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Snow and Blood
Snow and Blood
Snow and Blood
Ebook519 pages11 hours

Snow and Blood

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Emperor Kasheen is enraged when one of his Crystal fleet is taken by pirates. Tika of Iskallia traces them to a settlement hidden in the land of snow in the far north of Drogoya. She is amazed to find people living in such harsh conditions. She also discovers a man of strange talents quite unlike her own powers. Other lands are in turmoil, including Vagrantia, Strale and Gaharn. Somehow it falls to her to try to settle things down once more.

PublisherE.M. Sinclair
Release dateDec 15, 2020
Snow and Blood

E.M. Sinclair

From as far back as I can remember, I have always had a feeling that Dragons are real. When you look at a wide sky there is a glimpse from the corner of your eye which must surely be a Dragon whisking past. I always regarded the stories of monstrous fierce Dragons as being completely wrong and I detested stories of St George and his dragon killing tendencies.When I was still a small child my grandfather gave me a copy of Kenneth Grahame's The Reluctant Dragon. It made complete sense to me - a Dragon living in a secluded cave, wanting only peace and quiet to write poetry.

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    Snow and Blood - E.M. Sinclair

    Book 12 of Circles of Light

    E.M. Sinclair

    Snow and Blood - Book 12 of Circles of Light

    First published 2020

    Typesetting and Cover designed by W.J. Scott

    Published by Murrell Press.

    © E.M. Sinclair 2020

    E.M. Sinclair can be contacted via Circles of Light Facebook page.

    The right of E.M.Sinclair to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.

    Chapter One

    Lady Tika of Iskallia looked down from a window in her high rooms. The huge, many coloured circle gleamed in the morning sunlight. Two Dragons, one large, gold scaled, and one smaller, black as night, sprawled on the plateau, basking sleepily. Tika smiled. It was halfway through Bone Moon. The intense heat of the eighty days of the double Dragon Moon had at last abated. Her Steward, Volk, reported that most of the harvests were gathered and it was, once again, an abundant harvest.

    She turned from the window and made her way down to the great hall. Her Historian and Archivist, Dromi, entered the hall just as she reached her table. He offered her a sheaf of papers. 'From Harbour City.'

    Tika read the pages, frowning. 'Chevra is asking our advice? What do I know of pirates, Dromi?'

    He smiled. 'I agree. What do any of us know of pirates, with the possible exception of the crews of your two ships?'

    Tika stared at him. 'Are you suggesting they would take to piracy?'

    'Of course I'm not. They might know something, or have heard rumours though.'

    'We should ask Vallek if he knows any of this,' Tika suggested. 'Does it mean our ships might be in danger? Chevra says they've had three ships sunk.'

    'I can't see our two are at risk. Ours sail to Wendla more than Harbour City. I understood there was a pirate enclave in the many islands south west of the City. Would they sail so far east as Wendla?'

    'Chevra says the ships lost so far were his ships sailing west to Salo Manis or Druke, the Free Ports, here.' He produced a map.

    Tika groaned, she detested maps. 'Why do they sail there?'

    Dromi shrugged. 'I think they try not to ask Wendla for all they need still. Chevra feels Wendla has been so very generous to them already.'

    'But how would Chevra pay for goods from Kelshan? I know their treasury is near empty?'

    'Tika, it is not something we can enquire into. Chevra is a proud man. Wendla has given Harbour City so much over the last four years, he feels he will never repay them.'

    'But it was my actions that caused the catastrophe there, Dromi. Don't I owe Chevra something?'

    'As Chevra has pointed out countless times, if you hadn't taken that action, there would be no Harbour City at all. This is not a request for help, Tika. He is merely reporting a possible danger in the more southern areas of the ocean.' Dromi moved on to other reports but the thought of Chevra losing ships he certainly could not afford to lose, niggled at the back of Tika's mind.

    Over the next days, she thought of the lost ships. She remembered one of the ships lost in a storm when she had first discovered Wendla, and of Shea and Veka, taken as slaves in Salo Manis then shipped across to Eddaven. She shivered each time she imagined the crews of those ships, gone forever in the restless sea.

    The Queen of Chaban, Tupalla, made one of her now regular visits to Iskallia and spoke of a place, Gerras Ridge. Navan brought his maps so that the Queen's body guard Zu Lan could point out the strange anomaly. A long high ridge, stretched more than fifty miles east to west in an otherwise mostly flat land.

