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Evening Canyon Romance
Evening Canyon Romance
Evening Canyon Romance
Ebook38 pages31 minutes

Evening Canyon Romance

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Little did Singaporean girl Ruili realize that by traveling half the world to the wilderness of the United States and plunging herself wholeheartedly into nature conservation work in the canyon lands would lead her to her intended beloved.

Avonaco, a fascinating character from a local Native American tribe was unlike any other guy she had known - enigmatic, sensitive, athletic in build and a techie at heart.

Discover the intuitive connection between them as they embark on journeys through nature and cyberspace. Marvel at their combustible chemistry at beautiful locales like a moonlit swim in the depths of waterfall cascades.

Uncover too their tragic secret which catalyzed the the cosmic-influenced climax of their relationship. Read this inspiring and heartwarming romance tale to find out the depths of their love.

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Extract from the Story:

"Wiping wisps of hair off our faces, we brought our sweat soaked bodies to the pool where the waterfall poured into – its luminescent depths glistening ever more with the shine of the moonlight upon it. A moonlit swim, after a hike in the dusk.

I gently propelled myself into the water, keeping to where the water reached to my shoulders with my feet still planted on the waterbed. I floated and paddled relaxedly as I took in the mystical landscape with my sight– the unique azure-emerald hue of the waters was still perceptible under the lustre of the moonlight.

I turned my head to see what he was doing at the other side of the pool. To my surprise, he wasn’t in the water, but at the top of the cliff from which the falls spurted. At first, I wondered what was he doing up there, then it registered – he was going to cliff jump into the waters.

With my heart in my mouth, I watched silently as his figure gathered momentum at the cliff top and launched off the edge, somersaulting once before he descended and plunged into the pool with a dramatic splash.

There were too much ripples in the wake to discern where he was really was. So I gave up peering into the depths and waited for him to surface. Little did I know that he would surface exactly where I was, facing me as his figure shot upwards. I didn’t know if he did it on purpose or that it was a perfect coincidence.

As he broke through the surface, his arms caught my waist and lifted me out of the water, along with him. There we were, suspended in animation, holding each other in watery embrace."

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Release dateDec 27, 2020
Evening Canyon Romance

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    Evening Canyon Romance - Cypress Cascades

    Evening Canyon Romance

    By Cypress Cascades

    Copyright © 2020 by Cypress Cascades. All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher or author.

    It was a special evening, with lukewarm and cool breezes alternatively sliding past my body. It was only past sunset, but an infinite multitude of stars were sparkling beautifully in the sky above. This cosmic magnificence could only be seen in places near wilderness, like where I was now, and dwarfed the human lights of the cities into insignificance.

    It was a special feeling, only to be felt for the hour that I was here and imprinted into my brain for a lifetime. It washed gently over me and took flight with the winds that caressed me. I felt that I was special and that to be here, at this moment in time, was part of fulfilling my life purpose.

    Where, indeed, was I? I was standing on a viewing platform, overlooking the eons-old canyons of a yet-unnamed national park in the United States. Why was I there then? I was attending a party gathering of park rangers and related supporting staff, of which I had travelled all the way from across the globe a few months earlier to join their warm-hearted crew in their conservation work.

    A quiet moment to myself but a revelation of a lifetime. Instead of facing the concrete jungle, I had ached for years to be one with nature. Now it was all around me, embracing me with its pristine air and cloaking me in its natural darkness, embedded with stars.

    He stepped in from the surrounding shadows, barely making any noise. His loose hair swung in the wind, as he walked lithely and slowly towards me. His enigmatic eyes on me. They looked into mine, without artifice, without judgement, gazing straight into the depths of my soul. All my aspirations, dreams, fears and challenges seemed transfixed and transparent in that moment, as he beheld my being. His dark eyes glimmered, and suddenly I felt as if the barriers between us had come down.

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