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Alpha Male Bible: Charisma, Psychology of Attraction, Charm. Art of Confidence, Self-Hypnosis, Meditation. Art of Body Language, Eye Contact, Small Talk. Habits & Self-Discipline of a Real Alpha Man.: Alpha Male, #1
Alpha Male Bible: Charisma, Psychology of Attraction, Charm. Art of Confidence, Self-Hypnosis, Meditation. Art of Body Language, Eye Contact, Small Talk. Habits & Self-Discipline of a Real Alpha Man.: Alpha Male, #1
Alpha Male Bible: Charisma, Psychology of Attraction, Charm. Art of Confidence, Self-Hypnosis, Meditation. Art of Body Language, Eye Contact, Small Talk. Habits & Self-Discipline of a Real Alpha Man.: Alpha Male, #1
Ebook215 pages2 hours

Alpha Male Bible: Charisma, Psychology of Attraction, Charm. Art of Confidence, Self-Hypnosis, Meditation. Art of Body Language, Eye Contact, Small Talk. Habits & Self-Discipline of a Real Alpha Man.: Alpha Male, #1

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Unlock the secrets of the Men who have everything going for them


Sometimes, it seems like the world is made for Alpha Males, while the rest of us have to settle for the scraps.

Whether it's that well-dressed, smooth-talking guy who always gets the ladies or that quietly confident Man people fall all over themselves to please, there are some guys who just seem to have it all.

Meanwhile, nothing comes quite as easy for you. From feelings of inadequacy to struggling with being overlooked, it may sometimes feel like you're meant to live your life always being second-best to these Men.

Are these Alpha Males just lucky to be born with the qualities that make them so magnetic? Or do they know something you don't?

◆ Despite what you may think, Alpha Males are not born. They are gradually refined through years of committed self-improvement and focused determination.
◆ Alpha Male Bible is the "un-pickup" guide to dating success.

◆ If you want to become the suave, assertive, and appealing Man you've always wanted to be, you have to be prepared to put in the work.

◆ The qualities of an Alpha Male can be developed by anyone, if he is truly dedicated to honing them.


In Alpha Male Bible, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

  • How to naturally draw people in by developing charm and charisma as if you were born with it.
  • The most vital Alpha-Male trait you need to develop that will bridge the gap between who you are and who you can be.
  • How to train your mind to think like a winner who conquers, rather than a victim who blames.
  • Subtle verbal and non-verbal cues to look out for that can make it easier for you to strategize your next move.
  • Simple body language tricks to look more confident and self-assured, even if you're nervous as hell.
  • Become the ultimate dating expert. Why you should never compliment a woman or ask to buy her a drink when you first approach her.
  • How to master the art of conversation and leave a lasting impression, no matter who you're speaking with.

...and much more!

◆ Everyone is born with the potential to be great.


No matter what your background, you have it within you to overcome any difficult circumstance and fulfill your destiny.

And there's no need to fundamentally change who you are to do it. You don't have to force yourself to be an extrovert if you're an introvert or pretend to like certain things because they seem "cool."

◆ Becoming an Alpha Male means getting in touch with the greatness that lies within you.
◆ D
ating successfully for you will be within your grasp within Alpha Male Bible.

◆ Release that greatness within and let the world see just what you're made of.


Realize today your true potential and become the Man you're destined to be, a Real ALPHA MAN!

PublisherSean Wayne
Release dateJan 24, 2021
Alpha Male Bible: Charisma, Psychology of Attraction, Charm. Art of Confidence, Self-Hypnosis, Meditation. Art of Body Language, Eye Contact, Small Talk. Habits & Self-Discipline of a Real Alpha Man.: Alpha Male, #1

Sean Wayne

Sean Wayne es un hombre hecho a sí mismo, graduado en Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencias Diplomáticas. Él  sabe exactamente de lo que está hablando debido a sus intensos estudios y habilidades en relaciones de todo tipo. Él es una autoridad en el desarrollo de la personalidad porque para él, el trabajo, el bienestar, la riqueza y las relaciones amorosas no son sólo una ciencia exacta, sino también un arte noble. Ayudar a la gente a alcanzar el siguiente nivel de ser un hombre le importa profundamente porque lo que estás a punto de aprender ha ayudado a muchos hombres a ganarse la confianza para ir tras lo que quieren.  Sean  es la persona perfecta para escribir este libro ya que, gracias a la experiencia de su padre como psiquiatra notable y sus propias habilidades psicofísicas, se ha convertido en un talento, y más tarde gurú, de psicológica manipulación, persuasión, y por lo tanto... de las relaciones. Su objetivo detrás de la escritura es simplemente transformar a cualquier persona de cualquier origen, educación social y creencias personales en un macho 100% alfa, izquierda, derecha y centro. Y qué mejor manera de hacer esto que entrar en la psicología, los hábitos, el lenguaje verbal y no verbal, el carisma, la autoestima, la visión y la fuerte tenacidad   presentes en los hombres que lo poseen todo y son presentados como  una verdadera autoridad cuando se trata de ser apasionado y entusiasta en todas las materias. Tenga la total seguridad de que usted también puede ser un MACHO ALFA. Sin mierda, sin artificios; sólo con hechos puros y duros de los que tal vez nunca te hayas dado cuenta hasta que cogiste este libro. Por encima de todo, el objetivo de Sean Wayne  mientras te deja entrar en esta Biblia llena de secretos y estrategias es simplemente dejarte alcanzar el pináculo de tu potencial como Hombre. Su amor por el tema y su disposición a compartirlo con cualquiera que pueda beneficiarse de esto es una prueba de sus muchos deseos de que todos resuelvan sus profundos dolores y carencias, y tengan la oportunidad de lograr finalmente el placer absoluto con el que únicamente sólo  podían soñar. Viviendo la realidad de un verdadero MACHO ALFA.