    'Troman has begun to be more interested in the ridge itself now,' Tupalla explained, her twisted mouth making her words slur. 'After his first visit there, he wrote several times to me. He was very taken with an old man who lived there alone.' The Queen reached for a bowl of tea with her good left hand, nodding to Zu Lan to continue for her. 'Troman wrote, wondering why his father or the generals in charge of the military, would forget about such a place and about one soldier left there for years.'

    'Is Troman still writing so often, Majesty?' Tika asked.

    'Yes. I believe I'm starting to feel like a grandmother.'

    Tika laughed. 'You're pleased with the changes he's made in Strale?'

    'He has made more progress than I expected.'

    Tarel hurried into the hall. He went straight to the Queen and gave her a book. 'Dog said they haven't copied it yet so she needs it back, Majesty.'

    Tika rolled her eyes but the Queen nodded to the boy. 'Of course. I will return it as soon as we've read it.'

    When the Queen and her guard had departed and people gathered for the evening meal, Tika remonstrated with Dog. 'How could you make Tarel tell Tupalla she had to return your book?'

    Dog stared in surprise. 'You can never be too careful, Tika. People always borrow books then keep them.'

    'Just because you do, it doesn't follow that everyone else is as bad.'

    'There are a lot of books in the library now,' Tarel put in helpfully, making Tika scowl more.

    'Most of them are copies,' Dog attempted to soothe Tika. She smiled round the table. 'I haven't been out of Iskallia for ages, not anywhere near another library anyway.'

    Mardis Fayle kept his head down, eyes on his food as Tika regarded him with suspicion. His presence reminded her of Chevra's message of a few days ago. 'Pirates, Mardis. What do you know of them? Is there more you can tell us?'

    'I didn't know of the slave trading Tika. There is always some sort of smuggling goes on in any port.'

    Tika waited.

    'Druke has a rather better reputation, but Salo Manis has always had a fairly murky name. Zu Lan might know more. She's from the Isle of Zukarab after all, that is south east of Salo Manis. That's all I know.'

    The number of people in the hall lessened until only a few remained at Tika's table. Sergeant Essa stretched out her long legs. 'Does the thought of pirates really bother you, Tika? I understood that our two ships should be safe because they have names linking them to the Emperor Kasheen's fleet?'

    'It bothers me in the loss of men who crew the ships and also because I know Harbour City cannot afford such losses. Wendla is a wealthy land and the supplies and people the Emperor sends to Chevra is a small loss to him. I do understand Chevra wants to be free of having to accept such help but there is still so much work to be done he shouldn't hold on to his pride. It's now cost him three ships and their crews and cargoes, none of which he can afford to lose. I wonder if he's told the Emperor of these attacks?'

    'I am going to Port Maressa tomorrow. If you like, Tika, I can ask Vallek if there's been any news of pirates,' Ketro suggested. 'I have to take some medical supplies down there.'

    'Medicines? Why? Is there a problem?' Tika asked in alarm.

    'No, no.' Ketro assured her quickly. 'There are always scrapes and bruises with the work there though. They were getting low on Konya's salves and remedies.'

    'Who is in charge of the infirmary there at present?'

    'Nitash and Doochay. They alternate every ten days with Kalyo and Khalim working at the port.'

    When the last person left the hall, Tika wandered outside. The moon was nearly full and floated, huge and serene, above the western mountains. Dragons lay in a heap on the plateau, soft snores suggesting they all slept. Returning to the hall, Tika lifted Tarel with a sigh, carrying him up to their quarters. She laid him on the bed. She was too restless to try sleeping yet and went out to her patch of garden.

    The black cat, Cerys, lay on the grass beside the graves of Akomi and Khosa. Tika sank down beside her, stroking her lightly. 'You spend more time up here than anywhere else my dear.' Tika spoke aloud.

    Cerys stretched. 'Pearl keeps me informed.' Her mind voice murmured through Tika's head.

    'Is Pearl content here?' Tika asked.

    'Of course she is. She says she learns new things everyday and that's all she wants to do forever.'

    Tika smiled. She worried about the Sea Dragon, still less than a full year old, cast out by her Flight because of her insatiable curiosity and strangeness.

    'Go to bed, Tika. You worry even when there's nothing to worry about.' Green gold eyes shone in the moonlight then closed.

    Tika did as she was told.

    Several people from the House had gone to the settlements in the valley to help with the harvests so there were fewer in residence. Tarel disappeared to the library after breakfast most days, and today, Tika chose to visit the medical school Konya and Palos had set up. She passed Volk's caves and climbed the few steps into Konya's school. She heard voices in two rooms, clearly Konya and Palos giving instructions, and went on to find Aifa.

