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A Layman's Look At the Revelation of Jesus Christ
A Layman's Look At the Revelation of Jesus Christ
A Layman's Look At the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Ebook296 pages2 hours

A Layman's Look At the Revelation of Jesus Christ

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A book that will help you find the "Blessings" in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, along with the importance of Numbers, the must-read books in the Bible to help you with this Revelation, where you can experience heavenly worship here on earth and where you will see Jesus Christ as "King of kings and Lord of lords.
Release dateMay 11, 2018
A Layman's Look At the Revelation of Jesus Christ

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    A Layman's Look At the Revelation of Jesus Christ - Joseph Kearney

    A Layman's Look At the Revelation of Jesus Christ

    A Layman’s Look At the Revelation of Jesus Christ By Joseph Kearney

    @Copyright 2018 By Joseph Kearney

    This book is printed in the United States of America.


    To My Beautiful Daughters, Marie and JoAnn

    And to my Grandsons, Jake and Zakary


    "But of that day and hour no one knows, neither the

    angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone."

    Matthew 24:36

    "But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with

    the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a

    thousand years like one day. The Lord does not

    delay His promise, as some regard ‘delay’, but He is

    patient with you, not wishing that any should perish

    but that all should come to repentance. But the day

    of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the

    elements will be dissolved by fire, and the earth and

    everything done on it will be found out."

    2 Peter 3:8-10

    I do not claim to know everything about

    the Revelation of Jesus Christ. After a more than five

    year study, I think I know less now than when I began.

    The Word of God is Truth and His Word is

    eternal, I will never learn all there is to know either

    now or in the next life. I have listened and watched

    countless hours of teaching from both Protestants

    and Catholics. I used numerous Bible versions,

    exhaustive commentaries, study guides, many hours

    and days of internet research, what was believed and

    taught by the early Church fathers, and most

    important of all prayed and meditated over all

    the verses.

    In this book I will not tell you the name of the

    anti-Christ for there are numerous theories. However,

    I will tell you what Truth’s I have found and what false

    teaching I have discovered.

    I have some important reasons for writing the

    Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. First to let

    everyone know you do not have to be afraid to read

    and study the book because, on the contrary, you will

    receive many blessings. There are Seven blessings

    listed in the book and one is a general blessing that

    pertains only to you. I advise when you begin with

    the book to also begin to count your blessings.

    The second important reason I have for writing the

    book is to let you know that it is a book of prophecy,

    see 1:3, 22:7 and 22:9. And for you to always have a

    verse from chapter one that you can always go to

    when you hear a teaching or when you may be stuck

    or confused. Verse nineteen, "Write down, therefore,

    what you have seen, and what is happening, and

    what will happen afterwards". The Apostle John was

    very familiar with the prayer Glory be..., ‘As it was

    in the beginning, now, and ever shall be…"

    I believe it is imperative that the regular lay person or

    a  lay minister know something about the Book of the

    Revelation of Jesus Christ and especially to know

    without the drama and sensationalism that usually

    accompany various teachings.

    I also hope I show the love of God in how He

    comes back to save us and give us a new heaven

    and a new earth where we will reign with Him forever.


    The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ is just

    that, a Revelation, not revelations, of Jesus Christ.

    The entire book is written by Him, for Him, and about

    Him. Jesus Christ is the Messiah. He is the fulfillment

    of the Old Testament manifested in the Divine Glory

    of God Incarnate in the New Testament. He fulfills all

    of the Old Testament Prophecies and every single

    one of His predictions while here on earth has come

    true but one - His Second Coming. He is on the way!

    These are the books of the Old Testament that are a

    must read for you to have any understanding of the

    Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ and because

    this book is similar to these other books because it

    combines disclosures about the future, with

    reflections on the past and appeals to us to remain

    faithful in the present.

    Genesis. You have to know how things began to

    have any idea of the how and why they will end.

    The other books are Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah and


    If you are, a Christian always ask the Holy Spirit of

    God to help you to understand His Word. Without the

    Holy Spirit the things of God can be closed to the natural


    The Apostle John was chosen by God to be His

    instrument in the sharing of His final love letter to

    mankind. He once was with Jesus here on earth and

    witnessed God in the flesh and in humility. Now

    Jesus allows John to see him several decades later

    after His Ascension in all of His Majestic Glory as

    King of kings, and Lord of lords.

