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Enchanted by the Highlander
Enchanted by the Highlander
Enchanted by the Highlander
Ebook351 pages6 hours

Enchanted by the Highlander

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Enchanted by the Highlander is the fourth book in a charming and enchanting Scottish series that reimagines fairytales by Lecia Cornwall.

Gillian MacLeod is shy and quiet, the least likely of all her sisters to seek out excitement and adventure. But on a moonlit night at a masquerade ball, Gillian steals a kiss from a mysterious stranger, knowing she’ll never see him again.

John Erly, disowned by his noble English father, started a new life in Scotland. Most people are suspicious of the foreign mercenary and he does everything is his power to avoid romantic entanglements. But he can’t forget the bewitching beauty who kissed him in the dark, and stole his heart, even though he has no idea who she might be.

A year later, John is given the duty of escorting Gillian to her wedding and immediately recognizes her as the temptress he’s dreamed of for months. There’s not much he can do when she's promised to another man, but fate intervenes and this time, passion—and adventure—can’t be denied. Honor demands he stay away from the MacLeod’s enchanting daughter, but love has a very different ending in mind...

Release dateNov 14, 2017
Enchanted by the Highlander

Lecia Cornwall

Lecia Cornwall is the author of Regency and Scottish romances, including Beauty and the Highland Beast and When a Laird Finds a Lass. Her books are known for their layered plots, humour, and intriguing characters. Lecia lives in Alberta, Canada with two adult children, four cats, a crazy chocolate Lab, the dozens of book characters who live in her head, and one very patient husband who endures it all with remarkable patience. Lecia is currently hard at work on her next book.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Enchanted by the Highlander by Lecia Cornwall is a 2017 Swerve publication. Captivating Scottish romance! John Erly is an English Lord, banished by his father, who has relocated to Scotland. With a wild reputation to live up to, he flirts with all the ladies, but when the beautiful, but painfully shy, Gillian MacLeod arrives, he is warned to stay away from her. But, while attending a masked ball, Gillian takes the bold step of stealing a kiss from the only man what makes her heart skip a beat. John never learns the identity of the enchanting young lady until Gillian must be escorted home for her wedding. Thrown together in an uncomfortably awkward situation, the pair finds it hard to hide their true feelings for each other. Along the way they will encounter much danger and intrigue, while falling deeply in love. But, Gillian’s father will never allow a marriage between his daughter and the rouge Englishman. Is the relationship doomed? Will Gillian be forced to marry a man she doesn't love? It has been a good long while since I read a rousing Scottish romance and I had begun to miss those lovely Scottish traditions and fascinating superstitions and magic, along with the action, adventure and intrigue, plus with Valentine's Day right around the corner, I'm in the mood for a little romance. This book has all those elements, along with a tortured hero, and strong female lead, who has the courage to take what she wants, to find a way to be with her true love, while remaining true to herself and blossoming into a respected heroine in the process. Gillian’s quietness is misconstrued, with people drawing the conclusion she isn’t all that bright or does not wish to contribute. Nothing could be further from the truth and she surprises even those closest to her, when she steps out of her shell, proving her mettle, and quieting those who doubted her. John’s backstory is unique, and I loved how he rose to the occasion to win Gillian, even though the odds are against him. Naturally, there are a few battles to fight and there is also an interesting competition for the right to wed Gillian, which adds a spark of action and adventure, which is essential for a traditional Scottish romance, and kept me engaged, not only in the plot, but also for the characters. There is a fairy tale quality to the story, which keeps things light amid the danger and angst. I enjoyed the fast pace, the characterizations, and the way Gillian and John fought so hard to be together. This is a quick read, very enjoyable and is certainly entertaining. I always enjoy stepping back in time and letting myself get swept away by the beauty and tradition of Scotland, which is a nice refreshing change of pace after reading so many dark and serious novels in a row! 4 stars
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Enchanted by the Highlander by Lecia CornwallA Highland Fairy Tale #4With elements of Cinderella and a few other fairy tales I remember from childhood I have to say this was a thoroughly enjoyable story!Gilllian McLeod, one of twelve daughters, is the quietest and least understood of the sisters. She steps outside of her usual boundaries to kiss a man she finds attractive while at a masked ball only to not hear from him again for so long that she finds herself engaged to another man. When Gilly meets again with John Erly, the man she kissed, he realizes who she is but believes there is no hope for the two of them. He is entrusted with her safety to get her to the wedding on time and the story at that point begins to pick up. This story has a masked ball, a secret kiss, an overland journey, bad men to thwart, proposals aplenty, a coming into one’s own, a competition among worthy opponents and eventually true love’s kiss and true love to be found. I enjoyed this book – perhaps not quite as much as some of the previous stories – but could not put it down once I began. I am eager to read about each and every one of the sisters and who they will end up with (8 more to go?) and also wouldn’t mind knowing what happens to some of the warriors mentioned in the story as well as the men who proposed to but did not win Gilly. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.4.5 Stars

