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Salvage-5: Awakenings
Salvage-5: Awakenings
Salvage-5: Awakenings
Ebook267 pages3 hours

Salvage-5: Awakenings

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Major Gus Jameson leads a team of two ships, to rescue Colonel Tucker Petersen and his crew. Things are not as they seem as Tucker, and is crew of five, have to be convinced their minds are inside an alien computer generated simulation.

Will Tucker and crew awaken in time to exit the alien complex? Find out by joining the cigar chomping, whiskey drinkin', no nonsense hero, Colonel Tucker Petersen, on another mind-bending adventure.

Release dateMar 2, 2021
Salvage-5: Awakenings

Brian K. Larson

Brian was born and raised in Seattle in 1959. He grew up in the town of Mount Lake Terrace, a small suburb north of the city. Brian, being the youngest, had two siblings, his eldest brother, Mike and sister, Pam. School was challenging, as Brian suffers with Dyslexia, a learning disability that affects 1 in 15 Americans. That didn’t stop Brian. He was named "bookworm" in school because he always had his nose in a book.Brian received his MBA in 2010 in Business, now writes for fun, living his lifelong dream of writing science fiction books. He enjoys his off time, with his seventh grade sweetheart, Diana Rose now for going on sixteen years. She has been by his side and continues to supports his writing. Brian says that without her encouragement, his dream would never have become a reality. They now live in Marysville, Washington, and enjoy three wonderful kids and eight grandchildren. They range from newborn to thirteen, and he says they are so special and great to have around.It is Brian’s hope that through his writing he will fill hearts with joy to readers all over the world, sparking their imaginations.

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    Salvage-5 - Brian K. Larson



    Eye’s Wide Shut Book 1

    Written By

    Brian K. Larson



    Eye’s Wide Shut Book 1

    Brian K. Larson

    Published by Slipstream Publishing

    Copyright © 2022 Brian K. Larson

    For Smashwords

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction, all the characters and events in this novel that appear similar to persons living or dead are unintentional and are completely coincidental.


    This book is dedicated to the year 2020. We had lots of stuff to deal with and overcame. I shall endeavor to bring more writing fun your way in 2021 and beyond.


























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    Kirkwood Gap – Asteroid 15-Eunomia

    Sept. 4th 2064 13:50


    Salvage-1 Recovery Operation

    Find and destroy CSMO Euna-1

    Find and recover survivors

    Primary Objective:


    Stand by, captain, Jake Paulson, the Salvage-5’s pilot reported, We’re coming up on our target.

    Well, it’s about damn time, Major Jamison answered, through his headset.

    Jake began to gracefully slow, breaking their one tenth light speed flight path to 15-Eunomia.

    We’ve spent the last twelve days traveling from Earth to this god-forsaken place. Time to get to work everyone! Gus bellowed. "I want helmets on and secure all hatches. Prepare us for full stop once we break this speed. Get word to Salvage-4 to begin their breaking maneuvers with us."

    "Maybe now we can finally find out what happened to the Salvage-1," Lieutenant Tanner asked. The short black-haired and dark eyed Lieutenant, better known as Darleen, was the ship’s engineer.

    Oh, there’s no question as to what happened to them, Pilot Captain Darrell Hansen said.

    That’s enough chit-chat, Gus ordered. I need everyone to stay as focused as we can! We’re gonna need to, if we’re going to get the Colonel and his crew out of there! Now get me Major Griffin over on -4!"

    Yes, Sir! Sorry, Sir. Darrell nodded as he manipulated his console, "Salvage-4, Salvage-5, I need Major Griffin. Major Jameson requesting."

    The radio crackled static before Lieutenant Savage’s voice broke in, "This is Salvage-4. By the way, the view from out here is spectacular. We read you, SSV-5 and are commencing reverse burn now. Stand by, I have Major Griffin for you."

    Hey Gus, Griffin began, his voice crackled his distorted voice through the static between ships, We’re in good position and will be coming along side as soon as we get back down to a reasonable safe speed.

