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Angels On The Roof
Angels On The Roof
Angels On The Roof
Ebook34 pages24 minutes

Angels On The Roof

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It was a Christmas to remember. Each evening leading up to the big day, a living, breathing, nativity display drew the community to the music, the baby in a manger, and angels above the little church's front lawn. This true story of love and hope features the lives of two youngsters in the cast. One would become a courageous mom, who describes in her own words, the steady decline of her everyday abilities and those precious memories. This quiet angel has a bold message for you. She wanted you to know some things, like worry, are better forgotten.

Release dateDec 21, 2020
Angels On The Roof

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    Angels On The Roof - Houston Louison

    Angels On The Roof


    Houston Louison

    Copyright 2020

    All rights reserved

    Revised December 15, 2020


    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away. If you would like to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this ebook and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    Along with the dazzling lights and shopping sprees, the worldwide observance of Christmas is traditionally illustrated by nativity scenes. Iconic symbols that celebrate the birth of the Christ child, and offer hope for a troubled world. For those who look beyond the commercial hype, it just wouldn't be the holidays without the wisemen on camels, shepherds and their sheep, and the manger with a tiny baby. And just overhead, the brightest star possible framed by floating angels blowing horns, strumming harps and singing the original carols of the season. Some may celebrate the season differently, but most would welcome the same spirit of joy and harmony throughout the year.


    Chapter One

    Traffic barriers with flashing yellow beacons lined the shrubbery along drowsy Yukon Ave. And at first glance it seemed to be preparation for a parade of some kind. But the crowd lining the sidewalk was facing away from the street and focused on a life-sized scene right out of a Hallmark Christmas card. There, seated behind a large picture window, was a handsome father reading stories to his two toddlers in their pajamas. He was a snappy dresser, and beside his stylish wingback chair was a crackling fireplace. The little boy says, Hey Pop, how about another story?

    The youngsters listened intently as their father's baritone voice delivered T'was The Night Before Christmas, and all through the house....

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