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Enchanted by the Highlander - Lecia Cornwall


Carraig Brigh, Scotland, September 1712

Gillian MacLeod loved the sea. It was wild and dangerous, unpredictable and beautiful in all its moods, a kaleidoscope of colors and emotions. One never knew quite what to expect from the deep waters—not even her brother-in-law, a seasoned captain who’d sailed the world’s oceans.

It was so different from her ordinary life.

Gillian stood on the deck of the Virgin with her older sister and let the sea wind blow through her hair. After a month-long stay in the smoky stink of Edinburgh, it was wonderful to breathe again, to feel like she was flying over the waves on her brother-in-law’s sleek, fast ship. In a few weeks, she’d return to the quiet, prim, reclusive life she led at Glen Iolair.

She’d been excited when her father, the Laird of the MacLeods of Glen Iolair, had suggested that shy, awkward, bookish Gillian should accompany him to Edinburgh to gain a little town polish, for a chance to meet gentlemen and ladies, and go about in a more diverse society than could be found in an isolated Highland glen. He hoped—all her sisters hoped—that she’d find a husband while she was in Edinburgh.

She hadn’t. She was much too shy for that.

While her father was seeing to business in town, her married sister Laire had taken Gillian shopping, and to tea, and to endless salons, suppers, and parties until Gillian was certain she had met everyone . . . and no one.

She was as invisible in town as she was at home.

Still, there was pleasure and adventure in this moment, a sense of arrival and anticipation. She watched a dolphin fly underwater beside the ship.

She wasn’t exactly disappointed in her tripbut she had hoped for more. Her father might have, for example, allowed her to travel to London with Fia, to watch Fia’s husband meet Queen Anne and kneel to be invested with the title of Earl of Carrbry to go along with his Scottish title, Chief of the Sinclairs of Carraig Brigh.

But London was too far in Papa’s opinion. Anywhere across the English border was too far for Donal MacLeod. He disapproved of the English with all the fierce passion of a Scottish patriot. And like most Scots, he remembered every battle, every incursion, every insult ever paid to Scotland by long-dead kings and English armies.

So Gillian had had to settle for Edinburgh. At least she’d been allowed to wait there for Fia and Alastair Og to sail back north again, so she and her father could join them for the voyage back to Carraig Brigh. They’d visit with Fia and Dair and their children for a few weeks, then return home to Glen Iolair.

She leaned farther out over the rail to watch the dolphin and feel the spray on her face.

Fia caught her arm. Careful, Gilly—you’ll fall overboard, she said, and pulled her sister away from danger.

Gillian obediently stepped back to a safe spot by the mast without a word.

You should go below, Gillian, and have a nap, Fia suggested, as if Gillian were old or in fragile health. She felt herself blushing at the command, though it was disguised as a suggestion, and she knew it was well-meaning. Of course she’d obey, because she’d grown used to doing as she was told. It wasn’t that her sisters were mean to her—they were just sure that Gillian’s quiet nature must be due to some lack of wit or a need for their careful guidance.

We’ll be home soon, Fia said, scanning the shoreline. I can’t wait to see the children. I’m sure they’ve grown so much while we’ve been away. Fia cast a sweet look at her husband, Alasdair Og Sinclair, standing at the ship’s wheel. He returned her smile with one that made Fia blush. It was the kind of grin that suggested bed, and forever, and undying love.

Oh, for a man to smile at me like that, Gillian thought. She felt a new blush heat her skin as she tightened her hand on the hawser and turned to watch the gulls.

You’ll never find a husband if you don’t learn to speak up, her sister Meggie had said before Gillian left for Edinburgh. But Aileen had advised her, Men like demure, quiet lasses. Laire had squeezed Gillian’s hand and told her to wait for magic, moonlight, and love, which was a fine suggestion when everyone imagined Gillian was afraid of the dark, or people, or both.