    Good. As soon as you can, lock on, belly to belly and come on over to assess the situation.

    No problem there, Major, Griffin answered, Lieutenant Clark says he’s been running all the calculations and will be more than happy to explain them.

    Yeah, I bet he is more than ready to, Tom, more than ready.

    You got that right, Gus.

    I sure hope the Lieutenant didn’t give you too much trouble over there.

    No, not really. But he is chomping at the bit now that we’re getting closer.

    Tell him to ask the Doc for a chill-pill.

    Doctor Rhodes says he’s not giving anything to him, especially after last time.

    What? He didn’t like the Mag-Ring send off?

    Nope. He slept for three days solid.

    Well, we do kind of need him on this one.


    So, how did Mister Jones fair on the trip out here?

    He’s doing fine. Got a little sea-sick, but Rhodes gave him Dramamine.


    Excuse me, Sir, Darleen reported, Nav coordinates confirmed. We’ll be 5,000 Kilometers from target asteroid.

    Pilot, Gus instructed Jake, "You better do better than this! You need to engage full reverse for ten, now! Then slow to 5,000 kph to a full stop at 5,000 Kilometers. Salvage-4 is gonna beat us to our rendezvous point. Darleen, Julio: get your systems online and try to get us a ping-tone. I have no idea how much time we have before we’re grabbed by the alien complex… Remember, I said this will be helmets on, so prep now!"

    Sounds like your kind of busy over there, Gus. I’ll let you get to it. See you in a few minutes, Griffin said before the radio returned static.

    Jake pressed his console commands, silencing the radio and then began shutting down all drives. Spinning the ship around a hundred and eighty degrees before firing reverse thrusters and reengaging full power to their ion plasma drives. The Salvage-5 was spun around before Jake set the computer to stop, just outside the alien complex’s capture range.

    Full stop! Major Jameson ordered.

    We’re stationary at 5,000 kilometers from target asteroid, Major, Jake reported.

    Darleen unbuckled her harness and floated freely in the ship’s pilothouse, How much do you think the Colonel will remember?

    Gus unbuckled his harness and floated freely with Darleen as he followed her down the hatch to the crew’s cabin, Judging by the last two teams that barely got out, they never succeeded in communicating with the Colonel.

    "Salvage-2 and -3 made it in and saw them, right?" Lieutenant Julio Reeva asked, following Gus and Darleen through the hatch.

    That is the report, Gus somberly answered, They’re strapped down in some kind of alien apparatus. They’re alive, but there was no way to wake them up.

    I’m guessing that’s why Lieutenant Clark came with us, sir?

    That’s right, Lieutenant, Gus nodded as he floated to the rear cargo bay. "And why the civilian, Calvin Jones, is on Dash-4."

    Passing through the last hatch to the cargo bay, Lieutenant Darrell Hansen met the three in the cargo hold, handing each a rail-gun and grenade belt.

    You ready for this, Darrell? Gus asked.

    I’m all set, here, Major, Darrell slung two grenade belts over each shoulder and cocked a round in his weapon.

    Gus’ earpiece crackled Captain Paulson’s voice, "Salvage-4 is coming up on us now, Major."

    Good, Gus smiled, Let me know when they’re set and I’ll open up the passage between.

    They’re lining up for final attach, Major, Gus’ earpiece again crackled. And… hard seal is established. You can open the hatch now, sir.

    Floating upside down, Gus turned the sunken floor hatch wheel as Darrell pulled it open with him.

    Doctor Charles Rhodes, a Major in the Navy Space Fleet, met the three in the cargo hold as he floated from his ship.

    Doctor, Gus greeted, Good to see you.

    Lieutenant Melissa Savage, weapons specialist, floated through next, Hi Major. The rest are close behind.

    A small boyish figure floated from the Salvage-4’s hatch and into their cargo bay. He sported short black hair with black horned-rimmed glasses. His pockmarked face displayed his youth and his squeaking voice evidenced his adolescents, Lieutenant Buster Clark, reporting for duty, sir! The young Lieutenant gave a salute as he attempted to stay upright, Oh boy… whoa-whoa-whoa… someone please stop me?

