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Britton Bohnson and the Offsprings Blood
Britton Bohnson and the Offsprings Blood
Britton Bohnson and the Offsprings Blood
Ebook234 pages4 hours

Britton Bohnson and the Offsprings Blood

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About this ebook

In a land filled with royalty and wealth, impoverished Britton Bohnson falls in love with a princess whom he needs to protect in the battle royale. The kings and queens of each of the seven cities in Lexar become his greatest enemy. After the death duels, Nephrites now look up to him as their hero. They believe he has the power to tear down the ruthless monarchy and the Jadeites. He later finds himself in possession of a power far beyond any Lexarian.

Release dateNov 21, 2020
Britton Bohnson and the Offsprings Blood

Lester February

When not writing, Lester February can be found researching the world wide web for endless information. He tends to learn everything about something, and something about everything. He is also known for writing the first fiction novel of the Britton Bohnson series.He was inspired by his English teacher in high school who motivated him to further his career in writing. She noticed and read the potential he has to become a writer. Today, he successfully published his first novel, Britton Bohnson and the Offsprings Blood. He personally shipped copies of his novel to the UK, Australia, South Africa, and the United States.Lester is currently busy with the second novel of the Britton Bohnson series.

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Britton Bohnson and the Offsprings Blood - Lester February

1st Portion - Birthday Quietude

As the rain devoured our vegetable garden and the blistering thunder roared onto the land of Lexar, silence crawled into our home when my eyes opened, in the dark, early hours of the morning, on my eighteenth birthday. I could hear the dog next door, Bonzo the Beagle, barking with intent to scare away the roaring thunder. Seconds later, the roll of thunder disappeared into thin air for it feared the bark of Bonzo the Beagle. The continuous clatter of the rain sent me into a lucid dream. Through my bedroom window, standing in the vicious rain, I saw a tall man, watching me, wearing a drenched black hooded raincoat and a black cowboy hat. His face is very vague. However, around his collar is a silver medallion attached to a gold necklace which is also pretty vague. The blistering thunder immensely returned with lightning as blue as the ocean. The man with the silver medallion necklace vanished. My lucid dream came to an end in the morning when my tall sister, Jennedy Bohnson, stood next to me with a round chocolate birthday cake baked with love and poverty. We do not have much to live by but it's enough for my father, Don Bohnson, my sister, and I. While I’m trying to open my other eye, Jennedy starts to sing like a hummingbird with rhythm and soul. My father yelled at my sister, from the dining room, to raise the volume of her chanting. Jennedy has a special gift to tranquilize anyone with her impressive singing voice. It’s not easy being a Nephrite - the lower class factions of Lexar. After the delightful performance rendered by my sister, Don summoned us to the living room. Upon entering, the dining table was already laid with a special rag devoted to my late mother and brother, decorated with my father’s treasured silverware. My sister placed the poverty birthday cake in the centre of the table. Immediately thereafter, Jennedy started to rapidly shiver and burst into tears. My father comforted her with a thick warm blanket to calm her emotions before the commencement of my birthday breakfast. It's been eighteen years, today, since the disappearance of my mother and my brother. We took our seats at the dining table - breakfast has begun. Don made the most wonderful omelettes that look like pure gold. Two omelettes later, I took the opportunity to ask my father as to what exactly happened to mother, Villary Bohnson, and brother, Cain Bohnson. My father’s tears joined the birthday breakfast when my question triggered his emotions. Jennedy returned the favour and got up from her warm comfy chair to comfort our emotionally scattered father. My unsolicited question was filled with remorse which urged me to share in the comforting moment. It wasn't easy to sympathize with them as I could feel the colossal quivering of their bodies. Father kindly asked me, with crystal clear tears dripping from his eyes, if he can answer my question on another day. Not on my birthday. I, Britton Bohnson, was raised by the best father one could ever have. I humbly respected his request. After the solace episode between the three of us, Jennedy and I got back into our chairs - my birthday breakfast is back on! Whilst trying to fit another omelette in my mouth, my father asked my sister and me if we could hear a noise that sounds like heavy footsteps. My