She pushed the sea wind back with her own sigh. Everyone had an idea or an opinion, and was certain Gillian needed to hear it. Meggie had chosen her gowns for the trip, and when Gillian had arrived in Edinburgh, Laire had insisted that none of those dresses would do, and a whole new wardrobe would be required. Knowing how shy Gillian was, Laire had chosen everything—every pattern, fabric, ribbon, and pair of stockings. She hadn’t bothered to ask Gillian’s opinion even once. Oh, Gillian knew Laire had meant it kindly enough—but the result was three trunks filled with the kind of glamorous gowns Gillian would never have the courage or occasion to wear. She’d give most of them to Meggie when she got home . . .

She glanced again at her sister, who now stood at the wheel with her handsome husband—the new Earl of Carrbry—held in the circle of Dair’s strong arms as he guided the ship homeward. Fia looked blissfully happy.

The cliffs of Carraig Brigh! a sailor in the rigging called down. We’re home, Chief—I mean, Your Lordship.

The crew laughed, and Fia left her husband and hurried over to Gillian. We’d best go below, make ourselves ready.

Ready? Gillian said.

Fia pushed an errant lock of red hair behind her younger sister’s ear. There will be a lot of folk waiting to greet us when we land. I know how shy you are, Gilly, and how hard that will be for you. We’ll change our gowns, wash our faces, and comb our hair. I want to look like a countess when I step out of the launch—and you, well, you’ll look as sweet and pretty as you always do.

And just as invisible, Gillian thought. No one would notice her, or if they did, they’d see the new gown Fia was sure to choose for her and not the person inside it.

She followed Fia down the steps to the elegant cabin her sister shared with her husband, and watched Fia throw open her own wardrobe.

What about the blue silk? Fia asked, holding up one of the beautiful new gowns she’d had made in London.

Gillian stroked the sleeve of a shimmering crimson brocade instead, grand and gleaming with delicate embroidery. What about this one? Meggie would call it a speaking gown, the kind that tells folk you are every inch a countess before you even say a word, and Cait’s favorite color is red . . .

"And what would you say, Gilly?" Fia asked, taking the brocade gown to the mirror, and holding it against herself.

Me? Gillian straightened her shoulders and took a breath. I would say that simple would be better—a plain gown, but of the best silk, worn with a Sinclair plaid and a fine brooch.

To her surprise Fia nodded. Aye—the queen gifted me with a pearl necklace. A plainer gown would set it off perfectly.

Gillian helped her sister dress, and when Fia went up to show Dair her finery, Gillian went to her own cabin and chose a plain gown of dove gray, simply trimmed with a narrow edging of lace. It was well cut and expensive, and it fit her slim curves to perfection, but the dress blended with the color of the rocks and the sea. She brushed her hair and tied it back with a ribbon. Then she wrapped her MacLeod plaid over her head and added a modest brooch to hold it in place. She glanced in the mirror. She looked as she always did—a pale face with a tendency to blush when anyone spoke to her and luminous green eyes that seemed to give away every thought that went through her head. She bit her lip. Perhaps she could wait here in her cabin, ensure she was the last one off the ship, and remain unnoticed.

But there was a tap at the door. Gilly?

It was her father. Here, Papa.

Come up on deck, lass. The launches are waiting to row us ashore.

There was no disobeying the Fearsome MacLeod, no matter how softly he spoke a command.

She opened the door, and her father’s sharp eyes roamed over her. Ye look . . . He paused, his mouth tightening. What happened to the gowns ye bought in Edinburgh? The blue and yellow one, or the green one with the lace and the red ribbons?

Gillian felt her face heat. If she wore one of those, the dress would be the talk of the whole castle. No one would remember her, however.

I didn’t wish to steal the moment from Alasdair Og and Fia, Papa, she said quietly. She wondered if he’d insist that she change her gown.

Oh, aye. Of course, he said, already turning away, hearing the sounds of arrival from the deck above, anxious to be there instead of here. Just come when you’re ready, lass. I’d best go up now.

She watched him walk away with a sigh of relief. She waited for the first few launches to depart and then went up on deck, quiet as a mouse, plain and unnoticed. Her father had already gone ashore with Fia and Dair, and she’d been quite forgotten.