    Julio reached over and caught the spinning Lieutenant, I gotcha, Buster.

    Gus returned a lazy salute, Just keep your stomach contents down, okay, son?

    Sure thing, Major, Buster burped slightly before swallowing, No problem. I got this… my stomach is just… Buster burped, … fine… heh-heh.

    Calvin Jones floated next from the Salvage-4’s cargo hold, joining the rest of the crew, Yeah, don’t listen to him. Buster leaked on me just the other day.

    Sorry about that, ol’ Cal, Buster blushed.

    It’s okay, you were pretty fast with that zero-gravity vacuum.

    Okay, cut the crap, everyone! Gus bellowed, They’ll be plenty of time for all this tomfoolery. Right now, we need to figure out our plan of attack.

    I’ve been working on our interface, Calvin nodded, Almost have it ready.

    Right, Cal, Buster interrupted, And I helped with your last calibration. Now your device should connect once I finish the program code.

    What exactly does your interface do again? Gus asked.

    Well, Buster began.

    … you just had to ask, didn’t you? Doctor Rhodes frowned.

    Buster stopped to shoot a glance toward the Doctor before returning to his explanation, … with Calvin’s interface, we can tap into the alien’s computer systems. Then I can begin to learn the alien coding to complete mine…

    Doctor Rhodes interrupted the young Lieutenant, … which, once connected, they’ll hook me up and will be able to send me in to contact Tucker and his crew. I will be reaching them through their unconscious minds to wherever it is they are now.

    So, this alien computer has their minds? Darleen asked.

    Yes, Lieutenant, Calvin nodded, We have to make them understand that they’re not where they think they are.

    "That’s according to Salvage-2’s report, anyway, Gus finished. They were able to see where they were inside, but there wasn’t any way to make contact."

    So, they never knew any rescue team was there? Julio asked.

    Right, all five crew members are all together in one room, Gus explained, Any attempt to remove them from the alien apparatus will cause them to die. They must be awakened inside this alien computer first. Then, they can be extracted.

    That’ll be my job, Doctor Rhodes explained, After I make contact and have managed to convince Tucker’s team of their real whereabouts, Buster and Cal will extract me out so I can monitor their vital signs.

    But before we can waltz right in, Gus said with a stern pointing finger, That’s where Julio, Darleen and Lieutenant Savage come in; you are my fire team with me. We need to clear a path to where they are inside.

    Weren’t the last teams met with strong opposition? Lieutenant Savage asked.

    Yes. There are mechanical cyborgs that can change shape and make any type of weapon imaginable. Our job will be to secure the facility and protect Cal, Lieutenant Clark, and Doctor Rhodes. We’ll have to hold off any opposing forces until they can free Tucker’s team. Major Griffin and Captain Paulson will hold position once we land. Darrell, you’ll deploy a MECH if we need the calvary.

    You got it, Major, Darrell salivated as the prospects of driving the mechanized lifter, now military weapon.

    Okay, Gus nodded, Major Griffin, I’m sealing us up. Depart and follow us to the alien drop zone.

    10-4 Major, Tom answered over the comm link.

    Gus closed the hatch between ships and gave the go ahead to detach. Firing their thrusters, each ship piloted closer to the alien structure.


    Alien Core

    Crow’s Nest Bar & Grill

    Time is irrelevant

    Tucker’s head lay still on the bar. His cigar smoldering in an ashtray beside him and one hand on an empty shot glass. Another empty bottle of whiskey laid on its side as the barmaid gently shook Tucker awake, C’mon, Tuck. It’s closin’ time over here.

    Tucker lazily rose his head for a moment, mumbling unrecognizable words before his head slammed back down to the bar.

    I’m not kiddin’ around, Tuck, said Maggie, a plump woman now standing around from the bar, You gots ta’ go home. You need me to call ya’ a cab?

    Tucker shook the drunk off as he attempted to raise his head once more, Wh-whaz goin’ on? Tucker managed to verbalize through his slurring.

