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Understanding the Operations of the Kingdom of God
Understanding the Operations of the Kingdom of God
Understanding the Operations of the Kingdom of God
Ebook119 pages2 hours

Understanding the Operations of the Kingdom of God

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About this ebook

The Biblical concept of the ‘Kingdom of God’ has received a greater degree of attention in the hearts of people across the Christian fraternity yet many are still sailing their boats through shallow streams of spiritual understanding where matters of the kingdom are concerned.

Therefore, there is a necessity to investigate deeper into this Kingdom so as to be fully aware of its essentials that are so important in its core. This will help even those who are far from knowing what it is exactly so that they desire to be part of it.

In this publication, Ndileka Ndamase unveils a deeper revelation of what the Kingdom of God is in terms of the dynamics of its operation, how to access it and fully function in it as a believer. This understanding will position you strategically to function with a greater degree of power and authority as you legislate decrees from the Throne room of Heaven. This will grant you dominion to dominate all situations and circumstances and subdue forces of the dark kingdom

Release dateJan 19, 2021
Understanding the Operations of the Kingdom of God

Ndileka Ndamase

In these intellectually stimulating publications, Ndileka Ndamase echoes unveils spiritual principles that are set out to give you guidance in all your endeavours. By following these principles, you will observe that the Word of God still wields power as it is. This will help you as a Christian to deal with the world around you shrewdly as alluded in Luke 16:8.When Ndileka Ndamase was studying her LLB degree, she experienced difficulties with the Constitutional Law. Realising that she would not graduate because of it, she made a vow to God that she would study Theology if He could help her pass the course. Both terms of the vow were met. As she was studying a degree in Theology she became so fascinated in knowing much of God's ways that she always wanted to share the Word with people worldwide. Writing these books is the commencement of that spiritual journey.

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    Understanding the Operations of the Kingdom of God - Ndileka Ndamase


    the Operations

    of the


    of God

    Ndileka Ndamase

    Published By Ndileka Ndamase at Smashwords

    Copyright © 2021 Ndileka Ndamase

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    Chapter One: An Introductory Perspective to the Kingdom of God

    Chapter Two: How to Access the Kingdom of God

    Chapter Three: Who is This Jesus Christ?

    Chapter Four: Salvation is A Mystery

    Chapter Five: What is in The Name Jesus?

    Chapter Six: Just One Bow

    Chapter Seven: Let the Children of God Go

    Author Profile


    This book is dedicated to my late mother Mrs MamZangwa Edith Lolo Ndamase for the good work of teaching me that vengeance is of God. Thank you MaNcuthu a lot. All I can say is Luncuthu maZangwa (This is a Xhosa idiomatic expression meaning, ‘very nice and enjoyable’) ever since I gave my life to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    It is not possible to acknowledge every contribution made in my life at this stage. However, I would be remiss if I do not mention Mr Bonga Mhlwana, a child of God who stood by me in difficult times and also encouraged me to compile this piece of work. Thank you so much Tanci.

    Chapter One: An Introductory Perspective to the Kingdom of God

    The phrase The Kingdom of God is mentioned both in the Old Testament and the New Testament of the Bible. For instance, in 1 Chronicles 28:5. David said,

    "And of all my sons (for the Lord has given me many sons) He has chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the Kingdom of the Lord over Israel."

    David was chosen by God to be the King over Israel. He had an anointing that was so powerful that the Holy Ghost frequently gave him revelations of praise and worship he extended to God. Most of the Psalms were written by him because of the revelation he had regarding who God was to him and the creation at large. He mentioned that God was the owner of the Kingdom of Heaven at the time he offered the Temple to Him. He said,

    "Blessed are You, Lord God of Israel, our Father, forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory. The victory and the majesty; for all that is in Heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all" (1 Chronicles 29:10-11).

    In Daniel 4:3 this kingdom is explained as an everlasting one.

    How great are His signs, and how mighty His wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and His dominion is from generation to generation.