The Sinclair clansman who helped her climb down into the launch regarded her with polite and minimal interest. As they rowed to shore, she looked at the castle on the cliff, at the folk who lined the edge of the high perch, and the men milling about on the beach below.

Her breath caught in her throat, and her heart kicked. Arrivals were full of excitement and possibility. Anything could happen, couldn’t it?

And one little adventure was all she wanted.


He was late. John Erly spurred his horse harder, leaned low over the creature’s neck and raced across the cliff top. The Virgin was already at anchor in the harbor below, and everyone was gathered to welcome the newly minted earl and his lovely countess.

There wasn’t a Sinclair who’d admit it meant a thing, of course, but John knew they were proud their chief had been so honored—that they’d been so honored—by Queen Anne, a Stuart, and therefore a Scot and one of their own.

John wondered if Dair had seen the Earl of Clive in London, John’s own father, the man who’d disowned his son without a farthing for his terrible sins. But that had been four years ago, and he had a different life now, here in Scotland. It wasn’t the life he was born to, but it was his. He lived by his own rules, his own code of honor, free, and single. Not that there weren’t women in his life, but he preferred the company of experienced women like Rhona Sinclair, a lusty widow with a taste for fun, or Effie Lyle, who was warm and welcoming, and did not expect marriage from him.

But it had been Elspeth Sinclair who’d made him late this morning, who wouldn’t take no for an answer when he’d told her he had to leave her bed to meet Dair’s ship. Once more had turned into twice before he’d left her well pleasured and exhausted with a promise that he’d be back. Eventually. He’d left his bow there, and he’d need to retrieve it at some point.

John galloped along the cliff path against the wind. In the bay below, Virgin’s launches were already rowing ashore. He swore softly and wished he had time to go back to his own cottage and change his clothes. He looked like he’d slept in these. He grinned and kicked the horse again, coaxing more speed out of the beast.

When he reached top of the path that led to the beach, Fia was already there. She watched as John reined in and dismounted. He caught her hand and swept a low, elegant bow. May I say how lovely you look, Countess Carrbry?

She plucked her fingers out of his grip and stuck her nose in the air. Your breeches are buttoned wrong, English John, and your shirt isn’t laced. When was the last time you combed your hair?

He did what he always did. He gave her his most charming grin—Countess or peasant lass, it never failed to melt the coldest female heart. Fia’s sharp glare softened, and a dimple appeared in her cheek. "Slaightear, she murmured fondly. Blaigeard—rogue, rascal."

He took her hand again and kissed the tips of her fingers with a laugh, denying none of it, and this time she gave his hand an affectionate squeeze.

Who’s this? a gruff male voice asked.

John turned to see an older man standing behind Fia, wearing a MacLeod plaid. He looked John over with a deep scowl.

Papa, this is John Erly, Fia said. John, this is my father, Donal MacLeod, the Laird of Glen Iolair.

The Sassenach, the Fearsome MacLeod grumbled. His eyes narrowed, and his hand went to the hilt of his dirk. The man certainly lived up to his fearsome nickname. He was tall, broad, and muscular despite the streaks of silver in his dark hair. John imagined facing him in battle—Donal MacLeod’s enemies probably died of fright without his even having to draw his claymore, which was as famous as the man who wielded it.

Yet wee Fia took her father’s arm and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek, and John watched the laird’s iron glare melt like warm butter. Now, Papa, John is Dair’s very good friend, and the captain of our guards, she said. He’s the best swordsman I’ve ever seen.

Donal MacLeod looked at John again, but it was clear that his opinion hadn’t budged.

I had the honor of meeting one of your other daughters, Laird MacLeod, John said smoothly. May I enquire after Mistress Meggie’s health?

The Highlander reddened and scowled. My daughter is none of your—

Papa! Fia said, shaking Donal’s arm gently. Meggie is well, John—or she was last time I heard from her. Papa brought me letters from all my sisters when we met in Edinburgh.

John tried a different smile, a polite one this time, with all the highborn, aristocratic charm of his youth behind it, but still the Fearsome MacLeod wasn’t impressed.

Fia blushed and looked down at the people on the beach below. Now where is Dair?