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Reviews for Alpha Male Bible

Rating: 3.3333333333333335 out of 5 stars

12 ratings6 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a great and helpful guide for men to embrace their destiny as an Alpha Male. It provides actionable strategies and exercises to transform attitude, develop charisma, and build the right habits for success. The book emphasizes that a true Alpha does not need to prove anything to anyone. Overall, readers appreciate this book and recommend it to all men.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    A bunch of FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS AND BE STRONG NEVER QUIT stuff. No real advice here.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I bought this few weeks ago and i am very happy to have it. I recommend this book to all.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is a great book. Every man need this book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This ultimate guide is your ticket to embracing your destiny as a real Alpha Man. Inside, you’ll find actionable strategies and exercises designed to transform your attitude, help you develop a magnetic charisma, build the RIGHT habits for success, and learn to manifest the life of your dreams.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This ultimate guide is a ticket to embracing destiny as a real Alpha Man.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book very helpful for man to be a Alpha Male. Well I understand in this book that the true Alpha does not have to prove anything to anybody. Man will really appreciate this book

Book preview

Alpha Male Bible - Sean Wayne

Alpha Male


Charisma, Psychology of Attraction, Charm. Art of Confidence,

Self-Hypnosis, Meditation.

Art of Body Language, Eye Contact, Small Talk. Habits & Self-Discipline

of a Real Alpha Man.

Sean Wayne

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This book is copyright protected. It is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author or publisher.

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Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaged in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of the information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.



Meet Sean Wayne

Chapter 1: The Alpha Male

Beta Male Traits that Make You Unattractive

The Need for Approval

Keeping Score

Shirking From Taking Charge

Submissive Body Language

Do You Have These Qualities?

Consequences of Not Being an Alpha Male

Lack of Attraction

Nervousness and Anxiety

Lack of Self-Esteem

Essential Traits of an Alpha Male

Assertive and Persuasive

A Gentleman to the Core

Able to Trust Himself

Self-Evolution and Mastery

Chapter 2: It All Starts from Within


Unconditional and Liberating

Being Kinder to Yourself

Transforming your Mindset

A Growth-Oriented Mindset

The Alpha Don'ts

The Alpha Dos

Building Mental Resilience and Toughness

Identifying Negativity

Steps to Develop Mental Resilience and Toughness

The Art of Confidence

Building Confidence

Confidence Is a State of Mind

The Role of Meditation

Other Benefits of Meditation

Meditating Effectively

Using Self-Hypnosis

More Goal-Focused than Meditation

Improve Confidence and Self-Esteem

Chapter 3: Catching Their Eye

Psychology of Attraction

Physical Attractiveness

Psychological Attractiveness

Behavioral Attractiveness

Why Appearances Matter

Indication of Self-Respect

Look, Feel, and Be Healthy

Sexual Attraction


Hygiene and Grooming

Head and Face


Clothing and Attire

Clothing Dos and Don'ts

Dressing for the Occasion


Fashion Rules to Abide by

Being in Shape

Clean Up your Diet

Workout Regimen

Projecting Confidence

Confident Posture and Movement

Chapter 4: Drawing Them In

The Art of the Approach

Observe and Evaluate

Be Felt and Not Seen

Make Your Move

The Conversation

Speak Clearly

Respect her Time

Be Prepared for Rejection






A Simple Equation

Practicing Charm

The Art of Body Language

Reading Body Language

Will She or Won't She?

