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Miracles and the Messenger
Miracles and the Messenger
Miracles and the Messenger
Ebook173 pages1 hour

Miracles and the Messenger

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About this ebook

From a life filled with darkness, pain, sorrow, and unbelief to a life full of light, miracle healings, peace, and undeniable belief in God, Kristin Replogle's powerful testimony in Miracles and the Messenger is captivating and compelling. It is the story of God's transformative and restorative power in the author's personal life and her journey to pursue purpose, forgiveness, and the love and Presence of God. Miracles and the Messenger also includes dreams, visions, and words of love and encouragement given to Kristin for you. Miracles and the Messenger also contains spontaneous watercolors and poetry written by the author during her morning time with God.
Release dateJan 1, 2021
Miracles and the Messenger

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    Miracles and the Messenger - Kristin Replogle




    No one can deliver out of my hand.

    When I act, who can reverse it?

    Isaiah 43:13

    No one will snatch them out of my hand.

    John 10:28

    In 2004, I was given a second chance at life after struggling with B-cell lymphoma and blood clots as well as the many side effects caused by chemotherapy and radiation. With the help of God and man, I was healed. In gratitude of my second chance, I wanted to glorify God with the gifts I had been given. I am an artist, having studied art in college; and for many years after I was healed, I had difficulty finding my way as an artist. I tried different mediums and means of selling art, but I did not know exactly what I should do.

    In the fall of 2013, I decided to apply to a small, holiday craft show at a local church located about three miles from my home. I had never been a vendor at a craft show. It was completely new for me. I was nervous about talking to people and for them to see my work. As an artist, my work is personal and an extension of my heart. Thoughts were going through my head like, What if no one likes it? However, God had healed me, and I really wanted to honor Him and share all He had done on my behalf. My love of God outweighed my fear. That small craft show was a way for me to begin. I thought, What do I have to lose?

    I set up a table with some original artwork and art prints in my assigned space the day before the craft show. On the morning of the show, while driving to the church, I said a prayer. I simply asked God to use me how He wanted on that day and that He be glorified.

    My booth was in the main entryway of the church and was very visible to all who walked in the front door. As I was sitting behind my table in my booth, waiting for customers to arrive, I looked out the front door and saw a man walking up the steps of the church. Something did not seem right about him. He was dressed all in black, from head to toe, including a long black leather coat and gloves. As I was staring at him, he stumbled on the steps leading up to the church. He began talking to himself and looked angry. Something was very wrong with this man, but I heard God say loudly, Welcome the stranger.

    When the man entered the church, I left my seat from behind the table where I was sitting in my booth. I went to meet him and welcome him as God told me to do, even though he looked troubled and intimidating. I smiled at him and said, Hi, welcome. It looked like you stumbled out there. Are you okay?

    He replied, If only stumbling were the worst of my problems. I need someone to pray for me. Just then, tears started to run down his face as he began to sob.

    I said, I will pray for you. I asked his name, and I grabbed his hands to not only pray with him, but also because I was concerned he may have a weapon. I began to pray how God was leading me. I spoke words of love, compassion, and mercy over him. I do not know or remember all that I spoke. I just tried to let God speak through me to this troubled, hurting man. As I prayed, I heard God say, Don’t commit the crime that is in your heart. I spoke those words out loud, and the man began to cry harder. His knees buckled as he sank to the ground. I kept hold of his hands and sank down to the floor with him. I could see how distressed he was after speaking these words. I then asked him as kindly as I possibly could, Why are you crying? What is the problem?

    He replied, I just got out of prison. I came home to find out my wife is having an affair with my best friend. I was on my way to kill them or to kill myself, because I just can’t live in this kind of pain anymore. My heart broke for this man. I stayed on the ground with him and continued to pray with him and hold his hands.

    Meanwhile, people were gathering around us, because I was on the floor in the entryway of the church with this man who was sobbing. I began to feel I was out of my league and did not know what to do next. I said a silent prayer and asked God for help. At that moment, a man walked up to us and introduced himself as the music minister of the church. He helped us off the ground and began to lead us to a quiet room in an area away from the crowd that was forming around us. Later, I learned the music minister had actually been involved in prison ministry, an experience I am sure was helpful in this situation. He was not normally at the church on Saturday, but said he had to stop by for something he needed for Sunday’s service.

    The music minister gave the man a cup of coffee and began to speak gently to him and ask how he could help the man. I saw the man for whom I was praying was in good hands. I did not feel I was needed any further.

    In relief, I left and went back to my booth and sat down in a daze. I said to the Lord, What was that? Wow! I was just stunned and in awe. Then God turned my attention to one of my art prints. This particular print was one of the first pieces I made after my battle with lymphoma. The piece depicted The Lord triumphing over evil. God impressed upon me to give the print to the man.

    In obedience, I once again got up from the table at my booth, picked up the print, and walked back to the room where the music minister and the man were still together. I said, Excuse me sir, God wanted me to give this to you. I created it after a very difficult time in my life. It is about God triumphing over evil; and I want you to have it. Then I handed it to him.

    He looked at the art print and looked at me. He looked at the art print again and looked at me again. Then he said, You had cancer.

    I said, Yes sir, I did.

    It was in your chest.

    Yes sir, it was.

    Then he said, Now I know why the Lord sent me to you. You see, when I was young, my mother had breast cancer. God did a healing miracle in her. I have forgotten the Lord.

    I was stunned and in complete awe. I thanked him and, once again, went back to sit behind the table in my booth.

    While sitting in my booth and in awe of God, I simply tried to process all that had just happened. After a little while, one of the volunteers who was working at the craft show came to me and said, I wanted to let you know that we called the police. We had to, because he threatened to kill himself and others. When the police arrived and were putting him in the police car, he told me to tell you he had a message for you. I asked her, What is the message? The volunteer said, He told me to tell you that, because you helped him, God told him to tell you that you would be protected by God all the days of your life. Once again, I was in complete awe of the Lord and all that he had done.

    Several weeks later, while shopping in Target, I ran into the woman who was in charge of the craft show. We spoke of the wonders the Lord had done on that day. She said her Sunday school class and church were continuing to pray for the man. She then told me my booth was not supposed to be in the spot where they had assigned me that day. Prior to the day the vendors set up for the show, they marked off booth spaces and assigned numbers to the spaces. Each vendor was assigned a booth number and space where they were to set up. When the volunteers finished marking off spaces that evening, they realized a particular vendor needed an electrical outlet, but did not have one at their assigned space. They then noticed mine had an outlet, but I did not need electricity. The last thing they did that day before leaving the church was to switch us. They moved my assigned spot to the entryway of the church so the other vendor could have electricity and, as orchestrated by God, so I could welcome the stranger.

    I am always in awe of how detailed the Lord is and to what great lengths He will go to reach and redeem us. He loves and desires us so. Even when we fail, wander away, and

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