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Summary: Too Much and Never Enough: Mary L. Trump
Summary: Too Much and Never Enough: Mary L. Trump
Summary: Too Much and Never Enough: Mary L. Trump
Ebook46 pages26 minutes

Summary: Too Much and Never Enough: Mary L. Trump

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Warning! This is a Best Seller Summary and Analysis of Too Much and Never Enough by Mary L. Trump. It is not the original book.

Use this Summary book to:
#1 Decide if the original book is for you. Hint: it is!

#2 Get chapter-by-chapter main points and takeaways.

#3 Gain a better understanding,

#4 Learn what you must know in 15-60 minutes.

#5 Refresh your memory of the parent book.

#6 Throw at a political opponent.

Whether you are for Trump or against him, Too Much and Never Enough by Mary L.Trump dumps an entire load of skeletons from Trump closets at your feet for perusal. Mary claims Trump is an unlovable, bullying, cruel, crass, racist, sociopathic fraud with delusions of grandeur. Rather than working for the American people, Mary suggests he is only out for Trump and his children, for the empire, for more power, riches, and fame. He wants to be the "greatest" and the "best" American President in history. The American people are but tools to reach their personal goals. He would never associate with the type of people who voted for him-- middle-class Bible Belt Republicans.

One irony is that Donald's father, Fred Trump, used New York Democrat political machines to finance his real estate empire. Fred became rich from construction paid for by FHA Roosevelt-branded subsidies post WWII, a Democrat proposal that made many developers extremely wealthy.
Mary discusses her interaction with journalists from the New York Times and even cites one of their articles as her primary source of financial background information on Trump after giving them some critical documents from her grandfather's estate.

In one section, Mary recalls witnessing her father pointing a rifle at their mother's head and other childhood memories. In another, she becomes a sophisticated political analyst ripping apart Trump, reminiscent of a Democrat New York Times columnist. Is Mary, as a psychologist, qualified to make statements like Hillary, well=known for "Pay to Play" corruption, was the most qualified candidate ever to run for President? Has she studied all of the candidates ever to run for President, or did she just read it in the New York Times? Or did a ghostwriter toss this in to slam Trump? Towards the end of the book, we read page upon page of sophisticated political analysis, which discredits Trump. It makes the reader wonder how much of the book is her material and how much could have been written by professional political character assassins as a high-profile op-ed.

Mary poses as a COVID-19 expert, blaming everything negative on Trump's adverse childhood that made him so cruel and uncaring. She regurgitates verbatim the standard Leftist diatribes crafted to scapegoat Trump when there is substantial evidence that the Democrats colluded with the Chinese to make the pandemic happen and spread it.

Could Mary be out for revenge and the money she lost from her inheritance? Is she wittingly being used by the Left to attack Trump and paid handsomely through book royalties?

In any case, the information presented is shocking and unforgettable, like when Donald has a bowl of mashed potatoes dumped on his head at age 12 for teasing his younger brother, Robert.

Should we praise Mary for sharing what she is convinced is President Trump's true nature, or should we get a bowl of mashed potatoes ready for her head for seeking revenge, money, and working for the Left to affect an election?

PublisherQuick Savant
Release dateNov 27, 2020
Summary: Too Much and Never Enough: Mary L. Trump

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    Summary - Quick Savant


    Mary Trump cited the New York Times for background information on President Trump. She provided documents about the Trump Management empire after her grandfather died. They published a lengthy article in the New York Times on October 2, 2018, by Russ Buettner, Susanne Craig, and David Barstow. They alleged that the Trump Management organization reigned over thirty years of activities that raised legal questions and others which seemed to be outright fraud or tax evasion.



    Arriving at a Trump hotel before attending a dinner at the White House, Mary shares her distaste for Trump branding after showing pride in the same name as a kid because it sounded strong.

    Mary shares that her father died over thirty years earlier. His nickname, Freddy. His full name: Frederick Crist Trump, Jr., the eldest of three sons and seven years older than Donald.

    Eight years passed since the President and Mary saw each other, a gap resulting from fallout over her grandfather's will as she discovered herself and her family cut out.

    Mary reminds us that President Trump, accompanying her on a tour that included the Lincoln Bedroom, mistakenly thought George Washington slept in the White House. It proved not to be true because George Washington died before President John Adams moved in and got comfortable. George Washington, however, oversaw most of its construction.

    Trump hugs Mary at the White House -- she says for the first time.

    Mary enjoys repeating the story of how, at age 7, Trump had a crude dump of mashed potatoes on his head by Freddy for teasing their younger brother, Robert.

    She claims that Trump proved himself not a self-made man in terms of success but did self-make five bankruptcies. He worshipped no God, living his life without principles or morals. Mary labeled him as cruel, despicable, crass, and irresponsible. She suggests he ran for President to promote his brand, not taking it seriously at the start. She claimed his announcement speech became full of racism because he condemned illegal immigration, the standard Leftist distortion which disregards law. If you want to enforce immigration laws, you must be a racist—an

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