    The smell of freshly ground herbs filled the air when she opened the door to the work room. Aifa was not alone. A young man was watching her carefully. Aifa turned at the sound of the door closing.

    'It's only me, Aifa,' Tika said.

    The woman smiled. 'This is Tokkar.' Aifa introduced the man. 'He's from Deep Fold. He wants to learn herbs and massage.'

    Tika smiled at Tokkar who bowed. 'I came to do the basic training for Deep Fold but I'd like to learn more so Konya said I could stay longer.'

    'He's learning to work on the muscles as I do,' Aifa went on.

    'Your headaches are gone now?' Tika let her mage talent sense the head injury which had left Aifa blind, and found nothing amiss.

    Aifa scoffed. 'I haven't had any of those for a long time. I'm fine Tika.'

    'Then I'll let you get on with your work. I won't interrupt Konya but I would like a word with her when she's not busy?'

    'I'll tell her.'

    Tika left them and went back outside where she found a small grey donkey waiting for her, brown eyes gleaming and ears waggling. 'Erm, hello Chichi.'

    Her words were drowned by Chichi's appalling bray. Tika gritted her teeth, kept a smile on her face and waited for it to end. Seeing Chichi was about to offer her another shriek, Tika spoke quickly. 'Do you happen to know where Volk might be?'

    There was a pause while Chichi surveyed her with a definite look of affection. Then, the long ears waggled, she drew breath and Tika hastened away, the strangled cry following her. As Volk was nowhere in sight, Tika continued back to the House and made her way up to the library. Dog was at a table poring over various lists.

    'Have you any books about Sedka?' Tika asked her.

    Dog frowned, staring along the shelves. 'I think there are a couple, from Mardis's own collection.' She rose, walking slowly along one section. 'Aah.' She took two slim, worn books out and passed them to Tika. 'I haven't had them copied yet. No one has asked about him so I put them lower on the list.' She frowned again. 'Didn't that child, what's her name, Hargon's daughter, claim she was Sedka's daughter reborn?'

    'Mena. Yes, she did.' Tika flipped through the books and sighed.

    'You don't sound as if you're that eager to read them?'

    'I'm not but we never found out much about him, did we? Did the Menedula, with the Offerings, Observers and that dreadful Sacrifice - Cho Petak, still follow Sedka's rules? Or did they make it all up and put Sedka's name to it all?'

    'Is it important? None of it exists anymore, does it?'

    'Probably not, but I would like to know.'

    'Mardis knows little about it but surely Dromi might?'

    'He might. I'll read these and ask Dromi afterwards.' Tika returned to her quarters and spent the morning reading. She wasn't much more enlightened by the time the bell rang for the midday meal.

    Without being asked, Dromi waited until everyone had left the hall then he offered her a scroll. Tika read it through and sighed. It was from Lord Seboth of Far, in Sapphrea. His men had found the body of Lady Emla of Gaharn. She had been murdered but there was no clue as to who might have done the deed. 'Have you sent word to Rhaki?' Tika asked.

    'Yes. To Rhaki and to Vallek. I thought Vallek might speak with Rhaki.'

    Tika shook her head. 'I'm sorry but I have no words. She fooled us for so long. I wonder if Iska knew?'

    Dromi remained silent. He had never met Discipline Senior Iska of Gaharn, the woman Tika held in such high regard she had named this valley Iskallia in her honour.

    'Not a good end to a very long life, Dromi.'

    'Do you wish to reopen communications with Gaharn?'

    'Not yet I don't think.' Tika slid the paper back to Dromi. 'I've just read these books. They seem nonsense to me. Can you tell me anything of Sedka?'

    'The Brotherhood had quite a lot of information about him, when Cho Petak rose to power in the Menedula. The conclusion was he was a simple man, maybe touched in a small way with some mage talent.'

    'He lived and died a very long time ago?'

    'Yes, probably near two thousand years past. From all I learned within the Brotherhood archives, he became a popular figure, curing small ills and advising folk how they should live. It is clear his popularity led him to believe he was invincible, never wrong, indeed, almost god like.'

    'And people started worshipping him as a god?'

    'It seems so. His wife was definitely mage talented but Sedka made sure she stayed in the background. She was called Dalena, or Daleta. They had a child with formidable powers but she was insane. She was confined for a long time then put to death after her parents died.'

    'Did Cho Petak rule using Sedka's ideas?'

    'No. He used Sedka's name only. Sedka had weird ideas about how folk should live. Cho Petak changed all that although he kept the names such as Offerings, and Sacrifices for his officers. Sedka proclaimed he was Offered to the world and would be the Sacrifice to redeem all sins.'

