods and goddess found, we find unexpected characters in unexpected places and suspect we have discovered the mystical vimana, a spacecraft recorded in ancient India.

We also discover Montezuma, the lost Aztecs and find Tonatiuh, the Aztec sun calendar, we reveal the darkest secret of Montezuma, never known to humanity, and we also meet Napoleon Bonaparte and find the holy grail!

This book is a guide to the locations discovered in the cosmos, the coordinates for the locations discovered in space, can be found by accessing the New Zealand Patent Pending application number, shown within the front of the book.

No photoshop or other image creation software has been used, only brightness and contrast for ease of viewing.

Release dateDec 4, 2020


Remember, No CGI or Photoshop or other image creation software has been used to create these telescopic images, save contrast and brightness they are all 100% as found in space.If you are not prepared for fringe reality - do not read my books, once read, quanta, is undeniable and the world you know will disappear from under you. As ancient secrets reveal new ground to stand on, you will discover what is new and unfamiliar to you.If you do read my books, prepare yourself mentally, energetically, spiritually and physically and take heed of the warnings therein - do not become complacent.It's time to awaken for an ancient galactic history is about re-enter your world and change your dimension forever.

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    BOOK 5




    Pat Pending: 768628

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved, no part of this publication may be resold, reproduced stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the above copyright owner and the authorized publisher of this book.

    This is a work of both non-fiction (astro-photography) and the writer’s metaphysical interpretation; Fair use applies herein. Names characters places brands media and incidents may or may not be either the product of the authors metaphysical narrative or opinion or understanding are used fictitiously or true and correct and a matter of historical record, widely accepted popular culture, myths and legends or are used factually. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of both non-fiction and fiction; which have been used without permission. The publication use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by any third-party trademark owners.

    This book is written in common English babble, errors are accepted.

    It’s time, friend.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    The battle of RA

    The eartree


    Pillar 43

    The golden cippus

    The gods of Egypt

    Chapter 2


    Hero Chun

    Imperial Heavens

    Chapter 3



    Chapter 4

    Nesian Gods

    Chapter 5

    Indian Gods

    Chapter 6

    The Left Side View

    The Right-Side View

    The top view


    Chapter 7

    Josephine’s heart


    Metaphysical quanta blooms or dimensional expansions are present within this book. Remember only brightness and contrast has been used. No photoshop or other image manipulating software has been used to create these images, just the telescope software, metaphysical eye, the correct angle location and frequency of light such as brightness and contrast, and an old computer.

    We begin our fringe reality journey, with the discovery of the godheads of ancient Egypt, including identifying stele of Nephthys. We continue to reveal the godheads of the Nesians, Asians, Blackskins, Indians and their cousins and make startling revelations regarding the story of Montezuma and discover the Aztec sun calendar location and disclose the origin of the most controversial symbol in the world, the swastika.

    In this book we are introduced to the golden goddess of Egypt, and discover the three being goddess, Nephthys is present as is Isis and Tanit, Anubis appears with his jackal and Horus and Set are present in bloom. Separated in their own construct the children of the golden dragon are found, and the unknown hero Chun is discovered as well as the tree of eternal life and the dragon king is revealed with high kicks from his forehead and boxing below, he is the origin of the spirit of force of Kung Fu. The imperial heavens and the golden emperor is seen nearby, and the golden dragon is also observed.

    We continue our journey to discover the blackskins construct, for the first time in known history, we meet their dark-skinned godheads and observe the kings of Sheba and reveal Sheba herself, and discover the father of all blackskins revealed in last book. We discover the gods of Polynesia, and their mystical Nesian godhead Maui, his canoe and his Manaia or water dragon.

    Seen for the first time in known history, we reveal the sacred Indian mountain, Mount Kailash and discover Vishnu, Shakti and Kali and watch Shiva dance!

    We find the Indian Princess Jodha and the Eastern star and observe the gates of Jannah. And from the oldest religion in the world, we reveal Zoroaster and Zarathrustra and the afrosiab or burning alter and we expose the secrets of Montezuma and the Aztec sun calendar, Tonatiuh. The space trajectory or constellation coordinates are provided in the patent number mentioned above.

    The complete fringe reality theory series challenges the fermi paradox by claiming to provide impressions of evidence, for the existence of not just non-terrestrial life in space, but civilization, including ‘unknown’ civilizations and their written languages, hierarchy structures, religion, gods, warfare and technology. It most likely the imagery found within these books is the most basic or fundamental lost knowledge of the ancient mystery schools.

    The information found within these books is profound and through its true understanding the discovery a new paradigm is inherent. The imagery sourced within any book written by this author can be found within the starry sky by use of coordinates, a computer, online telescope, and a metaphysical eye.

    Although we have tried our best to bring you the greatest secrets of the universe, unfortunately, image quality is not optimal as the images have been compressed due to the size of this publication. Also, we suggest, due to left brain dominance in some people, not everyone will be able to see the metaphysical ‘impressions observed’ within the images highlighted in these books. No refunds will be given. Good luck

    Chapter 1

    Battle of RA

    Figure 1 Orion-Omega pathway

    Our impressions begin with the ‘teddy bears’ or Omega construct marked by a blue arrow. In fringe reality theory, Omega is the last construct to receive the dark light passed across a scattered network of cosmic attenuators from its origin of Orion.

    Figure 2 Screaming face of RA

    In a frequency of pale light, the small teddy bear now appears as a single screaming face within the image above. The golden arrow makes up the mouth and a top row of straight white teeth can be seen. A dark ‘A ’frame shaped symbol is also seen. It is the pyramid shape symbol identifying the great Egyptian God Ra.

    This impression appears as the head of RA.

    Figure 3 Taunt lip of Ra

    Figure 4 Egyptian warrior with unique symbol

    Hidden within the blue square the impression of an Egyptian man facing left is seen wearing a Fez hat and sporting a short moustache. The straight line of Elche appears vertically and divides his face.

    In his hand he holds an orb and uses its power to protect the head of RA. Upon him, an ancient symbol is seen, it is a symbol of a secret Egyptian order.

    Figure 5 Enemies facing off against the dimensional line

    The blue square in the first image does not show empty space, within the square dressed in black, a masked face is seen. Opposing the dark image, a blue face with grey helmet faces off against the dimensional line, like the man in the Fez hat, these impressions appear to be engaged in battle of cosmic proportions.

    Straight lines clearly define the separation between the two primary impressions seen facing off with each other within the image above. Both impressions wear their respective helmets or headdress. The blue faced being with the square-top helmet exhibits a unique iris, this iris ‘spins’ to see.

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