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Permission to be Bold, Gorgeous and Timeless. Unleash Your Inner & Outer Beauty. Be Unforgettable.
Permission to be Bold, Gorgeous and Timeless. Unleash Your Inner & Outer Beauty. Be Unforgettable.
Permission to be Bold, Gorgeous and Timeless. Unleash Your Inner & Outer Beauty. Be Unforgettable.
Ebook83 pages39 minutes

Permission to be Bold, Gorgeous and Timeless. Unleash Your Inner & Outer Beauty. Be Unforgettable.

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About this ebook

We don't need scientific research, although much exists, to know that most women are tragically unhappy with their appearance.
We also know that looks are more important for a women's advancement than a man’s and that age isn't exactly a woman's asset.
So women consume lots of resources attempting to fit the beauty standards of our society and inevitably face failure.
This erodes confidence, increases self-doubt and creates stress, shame, insecurity and depression.

But one thing is certain. When you feel good, you look good.

The techniques presented in this book will help you step out of self-doubting and feeling like an ugly duckling, and instead celebrate your specific brilliance, talents and self-expression.
Gita knows how it is to live with low self-worth, self-hate, feeling invisible, feeling ugly and overall not good enough.
In the book, she shares her know-how, tips, tools and stories that will help you boost your confidence and bust the beliefs that hold you back.

The book will show that self-care & grooming can be a remarkable confidence booster and that you don't need lots of money, expensive clothes and skin products to feel great and look gorgeous no matter your age, size or income.

When you feel great about yourself, you look great and:
* You'll shine in any setting
* You'll enjoy every day of your life (well, most of them)
* You'll automatically be a better mother, wife, lover, friend - a happy woman improves not only her own life but the lives of everyone around her
* You'll be more courageous to stand up for what you believe and have a stronger belief in yourself which will make your desires come true
* Your health and wellbeing will improve

Release dateDec 9, 2020
Permission to be Bold, Gorgeous and Timeless. Unleash Your Inner & Outer Beauty. Be Unforgettable.

Gita Gavare Marotis

You know how women in business... and women entrepreneurs...Have this problem...They succeed to a certain point and then they hit that glass ceiling and can’t seem to raise their income, get top positions, and often get passed over by men who aren’t as smart or qualified.No wonder so many women feel invisible. They are interrupted at meetings. Their ideas are not heard. And many of you try to be more likeable, more attractive, or even less attractive, only to find out that nothing works. You end up feeling stuck and not knowing what to do to achieve your career or personal goals.Most women in business live in constant stress due to their own beliefs that nothing they do or say is good enough or they don't look good enough.The results are that many of us end up depressed. Super self-critical of ourselves which negatively impacts our careers, our life quality, and our relationships. The result is feeling powerless.I know about feeling powerless. At 21 I was living in the Soviet Union when I was tricked into sex trafficking. I escaped the former Soviet Union and came to Denmark to start my life over.I got a PA Degree in Business Communications from Denmark’s Business School.Here I spent 12 years as a Project Coordinator & Area Manager for Markis IDC which is an international consulting/ project development company.Now... I am CEO of my own company, Gita Consulting where I coach women to become powerful players in business and in their own life.That’s why I speak on:Women’s Empowerment and Power CommunicationI show women how they can:Speak to get heardTo get past the shame and limiting beliefs to fully express your power and live an apology-free life without waiting for approval from others and achieve leadership excellence.I’m going to do this by:An interactive 60-minute keynote (or a 2-hour interactive training) where I teach my 5-step leadership building techniques as well as examining personal challenges that that are stopping women from achieving their best. I know all women have something in their past that is stopping them. And if I could get past my past, I know others can as well. So... everyone in my audience will walk away with specific techniques where they are given, just like the title of my book, “Permission to be Bold, Gorgeous and Timeless”

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    Permission to be Bold, Gorgeous and Timeless. Unleash Your Inner & Outer Beauty. Be Unforgettable. - Gita Gavare Marotis


    "What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?