sister denies being able to hear anything but I could confirm that there is in fact noise. Moments later after a deafening silence, Don, and Jennedy begged me not to turn around with the omelette that is halfway in my mouth. I rebelled against their request due to my curious personality. And there he was - Bonzo the Beagle giving me the cutest and most adorable dead-eye stare through the dirty living room window. Don said that it still doesn’t explain the heavy footsteps. I looked past my fathers’ paranoia when I saw Bonzo’s beautiful brown eyes which were too irresistible to deny him the other half of my omelette. Bonzos’ tail starts to briskly wag when I get up from my warm chair to head to the front door. The Beagle knew he was in for a delightful treat for a homemade omelette. As I opened the front door to allow our special guest to join in my birthday celebration, my best friend and neighbour, Nedrick Harpa, Bonzo’s owner, gave me the fright of my life when he scared me. Dons’ paranoia dispersed like mist before the sun after he learned it was Nedrick's footsteps. Jennedy got up from her chair to deck an extra place at the table for him. Nedrick is also eighteen years of age; however, he is three months older than me. We grew up together as Nephrites of Schull, a town, owned by the Schull clan. At the young age of seven, Nedrick was diagnosed with a syndrome called hyperthymesia, also known as a photographic memory. His parents, Haygen and Lilian Harpa, noticed his unusual and exemplary ability to recall past events and experiences almost perfectly. As Nedrick tried to squeeze an omelette in his huge mouth, he nearly choked when I mentioned to them about a man in a black hooded raincoat whom I saw in the early hours of the morning through my bedroom window. After he swiftly swallowed his omelette, he strangely glanced at me as if he can corroborate my hypothesis. Nedrick said that before he came knocking on our front door, Bonzo had to micturate on the side of our home in the alleyway. He noticed man-size footsteps just beneath my dirty bedroom window. Not only did my best friend confirm my theory but it also spiked my nervous system to new heights with immense fear. My eyes opened so wide one could see my veins, at the back of my eyeballs, about to explode. Don gently poured himself a glass of water from the jug and sipped from it. Jennedy, Nedrick and I were convincingly told, by my father, not to be disquieted by a man in a black hooded coat as it is a myth, rumoured to be spreading for nearly eighteen years in Lexar. The man in the black hooded coat is also known as the Medallion Man for around his neck is thought to be a gold necklace with a silver medallion. According to my father, several Lexarians believe that the Medallion Man is the guardian and protector of Lexar. Jennedy abruptly spoke out telling our father that it still doesn’t justify the man-sized footsteps below my bedroom window. Thankfully - my troubled sister soothed when Don told her it was him that was at my bedroom window to startle me awake. My fathers’ surprise strategy was ruined when Jennedy strolled into my bedroom with my poverty cake. My lovely birthday breakfast, sadly, came to an end when Don and Nedrick dished the last two golden looking omelettes. I politely asked them to share a portion of it with Bonzo; however, stubbornness suddenly abounded within them when they rejected my appeal. This is unacceptable! I need to devise an alternative method for the Beagle to receive a piece. Unexpectedly, my sister deliberately elbowed her fork off from the impoverished table onto the wooden floor. Nedrick and my father quickly shifted their attention to the fork on the wooden floor. In that split second they realized it’s a trap set for both of them. When Nedrick laid eyes back onto his plate, it was too late. His last omelette was on the other side of the living room being ferociously devoured by his canine. Rather than reprimanding my sister and punishing his dog - he laughed hysterically, so did we. Don then willingly chose to surrender his omelette to the dainty Beagle as well. Soon, Nedrick and I went to my room to enjoy Lexar’s only and profoundly respected board game, chess, whilst my father and my sister cleared the table and the kitchen. The chocolate cake is being kept one side until all the household tasks have been accomplished. It is a custom in the Bohnson clan to be relieved of your duties on your birthday. Only on your birthday! This tradition was instigated by my late mother when she and my father just became newlyweds. On his first birthday with Villary, she unequivocally forbade him from performing all the household responsibilities. Mother strongly believed it was her obligation to take charge of everything including breakfast, lunch, and supper. Don, in succession, did the same for my mother on her following birthday up until it became an annual custom. My father nearly killed my mother the day they met.

