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Hungry for Control
Hungry for Control
Hungry for Control
Ebook32 pages30 minutes

Hungry for Control

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The story of a nymphomaniac, attempting to gain control of her past, during a zombie apocalypse.

Release dateJan 17, 2021
Hungry for Control

Clare de Lune

Publisher created profile for Clare de Lune, created to list her as author for her work under Zombiegasm Publishing. She is the author of several incredible books, including "Toxic Femininity" and "Hungry For Control". To reach Clare, please follow her at her twitter page listed below.

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    Hungry for Control - Clare de Lune

    Hungry for Control


    Clare de Lune

    Copyright © 2015 D.J. Ramirez

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    She liked the stillness of it all, especially when night faded into morning.

    But it wasn’t like that anymore. Now, it was nothing but blood, death, and a strange, foreboding loneliness.

    Lisa watched the young woman coming across the parking lot from her post on the roof of the library. She lowered the barrel of the .22 until the woman was in its crosshairs and concentrated. As the woman got closer, she could see more details: the once-white t-shirt ripped up the middle to show a bloodied bra, a deep slash across her chest that revealed the white gleam of an exposed rib, the matted blonde hair.

    Lisa recognized her. It was Sarah, her coworker.

    It was like this every morning. She’d wake up to find several of them slowly rambling across the parking lot—they’d somehow shambled over the razor wire surrounding the city’s administrative complex: a library, a police station with a jailhouse (handy), and a small courthouse. Most of the small town slept quietly, though—but there were enough of them around, more than the living, to keep Lisa occupied.

    The woman who used to be Sarah came closer and Lisa pulled the trigger. Sarah’s head exploded like an overripe fruit. Yes, Lisa had gotten good. And yes, Lisa didn’t care anymore. She knew all those hushed moments making out in the stacks with Sarah were a distant memory. If she got near Sarah now, Sarah would devour her in a whole new way.

    This was the way things were now. Ever since those outrageous news stories started coming out—The Dead Have Risen and Drug Addicts Turned Cannibal—nothing remained quiet for long. And if it did, it meant some major shit was about to go down.

    One day, she’d take solace in that quiet again.  Quiet: just like the library had once been, just like her life had been before the outbreak.

    She thought about Sarah with the bloody, ripped t-shirt and her own current routine and how much it deviated from her old one. She used to get up with Jimmy, make coffee, chat over breakfast, see him off to work. Work in

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