    Dromi leaned his elbows on the table. 'The Menedula was built after Sedka's death. It may have been a good place in the early years. Sedka's Servants, they called themselves. Apparently they wandered the town and further through the countryside, doing good deeds to any who needed help. There was no conflict with the Brotherhood then.'

    Tika frowned. 'The Last Battle the Dark Lords speak of - that was a thousand years ago, when Darallax fled to Skaratay?'

    Dromi nodded. 'Things began to change then but it was only a hundred years ago that the Sacrifice commanded the Brotherhood must be wiped out and we hid ourselves away.'

    They sat in thought for a while. 'Really then, Sedka, and the group that took over from him, are all just pretenders? Were there no gods, temples, religions in Drogoya?'

    'Temples, no. There were small shrines, to local spirits, in villages. People spoke of Simert taking the souls of the dead but he was no longer worshipped as he had been during Sedka's day.' He studied Tika's expression. 'Is there a reason for your interest in Sedka?'

    Tika laughed suddenly. 'No reason in particular. With everyone taking on different tasks to give me more time to myself, I've spent that time thinking. So often I've come across something strange that I would have liked to investigate but there was never time to do so. Well, now there is.'

    Dromi returned her smile, rising from his chair. 'If you're really interested in Sedka, I'd guess Simert would be the one to ask.'

    Tarel had gone to the library when he'd eaten and Tika strolled outside. Farn and Pearl were waiting for her and she smiled. 'Is there some news, my dears?' she asked them.

    Farn's eyes flashed. 'We went to Green Rock, my Tika.' The silver blue scales shone in the sunlight.

    'What interests you so much there? You can't see inside their mines, can you?'

    'No, we can't,' Pearl agreed. 'They are making other stuff though.'


    'Glass,' Farn put in quickly before Pearl could spoil his surprise.

    'Glass? How do they do that?'

    'We can take you, my Tika. We told them we'd tell you and bring you to watch.'

    Tika climbed onto Farn's back and he lifted into the air, following Pearl eastwards. Having no idea what to expect, Tika was as fascinated as the young Dragons watching a young woman blowing a strange tube, a delicate bowl shape emerging from its end.

    Flying back to the House late in the afternoon, Tika listened to Pearl and Farn discussing how sand could be made into something so different. Sliding from Farn's back she hugged them. 'Thank you both. I enjoyed seeing that.'

    Affection washed through the mind links, and pride that they'd pleased her. Food was being served when Tika squeezed past Tarel and a hopeful Cerys. 'Why did no one tell me they are making glass at Green Rock?' she asked generally.

    Navan seemed to be the only person who knew much about it. 'They found the right sort of sand was nearby,' he told her.

    'There are different kinds of sand?' Dog sounded sceptical.

    'Well of course there must be.' Heads turned to Tarel. 'The sand at Port Maressa is pale brown, isn't it, but the sand round the Karmazen Palace is black, so it can't be the same.'

    Tika listened to people arguing and offering ever wilder reasons why sand might be different colours. She reflected how different it was here from a year ago. The loss of Sket, her Captain of Guards, was still a great sorrow to her on many levels. She accepted that, whether it was due to the brain sickness that was creeping up on him or not, he would never have approved of the changes that had occurred here. She knew, in her very bones, these changes were good, helping Iskallia and its disparate inhabitants grow and thrive.

    Tika also understood that Sket would have opposed Tarel's very existence, would have been enraged when she let it be known that this child, from who knew where, was her heir. She remembered the last time she'd seen Sket, when he told her how stupid she was to let Gremara continue to live, how unqualified she was to be the ruler of a land. Tika folded that memory into a small box in a deep part of her mind and vowed never to retrieve it. Instead, she would only remember the earlier times when Sket had been her staunchest friend.

    She became aware of people calling good night as the bell rang out its nine chimes. Tarel walked outside with her when she went to bid the Dragons goodnight. Pearl ducked her head down close to Tika's. 'That was interesting, what Navan said about sand.'

    Tika smiled, stroking Pearl's long face. 'I'm sure it was, Pearl.'

    Farn's mind voice was sleepy. 'I was confused, my Tika,' he confessed.

    Tika hugged him. 'So was I, dear one,' she agreed. She noticed Skay made no comment. Kija sent a thought on a singular thread.

    'Why do humans argue over such silly things?'

    'I've no idea, mother of my heart. Sleep well.'

    Kija huffed but said no more.

