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Devotions and Prayers
Devotions and Prayers
Devotions and Prayers
Ebook46 pages20 minutes

Devotions and Prayers

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About this ebook

Simple writings by a pretty simple guy. I have developed my relationship with God over the past few years. This isn't deep pastoral writing here, but rather some simple real life views on how God and what he (she?) interfaces with life. While I am a Christian and proud of it - and this in the Christian section - it really is more about spirituality and being one with the universe; with God; with Jesus.

PublisherAlan Todd
Release dateDec 15, 2020
Devotions and Prayers

Alan Todd

Alan Todd is a sometime writer. Meaning as things occur to him he writes. In real life he words hard and tries to do the right thing. He is a family man and a man of faith.

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    Devotions and Prayers - Alan Todd


    Thank you for taking a look at this series of Bible verses, prayers and devotions. To be clear, these writings are about God and our relationship with him/her. It is also written around a Christian perspective. However, stepping back a bit, these writings aren’t about being a Christian. They are about being part of something greater.

    Life is hard. It really is. Especially during this covid, coronavirus, election chaotic time. Being totally frank, as people we need all the help we can get to get by. People are tired and lonely. We are pack animals and in the interest of public health and safety, many of us are isolating. Winter is upon us as I write this, and that will not help things. The cold weather will likely only add to the coldness inside that some of us feel.

    One important note I would like to share about these writings. While I am a Christian, I am not suggesting that these are merely Christian in nature. I don’t pretend to understand a lot of what happens in the universe, but I do think there is something greater than us out there. A wise friend once told me to take time to listen to the universe. There is truth in that statement.

    These writings aren’t from a position of strong educated knowledge. I don’t have a religious education and I do not pretend to have one. I find writing and reflecting to be a peaceful relief from the busy days of life.

    One concept that has gotten clearer to me as I have gotten older is that people need faith. I think the argument that God, or a God, doesn’t exist is a meaningless discussion. One can choose that route. Choose that there is no future after death. But no one really knows. I would call that a negative choice. Granted, not entirely negative, but negative nonetheless. Consider the counter opinion. There is something there after death.

    Regardless of which side of the pendulum you find yourself, both of these opinions have commonalty. Live today and make the most of it. Take care of yourself and take care of others around you. Being a bad human is not a good thing whether you believe in God or greater powers or not.

    My writings here are from the heart. If you choose to give it read, maybe you’ll what you find or maybe it will give you cause to think about the events in your own life from a different perspective. The idea is that each set of verses gives thoughts and that one page a day is worth thinking about. Certainly, this can be read like a book from cover to cover, but it wasn’t written that way.

    Blessings, Alan Todd.


    Who am I? I am a happily married man now

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