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Taboo Lovers
Taboo Lovers
Taboo Lovers
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Taboo Lovers

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Carter Prescott is America's Sexiest Bad Boy.

Suave, sexy and a complete bad boy with a trust fund.

The tabloids say he drinks too much, f*cks too much and doesn't care about anyone but himself.

Lucky me. I'm his stepsister.

My father is running for senate.

So I'm stuck helping Carter clean up his act.

What I didn't expect was the attraction between us.

PR nightmare? That's an understatement.

PublisherRye Hart
Release dateJan 20, 2021
Taboo Lovers

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    Taboo Lovers - Rye Hart

    Taboo Lover

    A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

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    Carter Prescott is America's Sexiest Bad Boy.

    Suave, sexy and a complete bad boy with a trust fund.

    The tabloids say he drinks too much, f*cks too much and doesn't care about anyone but himself.

    Lucky me. I'm his stepsister.

    My father is running for senate.

    So I'm stuck helping Carter clean up his act.

    What I didn't expect was the attraction between us.

    PR nightmare? That's an understatement.


    We're on in ten minutes, Lucas, my father's Chief of Staff, said, tapping at his watch to emphasize his point.

    My dad was pacing the room, his temper starting to flare as I desperately tried one more time to call my stepbrother, Carter, to see why he wasn't there as he promised he would.  His mother, Andrea, was getting her makeup touched up nearby, seemingly unaffected by it all. She'd left it all on my shoulders to get Carter there and ready to go in front of the press. 

    Carter, where are you? The press conference is starting in a few minutes and you're supposed to be here, I said, my tone sharp after getting his voicemail again. Call me back. Please.

    I knew he was going to be a problem, my dad growled as he continued to pace the room. I goddamn knew it.

    His large, imposing figure was enough to intimidate most men, which had made dating a challenge when I was younger. But Carter had never been fazed by my father, mostly because it was obvious that he didn't respect him.

    I'm sure he will be here, Andrea said from her seat, pressing her lips together and staring at her reflection in the mirror, looking for the slightest imperfection. You know Carter, he's always running late.

    I told him he needed to be here half an hour early, I muttered. Just because I know he has trouble being on time.

    My father ran a hand through his thinning gray hair, shaking his head. Since joining this family, he's been nothing but a disappointment, he said. You'd think he'd want me to win this election and become a Senator. If nothing else, it would surely help with his trust fund. God knows that's all he cares about.

    I cringed at my father's harsh words for my stepbrother. Deep down though, I knew I couldn't dispute them. While yes, Carter was a problem – and truthfully, had become an even bigger one so since our two families had become one – I still hated hearing my father talk poorly of him. My dad didn't mince his words. It wasn't his most endearing trait, but one I'd grown used to over the years. But Carter struggled with it. He wasn't used to being spoken to so directly or so harshly, at times. And because of that, the two men butted heads over everything.

    He'll probably show up drunk again. Or high, my father said. If he does, I swear to you, Andrea, I'm going to –

    I stopped him before he could finish, knowing that whatever he had to say wouldn't be pretty and would likely end up in a knock-down, drag-out fight, or with Andrea in tears. Or more likely, both. 

    I'll find him, I said, standing up, glad to have a reason to get out of there for a moment. I always do, don't I?

    In many ways, I was my stepbrother's keeper. I was the one who corralled him, getting him to one event after the other, making sure he had clean clothes and sobered up before he made an ass of himself or my father. It was a role I didn't want but had taken on to help my father's career. After all, no one wanted to see my dad's name in the headlines for Carter's unruly behavior, least of all, my father. Especially just as he's announcing his run for the Senate.

    In ten minutes? my dad asked, his gruff voice softening ever so slightly. Honey, even you can't perform a miracle like that. And the last thing we need is for both of you to miss the press conference. Honestly, it's probably better if he doesn't show up anyway. I suppose –

    My father bit off his words, ending his sentence when we heard raucous laughter in the hallway. Lucas's voice carried into the room and the expression on my father's face darkened immediately.

    Your family is waiting right in here, Lucas said.

    My father and I shared a look and a nervous chill crept along my flesh, waiting for the inevitable explosion that seemed to be forthcoming. Carter was there and it was obvious from the feminine laughter in the hallway outside, that he wasn't alone. As the door to our room opened, Carter came in looking as ruggedly handsome as usual, with his shaggy brown hair and toned, surfer body. There was a buxom blonde wearing a crop top and short-shorts hanging on his arm, giggling almost uncontrollably. Both of them looked high as a kite.

    Quickly stepping into my role as the family's peacemaker, I rushed over to Carter, trying to ignore the bimbo at his side – a feat that wasn't all that easy to accomplish. I looked at him and shook my head. He was in no shape to be on the podium for my father's press conference.

    Carter, we need to get you changed –

    Carter was in his usual attire – ripped jeans and a tight t-shirt that hugged his firm, fit body. The tattoos on his arms were visible, bared to the world; something my father always tried to make him hide when we were in front of the cameras. He felt that it sent the wrong message and would be abhorrent to his typical voting base. Personally, I thought he was overreacting a bit about Carter's tats and that in this day and age, most people wouldn't think twice about them.

    Nevertheless, my father insisted that Carter cover them up at public events. So, as usual, knowing that he never came prepared or took my father's campaign events seriously, I had a suit and tie ready and waiting for him. One of my tasks was to always make Carter look presentable for the cameras.

    Leave me alone. I'm fine like I am, Carter said, then he turned his glassy eyes toward me.

    I looked away, unable to make eye contact with him in his current condition. It killed me every time to see my gorgeous stepbrother drunk or all doped up. I hated seeing him becoming the waste that my father always accused him of being. Carter was better than that. There was more to him than the drunk playboy he was starting to be known to be. I'd seen it.

    I remembered a time when he wasn't a train wreck. When he could speak articulately, even eloquently about any number of subjects. I remember when he had a passion and zeal about him. But as I looked at him, his eyes glassy, swaying back and forth on his feet, I also saw that those days seemed long gone. Carter had started down a dark path, one I didn't know that he could come back from. A path I was beginning to doubt he even wanted

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