It was a beautiful morning filled with an abundance of yellow sunshine and bright blue skies when my father took the initiative to chop firewood in preparation for the next rainy day. Don moved all the wood from our small backyard to the front of our abode because it’s more spacious for the swing of the axe. At the time, my father was residing alone in our current dwelling for his parents had already passed on. After the relocation of the wood, Don poured himself an ice-cold glass of water to hydrate before piercing the logs with his sharpened blade. He over poured the glass when my mother and her female friend walked past him. The two began to stare at each other. Villary starts to laugh uncontrollably and pointed, with her finger, to the glass being overfilled. She continued walking when he stopped the water from overflowing onto his trousers. Don quickly ran inside the house to fetch an old rag to wipe the spillage off his apparel. He rushed back outside to the front with the expectation of seeing her again for he had never seen her in Nephrite Schull. When he got to the front porch, the most unexpected thing occurred. She looked back at the house as she was walking in the opposite direction. Don and Villary locked eyes for a couple of seconds when she knocked her head by walking into a vertical wooden pole. They briefly shared a laugh when her friend clutched her by the arm and walked back in the same direction they came from. Villary's paranoid friend became concerned that the knock to her head should not be taken lightly. Dons' heart rapidly started pumping faster than ever when he saw Villary walking back his way. He instantly knew this is his one chance to overwhelm her with his remarkable muscularity. Father flexed his muscles when he lifted the axe from the ground, swung the sharpened blade, half his body length, when it slipped out of his hands, flying straight into a wooden wall across the street missing Villary's head by a few inches. When Don raced over, to the startled Villary, a horse cargo cart suddenly sped past him. Villary and her friend were on the opposite side of the road. By the time the horse cargo cart passed by, they were gone. It was an unfortunate moment for my father as he never got the opportunity to speak and apologize to her. He giggled when he realized that a beautiful woman like Villary won’t be acquainted with someone who tries to kill her. Don knew he messed up and wanted to salvage it as quickly as possible. The wood and the axe were left in its entirety when my father went searching for the woman who caught his attention. Almost every Nephrite in Schull was questioned by him about this mystery lady. Several dispirited hours later - he threw in the towel. Don took a lengthy and disappointing walk back to his cabin not knowing if he’ll ever see her again. He picked up his axe with little to no confidence or impulse. Don continued to go about chopping the wood. Sunshine went into hiding when night-time arrived. Father thoroughly peeled and cleansed his vegetables, in the kitchen, to prepare them for cutting. Don went to the front of the house to gather and pack the wood to cook a pot of food on the fire - but hasn’t lit it yet. Minutes later, whilst he was busy chopping the vegetables, Don held the knife in a defensive position when he heard faint noises coming from the front porch. A bright red and glowing yellow light shone through the impoverished curtain as he advanced to the front. When he slowly peeked through the half-opened door, there Villary was, seated; gazing directly at him while attending to the fire she lit. At first, he refused to accept it was her until she hilariously asked him if he intended to kill her with the knife in his hand, considering he failed with the axe. Villary insisted that Don keep the fire alive whilst she tends to the remainder of the vegetables inside. From this blissful night on - they sparked a flame of their own.

Back in my small dusty bedroom, I casually opened my dirty white curtain for the bright sunlight to invade my room for Nedrick to retrieve the chess pieces from a small compartment concealed in the wooden floor. Chess sets are available for purchase only if you’re a Jadeite, the upper-class factions of Lexar - where currency circulates, called Jades. Hence, it is impossible to obtain a chess set if you’re a Nephrite. Eight years ago today, my father accurately carved thirty-two chess pieces. Sixteen pieces are formed from basswood and the other sixteen pieces are shaped from limestone. The outline of a chessboard is carved into the wooden floor in my bedroom beneath my metal-framed bed. If a Nephrite is apprehended by the Hawks, Lexars law enforcement, and special task force agency, in possession of a chessboard, they are then forced to compete in the death chess duel against a Jadeite. A Nephrite will be sentenced to a publicly broadcasted execution if they lose the contest. The Jadeite contender is chosen by anonymous voting from the Sovereign clans, the omnipotent rulers of Lexar. However, if a Nephrite wins the encounter, they are set free and pardoned of their offense. The duel takes place in Arena Da Lexar, the humongous coliseum of Lexar, which all of the seven cities including the seven Sovereign clans are required to attend. In Lexar’s history of existence, the duel between a Jadeite and a Nephrite only transpired once - which the Jadeite won. Bonzo the Beagle came dashing into my room after Nedrick and I moved my metal-framed bed to get to the outline of the chessboard on the wooden floor. Whilst packing the chessboard we immediately noticed the basswood king is missing. This was quite strange to us for the last time we played was yester night. We did a comprehensive sweep of my bedroom for the missing chess piece. Nedrick searched the eastside and I searched the west side. After several minutes I exhaustingly asked my father and my sister if they’ve seen the lost basswood king but neither of them was able to assist me. We expanded our search radius to the rest of the house to locate the missing piece. Nearly an hour later, we gathered by the clean living room table to exchange our findings. My sister thoroughly looked in the bathroom and her bedroom. Don extensively searched the living room, kitchen, and bedroom. Nedrick and I explored my room again just in case we missed a spot. We were in a state of panic because of the board game laws of Lexar. If the Hawks lay eyes on my basswood king in Nephrite - I will be obligated to the duel in Arena Da Lexar. Jennedy calmly assured me that we will find the missing piece by consoling me with a gentle hug and her beautiful melodic humming. Seconds later we diligently continued our hunt for the piece - only this time, my sister did my room and vice versa. When Jennedy entered my room she thankfully, with a sigh of relief, yelled that she found the king. I rushed to my bedroom, pushing Nedrick aside, to see for myself because we searched my room from top to bottom. My best friend and I looked at each other rather weirdly instead of contentment when we saw where the basswood king was hiding all this time - in the hidden chess compartment. Don asked us if we carefully looked for it in my room to which we agreed beyond a shadow of a doubt. Bonzo kept on smelling the king as if it has another scent on it. Beagles are natural trackers, therefore, we hoped he would be able to locate where the scent came from. Unfortunately, he went to lay under my bedroom window in the yellow sunshine. Nedrick's eidetic memory recollects him packing thirty-two chess pieces away in the hidden compartment last night. My father abruptly intervened in our post investigative conversation as to where the king came from. He asked me with great discouragement to gather all the pieces together for he needs to build a new concealed compartment. The outline of the chessboard below my metal-framed bed needs to be scrapped off with sandpaper. He felt very disheartened to do this on my birthday, however, he made me grasp that it’s for my safety from the notorious and ruthless Hawks. Jennedy advised us to play chess on another day as it could be too risky at the moment. Nedrick and I lent a helping hand to Don to build a new concealed compartment in his room and outlined the chessboard under his only wooden chair. Several minutes later, after all the carving and storing for the chess pieces had been done, we locked up the cabin and left for the industrial area.

