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Ambition Is a Drug
Ambition Is a Drug
Ambition Is a Drug
Ebook83 pages1 hour

Ambition Is a Drug

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About this ebook

"Even when you reach the moon, keep going! Don't let anything get in your way. No matter how many times I fail I will never give up. Be addicted to ambition, let it consume you and don't stop until you surpass your dreams... For me, I had to reach rock bottom to find my fire but when I did, it awoke something in me that can never be turned off. It's the infinite power that flows within my well being and surges through my veins like pure electricity."

If you've ever needed help finding inspiration, this book is a motivational powerhouse that will help you find your purpose in life, achieve your goals and become successful. With simple methods and easy to use steps the author will show you that if you truly love and believe in yourself then anything is possible.
He states that self love is the most important attribute for overcoming any obstacle in life. If you love who you are, you will never fear failure or let it hold you back; you will see it as a blessing. With every failure you come that much closer to success. By believing in your capabilities you will always find your true potential.

It's not you versus me, it's me versus me and that's it. There is no competition, there is only one person who can tell me that I can't do something and that's me. I will never hold myself back from anything, and that makes me UNSTOPPABLE!

If you identify your purpose, where you want to be and what you want to do, and by writing a detailed, goal oriented plan and set this plan into action, then the world is your oyster! Find true inspiration and yourself with "Ambition is a Drug".

Release dateDec 23, 2020
Ambition Is a Drug

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    Book preview

    Ambition Is a Drug - B.J. Zieger


    Ambition is a Drug

    Copyright © 2020 by B.J. Zieger

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Tellwell Talent


    978-0-2288-3505-9 (Hardcover)

    978-0-2288-3504-2 (Paperback)

    978-0-2288-3506-6 (eBook)


    This book is dedicated to all who read it: I hope you find yourself and gain inspiration because of it.

    Table of Contents





    Believe In Yourself


    The Fire Inside


    Know Thyself


    Overcoming Personal Demons


    A Commitment To Excellence


    Now Or Never





    There are so many people I want to thank. If it wasn’t for my parents, I wouldn’t be where I am, so thank you Mom and Dad for everything. Thanks to my Grandma Rose for being the kindest soul on the planet. I also want to thank all my family and friends for being there when I needed them the most. Thanks to Justin Giesbrecht and Adrienne Ray (and their dogs) for always having the biggest hearts and always being there for me.

    Thanks to all the Mellors for being such good friends. To Curtis Rasmussen (Rubes) for all the laughs and good times. To Ashley Miller for helping me graduate and go to college and for telling me to chase my dreams of becoming an artist to all the Millers and Eklunds and R.I.P. Kyle who was a major influence to get me to do this and do all the things I’m afraid of, I hope your looking down with a big grin now buddy!

    Thanks also to Riley (Hawkman) Blenkin RAAAWWWR! Thanks for always inspiring me to be motivated at the gym and everything. Huge thanks to my good friend David Loran for teaching me so much about art and constantly inspiring me to be a better artist. Adam Loran for always being so chill and painting with me and helping me with videos! This is also dedicated to the memory of Rob Doherty hope you’re still rockin! I want to especially thank Sean Treble, if he hadn’t given me a chance, then who knows where I’d be! And thanks for the Planet Caravan days, they were on hell of a ride! Thanks to Ben Kelsch for taking a chance with me and being my business partner! Can’t thank you enough!

    There are way too many other people who have influenced me and helped me along the way, you know who you are! I also want to give a big mention to the love of my life: Keisha booger butt MacDonald. You are truly incredible, everything you do and say melts my heart, I love you more than words can say, thank you for loving me!

    But most importantly I want to thank myself for having the courage to do this, for chasing my dreams and never giving up. If I hadn’t believed in myself, none of this would have been possible.


    by B.J. Zieger


    This is not based on a true story, this IS a true story.

    When you first look at me, what do you see? A Caucasian male in his thirties? You might think I’m a bit of a nerd because of my glasses and my hair. You might see the tattoo on my neck and make some judgements about my character and what type of person I am. But what else do you see? Did you make some other assumptions of what type of life I’ve led, where I come from or what I’ve been? The truth is, I could be anyone of us walking down the street, driving my car; you never know what someone is capable of.

    I’ll tell you what I see. I see someone who has endured hardships, someone who has taken risks and is not afraid to do things that scare him. I see an artist and an entrepreneur, someone who believes in his dreams and follows through with whatever he desires no matter how difficult it seems. I see a winner, a true champion. I see unlimited potential. And that’s what everyone should see when they look in a mirror.

    Do not let your past dictate your present or your future: I’ve been molested as a child, expelled from high school, robbed with machetes, jumped and beat up, fired from jobs, broke, and in a roll over on the highway. I have relied on drugs and alcoholic to escape reality, had a broken heart, had anxiety, been depressed and suicidal, and found one of my best friends after he hung himself. But I don’t make excuses and I don’t let any of that stop me. I use it to fuel my ambition like a phoenix: I rise through the ashes to overcome any obstacle life throws my way. I know that if I can make it through all of those things, then I can make it through anything. And this is only the beginning.


    Before I started on the path to true self improvement, I felt like there was a million things I wanted to do that I would never achieve: I never thought I’d make this book (which I plan on turning into a documentary film), become a motivational speaker, do stand up comedy, make a skit show, visit every continent, be a voice in a cartoon, become a millionaire and provide for my family, plus anything else under the sun that my heart desires. Now I know I WILL DO ALL OF THOSE THINGS! There is no more second guessing myself. I believe in B.J. and I believe that one day I will

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