    Some teachers of this Book of the Revelation of

    Jesus Christ see it as completing the story as told to

    in Genesis of a Godly created good man that

    chose death over life (or evil over good) and how

    God will one day come back to earth to save man and

    abolish evil forever.

    Others see the Book as events only dealing with the

    End Times that surround the Second Coming of

    Jesus Christ. Then there are those who see it as only

    pertaining to the time of the Apostle John and

    immediately thereafter. And the most common

    interpretation by numerous Bible scholars is that it is

    about the Church age up to and including the Second

    Coming of Jesus Christ.

    The title of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ

    means the unveiling or disclosure and from the

    Greek text, Apocalypse.

    Here are some early Church Fathers that in their

    writings about the Book of the Revelation of Jesus

    Christ believed that the Apostle John was the author

    and that he wrote it some time about A.D. 81-96, St.

    Justin, St Melito, Bishop of Sardis, Papias, Bishop of

    Hierapolis, St . Irenaeus, St. Athanasius, Bishop of

    Alexandria, St. Basil and St. Gregory.

    Here are some things that you will see and hopefully

    learn about in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus

    Christ. The Holy Trinity of God the Triune Godhead.

    The Church that was established by Jesus Christ that

    has some of the same worship today as is in heaven.

    Angels, who throughout Scripture are portrayed as

    messengers of God, as protectors, as distributors of

    God’s justice and as fighters against evil spirits (or

    fallen angels). And they often present God with our

    prayer requests while offering Him unceasing

    worship. The Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our Lord and


    There are many other things you can see and learn

    as well, like the destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70,

    and when making this prediction Jesus never said

    there would be another one built, in fact, He stated

    that He was now the New Temple.

    You can also hopefully see the difference between the End Times

    and the End of the World and in this light, be able to discern when

    others are mixing the two different events.

    We will learn there is only a First coming of Jesus

    down to earth and a Second Coming. And the word

    rapture is not in the Bible. It was an

    invention by a man in the eighteen hundred that

    helped many become millionaires off the false


    You will see the importance of numbers not only in

    the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ but throughout

    the entire Bible, for this one book takes

    you through the whole Bible like no other.

    Number One = Unity, Divine completeness

    symbolizing God the Father. Two = Difference,

    symbolizing the Second Person of the Trinity. Three

    = Real, solid, substantial, significant, the ministry of

    Jesus lasted three years, and He rose from the dead on

    the third day. Symbolizes the Third Person of the

    Trinity. Four = Signifies God’s work on earth, four

    seasons, four winds, etc. Five = Symbolizes God’s

    grace and power and seen with many blessings. Six

    = Man who was created by God on the 6th day, and a

    man against God as 666. Seven = The perfect

    number, especially spiritual perfection. It is the

    number of the Holy Spirit. Eight = Symbolizes

    salvation, rebirth, and resurrection as Jesus was

    resurrected from the dead on the 8th day (the Lord’s

    Day). Nine = Signifies God’s Divine Judgment. Ten =

    Signifies divine order like the Ten Commandments.

    Eleven = Symbolizes disorder, disharmony, and

    imperfection. Twelve = Number of Israel (12 Tribes),

    the Church (12 Apostles). Thirteen = Hostility,

    rebellion, and defection. Fourteen = Signifies a

    double blessing. Twenty- Seven = Letter number

    equivalent of God’s Covenant Name YHWH.

    Forty = Signifies a trial or test, as were the 40 days of

    Moses on Mt. Sinai, and 40 days of Jesus in the

    wilderness. Fifty = Symbolizing God’s deliverance

    and mercy. Seventy = Symbolizes God’s plan of

    salvation for mankind, like 70 nations in Genesis 10,

    and 70 men of Israel who migrated to Egypt, and the

    70 elders of Israel. Seventy-Two = 72 disciples of

    Jesus, who He sent out to spread the Good News

    and to heal the sick.

    Here is a list of Sevens in the Book of the Revelation

    of Jesus Christ.