    It’s nearing two AM, Tuck. I gotta close up.

    It canno’ be tha’ late, Tucker again slurred.

    C’mon, I’ll get ya’ a cab, okay?

    Tucker picked up the empty shot glass and inspected it for any left-over drops before he grabbed his cigar and placed it between his teeth.

    I don’t need no stinkin’ cab, Maggie, Tucker said with slightly less of a slur.

    Well, you ain’t a drivin’, Maggie scolded, That’s for damn sure!

    Where’s Cass? She’ll take me, I know she will—

    Maggie interrupted Tucker, —Cassie left hours ago!

    Let me call Bev. She’ll come get me, I know she will.

    You’re gonna go an’ wake up Beverly, are ya’?

    Sure, why not?

    Because it’s hittin’ two, that’s why and it’s rude to wake people up—

    Tucker now interrupted Maggie, —No it’s not. She’s my wife!

    Not for long if you keep on stayin’ out, she won’t be.

    Nonsense, Maggs… Beverly loves me… she’s not even thinkin’ of leavin’ me.

    The door opened at the far end of the bar and a dark-haired woman entered and stood with hands on her hips, Tucker!

    Oh, there she is now, Tuck, said Maggie, who leaned closer to whisper, She looks plenty mad, too.

    Hey Beverly, whaz happenin’?

    How many times is it now, Tuck, huh?

    Oh I don’t know for sure, Tucker puffed on his cigar, filling the room with the pungent smoke, Four or five now?

    This week, yeah! Beverly scolded.

    Tucker turned to Maggie, I’m a wishin’ you had called me that cab now, he whispered.

    Beverly marched across the empty bar to Tucker and grabbed his collar, C’mon! Beverly tugged on Tucker, pulling him from the bar stool to his feet, which caused him to stagger twice.

    Whoa, Nellie, Tucker said, wavering on his feet, Stop the world, I need to get off…

    Come on, Tuck, Beverly said, guiding Tucker toward the exit.

    Tucker turned to face Beverly and grabbed her arms and started dancing, Whoooh hooo! C’mon, let’s DANCE!

    Knock it off, Tucker! Beverly stepped away as Tucker continued with his solo jig.

    I’m in LOVE with you, my BEVERLY, Tucker crooned.

    That’s enough, Tucker, I gotta take you home. Maggie needs to close up, okay? We can dance later.

    Really? We can dance later?

    Sure, Tucker. C’mon, now, let’s get you home already.

    Ah, Bev, you’re such a party poop—

    —Yeah, Beverly interrupted, I’ll give you some poop—

    —Now, that’s disgusting, Tucker pointed.

    Beverly took Tucker and began guiding him back toward the exit, N’ight Maggie.

    G’night you guys, Maggie smiled as she met them at the exit to lock up.

    Tucker stopped outside the bar and turned at Beverly, allowing her to bump into him, have I ever told you how much I love you, Bev?

    Come on, lover boy, let’s get you to the Jeep.

    Really Bev? You’re taking me home with you? I’m gonna get lu-cky!

    Forget it, Tuck. You’re going to bed—

    —Whoooh, yeah, baby!


    Ah, Bev, what’s the matter?

    You’re drunk… again… and you’ve been out all night. And I’m pretty sure Cassandra was there with you, too.

    Ah, c’mon, Bev. You know we’re just friends. Cassie is my drinki’ buddy. That’s all.

    Huh-huh. We’ll talk about it when you’re sober.

    Beverly managed to get Tucker’s leg into the Jeep before he flopped over her back. She tilted forward and plunked him into the passenger seat before lifting his right leg into place. Then she drew the seatbelt across his chest.

    Tucker’s head turned and kissed Beverly on the cheek. Beverly clicked his seatbelt and withdrew from his lips.

    Now, now, behave yourself.

    I am, Bev, I am, Tucker returned his smoldering cigar to his teeth after kissing Beverly.

    He took a long draw and held it in, savoring the flavor as Beverly climbed into the driver seat.

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