    Climbing up to their quarters, Tarel was silent. He undressed and slid into bed. 'Sket couldn't help it Tika.'

    'I know he couldn't, but it still hurts.'

    The black cat padded in from the garden, climbing onto Tika's lap as she sat at the table. Tarel said no more, turning his face into his pillow. Tika stroked Cerys, still lost in thought. The cat curled into a ball, her purr steady as a heart beat.

    Several days later, two scrolls arrived on the circle. Dromi sent Samel to find Tika somewhere along the lakeside, and waited in the hall with Captain Fedran. Tika arrived and knew something serious had happened. Joining the two men she waited.

    'Two messages from Wendla.' Dromi handed the papers to her. 'One from Jakri, one from the Emperor.'

    Tika read the Emperor's first. Unlike all his previous communications, this had plain writing, no ornamental flourishes and curlicues. No flowery phrases. His anger radiated from the pages. One of his fleet had been taken. He explained two ships had charted a route east, round the southern coast of Iskallia and the Dark Realm, some time ago. It had seemed a safer course than crossing the westerly section of the southern ocean with its many reefs, taking supplies to Harbour City.

    He went into some detail about the route which Tika skimmed over. Let Dromi and Navan work that out, she thought. Kasheen was outraged that one of his Crystal Fleet had been captured with the loss of all her crew. The accompanying ship was some distance behind the Crystal Willow and saw two other vessels approach. By the time they reached the position they'd seen the encounter, all three ships were beyond the horizon and bodies were strewn in the cold waters. Emperor Kasheen asked most urgently if she had heard any reports of ships being lost in recent times.

    'He seems genuinely concerned for his crews. He makes no mention of the loss of the cargoes, which is interesting. But he is most insulted that anyone dares attack his ships,' Tika said after she'd finished reading.

    'This is from Jakri.' Dromi gave her the other message. Jakri repeated Kasheen's news but added the warning that the Emperor was determined to find the perpetrators, even if that involved declaring war on whatever land currently sheltered them.

    'What does Jakri mean exactly?' she asked.

    'If it is any of the pirates from the islands south of Harbour City, I would guess the Emperor will order his Blossoms to take thorough and deadly reprisals.'

    Tika nodded slowly. 'That's what I was afraid he meant. Send word to Shivan please, asking him here to discuss this, Dromi. As soon as he can.'

    Chapter Two

    Shivan and Lorca arrived for a meeting with Tika and her advisors. Lorca pointed out that the Dark Realm had no ocean-going ships, that they did not trade with other realms. Shivan asked if there had been any clear description of the two vessels that had taken the Wendlan ship. He agreed that he would alert Dark Lords, particularly those whose lands bordered the eastern coast, to watch for any ships. He felt it unlikely that any might approach.

    Dromi and Navan composed a message to Emperor Kasheen, sympathising with the loss of his ship and asking for any description of the two observed by the Crystal Willow. Vallek, Port Master in Port Maressa, was warned to watch for any unexpected ships around there but that was really all Tika could think to do at present.

    When Kasheen replied a few days later, he offered only one clue: that the two ships which took his vessel flew a black flag with no design on it. There was much discussion about the taking of the Wendlan ships in the evenings and a lot of speculation about who would choose a black flag. Teyo spoke up one evening.

    'In Hallaven, wrongdoers have to wear black for certain lengths of time, depending on what they did wrong. All then know they are being punished for something.'

    Faces turned towards him. 'Explain,' Dog demanded.

    'There isn't a lot of crime in Hallaven,' Teyo said. 'Only petty things - people stealing other people's possessions and so on, Usually the Elders call them in for questioning and that's enough to deter them, but occasionally there are persistent things.' He looked round the table. 'One woman kept damaging another woman's carvings, over and over. She just would not stop so she was made to wear black. That's the last one I remember.'

    Tika nodded slowly. She had noticed everyone in Hallaven wore clothes of every colour imaginable. Wearing black, not a bright colour, would instantly make the wearer stand out. 'Are you suggesting the pirates could be from Hallaven?' she asked.

    'No! We know nothing of ships! I was just suggesting a reason for a black flag. Although,' he paused, frowning. 'May I send a message to my grandfather? There is an old story, about the Eddaven clans. I would rather be sure of it than try to tell you now.'

    'Of course.' Tika watched the young man hurry out of the hall, his red hair a blazing beacon even cut shorter as it was from its previous length.

    Later, Tarel asked what Tika thought Teyo might have to tell them. 'I don't know but I have wondered if Shea or Veka might know anything of the ship that took them to Eddaven. I'll ask them in the morning.'

