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A Salt and Battery (Book 11): A Harley and Davidson Mystery, #11
A Salt and Battery (Book 11): A Harley and Davidson Mystery, #11
A Salt and Battery (Book 11): A Harley and Davidson Mystery, #11
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A Salt and Battery (Book 11): A Harley and Davidson Mystery, #11

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Rusty Gun, Texas will never be the same once filming for the wildly popular reality television program, Top Shelf Chef cooks up more of a mystery than hot entrees. Death makes for an exciting recipe when Agatha and Hank are serving it up.

Wedding planning and forensic evidence don't make for a very good reception. Unless you're a crime-fighting couple. From Liliana Hart, the New York Times bestselling author of the J.J. Graves Mystery Series, and husband Louis Scott, comes a scintillating new entry in their page-turning Harley and Davidson Mysteries.


Book 1 - The Farmer's Slaughter
Book 2 - A Tisket A Casket
Book 3 - I Saw Mommy Killing Santa Claus
Book 4 - Get Your Murder Running
Book 5 - Deceased and Desist
Book 6 - Malice In Wonderland
Book 7 - Tequila Mockingbird
Book 8 - Gone With the Sin
Book 9 - Grime and Punishment 
Book 10 - Blazing Rattles 
Book 11 - A Salt and Battery
Book 12 - Curl Up And Dye 
Book 13 - First Comes Death, Then Comes Marriage 

Publisher7th Press
Release dateJan 11, 2021
A Salt and Battery (Book 11): A Harley and Davidson Mystery, #11

Liliana Hart

Liliana Hart is a New York Times, USA Today, and Publisher's Weekly Bestselling Author of more than 50 titles. After starting her first novel her freshman year of college, she immediately became addicted to writing and knew she'd found what she was meant to do with her life. She has no idea why she majored in music. Since publishing in June of 2011, Liliana has appeared at #1 on lists all over the world, and all three of her series have appeared on the New York Times list. Liliana is a sought after speaker, and she's given keynote speeches and publishing workshops to standing-room-only crowds from California to New York to London.  Liliana can almost always be found at her computer writing, or hanging out with her own real-life hero, her husband, Scott Silverii. They have five children and call Texas home.  Find out more about Liliana at

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    A Salt and Battery (Book 11) - Liliana Hart

    Chapter One


    I promise, you’re going to love this place, Agatha said, winking at Hank. She wound her arm through his, and they followed the neatly dressed event planner through a sun-kissed corridor toward the grand banquet hall.

    Tabitha Taylor was as bright and bubbly as her name suggested. She was young, blond, and had a cute little dimple in her cheek, and there were dollar signs flashing in her eyes at the kind of reception Hank and Agatha wanted to have. They’d already made the deposit on the room, but the real expenses would add up with the catering and décor.

    Hank looked a little shell shocked. Why haven’t we ever been here before? he whispered to Agatha. This place is incredible.

    Because we’ve never planned a wedding before, Agatha said.

    It was a good day, and she was in a teasing mood. She hadn’t thought she’d ever get married, but now that she’d found the love of her life, the day couldn’t get here soon enough.

    Hank tugged at the zipper of his Penn State windbreaker, and she grinned. He’d been doing that a lot lately. This was way out of Hank’s comfort zone, and he wasn’t the kind of man who enjoyed shopping for anything, so wedding planning was a little bit of an overload for him. Which was why she appreciated him being here all the more.

    It’s going to be great, he assured her, squeezing her hand.

    Y’all are going to love this place, Tabitha said, dimples flashing. The hotel used to be a Spanish mission, and it was newly renovated a couple of years ago and expanded. The rooms are all suites, and we have an award-winning chef in our restaurant. Not to mention the golf course.

    The biggest selling point to Agatha was the proximity to Rusty Gun, which was where the guests would all be driving from after they said their vows in the church.

    Do you play golf? Tabitha asked Hank.

    Not well, he said, tugging at his jacket again.

    It’s okay, baby, Agatha said. They probably won’t make you play in your tuxedo.

    Very funny, he said.

    You okay? she asked.

    Of course, he said. It’s just a little warm.

    Now I know y’all have reserved the Sam Houston Room for your reception, but unfortunately, it’s being prepped for an event. But we’ve got the Jim Bowie Room available for y’all to look at today. It’s a similar setup to the Sam Houston Room, just a little smaller.

    Oh, Agatha said, disappointed. She was a planner. She couldn’t help it. Even her lists had lists. And seeing a room that wasn’t the actual room they were having the reception in was no help at all.

    Hank gave her a long look, and she tried to smile and reassure him, but she had a feeling it came out looking like panic. They didn’t have a year to plan their wedding. Only a couple of months.