John spotted Alasdair Og at once, by his height and his plaid. He was helping someone out of the launch, a slender woman. He grasped her waist and swung her out of the boat and onto the pebbled shore. The lass’s skirts caught the wind, revealing shapely ankles, and her plaid blew back from her head. The breeze snatched the ribbon that bound her hair, and it flew out to sea and set free a cloud of glorious russet curls, nearly scarlet against the gray of the rocks and the sea.

John was too far away to see her face. But her body had a graceful delicacy of shape and height. Dair let her go once she had her balance back again.

Who is the woman with— John began, but both Fia and Donal rounded on him.

That’s my daughter, and She’s my sister, came out at the same moment, both voices sharp with identical warning: Stay away.

It felt as if the sun had gone behind a cloud. John had been at Carraig Brigh for almost four years. Folk were polite, sometimes almost friendly, but they never let him forget he was an outsider here. It didn’t matter that he was Dair’s friend and trusted captain, he was an Englishman, a Sassenach, a man cast out by his own kin for sins he didn’t speak of. Despite his skills with a sword, or any kindness he might do, any noble deed, he’d never be good enough for men like Donal MacLeod.

John bowed again, crisply. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve duties to see to.

But he made the mistake of looking down over the cliff again. The lass was staring up at him now, her eyes wide, her face a pale oval against the swirling glory of her hair. He knew without even being close enough to see her features that she was beautiful. His chest tightened, and his mouth dried. He felt as if lightning had struck him, but the sky was clear. It was standing too close to the cliff top, he told himself. He hated the sea, hated ships, and even looking at the waves was enough to remind him of the last time he’d sailed, make him feel sick and regretful. He pushed the memory away. It was the sea, and only the sea, not the MacLeod’s daughter, Fia’s sister, the lass forbidden to the likes of him.

He turned and led the garron away. He caught up with some of the sailors, men he was acquainted with, and joked with them as if the snub didn’t matter.

* * *

Gillian stood on the pebbled beach, still feeling the roll of the ship under the thin soles of her shoes. She shaded her eyes and looked up the steep path to where her father and sister waited and took note of the man standing next to Fia. The wind blew his fair hair, and the sun sparked on the stubble of his unshaven face, giving him a golden glow. He was tall, as tall as her father, but lean instead of broad, his legs long, clad in breeches and tall boots, not a kilt. She could tell—feel—that he was staring at her. The earth tilted in the oddest way.

She felt something stir in her breast, and her heart thumped. Then the ribbon in her hair broke free, and she lost sight of him in the wind-tossed cloud of her hair.

Are ye steady, lass? Alasdair Og asked kindly, his hand under her elbow. It takes a few minutes to get your bearings on land after being in a ship.

The world righted itself again, and she felt the pebbles under her feet. She smelled the damp-earth-salt-scent of the cliff face. For a moment the stranger on the cliff stared down at her, his face in shadow now, his hair still sunlit. She leaned on Dair’s arm and stared silently back at him, too shy to ask Dair the name of the man with her sister, yet unable to tear her gaze away. Then he turned and disappeared from view.

She caught her breath and let go of Dair. Thank you. I’m well.

Her brother-in-law smiled. Then let’s go up, get ye settled. I’m sure Fia has a nice, quiet room already picked out for ye.


He’s Dair’s captain, John Erly, Fia said when Gillian quietly asked the stranger’s name as they rode up to the castle.

Gillian recalled Meggie mentioning him, calling him English John. What was it she’d said about him? That he was a Sassenach, but a handsome one. Meggie had doubted he had the cloven hooves or devil’s horns that most Scots thought Englishmen possessed. In her sister’s opinion, English John was well-mannered, chivalrous, and brave.

And Gillian’s opinion—which she kept to herself—was that John Erly was the handsomest man she’d ever seen. When she saw him later that evening in the hall at supper, he seemed a cocksure, charming rogue, and he filled the room just by walking into it and stole all the air. She was not introduced to him. She was seated between her father and her sister, and she watched him from a distance. Men greeted him, and the women cast long looks of such smoldering, wicked suggestion in his direction, they made Gillian blush. He grinned at them and winked, and Gillian’s heart did a slow roll in her breast, even though those looks weren’t directed at her.

He did not so much as glance in her direction. Gillian had never felt quite this invisible. It was as if her chair stood empty, or she herself was of utterly no interest to him, even as a visitor and Fia’s sister.