    When she did ask Shea, the girl thought hard. 'I don't remember seeing any flags, Tika. The Captain's name was Udana and the ship was the Lily of the Sea. Veka might know more because she seemed to understand some of the language the Captain used.'

    'Where is she now?'

    'She works with Aifa some mornings. She writes notes that Aifa wants remembered about certain plants. That's where she is today.'

    'Will you come with me? She isn't as nervous as she was but I don't want to alarm her.'

    They walked along the plateau to the medical school and Shea noticed Tika looking around nervously. 'What is it?' she asked.

    'That bloody donkey, Chichi,' Tika muttered.

    Shea was still laughing when the two reached Aifa's workroom. Veka jumped to her feet, looking anxious but Tika waved her back to her seat. 'I don't mean to interrupt.' She smiled at Tokkar who was sorting plants at the further work bench.

    'What can I do for you?' asked Aifa.

    'I wanted to speak to Veka, if it's convenient.'

    Veka's blue gaze fixed on Shea who moved across to the girl, resting a hand on the still thin shoulder. 'Tika was asking about the ship we were on, Veka. I remember the Captain's name and that she had a bad scar below her left eye, but I didn't understand her speech. You seemed to know some of her words though?'

    'I recognised a few. It was like Eddaven in some ways but she had a strong accent.'

    'So you don't think she was Eddaven?'

    Veka shook her head, frowning as she concentrated. 'The language she spoke, I think I'd heard it before, in Salo Manis. I travelled with traders all my life, up and down the coast, but I had heard speech like hers only there. When I heard Eddaven, some words sounded similar but not quite the same.'

    Shea waited for Tika to ask more. 'Have you any idea where they may have come from, the people you heard speak as that Captain did?'

    'One of the traders told me they came from the north. That's all I ever heard.'

    'Thank you Veka. If you have any ideas, or remember anything else, tell me or Shea?'

    Veka gave her a shy smile and nodded.

    Tika and Shea left the school, Tika turning right, along to what everyone now called the look out rocks. 'You didn't recognise any of the language?' she asked.

    'Not a word. I'm sorry, I can learn the written form of a language Tika but the sounds make no sense to me at all.'

    'Veka said she was told such people came from the north. North of Salo Manis is that great bulge of land out to sea, where everyone says the waters are too treacherous for any ships to approach. Past that it is clan lands I think, then the sea which divides Kelshan from Drogoya. Could they be from northern Drogoya?'

    'You said you found no sign of human life when you checked all down Drogoya's coast when you were hunting for Gremara?'

    'We didn't, but we didn't go far north Shea, we only went southwards.'

    Shea glanced back along the plateau. 'Teyo's coming,' she said. 'Perhaps he's heard from Natayo.'

    Teyo reached them then hesitated.

    'Oh sit down Teyo, we're not deep in secret discussions!'

    He smiled, perching on one of the slabs of rock. 'I'm glad I checked with grandfather. I didn't remember the story at all correctly.'

    'What story?'

    'You know Eddaven people began in Hallaven - they were clans who chose to leave our mountains and go right out to the coast.' He waited for Shea and Tika to nod. 'That was very long ago and you saw for yourself, Tika, the Eddavens keep similar titles and some customs which are the same as Hallaven's. But in the very beginning of the formation of Eddaven city, there were many clanless folk. They were people who had abandoned their clans in Hallaven, or been cast out for various reasons. Eddaven was populated by a group of people then, of whom we have little knowledge. The clans who arrived there quickly overcame the local people.'

    'Killed them, you mean?' Tika put in.

    'I would imagine so,' Teyo agreed. 'Anyway, the clanless Eddavens were put to work, building the first houses and so on, and dealing with the few ships that arrived there. The ships came from Salo Manis even then and slavery was commonplace for a very long time in Eddaven, Tika. The clanless were the ancestors of the Nesdokrys. The story I speak of tells of a group of those clanless who worked on the docks.

    'About fifty of them disappeared on a ship from Salo Manis. They are said to have taken control of that ship and sailed north, where they founded a new colony. There are rumours that their descendants occasionally sail into Eddaven and they sail under a black flag.' Teyo handed Tika roll of paper. 'My grandfather wrote it out for me.'

    She took the paper but didn't read it at once. 'So runaway Eddavens may have found shelter far in the north of Drogoya. Dromi has never mentioned that he had heard of sea going people, and I understand his Brotherhood's last stronghold was in the north.' She gazed out over the valley, the river a silver ribbon winding down its length. 'If they are Eddaven, why is their language different?'