2nd Portion - The Architect

Today is a gorgeous day where the bright blue skies are in abundance so that I can spend the remainder of my birthday in Lexar. Gently walking down the kankar road for roughly thirty minutes, Jennedy, Nedrick, and Don took their detour to head to work in the industrial area of the town, whilst I continued walking gently with Bonzo. In the seven Nephrite factions of Lexar, every person is obliged to work in their respective industrial areas for six days a week when they reach the age of thirteen years old. Nephrites with a kid younger than the legal working age are required, by law, to book their child at the infant centre, Babylon of Schull, for the day. In each of the Nephrite factions is a Babylon. Eighteen years ago the Sovereign clans passed a rule whereby granting anyone the day off on their birthday. Hence, Bonzo and I are thrilled about our annual excursion, roaming Lexar. The big loud siren went off in Arena Da Lexar, located in the middle of Lexar, denoting that production in all the cities commenced for the day. Each town in Lexar has a manufacturing industry in which Nephrites only work and not Jadeites. Schull, which consists of massive fields, is responsible for the production of food and beverages to the seven cities. Therefore, Schull, by hectares, is the largest city in Lexar. My father and sister work in the beautiful grape vineyards in which only brandy and whiskey get produced. Nedrick and I operate in the monotonous cornfields since our first day as labourers. Produce and final goods are distributed to the two factions the following day. Jadeite receives eighty percent and Nephrite is allocated twenty percent. Lexar’s currency, Jades, does not flow in the impoverished factions - only in the privileged Jadeite factions. Therefore, our dreadful labour is rewarded with nourishment and not money. Nephrites live and work under extreme hardship for we are watched and governed by the Hawks and the Sovereign clans, in the streets and at our workplaces. We are prohibited from entering the Jadeite factions considering we’re classified, by the Sovereigns, Lexarians with criminal genetics and origins. A Jadeite who commits a crime of any magnitude, if found guilty, is sent to my dimension for the remainder of their days. On the other hand, if a Nephrite is to be in the same situation, the perpetrator is then jailed for twelve years. Only chess has dissimilar laws. For half a decade, until now, there are only eight Nephrites, spread across each town, with the same birth date as mine. We call ourselves Guritas. Every year we meet up in the most central place, Byorgen, a town filled with huge forests, rivers, and magnificent flora. Nephrites in Byorgen, governed by the Byorgen clan, are responsible for the sowing and reaping of the plants and flowers, which is used for the production of medicinal and pharmaceutical products by the Jadeite healers of Byorgen. My people receive a mere ten percent of the final products and the silver spoons acquire the rest. A few minutes later, Bonzo and I reached one of the eight heavily guarded gates, Hawk-i One, which segregates Lexar into the seven disciplines. This is, as per the Sovereigns, necessary to even out the labour force in Lexar for maximum production yields. Nephrites are thoroughly searched, from head to toe, after presenting their badge, imprinted on our left wrist. The identification badge, which is tattooed at birth on all Lexarians, denotes our full names, date of birth, faction, and city or town. The Hawks are dressed in thick black costumes, helmets that cover their faces and intimidating machine guns that will tear one from limb to limb. Should a Jadeite be deported into one of the seven Nephrite factions, an iron heat stamp is used to burn the silver-spooned badge off their wrist. Their new seal is tattooed on their right wrist. At Hawk-i One, after I was cleared to pass, the Hawks accompanied Bonzo and me through the guarded gate into the neighbouring city, Domingo, ruled by the Domingo clan. This region of Lexar is where all the manufacturing of machinery and building material occurs - even weapons. One of the Guritas, Dean Curro from Nephrite Domingo, was waiting for me at the other end of Hawk-i One. He ran to me at a nimble pace, a big smile, arms wide open, just to squeeze the life out of my body as he wished the two of us a happy birthday. Bonzo

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