    Churches 1:4; 2:1-3:22 Letters 2:1- 3:22 Spirits 1:4;

    3:1; 4:5; 5:6 Golden lamp-stands 1:12, 20; 2:1; 4:5

    Stars 1:16, 20; 2:1; 3:1 Lamps of fire 4:5 Seals 5:1;

    5:5; 6:1 Horns 5:6 Eyes 5:6 Angels 8:2, 6; 15:1, 6, 7;

    15:8; 16:1; 17:1; 21:9 Trumpets 8:2, 6 Thunders 10:3,

    4 Thousand people 11:13 Heads 12:3; 13:1; 17:3, 7, 9

    Crowns 12:3 Plagues 15:1, 6, 8; 21:9 Golden bowls

    15:7; 16:1; 17:1; 21:9 Hills 17:9 Kings 17:10, 11 Last

    seven visions Chapters 20-21

    I hope and pray that the reading of this book, "A

    Layman’s look At the Revelation of Jesus Christ", will

    no longer make you fearful of the Revelation of Jesus

    Christ, it will no longer be a puzzle, nor a mystery,

    but that you will see the Unveiling, of Jesus Christ,

    our God, like many, never seen Him before.

    I believe that the Revelation of Jesus Christ shows

    the Integrity, the Cohesion, and the Eternal Holy

    Spirit inspired Word of God more than any other

    Book of Sacred Scripture.

    If you learn nothing at all from this reading, please

    always remember the First Words of Jesus when

    asked by His disciples, "...what sign will there be of

    Your coming, and the End of the Age?"... Jesus said

    to them in reply, "See that no one deceives you...

    Chapter One

    Our First Blessing

    Apostle John’s Vision of Jesus

    Verse One: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which

    God gave to Him, to show His servants what must

    happen soon. He made it known by sending His

    angel to His servant John."

    Note that it is God the Father giving this to His Son

    Jesus Christ who in turn makes it known to His

    servant the Apostle John by an angel.

    Verse Two: "who gives witness to the Word of God

    and to the testimony of Jesus Christ by reporting

    what he saw."

    Saint John is giving his witness of Jesus and of what

    Jesus has revealed to him by reporting it to us. And

    as we learned in John’s Gospel, Jesus is the Word of

    God. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word

    was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

    Verse Three: "Blessed is the one who reads aloud

    and blessed are those who listen to this prophetic

    message and heed what is written in it, for the

    appointed time is near."

    If you read this prophecy out loud, listen to and

    adhere to the message; you will receive blessings.

    Please begin to count your blessings every day.

    Verse Four: "John, to the seven churches in Asia:

    grace to you and peace from Him who is and who

    was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits

    before His throne."

    This area today is seen as south western Turkey.

    These seven churches represent the beginning of the

    Church Age up to and including today. Jesus sent

    them His Grace and Peace as He sends to us today

    as the Apostle Paul tells us in the Book of Hebrews

    chapter 13, Jesus is "the same, yesterday, today, and


    The Seven Spirits symbolize the Holy Spirit of God

    His Sevenfold nature as we can see in the Book of

    Isaiah 11:2

    Verse Five: "and from Jesus Christ, the faithful

    witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the

    kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and has

    freed us from our sins by His blood."

    Our entire salvation is captured in this verse. If Jesus

    Christ did not rise from the dead (our firstborn) our

    faith is not only useless it is all a lie. But He was seen

    by over 500 after He rose and He promised to send

    His Holy Spirit after He ascended to heaven and it is

    this Holy Spirit that changed frightful men into

    courageous witnesses who became martyrs to show

    the world that they were dying for Truth and that no

    man would die for a lie.

    Verse Six: "who has made us into a kingdom, priests

    for His God and Father, to Him be glory and power

    forever (and ever.) Amen. "

    I hope by now all have seen the Holy Trinity of God,

    the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All are one and the

    same, they are what is known as the Triune Godhead.

    We who believe in Jesus have already been made

    into priests for His Father. This has happened

    because Jesus our High Priest has united us with His

    body so that we can share in His Royal Priesthood.

    But do not confuse our priesthood with Ordained

    Priests just like we need not confuse our

    sainthood with Canonized Saints. There are different

    levels in the Kingdom of God. Many say we will be all

    equal in heaven, and this will be at the end of the

    Church Age, but as of right now there are only 24

    Elders worshipping at the feet of Jesus, and only

    Four Living Creatures and Only Martyrs under the

    Altar asking God when He will avenge  them. And

    most of us believe we will receive rewards in heaven,

    do you think we will all receive the same rewards? I

    think Mother Teresa will get more than

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