    Taking a new step, uttering a new word, is what people fear most."

    /Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    Too many people hold themselves back from living the life they dream of. Too many girls and women aren’t confident in themselves, and don’t believe that they are good enough.

    Our outside reflects what’s happening on the inside, and our external world is reflection of our inner world.

    I didn’t like the reflections and had do something to change it.

    I struggled with crippling insecurity and low self-esteem for most of my life.

    How long am I going to stand in the shadows waiting for someone to tell me that I’m good enough I asked myself, depressed and miserable.

    I wished there was a magic pill or tea that would fix me forever. Instead it seemed to be a long road with lots of learning, healing, and exploring different tools on how to move out of the bottomless pit of self-doubt.

    My intention with this book is to help women boost and build self-esteem, be bold, be gorgeous, and not to let themselves be stopped by low self-esteem and or age.

    If you feel like you are stuck in a cocoon postpartum and is time for you to move forward, this book will help you emerge from your shell, express your individuality, and become more confident in yourself.

    If this book triggers you, consider it as good sign - it shows how deeply you crave to be beautiful, bold and seen.

    What we see in others, we have too.

    In the process I have been seeking and receiving lots of help from many incredible people around the world, including my friends, sisters, and my children.

    The writing of this book was encouraged by the amazing mentor and friend Leonie Coleman, and I couldn’t have written it without the great support of my eldest son, Edward.

    Huge thanks to the amazing photographer and friend Patricia Frazào Pereira for the cover picture.

    Medical advice / disclaimer:

    Opinions, suggestions and references in this book are based on my personal experience and is for personal study purposes only.

    This book is about beauty, health and vitality and makes no medical claims.

    Information in this book is not a medical advice and is not meant to treat or diagnose any disease.

    Your choice: worthy or unworthy?

    "We are all filled with a longing for the wild. There are few culturally sanctioned antidotes for this yearning.

    We were taught to feel shame for such a desire. We grew our hair long and used it to hide our feelings.

    But the shadow of Wild Woman still lurks behind us during our days and in our nights.

    No matter where we are, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-footed."

    /Clarissa Pinkola Estes

    Zelma had three beautiful and talented daughters.

    As most girls, they were raised to be good.

    To be people pleasers by acting and looking like good girls are supposed to: smile, be perfect, dress modestly, and don’t be too much. They were shamed and rejected if they didn’t behave properly.

    Zelma was an exemplary good woman herself - at least it looked so on the outside. Looking good on the outside is the part of the game in our society - never air your dirty laundry in public. She received lots of acknowledgment in form of medals and prizes for her hard work.

    One of the daughters, Rota, was a rebellious one.

    She was super social and a great singer, cook, and organizer.

    She got married, had three children and a job she didn't enjoy.

    Her husband was a violent alcoholic beating her and their children.

    She began to drink too and really started letting herself go.

    Their house was awfully dirty and a meeting point for the many other alcoholic men in the village.

    She drank herself to a tragic death shortly before she turned 50.

    The other daughter, Ruta, was the one who had things under control.

    She married a highly positioned military man.

    Their house was perfectly clean, they drove in a Volga (equal to Mercedes in the Soviet Union) and didn't miss a thing.

    Their daughters were raised in strict discipline, being exemplary good.

    I learned later that they never received a hug or a warm gesture. There was no place for emotions.

    I felt so insecure and ashamed of myself when she was around.  I never saw her laughing or making a joke, and sometimes I wondered if she even was human - seemed af if she was wearing thick and cold mask.

    The third daughter, my mother, Mara had green hands - she could make everything grow, created a supper from thin air and could make a simple room look beautiful. Unfortunately, she acted as a martyr. Self-sacrificing was her way to get love. She believed she had no worth, wasn’t smart enough, and even ugly.

    She would take many jobs while at the same time being a small-scale farmer just to prove others how good she was.

    She was under big self-inflicted pressure and didn’t have much time to take care of us five children.

    She was frustrated, resentful and eventually burned out. Our father, who also was an alcoholic, didn’t do much around

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