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What Lies Within
What Lies Within
What Lies Within
Ebook182 pages2 hours

What Lies Within

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The small town of Filbert was such a peaceful place, now it must come face to face with a power so evil it threatens their very existence.
Sheriff Charlotte Ryan must stand and combat this menace, facing her own innermost fears in the process
Release dateJan 28, 2015
What Lies Within

James Smith

James Smith is the world’s fastest-growing online personal trainer. Honest, unapologetic and outspoken, yet erudite, authentic and endlessly passionate about exposing the toxic myths within diet culture, and committed to helping people to reach their goals and make positive change for good. Not a Diet Book is his first book.

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    Book preview

    What Lies Within - James Smith

    What Lies Within



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty One

    Chapter Twenty Two

    Chapter Twenty Three

    Chapter Twenty Four

    Chapter Twenty Five

    Chapter Twenty Six

    Chapter Twenty Seven

    Chapter Twenty Eight

    Chapter Twenty Nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty One

    Chapter Thirty Two

    Chapter Thirty Three


    May 1st 1814, the town of Filbert in America’s northwest

    A storm was brewing in the distance, the cascading white flashes illuminating the sky and they were energized with a million watts of pure violence. The cold front coming from the east had met headlong with the warm one from the sea; their fight stretched for 200 miles and was clearly visible for everyone to see. They called it the wrath of God and tonight he was furious.

    The townsfolk were scared, hidden behind doors and shutters, the wind screaming outside as the elements tried to gain purchase on their town. The storm raging outside had scared the local folk but their real fear was driven by something far more sinister.

    Many of the elders had decided to hold a town meeting at the church, their families were far too important to let this nightmare continue, this menace must be stopped.

    This can't be allowed to continue, Elijah boomed as he slammed his fist on the table. You, Father Clements, you said that the people in Rome can help, help rid us this nightmare.

    The aging priest lifted his head, the pain and anguish clear for everyone to see. He stumbled to the head of the congregation so he could face the irate young man, pausing just to gather his thoughts.

    Yes there are those who have dealt with these things we face, I'm not sure how willing they will be to help. If I take word and plead myself I may be able to convince them. If it is God’s will, they will come.

    Some eleven miles to the northeast of town the winds swept around the Milton's homestead, dust was being whipped up forming tiny tornados, trees swayed and their newly sprouted leaves being torn from their branches. Hail rattled off the wooden roof and tore at the window shutters, the surrounding fields lit by the occasional flash as the clouds discharged their energy.

    The howling wind frightened the little girl and the constant shower of ice particles had caused her to cover her ears, the wind however was not her mother’s concern; what prowled outside was.

    She had heard the stories and they frightened her, now she felt the terror first hand. She knew it had come for them and she must protect her child, it must not be allowed to harm her.

    Shhh Emily said to Megan but her daughter was too frightened, sobbing in her mother's arms, clinging on so tight that her fingers were hurting. She carried the distraught child upstairs and looked around in panic, where to hide she thought. There at the end of the hall was a small cupboard; she rushed over, opened the door and tried to place her child inside, Megan protested and fought to keep a grip on her mother.

    Megan honey, you have to hide in there, now you do as mother asks, the young girl could see the panic in her parents eyes and this frightened her more.

    With a whimper the child reluctantly entered the small space, her mother closing the door behind her and throwing it in to darkness. Megan covered her eyes somehow thinking this would protect her like children often do, if you can't see them then they can't see you.

    Emily jumped; the crashing noises outside startling her, she crept down the stairs one at a time, not wanting to make a sound and hoping the howling wind and hail would mask any if she did.

    Above the fireplace was her dead husbands rifle, it was a .45 caliber Winchester, a formidable weapon even in the hands of a novice.

    She slowly advance in to the room ever getting closer to the much needed rifle, she spun around, the noise of tipped over pots and pans was right outside the back door, she rushed over to the fireplace and grabbed the gun. Was it just the wind? She could not be sure and would not take the chance.

    Please be loaded she said out loud and her prayers were answered, the weapon carried four bullets in the under barrel magazine and one in the breach ready. She swung around once again and pointed the weapon at the back door, waiting, listening, but all she could hear was the wind, no other noises or movement.

    Megan heard the crash and then the report from the rifle over the incessant noise of the elements, she covered her ears again and sobbed, rocking back and forth in her dark hiding place, she was panicking, her eyes darting around the black space that surrounded her; she became dizzy, head spinning.

    It must have been hours later when she awoke; sunlight was creeping under the door and was almost at her huddled form crouched at the back of the cupboard.

    She couldn’t remember how long she had been there, all time had been lost in her terrifying dreams, the things most children fear cannot always be shut out, and sometimes the subconscious lets them through.

    She crept towards the door ever so slowly, trying not to make a sound. She stopped and listened, her head to the door, trying to make out any noise. The weather had abated and all she could hear was silence, she must have been there for only five minutes but to Megan it seemed like an eternity. Slowly she grabbed the handle and gave it a twist, the door opened with the gentlest of squeaks and she peered outside.

