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Dirty Money Dirty Deeds: Episode 4: Dirty Money Dirty Deeds, #4
Dirty Money Dirty Deeds: Episode 4: Dirty Money Dirty Deeds, #4
Dirty Money Dirty Deeds: Episode 4: Dirty Money Dirty Deeds, #4
Ebook50 pages40 minutes

Dirty Money Dirty Deeds: Episode 4: Dirty Money Dirty Deeds, #4

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About this ebook

She's surrounded by thugs.

The men in Kendra Mason's life are still giving her problems.

A drug dealer wants her to work for him, and he's not the kind of man to take 'no' for an answer.

Her lover has gone rogue.

Her brother and father think they're entitled to what she has.

The cops think she's just a good girl gone wrong.

But Kendra has her own plans. She'll teach the men around her not to underestimate her.

DIRTY MONEY DIRTY DEEDS is told in short, fast paced episodes WITH CLIFFHANGERS.

Release dateJan 7, 2021
Dirty Money Dirty Deeds: Episode 4: Dirty Money Dirty Deeds, #4

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    Book preview

    Dirty Money Dirty Deeds - Nico Jackson


    Jay walked inside and waited by the cash register. The diner smelled like bacon, fried potatoes, and coffee. He realized it smelled and looked the same as it had when he was a teenager. The seats had been re-upholstered, but they were the same dark red they always were. It was just after the breakfast rush, but the floors were spotless.

    Maxine Carr smiled when she saw him come in. She was about sixty, but she worked and carried herself like a woman half her age. Her uniform was sparkling white. Jay always wondered how she managed to stay clean for the whole shift. He didn’t know she kept five fresh uniforms in her office.

    He’s in the back, she said. How are you doing?

    Jay smiled. I’m fine. You’re looking great, Miss Maxine.

    She blushed. Go on with that, boy. I’m old enough to be your mama.

    He wiggled an eyebrow. Too bad I’m spoken for.

    She put her hands on her hips. Are you now?

    He shrugged. You wouldn’t leave your husband, so I had to find a substitute.

    Is she pretty as me?

    Nobody’s as pretty as you, but I had to make do. She’s smart, too.

    Maxine laughed. Then what’s she doing with you?

    Jay clutched his chest. You’re breaking my heart.

    Go on. He’s waiting for you. I’ll bring you some coffee.

    Yes ma’am. Thank you.

    Jay walked to the back. There were two booths that weren’t visible from the front of the restaurant, and Big Sam Bishop was sitting in one. He was wearing a royal blue shirt and gray wool pants. Jay had never seen Sam wear jeans or athletic pants. He was usually in a suit. Sam was an average looking man with a medium brown complexion. He wore a beard to hide most of the acne scars on his face. His hair and beard were graying, and that didn’t bother him in the least.  He was over fifty, and trim for a man his age. Sam had worked hard to get that way. He finished a cup of coffee as he read a magazine.

    Old school, Jay said. You can get that on an e-reader now.

    Sam looked up. I like to touch what I’m reading, he said. Technology isn’t always good.

    Jay slid into the booth. I thought I was on time.

    Sam made a show of looking at his watch. Today’s choice was a gold Rolex with diamonds around the dial. Jay thought it probably cost more than a small car. You’re five minutes early.

    What are you reading?

    Economic news. You should read it, too.

    What makes you think I don’t?

    Maxine set a cup of coffee in front of Jay and exchanged the carafe for a fresh one. You ready to order?

    Jay looked up at her. Ham, eggs over easy. Grits. Biscuits.

    You want cheese in those grits, right?

    You know I do.

    Sam? The usual?

    No, think I’ll have pancakes and sausage today.

    Careful, Sam. You don’t want to gain that weight back.

    I think I deserve a treat.

    Your funeral, Maxine said. She closed her order pad and walked away.

    Sam shook his head. That woman acts like she’s my wife.

    She doesn’t want to lose a good tipper.

    Sam laughed, picked up his cup and studied Jay over

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