    Tabitha, Hank said. If they’re only setting up for the event, then we’d like to poke our heads in and take a look. We really need to see what we’re paying for, especially with the time constraints.

    Oh, I don’t know, Tabitha stammered out. She looked around as if she were searching for someone to give her the correct answer.

    Surely just poking our heads in won’t disturb things too much, Hank said, giving her a charming smile.

    Well, I guess so, but—

    But? Hank asked.

    It’s not just a regular event, she said, excitement filling her eyes. They’re filming a very popular TV show in there, and they were really insistent about keeping things private.

    Oh, wow, Agatha said, raising her brows. TV was her guilty pleasure at the end of a long day of writing. She especially loved reality TV. I can’t think of anything that’s filmed locally.

    Tabitha squirmed from foot to foot, and Agatha thought she might burst from keeping the secret. And then she exhaled like a balloon losing all its air and managed to spew everything out in a rush of words.

    "It’s a season premiere for Top Shelf Chef, she squealed. We’re so honored they chose us."

    Wait a second, Hank said. How long are they going to be filming? It’s not going to interfere with the reception, is it?

    Oh, no, Tabitha said. Rest assured, the show is only here to film the opening episode.

    That’s great news, Agatha said, letting out a nervous breath. Planning a wedding was a lot more stressful than she thought it would be. The only reason they’d gotten the Sam Houston Room to begin with was because there’d been a last-minute cancellation.

    Then her thoughts went back to Top Shelf Chef. It was one of her favorite shows. The drama between the chefs was way more entertaining than anything they cooked.

    Oh, gosh, Agatha said. I’m such a fan. Any chance of meeting the celebrity judges?

    The excitement in Tabitha’s face drained and was replaced with worry. Umm, she said. You see—

    Aggie, can I talk with you for a second? Hank asked.

    Agatha let Hank lead her a few feet away from Tabitha, wondering what could be wrong.

    Can you believe it? she whispered. "I love Top Shelf Chef. It’s my favorite show."

    I’ve never seen you go fangirl before, he said. I’ve never even seen you watch the show.

    It’s my guilty pleasure, she confessed. It’s awful. I love it. I get great ideas for narcissistic villains when I watch.

    Good to know, Hank said. But I think you’re putting Tabitha in a tight spot. She might get into trouble, and we’ve still got to work with her for the next couple of months.

    Yeah, yeah, she said, wrinkling her nose. You’re right. Sorry, I got carried away. I think this wedding is making me crazy. Agatha leaned around Hank and called out to Tabitha, Sorry about that, Tabitha. We’ll take a look at the Jim Bowie. We don’t want you to get into any trouble.

    Tabitha beamed. Oh, I appreciate that. Those TV people are scary. Always shouting orders and threatening lawsuits. They’ve got half the staff running around like a chicken with its head cut off, and the other half is just trying to stay out of the way. Y’all can follow me to the Jim Bowie Room and take as much time as you want in there.

    The main corridor had pale stucco walls and was accented with gold and deep burgundy. The furniture was Spanish and ornately carved, and the view of the golf course and grounds was spectacular no matter which direction you looked.

    The Jim Bowie banquet hall was gorgeous. Everything is bigger in Texas, Agatha said.

    And I can assure you the Sam Houston Room is even better than this, Tabitha said.

    I think I’ve seen everything I needed to see, Agatha said. We appreciate the time.

    Any time, Tabitha said. I’ve got to head out. I’ve got a full day. Y’all feel free to stop by the restaurant and have lunch on us. Just tell them Tabitha sent you over.

    Thanks, Hank said and then looked at Agatha. You ready to go, sugar?

    Agatha waited until Tabitha had slipped back into the hallway. Sure, baby, but I need to make one little stop before we go.

    Where’s that?

    Come on, she said, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the room. She stuck her head out the door and looked both ways, and then pulled Hank behind her.

    It’s a pretty day for a motorcycle ride, Hank said. Are you going to tell me where we’re going?

    It’s a surprise, she said. Wait here.

    Agatha wasn’t a woman to waste an opportunity, and she went to the reception desk and talked to the man behind the counter.

    When she came back to Hank, she leaned in to kiss him and said, I’m really glad you’re marrying me.

    I’m really glad I’m marrying you too, he said. What did you do?

    She grinned. You’re a crackerjack of a detective.

    I’ve been told that before. What did you do?

    I didn’t want to waste the opportunity while we were here, so I got us a room for the night. It’ll give us a chance to test out the property before the wedding.

    And if we just happen to run into a few celebrity chefs while we’re here then that’s just a bonus, right?

    Crackerjack, she said again, swatting him

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