    Teyo spread his hands in a gesture of helplessness. 'Languages change over time, Tika. I'm sure if I met a clan man from a thousand years ago, we would struggle to understand each other now. Perhaps those runaway Eddavens found a local clan, married among them and their words became mixed too?'

    'Hmm. Thank you Teyo. We might ask you to repeat all that later. You'll be around the House?'

    He nodded and left the two women. They also rose, making their way back along the plateau path, Tika keeping a wary eye out for a donkey. They paused when they saw Volk climbing up the steep slope in front of his caves, carrying a small goat.

    'Volk, did you ever hear of strangers settling further north than Blue Mirror Lake, on the coast?'

    'Rumours, yes. You know my folk avoided most people, so I never heard anyone had seen them.'

    Tika smiled and walked on with Shea.

    'I thought there were only ice lands beyond there?' Shea asked.

    'So did I, but perhaps there are people living there.' Tika groaned. 'I'm sure this will involve maps.'

    Shea laughed. 'You really will have to start understanding them, Tika. Tarel is good with them already.'

    Dromi had heard nothing at all about any settlements north of the old Drogoyan town of Syet, but pointed out that most of his life, after he left the Brotherhood headquarters, was spent in the central and western parts of Drogoya. As Tika had feared, there was a great deal of poring over maps of the Drogoyan coast. After yet another argumentative evening, Navan suggested they visit Green Shade in Wendla to see if Sefri had more detailed maps. Tika began to pace round the hall as she considered the proposal.

    'I think I should go first to Bracca and see Emperor Kasheen. Brin can take Navan and Dromi on to Green Shade and we could meet you there.' She waited to see if people agreed. 'Let's plan to leave here in two days then. I'll ask which Dragons would take us.'

    'I'd like six Guards with us, Tika. If you're meeting the Emperor we need to be formal,' Fedran replied at once.

    Tika nodded, having at last accepted the need for such formalities on certain occasions. 'Dromi, send a message to the Emperor please, asking if it will be convenient to visit. Perhaps he'll let Jakri know, too?'

    Dromi laughed. 'Your realise you are asking His Magnificence to act as a messenger boy?'

    Next day Fedran and Essa spoke with Tika. 'We think it would be a good plan to leave Telk and Seko in charge. Geffal has stayed here each time of late,' Fedran explained.

    'I would think Telk was a good officer, Tika,' Essa added. 'Seko was his sergeant in Kelshan so why not make Telk a Second Captain?'

    'How would the Guards react?' asked Tika.

    'I've asked Telk to take some of the drills, but no one has objected or disregarded him,' Fedran told her.

    'There would be no resentment that Telk would be a Second Captain?'

    Fedran gave her a rueful look. 'Telk was a Major, Tika, before he came here. He knows more than I do about organising arms men. Geffal doesn't mind being in charge occasionally but he doesn't want the responsibility permanently.'

    'Very well. Send Telk and Seko to me sometime today then.'

    'Kazmat has asked to come with us,' Essa said. 'If you plan on going on to check the Drogoyan coast after Wendla, I'm not sure that would be a good plan. Kazmat is still very aware of the loss of his brother and their friend.'

    Tika remembered Kazbeck and Corim, murdered in the Menedula. 'Talk to him. Both of you. The enemy that killed his brother was destroyed. These pirates, whoever they might be, had nothing to do with that. If you still have any doubts, send him to me or just refuse to allow him to come. Who have you picked anyway?'

    'Ashoki, Dog, Geffal, Teyo and Essa,' Fedran told her. 'Ketro will come if I'm not happy to include Kazmat.'

    'Dromi, Navan and Mardis will be coming but I would like to include Fareena and Naladi.'

    Captain and Sergeant considered Tika's words. 'Fareena wants more information from Star Flower and I want to see how Naladi deals with such a trip,' Tika explained.

    'Will she travel with us or take Dragon form?' asked Fedran.

    'I imagine she'll take Dragon form but I'll speak with her today. She has a uniform?'

    Essa nodded.

    Tika thought for a moment. 'Ask Naladi to come here after Telk and Seko, and Fareena after lunch, will you?'

    Fedran got to his feet. 'I'll find Telk now,' he said and strode from the hall.

    Essa started to stand but Tika held her back. 'Are the twins any better?' she asked quietly.

    'They are, Mother Dark be thanked. Ama is a little quieter and Etto is a little noisier.' She smiled. 'They follow Rivan everywhere. He has such patience with them, but they are also happy to be with Tarel. Did you know he's managed to convince them that reading might be a good idea?'