    The hallway was empty and not a sound came from the house, she opened the door a little wider, just enough to squeeze through and she slipped out. Slowly she walked to the top of the stairs and looked down, there was nothing there, where's mother? She thought.

    Mama? she called gently but there was no reply, mama? a little louder this time but still nothing. Gaining a little courage through sheer worry she started to climb down the stairs, always treading gently so as not to make any sound.

    When she had reached the bottom of the stairs she looked around the front room, mama? she said again, those big brown eyes getting wider, she started to panic now and moved with more haste.

    She looked out of the front window but could not see anybody; just the scattered remnants of tools and farm equipment, the weather had certainly made havoc of their property.

    She then checked the hall but there was still nothing, finally walking in to the kitchen and there she froze.

    The shrill of the scream made her jump; the color drained from her face, for the scream had come from her own mouth.

    Chapter One

    May 1st 2014, the town of Filbert in America’s northwest

    The black rubber tore at the road clinging desperately and not willing to let go, almost ripping the tarmac clean away. The large 4x4 sped at breakneck speed swaying from side to side whilst negotiating the curves, reds and blues reflected off the damp black surface causing the driver to squint, the rain now ceased but leaving a greasy sheen for the truck to tackle.

    Charlotte Ryan received the call at 16:32; it was going to take the sheriff at least half an hour to reach the cabin.

    The words mutilated body were still racing around in her head, not in my town please she thought, there must be some mistake, there had been local homicides for sure, stabbings, even the odd shooting but mutilation? It was so unlike her competent staff to get things wrong but today she wished they had.

    Mutilation means blood, she cringed, god no she thought, trying her hardest to repress those memories, but her mind was having other ideas, it was not going to let her forget.

    That fateful day all those years before, the visions of her and her parents spending a wonderful evening at the cinema, the walk home, stopping for ice cream and soda, the black car.

    It happened as they left the parlor, waiting at the lights to cross the busy intersection, her father joking with her and her mother. The car came from nowhere and mounted the sidewalk.

    Father saw it first and pushed her clear; it hit two other pedestrians before hitting her parents. God there was so much blood, that’s all she could remember, screaming and blood.

    There was nothing the paramedics could do, all apart from one of the pedestrians died on impact. The driver served only five years for manslaughter, he was the lucky one.

    She wiped the tears that had formed on her cheeks, now blinking trying to clear her vision.

    She was tired, had started the day at 07:45 and in thirty minutes would have been going home to her two bedroom apartment, only one was really needed, she had been living alone for the past eighteen months after her soon to be husband had run out on her. She was well and truly over him, besides she always had Churchill, the overweight black cat was all she had left.

    The thought of her feline companion easing the pain a little, almost the slightest of smiles would once again grace her face, but not yet, there were more important things to consider, must keep my mind on the job she thought as she power slid the Jeep around a sharp bend.

    She started to concentrate again on the road ahead and knew the off-track was not far away.

    Seeing the break in the trees she slowed down and switched her indicators on to turn right. She maneuvered the large vehicle off the main and continued her now uncomfortable ride along the dusty path.

    It was eerie under the canopy, just blocking out the last of the sun’s rays before it slid below the horizon and cast the world in to blackness.

    Making her way up the dirt track towards the scene in her Jeep Cherokee she saw the flashing red and blue lights of her deputy’s vehicle through the trees, casting strange and somewhat scary shadows all around the immediate area. It looked like the scene from a Sci-Fi movie.

    She snapped out of her reminiscence when she saw Michael standing by the cabin entrance, six foot four and two hundred and thirty pounds of deputy, he was one mean looking mother she thought but was glad he was there, he instilled confidence and he made her feel safe.

    She pulled up behind the other vehicle, switched off the engine and got out. She stood there for a moment, looking around, god it was quiet out here.

    Michael walked over to where she was, with a grim look on his face he started to explain the situation.

    Jake Boucher was reported missing earlier today after he had not returned home he said, then adding his wife told us he had been here hunting for the last five days and was due back last evening.

    Where's the body? she said and the deputy guided her in to the cabin.

    It was eerie in the wooden structure, the semi drawn curtains casting the rooms in to near darkness, the musky smell of a property that hadn’t been lived in for some time. That was strange she thought, Michael had said he had been here for five days.

    The deputy led her to a door at the end of the hall, mind the steps on your way down he had said.

    The cellar was dark and dank; she could smell it straight away, that metallic odor of dead blood. She gasped Christ and just stood and stared at the carnage, blood was splattered everywhere, strange chunks of what looked like shredded meat were all over the floor. It did not take more than a few seconds to realize what she was looking at, quietly cursing her deputy for not pre warning her enough.

    You alerted forensics? the sheriff asked with a slight tremble in her voice.

    Yes mam, already on the way. They should be here inside twenty minutes unless they stop at the deli again first he said dryly.

    Twenty two minutes later the white van pulled up, three of them exited the vehicle and started to unload the equipment from the back. Charlie; as the most senior staff liked to call her headed over to meet the new arrivals.

    Evening guys, nice of you to finally turn up she said in a sarcastic tone. With a sneaky grin Harry, the chief forensic officer passed over a small package, Charlotte opened it to discover the not so pleasant remains of a

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