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Game Day Soccer: An Interactive Sports Story
Game Day Soccer: An Interactive Sports Story
Game Day Soccer: An Interactive Sports Story
Ebook102 pages38 minutes

Game Day Soccer: An Interactive Sports Story

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Time to get on the soccer field! Your team is up against a mighty opponent, and your choices can mean the difference between a triumphant victory and a heartbreaking loss. Will you charge up the field with the ball yourself or pass it? Will you jump up for the header or hold off? Try to block the kick or let your goalie go for the save? The pressure is on. Do you have what it takes to lead your team to the big win?
Release dateJan 1, 2021
Game Day Soccer: An Interactive Sports Story

Brandon Terrell

Brandon Terrel (B. 1978–D. 2021) was a passionate reader, Star Wars enthusiast, amazing father, son, uncle, friend and devoted husband. He worked as an assistant director and producer on numerous independent films and commercial productions, as well as writing for the “Choo Choo Bob Show.” Brandon received his undergraduate degree from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and his Master of Fine Arts in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Hamline University. Brandon was a talented storyteller, authoring more than 100 books for children in his career. In Brandon’s memory, consider picking up a Stephen King novel or a comic book, re-watching The Mandalorian, reading an old Hardy Boys adventure, and saving an open seat for the next Star Wars movie.

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    Book preview

    Game Day Soccer - Brandon Terrell



    YOU are a talented soccer player known for working hard and using your athletic ability and instincts to help your team win. But this is the beginning of a new season, and you’re on a different team than in the past. And this new team just happens to be the top rival of your former team. Can you put your old loyalties aside to help lead your new team to victory?

    Chapter One sets the scene. Then you choose which path to read. Follow the links at the bottom of each page as you read the stories. The decisions you make will change your outcome. After you finish one path, go back and read the others for new perspectives and more adventures. Use your device’s back buttons or page navigation to jump back to your last choice.



    This just doesn’t look right.

    You’re staring at yourself in the full-length mirror in your bedroom. Around it, the walls are cluttered with posters of your favorite pro soccer players. The rest of the room contains nothing more than an unmade bed and a bunch of cardboard boxes.

    You shake your head. You can’t believe the soccer jersey you’re wearing. It has a black stripe down the middle and across the front is the word Jaguars.

    You shake your head. We had to go and move, didn’t we? you mutter.

    After your mom was recently promoted at work, your family moved to a bigger house in a new neighborhood. The only problem? You also had to switch schools.

    And not to just any school. And not just at any time of year. No, you moved near the end of the soccer season to the school on the other side of the city. Your crosstown rivals. You went from being an East Bridgeton Badger—the elite soccer team in the city—to a West Bridgeton Jaguar, your fiercest rival. And today, the two teams face off in the playoffs.

    The field at West Bridgeton Middle School is teeming with people when you show up. Everyone wants to see the teams battle it out. You just never thought you’d be on the other side of the battlefield.

    As you get out of the car and sling your duffel bag over your shoulder, you can’t help but put your head down. It feels like everyone’s watching and whispering.

    When you get to the bench, Coach Stevens is waiting. Are you ready for the game of your life? she asks.

    You nod, but say nothing.

    The rest of your teammates are lacing up their sneakers or dribbling soccer balls in the grass. Among them is Malia, the tallest player on the team. You also see Hannah, who has quick eyes and a killer bend in her kick. Jasmine, the team goalie, is there too.

    They all look at you when you arrive. You know what their stares mean.

    You were an enemy. Worse, a Badger. And here you are, on their team. Playing in a game that will determine if the team moves on in the tournament.

    You sit on the bench and lace up your sneakers in silence. The ref blows

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