    Tika laughed. 'I'm really glad they're settling again, Essa. And you?'

    For a heart beat the huge woman's expression showed her continuing grief but she nodded. 'It is a little easier. It helps, seeing the children recovering. I'll look for Naladi and Fareena,' she finished, leaving Tika alone at her table.

    Telk and Seko arrived while Tika was still thinking, yet again, of Captain Sket. She dragged her mind back to the two Kelshans, standing at attention in front of her. 'Please sit down. I am not a general, for stars' sake.'

    'No,' Telk replied. 'You are the ruling Lady of Iskallia though.'

    Tika scowled. 'I hoped you'd been here long enough to understand I do not expect bowing and saluting all the time.' She watched them sit opposite her, still looking nervous. 'Fedran and Essa tell me you have had charge of the Guards occasionally. They said you do very well with them. I'm going to visit Wendla in the next few days and I wish you to take command of the Guards here. Fedran and Essa will both be accompanying me. We think you should have the rank of Second Captain and you, Seko, would be Second Sergeant.'

    'But what of Geffal?' Telk asked at once. 'He is in command whenever you've been away before.'

    'He doesn't want to be a Captain or a Sergeant.' Tika looked at the older of the two, Seko. 'You have no problems with any of my Guards?'

    He shook his head. 'No, I don't. I spend more time with the young ones though. Rivan helps too but Sney and Veka, and the printer's two lads, Rajak and Torla, they appear for every single drill although they are too young really. I've devised easier routines for them which I hope will build muscle and agility. They are all very determined about their training.'

    Tika listened, realising Seko took the children seriously in their desire to learn the drills. She nodded. 'Discuss it further with Fedran and Essa. You might like to concentrate on the young ones. Would it help if they were called Junior Guards or something?'

    Telk laughed. 'He calls them his Dragonlings when he talks to me about them.'

    'So you will agree to take command when Fedran comes with me?'

    Both men nodded and stood.

    'One more thing. Has Naladi joined in the drills?'

    When Telk nodded, Tika continued. 'What standard is she, with weapons or unarmed?'

    'She is good. Better with sword than bow, but very quick on her feet. Efficient at unarmed combat too. Well balanced and responds fast.'

    'Thank you.' She sighed, shaking her head as they both saluted her before leaving. Naladi entered the hall, clearly as nervous as Telk and Seko had been. 'Sit down Naladi. You've heard I'm sure I intend to visit Wendla. I hoped you might like to be in my guard escort?'

    Naladi stared at her. 'Me? Really? I would be honoured but am I good enough?'

    'Fedran and Essa say you do well in the exercise drills and approve your inclusion. I'm not expecting any trouble, but apparently I have to have a suitable Guard escort when visiting another ruler such as Emperor Kasheen.'

    'I would be honoured,' Naladi repeated.

    'I need to know if you will take Dragon form if you come with us? Will you try flying on whichever Dragon is around right now? I'll tell you honestly, Shivan didn't mind but Jian hates it. When she's travelled with us, we land some distance from our destination so she can resume her human form and ride the last part of the way with us. Usually with her eyes closed.'

    Naladi gave an audible gulp but nodded. Tika grinned. 'Come on then.'

    Outside only Kija was in sight, sprawled across the higher rocks, eyes closed. Tika searched with her mind and found Pearl down by the lake. She mind spoke the young Dragon, explaining why she needed her. The Dragon's almost opalescent scales gleamed in the sunshine when she settled gently on the plateau. Tika stroked the long beautiful face. 'Will you take us along the valley a little way, Pearl? If Naladi is uncomfortable, would you land at once please?'

    Faceted eyes whirred as Pearl studied Naladi. 'I will not let you fall, Naladi. I will land if I sense you are worried.'

    'Thank you,' Naladi replied aloud.

    Tika climbed behind Pearl's shoulders, holding a hand out for Naladi. 'Hold on to me and tell me at once if you need us to stop.'

    Naladi could only manage a nod as Pearl was already rising, sliding through the air beyond the plateau and heading east. Tika's senses were checking Naladi's reactions closely but then she smiled. The woman's arm tightened round Tika's waist. 'It's wonderful! Truly wonderful"'

    Pearl pulsed satisfaction to the two riders and swerved sharply. That just made Naladi laugh so then Pearl swooped up to the northern side of the valley before swinging back to land beside the wide River Iska. Tika slid down, turning to watch Naladi. 'So it seems you can ride Dragons, like Shivan,' she said. 'I didn't ask you before - can you use fire in your

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