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The Second Coming
The Second Coming
The Second Coming
Ebook82 pages1 hour

The Second Coming

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It has been some years since Rachael had to send her dog Jess back to the other world, but now years later a new chapter in the life or death of the Egyptian Queen Norgassa and her two dogs invaded Joss and Rachael’s lives but things are not what they seem and a new scenario appears and no one knows the answer until a police woman figures it out and then the game is on Rachel Daughter Bethany gets close to one of the boys in her school who has just moved a short distance from her home, she meets him on the bus to school and they don’t get on at first but later on they become good friends, his mother buys him dog which becomes fixed into the story of Jess, now her father has to figure out how a stray dog and a boy and an Egyptian Queen are connected

Release dateDec 19, 2020
The Second Coming

Terence Goodchild

Terence J Goodchild I am an English writer born in Manchester in the north of England and now live in Tasmania with my wife on a farm with our horses. After travelling in Europe for many years my wife and I came to Australia for a holiday in 1981 and found that we could live in this country, so we migrated in 1988 to Melbourne, but now live in Tasmania. I have been writing for about 12 years, and have written 17 novels of fiction and about 100 poems that I may put in a book one day, I try and make my books somewhere the reader can escape to, and hope they enjoy my stories, I put in a few truths, just for spice to make it more interesting, and a few one liners, I put the characters in my stories of people I have met and places I have travelled to and write how I see things,

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    The Second Coming - Terence Goodchild

    Copyright Terence J Goodchild (2020)

    Published by Terence J Goodchild @ Amazon

    The right of Terence J Goodchild to be identified as the author of this work, has been asserted by him in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher.

    Any person who commits and unauthorized act in relation to this publication will be liable to prosecution and civil claim for damages.

    ISBN 9798679693746 (paperback) Amazon


    It has been some years since Rachael had to send her dog Jess back to the other world, but now years later a new chapter in the life or death of the Egyptian Queen Norgassa and her two dogs invaded Joss and Rachael’s lives but things are not what they seem and a new scenario appears and no one knows the answer until a police woman figures it out and then the game is on Rachel Daughter Bethany gets close to one of the boys in her school who has just moved a short distance from her home, she meets him on the bus to school and they don’t get on at first but later on they become good friends, his mother buys him dog which becomes fixed into the story of Jess, now her father has to figure out how a stray dog and an Egyptian Queen are connected


    Joss arrived at the commissioner’s office with detective Stewart, the secretary let them in.

    ‘The commissioner will be with you shortly please being seated.’

    Morning gentlemen hope all is well with you both.’ Joss and Stewart nodded.

    ‘Okay we have some kind of incident here that has happened before, in Rochester, is there any way you can relay to me some kind of explanation of what we are dealing with.’ Joss related what he knew and the information Professor Khalid had told him, the commissioner listened intently.

    ‘And this has happened years apart and we don’t know how, it keeps happening, I may have to go and see Khalid again, the last time it was easy to correct but now I don’t know, and I also don’t know it Norgassa had two dogs, and why the one left keeps appearing, years apart maybe he has the answer.’ The room was quiet.

    ‘Okay Joss I want you and Stewart to transfer to Hurstbridge, that is where all this is going on, the police federation will pay all your moving fees, we have found you both a nice house.’ Joss looked at him.

    ‘Transfer, why have we got to transfer?’ Joss asked.

    ‘Hurstbridge is a small station, they have a good team, but they said this is beyond their experience, and the head of the police commission said seeing has you have had first hand dealings as it where, you are the most experienced officer to take control, you will want for nothing, just get this thing over with, there are too many bodies ending up in the morgue and it is 214 miles away, so you cannot commute can you.’

    ‘But what about the children our Bethany is doing her last two years at college.’ Joss asked.

    ‘It’s okay Joss, Bethany won’t lose any schooling, we have found a college that has her curriculum, and your children Stewart have been enrolled into a very nice school with a great reputation.’ The commissioner smiled.

    ‘Well Stewart seems we are transferring to Hurstbridge when will this transfer takes place, sir.’ Joss asked.

    ‘As soon as you can get sorted out, it would be advisable to make it quick, as upstairs is getting fidgety, and you know what that means.’ The commissioner eyebrows went up,

    ‘Okay then let’s get things moving, don’t know what our wives will say, but the job has to been done, we will leave you alone sir and get organized.’ Joss and Stewart left the office, on the way home Joss said.

    ‘What will you wife say, by the way what is her name.’ Joss asked.

    ‘Millicent, and I have no idea what she will say and your wife.’ Stewart replied.

    ‘Well you have met Rachael she is one to not really bother as she knows what my job is worth to me so we will see.’


    ‘Scotty time to get up’ Scott’s mother shouted up the stairs, Scott knew it was time for school once again, at 12 years old he hated school, and the bullying, being blond and left handed was someway a target for school louts and low lives, who torment you for being a bit different, but he knew he had to go to school, so forced himself to get out of bed, he showered and went down for breakfast.

    ‘Good morning my love, did you sleep okay’ his mother asked.

    Scott knew he did not, but could not tell his mother, about the bullies at school, mainly Nat Somers a nasty piece of work, who had all his gang to back him up, because mostly he was a coward , his father used to beat him, with a belt so then he pass his pain onto others, IE Scott in particular.

    ‘Okay mum I had one nightmare but it went as soon as it came.’ Scott replied.

    ‘Never mind my love, something good may happen today, a new week.’

    Scott thought of yea of course new week. He finished his breakfast and said good bye to his mother and went outside and walked to the end of the road to catch the bus, which arrived a few moments later, there would be a few children that lived on the new estate, and caught the bus, but Scott never had any of them as friends, so he sat alone and looked out of the window, then he heard a voices say. ‘Hello is this seat taken.’ Scott looked up and looked up into the face of a pretty young girl with red hair and stared at her.

    ‘Well is it taken can sit down?’ She asked. This broke Scott’s concentration.

    ‘Only if you want too that is.’

    ‘Oh only if I want too very gentleman of you, I must say.’ Bethany looked at him.

    ‘Oh sorry, yes please sit down, if you want to.’

    ‘Only if I want to, you are so gallant, are you not.’ She huffed and sat down hard.

    Scott felt so stupid, his mother had brought him up to be kind and not selfish, but times were changing in the world.

    ‘I am so sorry I was miles away.’ Scott looked at her.

    ‘You say sorry a lot don’t you?’ The girl looked him in the eyes.


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