    This kingdom is referred to in different ways, namely, the Kingdom of Christ and God, (see Ephesians 5:5; and the Kingdom of heaven in Matthew 13:11). This is the kingdom that has commands, ordinances, statutes and rules that are put in place for the purpose of inducing order and good respect to those people who have chosen to live this life in the physical realm under the guidance of it. For example, Ephesians 5:5 records the following:

    For this you know that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God.

    In Matthew 20:21 the Word of God reads: He said to her,

    "What do you wish? She said to Him, Grant that these two sons of mine may sit, one on Your right-hand, and the other on the left, in Your Kingdom."

    She was referring to the Kingdom of Christ as the woman was speaking to our Lord Jesus Christ at the time. From the request of this woman, it is clear, that this kind of kingdom has an attraction of some kind in the hearts of people. Therefore, there is a necessity to go deeper in an investigation into this kingdom so as to be aware of its essentials that are so important at the core. I suppose that this will help even those people who are still far from knowing what it is exactly so that they desire to be part of it. Further scriptural quotations will form part of an inquest of what this kingdom of God is as described by those people of Jewish origin, the people who God chose as His nation. Mark 11:10 reads,

    "Blessed is the Kingdom of our Father David that comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"

    In different chapters and verses in the Book of Matthew the Kingdom of God is referred to as the Kingdom of Heaven. In Matthew 13:10-11, for instance, the disciples asked Jesus Christ the reason for speaking in parables with people who were not His followers.

    And the disciples came and said to Him, Why do you speak to them in parables? He answered and said to them, Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven, but to them, it has not been given.

    Besides the indication that this Kingdom has mysteries, it is described as a place that people would go to, possibly in their next life which is the spiritual one.This is scripturally evidenced by 1 Corinthians 15:50 which gives us an assurance that the physical bodies have no place in it. It reads thus;

    "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption."

    Let us read Matthew 8:11 as a confirmation of this statement.

    "And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven."

    Those were the patriarchs of faith who were here on earth long before Jesus Christ’s advent. John the Baptist also added a qualification to this kingdom as a way of opening the door to its entrance through repentance by telling people to change from their wrong behaviors. He said,

    "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" (Matthew 3:2).

    Our Lord Jesus Christ also collaborated with the call that was made by John. He called upon people to repent from their evil ways in order to be part of this kingdom. Matthew 4:17 states:

    From that time Jesus began to preach and to say,

    "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand."

    These were the same words repeated at different occasions, by different people and in separate places, yet these two people did not plan what to say. Therefore, how can this phrase Kingdom of God be defined? I may explain it in this way that:

    It is the dominion of God in heaven that has to be fully established on this earth by preparing people to live according to its rules so that at the end God restores and retains His permanent dominion.

    In all the above scripture references to this kingdom, what attracts me is that John the Baptist told his congregants about the kingdom of heaven that was at hand (see Matthew 3:2). Remember John the Baptist was the harbinger that warned people to change from their wayward and rebellious ways, and live the kind of life that would align with the requirements of the kingdom of God. This is another feature of this kingdom and almost all people in that area where John the Baptist was knew about what God wanted them to do. I also base this assertion on the fact that the Kingdom of God has commandments, statutes, decrees, etc that were laid down by God Himself for the purpose of governing the world and giving direction of how His people, the Jews then or Israelites should live both their spiritual and physical lives.

    Fortunately for the Gentiles these laws became applicable to them too on conversion, except the ceremonial precepts and judicial ones such as those in Exodus 21. The conversion had its way and is still meant to come through as the Gospel that Jesus Christ came with and introduced to God’s people. Therefore, it must be preached all over the world and continually so. In particular, this is the way that God prefers than the Old Testament fashion of repentance. Meaning that it has to be continuously preached and taught by the genuine followers of Christ until the end of this present earth and times.

    All along, I was of the mind that in Matthew 3:2 John the Baptist was referring to the rule of Jesus Christ on earth and including His preaching and teaching the Word of God known as the Gospel. What attracted me and deviated my line of thought is when I found out that Jesus Christ also told His disciples and other people to repent for the kingdom of God is near. This text is in Matthew 4:17. Let us look at

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