Chapter 5: Keeping Them Interested

Flirting 101

Don't Fall for Clichés

Keep It Breezy

Playful Use of Double Entendres

Treating Her Right

The Little Things

Respect Her as a Person

Let her Take Control, Too

The Art of Conversation

Making Great Conversation

Tone of Voice

Keep Listening


Building Intimacy

The Sexual Touch

Other Kinds of Touch

Chapter 6: Getting It On

Invitation for Sex

The Come-On

Before The Foreplay

Casual Encounters


Look for the Signs

Be Empathetic

Accepting Non-Consent

Pleasing a Woman Sexually

Educate Yourself

Consider Her Needs

Manage Expectations

Communicate about Everything

Self-Confidence Issues

Avoid Shaming and Verbal Disrespect

Chapter 7: Developing and Maintaining Your Alpha-ness

Continuous Self-Improvement

Improving Yourself Mentally

Improving Yourself Physically

Improving Yourself Emotionally

Understanding Your Lifestyle

Acting Responsibly

Managing Your Money

Constantly Evolving

Taking Pride

Create a Bucket List

Write About Your Progress

Manage Your Time Well


Build Self-Discipline

Lack of Discipline


Self-Worth Affirmations


T he power of the alpha male comes from within, they don't rely upon external factors for their happiness, joy, and contentment.

— Asad Meah

WHETHER YOU'RE LACKING confidence and self-esteem or looking to improve yourself, whether you want to work on your relationships and dating life or simply want to achieve more success, this book will essentially highlight the key aspects required for building and developing the qualities of an alpha male: A person who charms, attracts, achieves. and delivers.

You've obviously picked up the book because you've been experiencing your fair share of problems that—on the face of it—may not even seem like problems to you. Perhaps you've gotten so used to letting these problems dictate your life that you ultimately give in and plod along through life without any sense of achievement or progress. Ask yourself the following questions:

Are you shy or lacking in confidence when it comes to being around women?

Do you feel like someone who is overlooked, ignored, and disrespected, which makes it difficult for you to approach and talk to people?

Do you feel intimidated in the presence of other men with personalities that are often overpowering, stronger, and even louder?

Do you ever take a chance and go for what you want?

Except for the last question, you very likely answered yes to all of the above. And it's okay to ask these questions of yourself as it'll help you to decide if you want to stay in the state you are in or make positive, enriching, and completely transformative changes to your life and attitude that can let you change the outcomes of those questions.

In order to do so, you'll have to understand what it is that makes you what you are, and then steadily work on how to mold yourself into something different and better. You're still a work in progress no matter what state you're in, and it's never too late to work on yourself to see vast improvements. It could be something as simple as understanding the competition and finding out what women like about other guys, or determining what to do today to become a more confident and charismatic man. It could be looking deeper within yourself and remaining true to yourself, while also becoming more assertive, more self-confident, more self-disciplined.

More alpha.

Now you're probably wondering just how this book can help you achieve all that. If anything, you're probably questioning the veracity of this book and even rethinking if you'll gain anything from it at all. Perhaps you're the sort of person who needs to see a checklist of everything that will be covered and see if it contains the things that will readily affect you.

Very good, you're already showing a bit of assertiveness right now. So let's do exactly that.

Traits of an alpha male

How to be more confident and interesting

How to improve your appearance

How to communicate better

How to attract women and keep them interested

How to send a message without talking

How to connect with women mentally and physically

Practices and exercises to help you improve

How to improve your appearance

Going after your goals

See anything you like? More than one? Then you've come to the right book as you'll get in-depth knowledge and techniques that will help you become a true alpha male. You'll read from well-documented research and experience of professionals in the art of transforming yourself into a man who can not just feel good about himself, but can also make others in his orbit feel good about themselves. You will be both inspired and inspiring at the same time, and you'll hardly recognize the person you were before, relegating him to a distant memory or a bad dream.

And to achieve just that, you need to hear it from not just anyone.

You need to hear it from Sean Wayne.

Meet Sean Wayne

Sean Wayne is a self-made Man, graduate of International Relations and Diplomatic Science. He knows exactly what he's talking about because of his intense studies and skills in relationships of all kinds. He is an authority in personality development because to him, work, well-being, wealth, and love relationships are not just an exact science, but also a noble art. Helping people achieve the next level of being a Man matters deeply to him because what you're about to learn has helped plenty of Men gain the confidence to go after what they want. Sean is the perfect person to be writing this book as—thanks to his father's experience as a noted psychiatrist and his own psychophysical skills—he has become a talent, and later guru, of psychological manipulation, persuasion, and therefore... of relationships.

His goal behind writing is simply to transform anyone from any background, social upbringing, and personal beliefs into a 100% alpha male, left, right and center. And what better way to do this than getting into the psychology, habits, verbal and non-verbal language, charisma, self-esteem, vision, and a lot of tenacity of the Men who have it all, and presented by a Man who is an authority when it comes to being passionate and enthusiastic about the hows and the whys on how even you can be an ALPHA MALE. No bullshit, no snake oil; just pure, hard

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