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Snowflakes & Country Songs
Snowflakes & Country Songs
Snowflakes & Country Songs
Ebook51 pages37 minutes

Snowflakes & Country Songs

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About this ebook

Country singer, Lily May, and mechanic, Johnny, couldn't be more different if they tried. But when a twist of fate finds them both stranded in Promise, Colorado during a snowstorm, instant chemistry and a fondness for the holidays brings them together.
In this fun and heartwarming, opposites attract, snowed-in love story, you'll learn why nothing goes together like snowflakes & country songs.

PublisherBethany Lopez
Release dateJan 6, 2021
Snowflakes & Country Songs

Bethany Lopez

Bethany Lopez is a USA Today Bestselling author of more than thirty books and has been published since 2011. She's a lover of all things romance, which she incorporates into the books she writes, no matter the genre.When she isn't reading or writing, she loves spending time with family and traveling whenever possible.Bethany can usually be found with a cup of coffee or glass of wine at hand, and will never turn down a cupcake!Sign up for her newsletter and get a free eBook!

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    Book preview

    Snowflakes & Country Songs - Bethany Lopez


    Lily May

    Ihissed out a breath of relief as the lights came into view.

    I’d been driving for hours and hadn’t passed so much as a McDonald’s for the past two. I was tired, hungry, and it had started to snow. Seeing the town in the distance was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

    My latest release played over the radio as I drove slowly down Main Street, so I softly sang along as I took in the signs of the local businesses and searched for someplace to stop for the night.

    When I read the words Promise Inn, I nearly wept and quickly turned into the only available parking spot lining the street.

    Keep it together, Lily May, I whispered as I eased out of the rental and moved into a quick stretch. "We’ll get some food and find a bathroom, as soon as we hopefully get checked in."

    Yes, I talked to myself. A lot. And often used the royal we.

    I’d developed the habit as a young child. Being the only daughter of a single father who worked two jobs to pay for my singing and guitar lessons meant I was often alone. As I grew older and became more famous, I’d found it hard to trust others, especially after meeting a few bad apples in the industry.

    A bell rang prettily as I opened the big wood door and stepped into the well-lit foyer, which smelled of fresh flowers and apple spice.

    I’ll be right with you, a female voice called, and when I noticed the door with Powder Room embossed on it, I took the opportunity to relieve at least one of my urgent needs.

    As I walked back out into the lobby, my stomach growled, reminding me of another need I’d have to remedy pretty quickly.

    I swear I heard the door chime, but when I went to the desk, there was no one there.

    The lady speaking had her back to me, but I could see she was wearing a house dress with an apron covering it, and her gray hair was pulled back into a neat bun. The gentleman, who I assumed was her husband, caught my eye over her shoulder, and I was able to make out a grin beneath his massive salt and pepper beard.

    I think I found our guest, Marie, he said cheerfully, his voice deep and gravelly.

    Marie spun around with her hands clasped in front of her and gave me a welcoming smile.

    Well, there she is, she began as she moved closer to her side of the desk. I knew I’d heard the door open. Welcome to the Promise Inn.

    Thank you, I replied, crossing the few steps it took for me to reach her. I know it’s last minute, but I’m really hoping you have a vacancy.

    Marie’s smile drooped a little as she said, No worries there, sweetie. We’ve only one other guest, and he’s here in the same predicament as you. Stuck here for a few days when all you were trying to do was pass through.

    I was

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