There was a place set for him at the table next to Dair, but he ate with the clansmen instead. Papa sat glaring at the Englishman as if he expected John Erly to leap to his feet and kill everyone in the room. The tension was so thick the weight of it was almost crushing—at least to Gillian. Fia scarcely seemed to notice. Her sister chattered happily about how good it was to be home, and the latest gossip she’d heard about local folk that Gillian didn’t know. Gillian stopped listening and watched John Erly from under her lashes. She learned about people by watching and listening, since few folk made the effort to draw her into conversation. She noted that John had a ready grin and a quick wit when the men seated around him laughed often. The light gleamed on the gold of his hair as if he was burnished. He’d shaved for the meal and changed his clothes. He dressed as the clansmen did, in a linen shirt and a leather vest, but he wore boots and breeches instead of a kilt, which marked him as different. Did he have cloven hooves and a tail?

Are you listening, Gilly? Fia said, shaking her from her reverie. Caught staring, Gillian felt hot blood fill her cheeks. She smiled at her sister and took a sip of her wine. It was cold, clear, and sweet.

I was telling you about one of the parties we attended in London—one of many, of course—but this was a masked ball. Fia cast a sideways look at their father, but he was busy scowling at English John. Such parties are considered slightly wicked, even in England. All the lords and ladies in attendance were in disguise, wearing masks and costumes, and there was no way to know who you might be speaking to, or who was watching you. Fia grinned like a pirate. It was great fun indeed. I thought we might have one at Carraig Brigh while you and Papa are here, to celebrate our new status. I intend to invite everyone we know—the captains of Dair’s fleet, his city friends, all the lairds and chiefs of our allies.

Gillian scanned her sister’s face. Was this another ploy to try to find her a husband? And yet, how could anyone choose a husband from a roomful of masked men?

Do you think Papa would approve? Fia asked.

Approve of what? Donal MacLeod asked.

A masked ball, Papa, Fia said. Everyone comes in disguise, unknown to their fellow guests until the unmasking at midnight.

Donal MacLeod frowned. How will ye know who you’re speaking to if everyone is wearing a disguise?

Fia grinned. That’s the point. Folk say things when they’re masked they wouldn’t otherwise and show sides of themselves they usually keep hidden.

Gillian wondered just what kind of things people might be willing to reveal to strangers if they felt themselves anonymous. She glanced at English John again. To her surprise, he was staring at her.

Her breath caught in her throat as their eyes locked. He wasn’t smiling now. His face was in shadow, and she wondered what he was thinking.

Sounds dangerous to me. Ye might think ye’re talking to a friend when it’s your worst enemy listening to all your secrets, her father said.

But they won’t know you, either, Papa, Fia said.

Then why would we talk at all if we’re strangers?

But when you unmask, you might find you’re friends, Fia tried.

Or not, Donal grumbled.

Gillian was barely listening. She couldn’t look away from John. She felt heat filling her face, and every nerve grew taut as the Englishman held her gaze. Usually, when someone met her eyes, Gillian looked away, but this time, she couldn’t. She wished she were close enough to know what color the eyes were that stared into hers. It was impossible to tell across the hall by candlelight.

Her father and Fia were leaning across her, and Fia was still trying to explain the point of a masked ball to their father.

Sometimes it’s not about talking. Sometimes it’s a look or a touch, and not knowing who might be behind the mask, Fia said.

Gillian watched John Erly raise his cup to his lips and drink, his eyes still holding hers, and she swallowed with him, her mouth watering.

D’ye mean to tell me ye wouldn’t know Dair no matter how canny the disguise he wore, or he wouldn’t know ye? her father asked Fia.

Well, of course I would, but—

Then if ye know the ones ye know, and have no care about the ones ye don’t, it makes no sense to go about in disguise, Donal said stubbornly.

Oh, Papa, Fia said. We shall have to find very clever costumes to fool you.

The sound of their voices drifted away, and Gillian was only aware of the sound of her own breath, the beating of her heart—and John Erly.

Then Fia nudged her and broke the spell. You were a thousand miles away again—I’ve asked you twice what costume you might wear to my masked ball. What on earth are you thinking about? She followed the direction of Gillian’s gaze to John Erly and gave a little gasp of surprise. Were you staring at English John? she whispered, casting a quick glance at their father, but he’d turned to converse with Dair. Fia squeezed Gillian’s arm. "Oh no, sweeting—John’s not for you. He’s a rogue of the worst

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